Professor Russell Gave interesting --___ Career of French Students Given by
Letr n"Volcanic Eruptions" o mte ' Mr. Frank, of the Engineering De-
LctreninCommsttec IJ U on tbe IUniversity Yar IBook Pre- prmet
Lust Evning-MueumeLec
ture Room Crowded. sented Their Report at a "ekctingj inU ni-----
vetity11a1 Lst igh--S tisae-Pritmay atiut Seonday FEdcatot
Proessor Israel C. Russell (of te e t t waalsai Nqh-~tifc the tome1)1'dstssedtlast evening
Itnnydprmntc ih ci-tory Plans Adoted' Iy M. Frank, intrctor of French
Geolgy dpartentlastnigh ein- u te I gineering deartnment. His
ered his highy interes ting tlecture on lecturetl, wattone o a series given y
"T Vtcanic Disturbances in Mar-' nTed taur, 19 .meig imybliv htteegnlmn iaFrench Fauty ou tot enporary
unique antt icetti hem-was.ield at the Michigattoa oonss ithav-' in uim iin 'opesoatgain, hitia~.Tecre fteFec
sum lecttre t-oom, which was comn- for the put tose (f cottabtciugthte te puttic(-atioitf , hoo11k that-iwall ex-tdttet stas tracedt-ihrttog istwhoe
itetely itted. Professor Rutsselt began present status of ttec ttii tt-tsit 9 itt- 'Irtflatythtitg htofrellt produtted.tIot $(citol telii tegitttitg withttthe chitid
tis talk with a general tdisctssion of ua, the Mihigattetsiat. seemilial~ it is tntt getea-lly tulr- itt- twoIt yeas wtottanSteIrth te Infant
vocne n i eape eea- This meeting stas at tettieit ty aiitottttith e itstutttetittbodl tta t asbot sttiiihtcoresonttstoourtttkit-
itcoeauthseapeweea-relresentaive ftonteai-hi(f te vta- putttltcat ioftt heItMAit-tiganrti( e trgateut.. The oiintiatdorgati-
tty ilnstrated. Ionsu organzations wo ay ftr parettais ale tgt attottuItf drcud)grt-c i tion if ti- Ftetinettary atodSuperor
The trofessoir left Ann Arbot' last in the annual. After a idiscussioit.f it-Iti twok itt assumtntg tic' pubtti- rla shoswet-aed te
4lay whett serious svolcanic disturb- the present systenm a cmmiitee was5 cstionitotf tlit'bookithe etittotind tts- tchnlil anlul titfessioitatl brachs
antseaitithe Lesser Antilles were appointed to investigat tie tattec.itmess -titlii0' ari c t o111n1ly hteltire wi-cl .tiltilcacfttty. IlMI. raut
treatenedt and reachsed Martitnique 10 This commit tenias beit esion5 ttlsio ls byI- 15 liistudt tttibiod,-butimnettittiond tat 'liei'Stats- awadd
ays after the eruption of Mnt Peee from five to nine hours each ay sitc u-i itst as-n pltdtg eI theic1,-sttai c e-isetitashiipit.teihigieas -ting $101.
whlich destroyed St. Pierre andI its-30-- its appointment anti has Takesnttevery iatr 1hesyit ittof itieiie-xietis -ofI sliitt thotse'sittiens tdesiitg ttach
tilt/ inhabitatnts. The Cruiser Dixie possible means to thoriitghlty itvesti Itlbok.These'exptnas- ttti'a-his5-yat modertan tttia er st--c-tIlto the
sas placed at the dispostiont of the gae the situlatiotn.swilt nIal probtit-tltit amountt t - tt'tb tutcfv athlstlintage thy wished
,sientific party. A toulr of the affect- The managementoiifte 1912 atititIt)e('11 osllianti$11,111. to I -tih, ior 5atiitmbeti-cof ytirs. Ior
i-itititits tf artiiqu an SDYin19013 Michiganesiatins'e inthelii- F'roltrtalcry stuce-at its ctltitilttil, tttt 11theoemn atictiols -t patifesioina c-
icett followed whicht resulted in great cmmittee access totgttct 5concern-ctihis I Itlititearn-tc ha It.tit is thec-icIlitI11ot111acitclvle a-
te rdaigYonwihfor scietnce. tug their respectiveipulllicaionts atiit disiatf 1loyalMiihigaitistudtsiTlIhalit ns i-l c 11 t-cinca ls-
The iensity of poptlation was a taking these- as a basis toeoumit- titiicc ciltyiithou -l ' tccrsa iitait Pdet..yetrth ehialisi
great catse of the immense oss 1o1 tee has teen e nabtleidto ge- t l'tt i otebt- bhgatty--tr 111ook that.il ct-Itt-(tgraIIltge ti t leitir col
ifs tdte to Peee's tavages. Mtartin- tom tf ths.umattr. 'tontiiiutsitttcretatt it ieititittoitls ta t ie lt- of thetseconiaysichos
lilt)'hatd 20(0 )people tt evety squate ariveid at iy tu ht 111te tsyt.sts-ch IaIttttoI.as tIelii titttis hav isithIl-I-tt helorsd cdea-tnl-c ihI ise
title-white Michigatt has tnly 42 fit) 1em unitr which lit' took:thasibeenititi ned fori1-01, I wI'lls1 m1111 1)151aeoails. litt'derto5titienalterteicltiis
tilt'sami- et-tritory. Osfirelast May! ptevioutsypittisihd ica ttmartilltiwI\lit 111itlt'ltoi11 1for12 sut Ilm t 0; fIwo ittI ind,:coeii 9t s-- ai s coit-
S-t. -Pierre, lbse-'Peat-i of the Antilles'' tally swttttg, altouthtno t)faiul 1 I.stuws Itnd teconittttt utthtafnd. is1oulie (e -1i-ftttrmtat btigg sutathettel- t
stas sttrto utdetdby her Iams antI ar-ie fonid wtithlii-studenlt tatn-ars1ab Itiha(1ono1or1 lit tuagesi ttuce ' ito Fttli' suptip-orI tedumbys
ti-ticanti her poplataiotn ntmbered t he-mselves, andtat haveititend'eavlor- orpf itht titeliste Atttttti, hveItt(. Ibthelst-Itll)bIs th tyi ay per-
P rofessor Rutssel, in sppositiontato migh ibi crectedI. Yourtcomtittee, aitceilrcaI-. the sii-e eithet clcassital cttrcse itca
sarty lpublished acotutsclaims that Tle rethhritf tliii ititti s'salso tl stct ttful ttand lttlt.55klin; uitetsI Lycsour se' iroclanguisgsy iilt.the
te destrtuctiton of S. Pierte was sduelI reatd to a nueting othelbs rena-tignnit -pi c-lit'a-tlttke xpn, ruatit tusltttianitt uiu
to t-et-ruptiont of a heavy cottmn (f Ifives of te satious)orgnitios1)1who1)1tttean - l-pi la' he11111tttI 111ttuuuee'l,--5al tistn
steam, filletd with incantdescent tuttt assemldc titt Rtottttt of'tI'tiversi y itteis 1111111 atta c'1tin 11 tsprce isun15tor11n.c- ttttautlttitttuierinof
which roletdown the gorge towatrd Halt last ight atdtilha'rett' 5)vaIs loll-curs-talitar~anit ti itt, Cirt-I-ciseittl5It litidnll uav membtter--co-a
bhe city wuti a ftrce of 10 miles an formally adopitted b hemttu. nits ad seaniotstannt h ttois I ,1at1- or, n rera
hour. Thietuge suffocated the speo- A vtte f thankss was textnetotlltwtithotttttowttetrigtheIlsstndardtcif tte tiu- O(1
tle instantly anti bttied lbsehuse- te cmmittee, astt a s-itds'of (Iluli oh 1is r acI lialst--anau.ofl OthtthetrIf ulin,,;ci' ire at-i-ct-inthenormal
tops to a tdetth of f rttm two t ten tese' IolMatagsr Itch uitathetel r-it I4eItaiousof' ixtaIl tion 111is shslittto; t~t st ol f tt eachersl
feet. was givetn asurtancesof slsuprt-1111 and fuc11.1o t .i r cstal. 1 - '-salaies sIo ttahIt
Aogthe important scientific o- co-lperatioonithelbspalltf Ilit- frttot-c ishittic(illsstou.1,tis alsi tttab -i- " it "i 1 t 'attc 1 t ph lltils;
set'vatiotns ftom the Pelet- phenotme- niies andi organizatits. enintol Iconstietrationtat Is i tort - 11 ai ten oluat 1. sisi ttu Ihe aittf
non10ate the discovery of stellar ight- eftre aijturnitug hairumatn Patt icat~t in, tlhit'tmonet-y reIces-idfrom11 teilaits clti t twitnt-hrlucyhagle
ting between incandescent bodies in Jones appotedi as tlii-studetl- in oru tgtanizationus is itttiuony suretassetIta af utathe o itgtatnc1g ertthety atupyse-
the smtoke ctltmn antI the grwth of mittee trovideud for IitthelreprI-tthe boioItlt -s-i- btth i t- ttteritsine v~l si itnalimtaltlte aitt phsce
a spine of soitdlava or tocks in the George P. Sweetcrersecntiug till-fri-adtheIllsstate arugtly steculaiv t. ll. Thladig t in Fraat ncettus,
cratr at a !'ate tf 5/Ifeet a ay sn- terniies; 'Thomas t. Ittohert.,Itep-it i s tto urlgueiil I that i saldttbttatttit.n llsTusalt'ce sniteilsl t ittnthe mstl-
tl it reactesd a height (f 160)) feet sntitug the setnitutliterrc-ttltassttiand routi handiatthe.rsent- m a-tini titcIira i ttr o-
above the top of the crater RaltphtScatsrday, cs-tre sti it 1lhe151'l)' t 'ant testbIltsh irtdasinr1ut-ucourroc wil
The iltstrations tusetd were origi- senior law class. prel al. oinltut e fitt uretli tru ca-titus-a kctr te ors wl
nas talten by Professor Rutssel while The repotthiwasas itfotlows: itt chargesnowtat.e to thet- Itt 111- at'eventineit Wednehussaty at the ts-
til his journtey andI were admiable TrthiHuh icesffaIrntties. tat11111111a511111it'll-byt Profe-sor'Ltvi.
inl every particular. nities anti Organiattions of te Yattic stlnitut as- iaoswuva-c.is-ofttIhas
I sivt-slyaf lhchugaI ~ 1 ut lia ii 11111)115/hi-taI ut NEW tYORK CLUB.
PHI LOSOPHICAL SOCIETY MEET. Laies attit hGetlemn.it- 11111 111111 a tas beenhon ted lin tDuritg thus'las f-ut sseess aew sa-
A ipaperontinIe"Ptsttlate f Harn Yorecommiteeapinted oniha atutu ilotiaast11s1 u I t elt 11111 wrotng.tc s t ltI ghais Itt'ent oaganieisa-ll te tin
Trioy'' was readt yesertday afternooti uary 019,I1904,itt illst-igateathean- manger hav ben lda illmItlaalacrsil .s laystudsit-ito f t Ftnmpir
a) a tmeeting of the Philosophical So- agemen) of te Micigslu-lsianfoth this 1 111 ( SomeItelu en ha-i velui-Istlt 'uShte.I is mudeleat tscIhut Suth-
cieth, y Mt. Perez. The paplet-was tast yeas, anti te-posc~sifori this toatpaid isbeintt Itti.Tt heit.sals t diitilho(.k .by outlttai liTbaindits
a fragment of a larger essay entitled yeari beg istltohndyou Ihl(, ttollwing f tis lost' ui1a auIet Itilta-ve a'erts are socia111111fra erta, Clm-
'Fiddeuleticta and Phiostphy'' repotr staet-eI upotii taugrs inifit(lu at to mitutlass haae et seectedt sll))are
Str. Perezunstdertook to iscuss the Yotr cttlesehis siltila c'lithIe 'discreda it of theiver-Icsiy, aand 111stihiig 1o111i5sutale hiiusfor
theoty that there is an underlying siderabelotin (f each clay' slnits l Ihves'nlull)(It'11 fortest51 ite'lests +,ihome adat uakitgothtus-caratge-
harmony uniting the entire universe appointment in ati earlest endiae'avor f la looat. tmetts
Ie sal that there seems to e some to arrive a the facts in tacit tasa, in YV ltt'r unmitilIbeaie-esThta thlia Theiet11)1euhhitdit wotihae beets
tecessity for a theory of harmony of order tol trsent as reliablea-rti rt litlmey frtithtis cond1 itiPt on is utahleity -nevee r ntuisiadcn
soame kintd becatue of the persitance as posiblt. Have nmetswithi nottppuThe-ft1(11suagrs olts- 1904 1 lit-i -~u Stats-cthis-cltibaan asuruceshe-s.Sev-
(f the idea of hatmttny; a persistance sition itt this partichular ati utit ita t tan, ut. a I;. 2 atlcy s andl t L. aiS out Itus have arsaly ieen 11511
extsting not only in the popular mind some ofthe testittotty sesttluuhnur- McutiIgin, ralizithat itsuitih1 (i cs- 11)1 1hi'htrestsianth guohfeitowship
butt in -Philosophy However there liable asucontflicting, in lbs lightitt1' sutliut'ha'coopeat itntanduaeretI-c anif ct dthey sy, warrant
seems t t be nothing in onr experience other evideice whit-liwas tlat's-utitteits-ryahsurtof i-aeryoandlace ll)''urtheruacteit adit hatainitg of
t justify this idea that all the idiffer the hands of the clmit elthuseirunaaulitltii aovst'ritiit tsitub om.A noneeto h
ences alt the irregularities in the Your committe fits thaIto-eery harstilyagee to suhta plan.Itdthus-eus-sttinthg swil bei tael-laec ithe
world, are working in harmony Ex- considerabte source of revenue enoy-hg Ii,thisluy batte auandtexpec that wcs-i
perience, he pointed out, gives no rea- ed by the Mihiganiennat mauage- tha' susiionlhltiict has herstofoe a-
on for believeing that harmony ex- went hdtring the tast two ears; nanut- achtiolthie-tiaagemtti, will Ill ACCIDENT IN BARBOUR GYM
ists; there sag he an Individual ar- 1g. the alumni directory has beenhII-de tscplty remuoved.-)Mis/hs FEmoiy Star, tilts'of the must
mony, but there is no proof of a ha- ied the managers (f the 104/Ibittk. Ytourucomitmies-cis otatileit ninu promitet ahists .amntg the tUniver-
mtonuy of the entire universe. --We also find that the csto(f tprtitig jhal it h is t-st-se of 11h. suaen sitgof Iiligaut gi, tas injureiin
Mr Perez closed his paper with the the 1904 Michiganensian which te; biu nd111)tot~y that Ill) profis, as tBarbtoiur tymnasimnTuIlesa after-
remarks that he was't quite satisfied management hopes to tmake as god 1t subhsouttll e iaiet roaug stu- nota. iss tack adtheri-csiser ait
with his conchusion bitt that had he or hetter than the 1902 Sichtiganent- ditttorganizationtuor tpubllicationi;btuuttituisiust a nthry-yardcuht and in
cotncltuded the other way, he was quite sian, generally acklnowledigedittill-sitewheretti thduties arc as oiiusitsatd ui nitnupon th hhinulines-at the finish,
sure that he would have been equally and most creditable ysear-bookh ever t hie risks nitlarge, is t the us hbtics- his- sistir1fe l ont Sis Shark ittstieS
dissatisfied, published at Michigan, will tie cosid--jtion (iftt'eSMiciganensiat, solue iliac a tuanner as toi setv-rigysptrain the
The Philosophical Society is an or-a erabli, higher titan dturig 11112 auth gin muist;Ib- allowedl toighadi againust lather's atle.-It was fearedl at first
ganization for the purpose of giving 5903. We find it alslt trietehbat allthe posibitygo(f fituatucialhiss thit hethaiIlle aniletwass broken bit Dr.
the students in Philosophy the oppor- large proportion of the advertising is mausgers.tIn ordto inuicetbe tati- Vaughan upontbinitg calliei, foundl it
ttnity of meeting to discuss any such paid for in trade, which must tbe sotith agenit tashrill-to inclrease its sit- ltlitetotly a badthstrain.
questions. It is the intention of the at a discount, and, accitrding tol the vertisintg patrontage, tillri-ty hultimtate-
society to commemorate the tO0th an- experience o~f previtus sineass mana- ig reduhin hcotg ) o)lf, anthinI-re-as-
tiversary of the death of Kant, Feb. gers, cannot always bue settedupitn~ g th-valts- tifthe booklt it asoQETuOtEIOS
12, at S p. mn in room 21. Several within the ciollege gear. seems necessary and uth st litohay aI Sittings for Michiganensian and
short papers will be read dealing with Your committee has contsulted with coimmissinliii alt adivertishng tstcur--A. class pictures are coming in so fast
Kant's life, work, and his theories. A Business Manager Dan I-. McuginI Acchuahiigh1yyouir comutithee has air- and the time limuit, Feb. 15, is so short
cordial invitation is extended to all. and Managing Editor Ralph H.Jetn- rangedth te Soltiwitug hiattwhiehithi- that it wsill be necessary for its to
The officers of the society at pres- ney, of She 1904 Michigatnensiansaid 1904 managers, 1.). E.Ichughi and book as many msorning sittings as pos-
ent are: President, C.B. Vibbert; V.- from their' statements, the conracslRIalihiE. Jennety have sigtniflced their sible.
Pres, Z. K Udell; Sec. and Treass, they have already mnade, anti the plans willingness t accet.tHM RANDALL,
A. C. Blunt. which they have laid before itswe (Continued o page 3.) - J. F. RENTSCHLER.