THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY. C* CLOTH ING Th arn:1sadth I REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS HART, SCHAFFNR 0X ZINVENTORY SALE MARX GOOD8 S - Dress and Street Gloves, Bath Robes, Dress and 11111,ing t I h n l t.tl1he monh ftJnury tvin e1 Fancy Shirts, Hosiery and Late Styles in Neckwear 111t MO ted $ObSutHs d Ovteroatt.....0 15 00 -h ALL REDUCED IN PRICE DURING JANUARY A1 $3t s and Overote s a...of ..... 12 50 .;. Sah RKbs. t Cost So l~t stun "Street. MACK & COMPANY. s~tt5 G ' !'L t '"D is"" G~aT~tf f~ff . i fi N .* 111 fH'*N i NiNliiiNNiiN NONN NiNN NiiNii Oii Nii + t *ti*f 4i. r ftS1 1'Fi f f i f f 4i4 *f N*Hii t H t a H*H t i y * 4N i1 'T + 4 ? ? RA.NDALJ ++1* G2, THE IOTOORAPHER 121 L. Washington St. i Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BVR.CHiF'IELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE i I We are prepared this season to meet every demand, as we have increased the number of workmen. An usual we have Ube Fiest Line of Woolens in the city. Art and Skill will predominate in our work as in the past. We respectfully invite your enquiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD I I NNNNN i i irioiN i NiN iNNN N= i4r*