THE MICHIGAN DAILY. uoduction THiEMICHIIGANDAILY f /' ntered as second-class mater at the Ann S G Arbor Post Offie. f Pobls0ed aly (dodayexceptddorng the - college year, ati17 1E, Washngon street, efliflabasement floor, ode entrance) Phone 823r * ~ ~ 1It ~MANAGING IEDITOR: Sa eS EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: * ROSCOE B. HUSTON * As we lhave too large a EIOS f stock of fancy Athtcics -EDTRS: TK.WLO Ns, - - - - - J. S. BAEnY ASSOTIANES:AND fClifford Stevenson, ifoy Peebles, fA. M. raver, Henry '. Erwin J RUEII .C oseph. Kerr, itoddard .Moe f JRoseRphSA.. Poed. Soda.dS.Moryer. 2Ida: M. Brownrig. 1. WaieJye. on hand we will sell Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. lrry 1. Andres. Alredr3sih. o: f them at reduced prices l'lomsRosberstrs. Clyd .. tew. to mnake room for or Editor Today-GEO. A. OSORN. * Spring and S u mnnm e r Sbscipon Tossstroac per ear, payable1n Woolens. Be sre and adac._f____efafe o. ,103 25 ± Call i1i before you lace Office Hors:-12:3t0 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 y lc p. m. Daily. ordert A A ~ Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTO, Business San- your *r- 4 4- ager, 331 Packard Street. G. WWILD & CO., _________________ 08 E. WASHINGTON SRET. _____ f~ff f~fCALENDAR. Of --- A O f~ Janary $9-Lecture by Jdge Dno- 3van on "Lincoln as a enius." T II NOGRA'T G A M0 HE Janary 29-Senior Lit. cas dance. 4 T J, January 29-8 p. mn. Engineering So- - .Jrr~s, iety lecture by Professor Wrent- ~ 1 1more on "Remodeling Cell BlocksATatJcsnStePiois S Physico lecture room. EXCITING F U N F OKRIE v tL R Y O N F. Stes have been taken twari the I organiatin ot an Emire State clbl. 2This actio is 10oibe commende. The University cannot have too many such * organizatios fondedt as they are up * on tbroad sdemocratic princilles. it seemed a shame for Johl . A (1 Rockefeler to boost the price of oil JI jst becfre examnaton. In view of the act that everybody else get two prieso for their pbli- catons i: Ann Arore, there seemed to e no reason why the Michiganen- sin sholdi prive' n eception tso the I rle. __ ~~ What with the Michiganensian ipic- SHEEHAN S tures and with the fioiing of hn- sres of campus views, Ann Arbo DETROIT 160 Woodward Avenue I ASN ARBOR, 320 So State Street Photograpers are 110 the vergs' o 4*~**.*..~.*nervosiprstratioln. - Elber Hubbardsys that the giv C. i. r"AJOR &~ COM1PANY ills of examinations is eoivalent t Befor the uniorHop ulling a plant p tu see how its roots Befoe Se Juiornob ae getting along." Wuld that thene Is at gusttime to tdecoate you: frater- were ole 010Elbert Heubtar:'. pity 1:ouc. 7':llIor Ishone 2,7. _____________ C. f. MrAJOR e CO. It is reportedltoat anter batch of 201E. Washington St. campus views is abutt to flod:s th maclkt. OHO CENTRAL LINES Have yo: secred an optilo 150 LIEdress sut for the "J" Hp? I OLEDO TO 'COLUMBUS tConditosn are aot prime to mk P~rh C~e sIT~ce someone climb the campss trees. _ _ e _ _ _ .. _._. _ . v Y GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. A 'doctor 'at the University of Ind- i anai hao mode a compound of paraf- -fne which he thinks will add to the fastness of running tracks. The com- potund is spreadt on lbs tractk ous it is not only absolultely dust prout toil3 has the best characteri.stics ot a dirt trac.. $60,0001 was left ts:tile University of' Califosrnia b~y a welthy cilie': of San Francisco: who dlied recently. TI:: Wo~ney iso ed'vot:othI' s: 1:5its:ts- insgtof a new'libsrary. So:me may b~e interested ino the tact that:s perfe'ctly ipreserv edspesscimens' of an iclltlysssassrsstissssil thas issen disco:vs'erseid tiiisby lbseexp('ditionl stent ou:1tsby 5the is'lfObsesrvaltory. The Inter'nation~al thoss match fssr the chamis hipsiropshy stiltltbs' pay- wiltliso cssopsod ssofllmenfro~m Hoc- varsd, Yale, Csslsunbia oust Princetson. Tile trssphy bsecomes the prosperty of the side winning it for 111000 51500s- sive years. Sso far America bas wssn it ssnce. Englansd once, andosnsssomatch was a tie. Hlerbert L. Willet and twenty sdivin- it y studsentis from the U~niversity sof, Chicago sailesdfssr Palestin:e 7 ol' 1wo: months sof stu~dy. Five sof the students are fronm Indiana ansi the others are frssm New Yssrk, Kentsicky, Ohiso ansij Msissour::i. Only six contestants have aispearesd sos far to compete in the (Tniversity Oratorical contest at C'hicago, althss' 'large pizes are osfferesd. The. first Sprice is $511 and a scholarshlip fisr 000 year, which is worth $121. The see- ssnds price is $22 and a scholtarship,: for two quiarters, while the thirst trie is a scholarships for one quarter. As a ressult of a wager, twss stpst':ts Sfrom Iowa Utniversity bummed theoir way 711 miles 510 a blind baggage' who:: the temperature registeresd 21 slggroos belosw zero. -They won the bIs t:sss also had their cheeks frozen. 1 SECURING POSITIONS. A large number of studsents whos have completed cosirses sufficient to, give them credit for grasdsatiosn, be- sides many others who hays' been dss- ing grasduate work, have secesds po- sitions as teachers and are leaving icollege this week for their new fielss eof work. Several of the En:gineesrinog studsents have sectiresd posliions andst will leave cosllege at the clsose o~f theo semester. SNOTICE. r Officers of the Adelphi Society meet dat Rentsclhler's studsiso Frisday at, one o:'cl~ck I:to ave lpictsss tIake'n. AMBERSON. r MICHIGAN NOTES. s Stsudents are again entirely deopriv- eed of street car service. Yesterday a motor braved the stosrm forc a short lime bu~t was soson stosppedl by th~e ice )f ands snow. Altlslay the car wsas stall-; eed in front of the law bu~ilding. Beach C'onger, who tools his lMbster a degree in the literary department: lasi June, is now doing polities for the As- sociated Press in New Yosrk City. Tile eformer mile ru~nner has a lu~crative po- sition ansI is winning success. O'P1NASII fr GOODS. Sh:its, "unitsaryottSleeve"I-sv lestoors lci:k & whiite, S0c 'Shirts, cut 11woted, full Ifash- Pan:ts, XX'hite or 1tiosk Silsia, ly frot Ilace' lakl -_- S5 c t':snprss mae o Let Ctto Sp:ldinssg 1Elastic' Sppsorter iteih lastic Iics on siso ----50 JoltvS'tcra.1it'lSuppters- -, all olass- le _-75h. Inssiss:-sl ssig i Shos , tilesloal':t- ser : Iuis:er'tipped os :. Is's pai --- --- --- ---- -- - $2.50 GmSos:, t fine 11 lether,1Elkskin tan:vastShooss,crubberissocsls, 75e andol-- - -- - - --- -- $1.00 Chaumois IPuhers ter pair.--25 SWATERS Vest lCollar, fioet lamssswoosesl, $5 Goslf Sweate'r, [ieworstd. Gilt buttosnvss rayX&hits-_550 Walr's Book Stores. Silk and Opera Hats AXnnssAssborss sss:5,::1ii:y. :1 sver esstssy 1'., twought out1: Complete Outfits for Evening Wear Full dress sits toaent if you hurry GOODSPEED & SONT 117 S. SMain St. Phone 388 Keep your face f -a i . UsC Williamos' Shavin~g Stick. I_ Tth' STU tNIT'.LECTUR[ A55OCIA.TION [.~okin on Smith . : IJ N IV [R SIT Y H A L L Satorday Evening, Feb. 23 Sb! 1t M ~~THN~THE ATtRLEZ:; DrAN M. 5I7AIOLT, Man~ager Spsecial 20,h 9( TOhIe Engagement EiUUJ9 JUan. ?9 Famous GERMAN THEATRE STOCK CO., OF CLEVELAND, OHIO Presenting the Popular German Students Playj A -(old) E1[D[IRIG A Large Cast. Beautiful Scenery. rrices:Best Reserved Seats, 75c and 50c Fricesm. Balcony, 35c. Gallery, 25c. Seats on Sale Wednesday, 9,ra. M. Is 2 I 2 I' hL Alk Season Tickets, $1.00 ' A . Single Admission, 50c inWWwOOm SO @ Sb HENRY & KYER, MERCHANT TAILORS, 7 9UNIVERSITY AVE. 1