The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR. MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1904. RADIU" CURES CANCER. JUDGE DONOVAN. FARLAND CONCERT. University Authorities are Conducting Detroit Lawyer Will Lecture Under Famou Banjoist Entertained a Large an Interesting Experiment With Auspices of Webster Society This Audience in Ann Arbor Wednes- Radium-Possible Chances of Evening-Subject is "Lincoln." day Evening-Complimented Success are Encouraging. Ann Arbor Talent. Judge Donovan of Detroit has con- By the efforts of a Michigan instruc- tented to address the students of the Mr. Alfred A. Farland of New York, tor, another use for radiumin the cure University this evening. His subject the world famous banjoist, made his of diseases has been discovered. Pro- is 'Lincoln as a Genius. The lecture fourth appearance here Weuneday tesser Rollin H. Stevens of Detroit, will be given in Room C of the Law evening, when he gave a thrilling per- lecturer on Dermatology in the Ho- Building and will be under the aus- formance of his wonderful execution meopatbic department, has for two on this instrument before an apprecia- weeks past been experimenting with to andience to which was to he radium as a cure for an unusually se- found many of his former admirers. were case of cancer and appears to Mr. Farland's execution is, to say have achieved success. the least, marvelous, and the program All the usual methods of treating Wed. night could to no better advan- cancer had failed to stop the spread tage display his genius, his technique, of the disease over the body and the and his clever adoption of the alter- patient, a woman, realizing that her nating style. Perhaps the numbers only hope lay in drastic measures, most appreciated, those which appeal- consented to the radium trial. A small ed most because of their rare rendi vial of the valuable metal was sub- tion and execution, were the Mendel- merged in a quantity of water and ssphn wedding march arranged for allowed to remain there for several the banjo by Mr. Farland himself, the days. The action of the rays had a "Hark, Hark the Lark" by Schubert, peculiar chemical effect on the water and Liszt's second Hungarian Rhap- and after the affected portion of the sody. No one has ever before at- patient's body had been bathed in it tempted this arrangement of the fam- several times, a marked improvement ous Liszt piano solo until Mr. Far- was noted in her condition. The' land's charming banjo conception was spread of the cancer has been stop- successfully achieved. Every number ped and at present the patient is ex- was applauded and to several the ds- leriencing no pain. tinguished artist cheerfully responded, The radium water treatment will be in some instances with popular airs. continued regularly until definite re- At the close of the recital Mr. Fr- sults are obtained. If the new treat- land took occasion in the midst of his ment is successful, Michigan will have own honors, to pay a tribute In words added the cure of the dreaded cancer JUDGE DONOVAN, of recommendation to Ann Arbor's to tier already long list of medical celebrated banjo teacher, Mr. set Gil- already.lespie, whom he referred to as one of lcnmths- pices of the Webster Debating Socie- the most capable teachers in the Uni- ey. Judge Donovan is no stranger to ted States. WEDNESDAY PUPIL'S RECITAL. Michigan men for e is known A very creditable and, on the whole,MihrgotmenStat hs nseanewnO successful pupil's recital was given in throughout the State as an earnest RALSTON LEAVES COLLEGE- Frieze Memorial Hall Wednesday a- and eloquent speaker. The lecture Harris P. Ralston, better known as ternoon. The participantsalikeshared has created not a little interest and a "Healthy," will leave the University honors with each other and the in- large number have been looking for- Saturday to accept a position in the dividuality expressed in the talent of w t .i.a.t. sEngineering department of the Solvay these promising musicians created for ward to it with keen anticipaton. Process Co., at Detroit. He has been this particular recital its place as one very prominent in University affairs, of the most charming and delightful JUDGE JOHNSON SWORN IN. having been a member of the track that has been given in some time. Manila Times (Dec. 3).-Judge E. team last year and manager of the The program opened with a piano Finlay Johnson, who has been retreat- musical clubs. He also acted as In- solo, the first and second movements ing in the United States for the past terscholastic manager in his Sopho- cf a Beethoven Sonate rendered well four months, appeared before the stJ- more year. He received his A. B. de- by Miss Coralie Davis. Miss Mary preme court this morning and was gree last year and will receive the Storrs was in good voice and very sworn in by the chief justice as a degree of chemical engineer next pleasing in a trio including the "Sweet member of that body. June, having already completed the Nightengale,"which wins all who hear Judge Johnson is well known in Ma- work necessary to obtain the degree. it. The Vulcan's Song was given ex- nila, in fact in many portions of the Mr. Ralston is a member of the Al- cellent rendition by F. Howland Wood- archipelago, having been on the bench pha Delta Phi fraternity. ward, who is always well received. of the Court of First Instance for over In the piano solos, Miss Lois Berst two years. His appointment to a BAIRD HAS RETURNED. was charming. Her expression is judgeship in the supreme court of the . Jood as is also her technique. Mrs. Philippines by President Roosevelt is Charles Baird has returned from his WValler, of Jackson, whoJhas a voice popular, and the feeling is strong that business trip in the east. He could of great volume as well as sweetness, he will strengthen the "real legal au- not be found yesterday afternoon and was excellent in her three numbers. thority" of the islands. For years he it is not known whether or not he se- IHood's "The Violet" she rendered es. was one of the faculty of the law de- cured a game with an Eastern college pecialty well. Att enjoyatte number paritment of the University of Michi- for next year. was the Vivaldi Concerto for three gan, one of the best law schools in violins and piano executed by Albert America and perhaps the most sought PRES. ANGELL IN WASHINGTON. Long, Estelle Rawson and Nell Schuy. for by students in America who seek President James B. Angell has been ler, violinists, with August Schmidt the law as the profession of life. in Washington, D. C., during the last as pianist. The pretty aira, "In Die- The new supreme court judge ar- week on business. He expects to re- sen Heil 'gen Hallen" (from the Mag- rived on the Thomas, invigorated, and turn so as to be able to meet his class it Flute, by Mozart), was charmingly as he puts 'it, "greatly improved in in International Law at the regular rendered by Mr. Carl Smith, who has health." He reports a happy and hour next Tuesday. a rich voice which he knows how to pleasant voyage and will enter upon use. The program closed with two the discharge of his new and higher LECTURE ON "PARCIFAL." piano solos by Mrs. Rhead, who ren- duties at once.L-. dered the Wagner-Liszt Spinning Professor A. A. Stanley will lecture Song and the Wagner-Brassin Magic F. HOPKINSON SMITH. at the Museum lecture room Monday Fire Scene in excellent style. In The announcement by the Students' afternoon at 4:15 o'clock on Wagner's place of Miss Esther Seltzer, who was Lecture Association of F. Hopkinson famous opera "Parsifal." The recent unable to sing on account of a cold, Smith, who will appear under its aus- $100,000 production of "Parsifal" in Miss Leda Stimson charmingly wren- pices in University Hall on Saturday New York placed it before the public dered three French songs. evening, February 23, is a welcome gaze and made it the most important one to all upper cassmen. Mr. Smith production in the realm of music. appears at Michigan for the third sea- Professor Stanley's lecture will be il- PROESSO R HART'S L ECTURES. son. It 'is generally concede that lustrated by views taken at the New Professor' Hart of Harvard, will give his entertainments are among the York production of the masterpiece, the first of the series of five lectures highest grade of any in the country on the 'Missouri Compromise in Tap- and always elicit hearty support. WAS NOT DESIGNED BY PROFES- pan Hall lecture room, Monday after- Mr. Smith is peculiarly a man of theG noon at 5 o'clock. These lectures will world and understanding as he does SOR GREENE. be given in connection with Dr. Van the peculiar traits of humen nature, It has been reported in several pa- Tyne's course in Constitutional his- by the use of an artist's skill in por- pers that the Ann Arbor R. R. bridge tory. The lectures will be given at traying them, he never fails to make was designed by the late Professor the above named place on Monday, all who hear him feel that they have Charles E. Greene, dean of the En- Wednesday and Friday at 5 p. m. and profited thereby. gineering department at the Unievrsi- on Tuesday and Thursday at 3 p. m. ty, but Professor Greene's daughter Professor Hart is one of the most tel- NEW YORKERS-NOTICE. says that the report is in error. Pro- ebrated historians in the Unites There will be a -meeting of the New fessor Greene designedthe first bridge' States at the present time and his Yorkers' Club at Oyster Bay Hall on a wooden structure, which possessed treatment of the above subject which Saturday, January 30, at 1:30 p. m. for the distinction of being the first tres- is always an interesting one to all the election of officers and the tran- te bridge in the country to be built Americans will call forth a great deal saction of other business. - Members on a curve. The wooden bridge was of interest. The lectures are free and and residents of New York State are removed in 1891 and the present steel every one is welcome to attend. invited to be present. -59, structure erected in its place. No. 88 VISIT THE WREC. Hundreds of Students Visit the Wreck- ed Ann Arbor Railroad Bridge- Many Snap Shots Taken of It. A most cuious sight, and one to which the University and townspeo- ple have been flocking for over 24 hours, is the scene of the wreck on the Ann Arbor railroad which occur- red Wednesday at about five o'clock, when the big trestle bridge across the Huron river gave way, and precipitat- ed 13 freight cars onto the ice 60 fet below. The news of the disaster spread rapidly about the town and campus an4 sightseers began at once to Plock to the scene of the wreck Until a late hour Wednesday night and all day yesterday, there was a steady stream of people down State street and out the railroad tracks to the bridge, The sight directly after the wreck was truly an interesting one. The wrecked cars were piled up on the ice under the nroken tresle and on either side of the break was a Ouge freight car, one end supported on the bridge and the other resting on the cars below, and appearing almost as though suspended in Mid-air. The subdued light past by te moon gave the spectacle a supernatural appear- Slie. The work of clearipg away the wreckage bppAn early ygterday morn- ing. The suspended car at the west s de of the break wa hitched to with block and tackle, and was drawn crashing to the ice below. The freight was then removed from all the cars and loaded into sleighs. The wreck was surrounded all day by a large crowd of spectators, and judging from the cameras which were much in evoence, it is safe to say that pictures pf the unique wreck scene will grace more than one col- lege scrap book. MODERN CHIVALRY. Exciting times occurred Wednesday evening between a University co-ed and two male friends on one side and a landlady on the other. The co-ed had announced her inten- tion of leaving her room and had paid her rent up to last night, but the land- lady demanded an extra $3 on account of alleged damage to the ceiling of the room from a smoky lamp. The stu- dent refused to pay the extra amount, and the landlady announced last night that the girl could not have her trunk. 'But I must have my trunk to get my clothes," answered the girl. "I can't get along without it." 'No trunk unless you pay me for the damages to the room," was the reply. The co-ed went to two young men of her acquaintance and asked them if they were "game" to let the trunk out of the window after dark. The young men allowed that they wereand about 8 o'clock went to the young lady's room with a long rope. They attached one 'end of the rope to the trunt and then one. of them went down stairs and took his stand below the window. The trunk was half way down to the ground, when the land- lady appedredp n the scene and order- ed the studefit'in the window to take it back into the room. In her hand the irate woman held a revolver, and she informed the offenders that she would use it if her command was not obeyed. "Come on, I'm not afraid," said the young man below, and the trunk was allowed to continue its descent. The landlady was furious and while she was renewing her threats to shoot, young man No. 2 came out of the house and announced his readiness to proceed. The trunk was shouldered in a twinkling and the pair of gallant res- cuers had soon reached a point where they could no longer hear the com- ments of the indignant landlady. REQUEST TO SENIORS. Sittings for Michiganensian and class pictures are coming in so fast and the timelimit, Feb. 15, is so short that it will be necessary for us to book as many morning sittings as pos- sible, H. RANDALL, J. F. RENTSCILE.