The ichigan VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1904 No. 86C CH1ICAGO L[TT[R. door game and while noi sore tooum" EXIBI Al ST. LOUIS. FARLAND TONIGHT. _____leagues ave yeteeo formed. almost,_____Fsrlanl, tihe-magician (of the banjo, Preidnt arerwill Open the Newl every tilele isl has. - wlest fra Unless More Space is Allotted to the will ailieiar tnight at the Sholto tf PrsdetHaprternities cotose the' inrlrtr'sly! Michigan Exhibit We May Not Be list' it recital tliat will bet one Bowling Alleys in the Reynold's league. and a niumtber f ganetoi-( Represented-Many Stdents ofi liie, chief musicia events of the Club -Base Ball Prospects ward lh hranio'nshiip hae arrarily Going. gist. HIS fame is so suniversal, ani Good. een nlayed jiff' oneighboring alleys. he. is ssfaorably knownctoiiAnn Ar- _____The refusalofuthle inter-fr-atisrnity lea- Fttnt prstsnicliations i sems bstr adsinctes that sat extndedi tie- Chicago, .anuar'y 25, 904., ' gun to atmit rfessitnal fraternitie sstrbtabletts he lii nivrsitisst ofg ii\Mih.sertiostatsithis tttchivenssnt ansi Onls rdyeeigthe Womenasts memershipt lisausetahetsse tPr- tresssill nstotsveausexhibit athet itsiitiy gis sutnnece'ssary-. ;otutterit ts On lat Frday venig fesloial faleritiss li fttnt st litle-SiLouit xpisitiiii. 'The H tie n i 551hat as a banjoist Ite'is n a class Athletic Astciation gave its first for- fsinlraeitstofrinhdeS' matidinnet' tsr women students in te ;pendient ieageithliri'frales-itis t aveldcidedir ithttheliipace te seved' inilirly hgyhimslf anti as a misiian dining hll of the Men's Commonsftom the las, antithtee froms i'tumetu-fis te h'nItisrsitg is ntsusitablsisor fis ex1'trotsrinrg gilsaheits ifit i Four biirest and fifty wsmen and a tal schototi tiing ertolleui.:it srsdi abeeib sit- Tlle'Epsiition rios switilseii'geatsitmisdern iii- half dozen men sat idownt at the tatles Te arywedi-osi f sthiutitisshtv'sset aatisasitoomsni22/2 lissistsasit piaists. Thtarywedngot sfbsbal x 31 feltintilist'laseof stgI si-atii It lia sntIhusgis toisput the the nmale students eing temporarily lcandidates has comeg areasdy. Sulse flist i usse sit theivei'rsiy A rise-ptitles'fsitsats at th isxrsmey ow rClegote.lll tin te o fhee wenissooerittanlisisensslms' itsiteis''"sas appisinted iby lthei prs'itifigr sitfits.,g cit, sit ttisis lverr Commns.Alt he tniersiy gnaformer years. Twet ytwitmnttotuto makeitis'g'ti'rairimmndnsusatins for it musisci tmigsitse unied thei'privi- the wometn and wives of the faculty, lconstitute the asebslltsia,tf womsshns btst l uisi tiiwh-Iiht- h isspsits's'ege oft hearingtislIamfotusibanjist. President Harper Professor Stagg, by far the greater number art' neonto msigt ibe lit. 'fTs' to-ittee's'rposrt 1lct'ts'inns~y bt'escreirdslas sliyers anin eerloterfcutemneeeratlt bilonttanhateatstrst stfaculty itis s's a men. taitwiereli' i'iiis (fbit ittited. Several fraternity men totok (y hattlyg of 'Varsity caiiber. ' he ls etstlt'''ii ittli lssartstgi.i i us ita es revetnge for having been left off the TeBado eet addti i oeh ti oe, ht hr listby eritingpostion aswaitro.squad practices tiilysand tnimroivs.-peesistosita scomsmttse' ittheir isati silt its'a ttri stt eis'cts' ojy this Tis the assembled women athletes (otiudcnpge3) ntts stig sif itgentsiltlseariour, ares' tsia treat President Harper exhibited plans for andstiCiri,foistcoitnisertioin. After- two square blocks of hbildings which WHIS CLUB. sit soe ivstiations ts' cnomitees- [AMNAi'IONS are to e erected expressly for the aneots' he liicosnclussionthiallt'hisar wotmen of the University. The list of Advisability of the Oranization of a avitaits'fr tes is tls 'sv'as Ciia ie of the ColleeeYeriAp buildings is an follows: a women's Club to Represent Michian in lists'ofisfsit fossnnitssnelis andlsi rahn RpdyMn ap gymnasium, "as large, as beautiful, Branch of College Activity, list a larger -alltmetnts I st. iataed to Being Well Filled and Trimmed. and asncnveniently arranged as ~hed tew men's gymnasium;" a womensahsits' tosiaiiiiuCfit that siar's'inthei'_ coummons, cafe, and reception-room There is a mvenentsn fottuat MicsigaitStats' Buiilig wuildiesi- Tereits itit pecuiar asmosher sit buildig, a women's assembly room present at this University t organire s actsy. atreeeclirrhuidghtd-a whist club-an uorganizatious n ieiT he'llsE xposiitiosis iarosusintg-,a gre tu'e apuh "uiet:'ug-headit-yourc-busiesasuitl tog fuse fle rts anti music, new add- 1will chose a team ts reprueaent;thIIis siteat si t lstsrutostnhu'chstth is ptrt hitshe st -husuthi-u' sas whiiulh ttlls tIoaludomitory hals ot' women. college its such a ttu'lite neuaisit'- As lustnai-tio-suitaritt'aing itui ts gu tsre pati tin tsn sis tt (hett issius'uf President Macter further ainnounced yet nothing udefinite has been doneluist' so-tuiscacit osit shiestasuitworkthelbs(it --s tshexamsuis ntrstasliatus, a ecmmissiuo of fifty women, consist- and so far evrgthing his bent"tak.'' uruisg thits, sosssas was 55 done5 t the iithe inusi-whalesusits'begito hisesret 5thlu itng oitt sudents, faculiy, anti three out- IThere art'. ihowver a ftww shusssins 'itt Amertcnth extp'o ssiit, St'ses-a ise social leaders, tos work ott the cerehy wish suns a t sugtia I'-t-ssthuItii sus t s-ssscsst''sit'ttu suwslsr lats. At thhe announement f ithese be formedt soulfee-hasasuredsthlat it fing hus'shile apron of sitthis'uswsiter. tudiess stt itcu-cssi-ssis u estg- buuilingsatnd ittthe inesasing scope woultd be aaues-s. Its lust'resits i's titg posiis uais u-tr euaio.Te nsa rie.'fnhishls ofithfbi women students' stniversiy lfe 'flemMchgnntdutstlforas'stssooil'siiutteitnsdut tscotffees 'is-E st iasitlstsittheh sst- toiwhi'stt thefemininc anquters utst info particuatrintehsrestsin this game' sitIisitist ,srus suitserjpositions5 itoit chees anI sogs, ndtencefor ard ehale doulany trwhit hiss luistthus'likingittSusmi. Un'utdlyu'even if grocery t sstes'sis easiy coxulainsdslits ltst' tinner was turnedl into an enthu- pleasureositroinsstg in sisnscltaiititussnoishi it' uia's-csits' uwill ti t tihits'of t< at-sttut'xams5acts classin mass-meeting, in wshich an a- of their class-maesa hase foutIn it s'ver u-iesr'psenu tuathits'xosoition. - lti.Th li rarssuy has bcmthlus-ntatbutet-ismmesmchiuoueuhr vrlsi ms oulrpaeontecmuslb ~~~~~-of She Wosmen's Atheic Association dents roosm in liesasme houiuse Ihis to SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCE, and Mrlit. I-'ssuu astatlatins ilttendss- adduedl mirth and gayety o the sirca- particularyty ncirablst -- auymosillbs I'hits' ins ofs thus'sstnitsru-nt' hslhu suse andsubooktssdrlawnu, hve tkens a Stun. Miss Visa Sutton, a prominent fraternities hase tae-isuitthis-gati e-iitt-4rSi lis'u fal -i-r' t-' ll usI 'shsutcisutes ul hbooms. \hileithest"library member of the Dramatir Club, was anti flsirindnejoyatbtseurecatit us "I'd lutsrestng.''ls' ciiesf 5 tiuu ofut mar5titus11,1it mttch tlttsd-dlonsutIsg- htasf-nisress, white Miss Marie Ort- the ganme ot- a tew miuss afsht-srlutu-csst soas thus' hrt5isssite f latongsssu tffscsuinusiviua, hiss nots-ev-eu mayer, the presidet fthe Asocialtuse meals. tStCo sterust NetttYotukInterna~ttiol ttIimetostit . escorted Coach Stagg tou tinner. Among thi stiudentuashusslasia e.-st eliyact Isit(~' tioutgVits' lChis- Ists nuiti . lstsbutglt lFebrury lst, _________ many who are firs rats ien us.1ll( isttan Assoittiolst, wst-s keuslia ti thus- staos's-s-isfrnts ria, andh arte usaer t55esdeit -tape' rceves acahe-game, anti whos inhiuge us it meeuslv 'cnoosuits situ tssinits. tDl. CopTil h'islay'ht ass o'cloick. fnit hess'follows- Prsiet are rcivd abefor the pleasure they sisine ftsm thc 5 has 3just rclin rut-Irot ass ux(,-xIs lgSundauly tnt-ri-n-ve this' nodsult gramn ott Wedneday, Jainuary 2, 5 asie. Wthauc si i ss ot01as itl Itshsuland ssihhits'Susl-appingilue1ttsahics attuutittha Ilut uarst son H-ost, of thethUiversiy fac- othersirtawhs oraiain heol gsfthtr in Ilr-tuedote('ivsiyfMchga. ully, at his ot home in Fiebug autt vsit.~suauitor tus eu-sast I lisIicretit.m Itsmettsss'flh itsthi IschedueforMinisen deat u-a tuo sunxpeced, s fo Atall the larg cssttuegs-awshist nclbis tttmn"Ithese in stitutonmss fisttheus'llus ht rusy tutudengiee'rlng ite-patmetusi foueat ts ewas no hueenfightingfor are maintainedh aund ejoystyhut lii' ttutt' u ofut ttsciatandriiustitia sas flmsowss: fu es uhse.ambentu ht gforstudents. 'iht ste parth siflt- col- worsuksitstudet-s. W'erasi-lua star-ucTiwme of Exercise. Exainaion. fi.n E oiseniertlege organizationusaansi ass'eusuort c 1thusnc-wu'rscs-16.000 menss-s e n ug -ml 1nthus Mondatiy - o . ^ l3it-u-o -i Dr o oitcm t h nfes-as osuch. Michiganss ousthis- iyslegM-u}05ol t'hets- Btt' it'ibtr 'aeno lusl)i- Smsltt -tMna ...1usdalt-i-8-l ty on its establishment in 192 as Ithe .1wn f2.tuf vtratcsm, ody1 hrdy81 head thSe deparment of history, re- M.Coe a oe ietyfot Mn v-.. 1rdy81 forced h-tm ts reire. His entire life c!insrti.Yut-o t'th us-us-ssiugio u uswor. oAtthet siil tr- Mondtay I --2 .tItuusmtuug-4- was maclest by struggle and vics- si sit fI ansttt h-umssum.tCorned't. Iar stMondaiy t-3 Wednesathy-2- tudes, in spite of which his eight-vsui- FRENCH LIBRARY. Iuuut. tttutnsdlotherofthest'telrsn cus- 'T'usay-8g ... bSturday-g8-1to tims- wtor,"The Costitutiona His- As was hifo trrly uuannouced-slint hu t'usa'sIl s Cictatgo, 'iiist'ultsii. ''uu'sslyt it S...Wenesay -1 usrysit tie United Stairs,'' was car-Dily, the lirartsit thuset CcholeuFran.{1 insusu sulu, Illinosis, Stanford, Csl, hmSusr 'Tuesday--lsut his S]t shIt ~-24 riedtiotsrtmtonumena greatness. Ont cas is sopecoeach .tMnaunth t osu I iua, aslusheslits- ternttttclege., g I his Thuesday--1u '1hirs u sa-- October 14 lash., exercises in Leon 06p. i. An istruictoir sitthe Fre-icsn uch -ttsuu lulsed tr t is utaist-ItiT huesda~y~ 1 ...... thias-4 ti...aStudy-cocnneteln Assembly Halpre held . in department wilt be in ails-nuasur'- sactsi-Iusev', Micianuss.'u, wschs e- c T'utsuat'I4- conecton it fle tresntlitui utModay. This affsrdssitnexell-tent c-Iurns-mit it wesos-iIsagoufrottof uiT 'uesa -,I h' su.bitsy2 the tUniversity of a prtfrait of Profes- casis for the students Sum conssul willsfitfts- s-s- al slot reporl-tedget-i'.llter- Wdns- .Stra-01 sot vonisHost. The portrait is enow the various members osithlbs ss'tit.1 '51asulung.;collthueus in reugus-sio 1um)tto \Vis S da-9'11 ut'smh--t0-'1 hanging in Hutchinosn Hal. to this way the social sie sit tseP- 'sc-mnus'Assosciatiomsun vsuc. tS'n-tutt-suh ...rt -1?1 cle will be greatly advanceds. In regardl sumthimstse ndsitbhrtsd sit SC ......stIIf1U1 Thus'Reynolds Cub gave its seconul one of the best features o it si itfn t udergauaiutels-rigioisn tut. islstwr W -s lus-1t ... .'nay- monthly "oftnt" program on Saturday brary in the right the meunls er'uuusaltS (fa ts's c-hissearesits ~dnda-2u.lesdy-01 evening, atid fully maintained the en- the Cerce have to take the bookitus caacteristics'shtasy sit'sadtolt Sruhs ac -3 v I d 01 viable reputation it ban gained by home. 't'his is a liberty nout extendiedmanksthe Sut'neraluthscudr hints' colleges Hush-Bythy ehos er-tcrst-s remast these informal social evenings. It is to the catrons of the gentrat ibar; osit he IU'ils-uSSatsandiusianaa. ithets'esithetunihut-Iexerei'se oish the aim of the elit to have at least therefore the members of ts' Crcle First hut larger cu-sc si thue'wosrk. wcek-hsftsany givens curse.s one evening every month when tue- will udosbtedly ake advautage of (Thus' Associationmsoemen is isis Sng- ulty members and students can meet thin departure. There are titsouny er a limuitedcworsnitch fitieowhunidriedi in a purelv social way and at the the works 'of Hugo and Dumas aS Slur, studen'ss, utas Itiernatmuioalmovet- IPORTANT NOTICE same time to proiduce a program in- disposal of the students, lut alsos rood-me-toyIt surpassinug angy siller studenu't ismsusl '' sit'suha h prompts ho a great extent, but novel eYokomruswete suhosc-s-s otu' ussr i ii utu.mi-itiul-. iof'Jusuiusy 11)itnusthus'Michsi- and attractive. "Big" Maxwell, the periodicals, hesidles a Daily, "Journtial 2nd5.Thus'wouth is charactized'ubhuga g'uuuruheu-luu oiiss-istr