THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. i *" 4 "4 'i +"4 8 'Hr '+, .a. 4444444-44+"3 'V:''2"s,"V'r"w+ V8 SCluett1 Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and- i Dwight E. Watkinsi TYPEWRITING t Cron Brnd 1c ColarsforOre )usuaardl to5235. 91s1,sSt. Crowna Bradl SwCllrsro flEEif you save one ofou + I_, Dollar Alarm dlocks CENT 0. H. Luz, Jeweler, :~American & European hotel ' ., Private Dining Rooms asd Wine Rlooms " CUT ING REY R & C3. ?. BOWLISIO ALLEY AND tDANCE }TALL. t Hlot Roast Beef from 3:30 toO6. Mashed Pota- .s. toes and Browo Gravy. Try our famous tenderloin steaks sat 4sr 4 4 4 4 t. raa4M9 5" i" "+t'9 i'4-s+t.+aw. s"'.s" ;r+Dia4 ta .s209-2111 s N.. 4t.h'jihwIs i .' A0-21v.4t A e ._ t- sprains and IBruises* , NEosrt r vey lvrof5h I~10E° rED entE 1tit si1c~te i i t ii _ x _>_____ 'tiot soloXi5 'sy cSure slholdlliiice soere 4 ~ Issib 5 h(-5 oly li . Y iiiicio. Nsthican k 'qial 1)r. (tub cl' .? forlgli feiladcer StOin reslts insuscil Maie ls' pytiat il1 withlthse'greasytoffcsives'olinimesictitliat 'uisl stsd stairs tlsi lsltlig. 'b'liss's is no I eas inMagcEg5yptianstpill. i tiiis copsdof es.snittlesils srn oftebst'l~andiemost, expesoiveihelinigssid soithinsg remei knntosism eicialsciltnisi. It entrtes t. sli ad kIos o sin. Jss. E.Sslit.l,'toGenrl i-oi'ot sty Ysietii Me's litistian iAssoiaitin, Jasmii. ich. Says: -I hase used M'sgic EgyptiaOstlillthex tis-isilyss asd interally fr his'palt-,three' yeas.sHase sievsr founid Oaonty riey a quc nationsssnbseakinsg up ea c olds gis' Eg yptian0 Oil.15 Ie hasien seil bothlio larneneiss and sprains Ibyomeihersetoslier gym- naiu ocases withi exetllntrsltslis do nt sitt toillreomentdosiitssssasremesdysf great meirit." fDr. tiolwtsll's Maic gh'IyptianiOl llis sl asnsigaranseedogivetsatisfac~itinty Quarrsy'ss Cm.mapa~s CAg Store. Pictllres aild. Frauies DE VPkTES ART 5TORE, 217 S. Fourth Avenue, J4,, PILLOW SALE ~ Cn Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 0 O at DARLING & 5IALLEAUX'S. a 1P HLVS AL0OTIads~ Cl SELL FOR CASH iI (a qicik ly puility Your Business, Real Estate or Partnership Notiimatterwrlocat mied. Sendsi sol~ar titulaeors, prices, its'. Addreiss CRAB, E, f1, OWELL1 ill sv MIst le.Ys Try Oyster Chowder2Oc LOVE['S CORNER STORE. Patent Leather ShoesIAL R' VZ THE RELIABLE SHOE: DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET Rl REN T S CH LER Fornanything in the line of 4 's Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 5 '1s Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.4 NOTICE-FORESTERS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 'Tho exeosutive cotmmittee has ad- Thu 1904 Michiganensian, according journed tli he regesier moting of the to contraist, is to be on the press be-J Forester's Clitbso that theo members fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all.I may atte'ndiProtfesssortissoel's lecture pictures, money, and copy most be in tin volcaoes's Wesinestday night, at 8 by February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian et'cc in tho' Museuns lecture room, sittings, at senior rates, may now be (G. W. PEAVY, had at Rentschler's or Randall's stu- Seoretary. dios. tf. ____________DAN McGUGIN, HOP NOTICE. Manager. Indeipontiants of aii doesartments 1904-NOTICE. whoisxect ollitelnsi the Juisior Hop Randall has boon awarded the '04 are reqisssteiosi1tmeel in rooim CUni- Lit claso work by committee. All vorsity HaiilstnsTiusrday, Januaary 28, sembers report for free sittings for F. "RAINin"tass picture. Photo at senior rates. lisleComtntiee. WEEKS, Chairman. Lost-A lady's hunising case Elgin 1904 ENG. NOTICE. watcih. Fintierisiease rettirn Io thel Rentschler is the official photogra- Sorosis hosie and receivo rewarsi. eher for the senior engineering class. 86-hp.8 Sittings may be had at any time. J. C. WRIGHT, SENIOR LIT INFORMAL DANCE. Chairman.___ Janutary 299, Fridsy, ait(Grangr's- STUDENTS. Furi lOrohestra. Tickts can heobo- tanilrsnPnosi.PrstsBiine The new management of the Cook ike cosmmittee. 86-87. ' louse cafe invites you to sample its Tree Lunch. Roast beef, ooup, etc. ~ - served daily, 9:30 a. m. to noon and Found-An initial loiket. Call and 4 . m. to 6. 81-86, identify same a1 3it Packardst sreet. ___________ 06-87.f ofhI / COLLAi<"O' LUnell n~ad If- A12E H EE"..°T Barker's Collars are St3mp'r 2... Othoe brawlndF . ort se e --si ":nw tAs NOT stamped ltn.on. ' hi s Sold by Wagner & Co.. 2 for 25 cta. FOR CORRECT EVENING FDRESS WHATEVER THE OCCASION MAY BE WE ARE -IT- WAGNER & CO. IMPORTERS of OPERA HATS OF COARSE 324 SOUTH STATE. FOUND. Founitd on Slate sireet, .a fountiain pen. Appsly lie Mrs. Smeatton, 529 Wal- nt street., During January all hair goodo at one-half off. Miss Vaughan, near Quarry's. ws THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Fturnishes music for all occasions. Dance music a specialty. Address L. D. Bates, Manager, 808 S. 4th ave. 7490. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cuoh- iog's Pharmacy. Bath supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cushings Drug store. tf. New classes in Dancing now being formed at the University Academy, State street, Wednesday and Satur- day eveningo. tr. Typewriting neatly done. Senior theses given special attention. W. I, Willis, 5247 Washtenaw. Phone 803. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215 damn St. S. Phone 281. Pantorium, 136 S. State. Cleaning, Fressing and Repairing. Clothes 'alled for and delivered. Leave or- Jers at Cushings Drug Store, or phone 582. $10 worth of work for $1.00. Fresh Lowneys, Allegretti's, Spar. row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- Mng's Pharmacy. tf. Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. Found-A place to buy popular sheet music at 10 cents per copy. See our window. 'Ann Arbor Music Co. University students desiring to so- sure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. hMcCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- -ago. tf. Your eyes examined by an expert optician. All the lat- cot approved appliances and methods !inown to the profession are employed. New eye elasno fitted, lenses dupli- cated, frames repaired, Haller's Jew- alry Store. f. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and California... Are bet reached via St. Louis, World's [air City, the Iron frountain Route 'two dsaily trains to California. Three daily trains to Mexico.. Four daily traino to Texas. ; Four daily trains to Rot Springs. 'Six deily trainls to Little Rosck.{ THE BST OF xVERYTHING. WRITE MsE. PRESIDENT Suspenders work in, perfect harmony with the wearer's every movement. Comfort. Style and Service ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Trimmings cannot runt. Prieeae and $1.0, stsoere ormi, pepad. Tan C. A. FRDGARTON Msse. on,, Box eon Shire, Mass. I .. CICARLTILS Ejrok'n in turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 'M5OGtUL SMOKIL MARES LGYTTIAN sMOKLE9O"' H. ID. Armstrong, T.P. A., 1233 Washtenaw Ase., Ann Arbor, Milch. AIYUS' A. ALt,9 View Photo¢s-aphes- Viewsoof city and ca'meuss Flash lighits, to- tseriors, Groups. 3616 S. Pain :Street, Ann Arbor IWith Seymour Studio. 'Phone 8109 The Best of Everything in Tailoring. Always Ahead MLW R ,'AT~ Inn Styles. L AR ,THE 1TAIL..