THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ; ~ ffOf" THE MICHIGAN DAILY LECTUJRE. ct ® nteed as scodcias.sater a the Ann Proesor C. . Wrentmore ofth R edu ctionrPos ton str.EetiBloc iat Department will deliver Z Pblishedaly (Mndy excepteddurin the a talk on The Remodeling of the Cell t (base ear t1,siE.eor'sos) Ponsteet lc tthe Jackson Stae Prison," Sae-bs ___loradetane)Pon _923 Friday evening, January 29th, 194, *t MANAGING EDITOR: at p. i., in the Physics Lectre f I 5SEMORY THOMASON Rom. BUINES MANAGR: This is a closed meeting and all sOSCOE u. HUSTON non-members mst e accompanied by * As we have too large a a memer of the Engineering Society.I sokofacAloto -EDITORS: Iast meeting of the semester. sttunof 'nsa K. WATe.N________ * ics - J, S. Asnor A GREAT SPORTING NEWS JOUR. 4ASSOCIATES: N AL. 2 SUITENOS AND 'Clford Steeso.,IRoy Peebles, Thilutae spclsornge- A. M.AGraver, sHenry PErwin Thilutaespclsornge- T ROUS[RINGS5 A C Pound A. II. Oreseyer. tion of the Sunday Record-Herald thu- Joscpi iY Ier. Stoddard S. Mre. roughly deserves theattention of every 1.1d lM.rswrigrg. 1. Waite .Laysne. one interested in sporting news. It is 010n ianstl we xil sell * leco. A. Osborn. hiarold C. Smith. always beautifully illustrated, and em- f u em atH. S Ldew. Allred II. och. braces four tll pages, covering with themat edued rice 7'orns i~obits lyd L ew, thethoroughness that satisfies to the tmaeroom foou EdtrTdyGOA.OBR. tms the whole realm of sports. Baseball news, racing news, owling f Sping nd it 11 t e S g~lsciptnn To D Irs her year, pyabe i: news, cycling news, pugilistic news, Woolens, Be sure and a - spI etruiafe OV213$25 ortin news is given nwitste-at- coil in before you pace *office ors: 1230 Is 13 and 630 Is 70.30 tt degree of fuinsaditrs.he yor' drA j,~ ~, Address-ROOE O B. HUSTCN, Business Mean- so exceptionally popular-a self evi-I Y ager 331 Packard Street. "c aet hs h aenti Telephone, 61. Itet fiact ovtoue o he h naotec ,,,ord-elrald among 87. _. ........_........_ he0( it lass reain eaEAT, DRINK AND BE MERRLY. fZ .W INTNSRET h s lt ls is preparing to eat fffffffffff____f CLNDR again. Some two months ago they! were ffH O fffthe 2-etr yJdeDn-Ose a n oparticipants el f da tfeed eat 'a ano Lincoln a eis" jOyster ta ols elddte n TiBlB GREAT 0 A 01M*Jaur 2-eio i. ls dne the thing again. The committee hse Jnay29-8 p. m. Engineering So been wearing out shoe leather and Y (i-v 7t, lecture by Professor Wrent- A T > > moe on Remodeling C'ell Blocks talking themselves hoarse to make j1 1a c~ tt rsn~ the best plans and Thrsay they will at Jckso Stae Prson, inreport at the class meeting which will ____________Phy sics lecture rosim. e hele in room C a 4:1. EXCITING lIUON Since, the. appearance of a sampleCLS OF'9 PF0RKE V E It Y 0 N It ofithtle Splhomre girls' tasketball Dr. Elmund Andrews, who died re-; yells in yesterdays Daity, many sug- cently in heis home in Chicago, wasj 1 gecstioni. for new yells fer the girls one of the last few members of the *have beeslheard from the masculine class of '49. The only ones left citf ielement lot the cass. Here is ine of the class are Judge Gray of Kansas t heni City, Hon. T. W. Palmer of Detroit, toliuge, lodge, double fudge, and Rev. Beechman of Romeo, Mich- S Squash the Jenirs to a smudge. igan Twetv-three was the numer, Oil try! oh fluff'. graiumted in the class. Sephonoere girs are just te suff! _____________ GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. I Mnday afternoon at 4:15O, in the Handball is a popular sport at e4 Museurn lecture room, Profesr Stan- landl Stanfordl University and a hand.t- lywill deliver an illstrateid lecture ball tournament for the college chan- onWagnet's celebrated opera iof Par- pinshp is now in progress. Tlhe uni- i-4 j . this time because of the verity champion is awarded the - gra atetioin which this oters is at- "Handball Belt," which is contestedI Itraecttig America, Professor Stan- for each yer. ley beieves stch a 1ecure to be per- i tneu. Yestera afternoon he prais- TIwo meals a day is the cry raised { L eel the ilustrations very highly, by the students from the University - SHE E H AA series iot lectures has been r- of Mtissouri. By experiment they 'I ____________________ ranged by Professor Stanley, o the hve learned that they have better1 DETROIT, 16 Wodward Avenue tie ilteieieeli otsC od admna oko w el developoment of the eopera. These le- health and spirits and are better fitted - ANN ARBOR, 320 S. State sreet ro 3 to 4 Fritay of this week, and a day. So they have petitioned the4 "RMtnday Wednesday antI Friday' of authorities for one less meal a day. "f N~f N~fSN f~f~~i ext week. They will te illustrated On the other hrand a cry of "more pie" The nn rborSaVrigSI31lkby nany selections from the best comes from the students at Yale. The TheAn ArorSaing~ak.types of fine operas. These selections sewrd, ir seems, has not satisfied cpital Stotk.V,0t0t Surplus, $175,t0, wilt be perfermeid by Profesr Stan- their appetites in that direction and Resourees, d-2.Oseeat ley on the very fine Aeolian which hence the cry. A GENERA! BANKING BUSINESS waurhsdhsfalbyteUnvr TBANSACTED. xa lictsl hsfl i h nvr Orr111east Chres I. Hiltoal, Pres.; xvW. ily. The yeiung ladies of the junior andj Harrim:a, viee Pres.; M. J. Frito, ashier. senior year at California are consider-i -- - ---NOTICE. ing the adption ot the corduroy skirts 0. M. M' i sjb 1FUNEAL Professor Weuey will not te able as the tipper-class dress. They ad- 0. j jI.III lJ. DIRECTOR t meet his classes Iis week. He vance as reasons for such a plan, not bepes to resume his lecttres next only ~he economy adt comfort such Office 2099S. 4th Ave. Phone 95. Rest Menday Fetrtary 1t. In the mean- dress would bring but also the sharp- dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. tinme the discssion sectins of Course er divioion it wold create between Ambulance on call. I will mneet as usutil. 87-88. the spper and lower classes. i Shirts, Saitarye. 3Ctt:SleeveU less coin:rtIbleck &Stwhite B0e ISirts lt worted full ah oned, each - ------$1. I5 Punts., ite or Black ISileia, ly Irunt iate baie----_ o F lanel -------25c Spai : , Iat:: Sporter wiIthi etic pieees oius idt.---..-So Joc(,- rip Supporter, ott eai- ic.,Ifrl fshtied, sit bucl- los _ --V5 Indoor Running Shoees, int lecth- o'r, ruber tppe ttroes. Pc pair--- . .-------$2.50 Gymi:Shioe.. ft'ne ltte, Elktbeb sotes toIpreveut sitlifpin ... B0o Canvas Shos, rubbe:r solt, 75 and ------------$100 ChiamotssItishers ir air.__-25 SWEAT[RS: Vest Collar inestamibs 01:111$5 tol 1Sweater, fine.woorstedtGil~ butto~ns(sray &8XWht-$550 POROSALSAT Walir's Book Stores.j "oeo@*e~oso~eoi esO*S*00*@ " ~DO IT MOW it:Iettl r u t ill.eeets uidn'ct (((. tal trhe e 1r c:IN l t a i l t e Clar :1: pts l c r.. It I Ip l ltrgttL toi::r"titletIantile. Ti ":osy ciarsall onachrial'e rp ina- markusdlotte ose~tt bis:ebeen~t~ tiahlorvod~rotte' wth 56ll pags o ext. Irtlet1y0oil ia piceos'tud:s.enetlse.. SIX DOLLARS C.thPrE. W IB s aTeLLpi 32vSat,,oat I. ThecsadtFhor. fasce." [ratoe aWylliafms' Sold eto inthvenS ticksoft'ab f.t St TiHE STUDELNTS, LEiCTUREt ASSOCIATIONI F. Ilopkinson Smith. UJNIVERSITY IH A [L L Saturday [vening, [eb. :23 ...AT'HE'N3 'ThUEAgTHL. DMAN M 51!A BOLT, M~anager [Stecial OfTh [ngagement IdalUU Ja "JUI Ofu [ amous GERMAN THEATRE STOCK cO.I OF CLEVELAND, OHIO: O Presenting the Popiular German Students Play : ALT- (old) I D[[LBtR a A Large Cast. Beautifui Scenery. z Best Reserved Seats, 75c and 50c r rces : Balcony, 35c. Gallery, 25c. Seals, on Sale Wednesday,-.9 a* in. I I Season Tickets, $1.00 ,o Single Admission, SOc TINKER -,,& -,OOPANY., FURNiISIHERS AND HATTERS.. 33S1STATE ST", Phone 3 42-2r