THE MICHIGAN DAILY. gThe Nagara Falls Routs" TILE SHO0RT' LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Nith direct connections it Chicago for St. IOtis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West., 1 a' information andi through tickiets call onore write hi W. W. CASE. Agent. Assi Arbor. C OFFEE L0 Ox-owra roasting Mocha W Alw,.ays fresh-a antd Java 288 per-poa.nnnd 214 Mai St. DECAN ft CO. New, Brunswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fins Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I I I® "rmnehoy20 to 50 p.7c. DISCOUNT I SUITS,OVROT ® Troctsers, Hiotise Coats 0 ' TUnderwear, Bathr-obes w- $2.00 , $1.50. $.00 lFann y ^s~to-t 7 9c : ST%'CAEELER l(m, VL&Tf I zth AL RL BENJAMIli cpu kCil 94k TT 717. 'V-79& tItcNaveustececivedttie targest andtineitist U A 22rr R24~tre Turkish Cigarettes andPie eebruhtotect.PHILOSOPHICAL PAPER. NOTICE. Pine Lunches in Connection. Ecveythting reattantdtCtetan. There w'ilt be a stuts~' ineiting (antdittateo for thte t19i0it. rctay 308 5. State St. R. E. JOLLY. if the Phtlotophttcal Sttciety, WVedtnes- ttamoreptort to gynmnasiomitaily ftir l ay, .Jaouary 27th, atfottep. ino. tonttractic. Alstt gist'nie tio ttt ttna- The Classes in Dancing Cat "rt:' eise Rot 2t, CUniverstty Hatl. Mr. Perez gin. so that tinie trialst ttay tic or- 'ittem tot ilttMayinard tlstt.nice sittllowts: stilt readt atatter io "Thc Pottlate ranigeit. littic S cesloStely. tttnidtig fti'rtttto. t Hcoot."At ittt toeretstd .. C.STtCKNEY, Mir. o'coc ; (E ttme tl xtittiV N atr y toutOl. A l td nsclrcils 0oclc . Iai n c itt inmi. arce itvitett. _____ I u t y efl 'lock.iiBeltoc riesit. ITypewriting neatly doie. Seoior Cal at of o fthritt foitrmtattin. SUCCESS TALKS TO YOUNG MEN. theses given special attention. W. 1, Graner' AedemWillis, 1247 Washtenaw. Phonoe 803. 9rne' cumj tDn. IC-isotSetttMOardniti n. tti t c y", . " atidt ciitor itt'Sttccess MagazinetiIs- cuses the trotblettouttngtoieitmut # YOU CAN GET A tact to attain sulcceoo, every Wedtoes- THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. i~ tay itt the "Atnswers by Experts" d- Forniohes muoic for a11 occasitono. Tez I4T t h tartimetot fiTe Rectord-Heratld. Dr'. Dance music a specialty. Atldreoo L. At Ttttle's, 338 S. State Mariteti is the .autthor of "tPushtintoi D. Btates, Manager,. 000 S. 4th ave. ®4 t"1 etr, teFrot," Risitng in the Worldl,tie 74-90. Archtitec ts of Fate,''andoti h ter tilltilet' ........ .. .f+. + workis.He is the best-liliowi sitccess Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettio, Spar- [i piN 3 lotiiiii tie titnit States. Every vowos and Huyler's Chocolates atCush- 24 ytong mn oubttldtreadt these artictes. ing's Pharmacy. "". { Esery Fridtay there atppears t inte____________ 1satte tepartmenot a stotry ill tt' sert's. ahsple falknsa l +UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. StateStreset "Auittg tic Aitvetnts Expttriecc- uple f l idsa l + .-..a +.+ .++++-. r es itf \Wellt-Knownteoil~eitt," retatetdtoy pricesa at Coohingo Drog tore. f. - - lienmselves. InttheliStittiay issnoti i,-10 PALACE R& PARISIAN strttcttio is given iti "A Simptle Nat- New claaaes in Dancittg now being iorat MethodfTititeachitog tChittrenlott formed at the Univeraity Academy, AGE CY$ s~a tt y Frt'ieriete Richtardtsont, in- State street, Wednesday and Satur- .IJND J JRY A.GE riin.comDrawtionicttarge of day evenings.ft. Wilts tcalled.for nd td1livereipetsmptly stitute. thicagot.LOT "l. ' D W gIR, , Othet feattures itt the "Atswestby A Ihoyal Archanitto pin. Return to -- xpetrts"teptartmet i ittitte intrt'is220 Soouti Thayer anitrtcetverewsarit.. G O G BIC OFF ciocetrnint-.hotmetirotilezt osp enial h3-8C. interet . ti wometn, tttttsbt'te tii -__Mon-__________ GE R E BdHiays; mttodnis itt devetointg hat OIECRL RNAS rLOkI05T. antt vigor ttf bodiy fromnthldtoobitott T hc itirary tif the Cret ' Icttais CNOICE CUT FLOWERS & PLAI'5TS l h-ZonTui i'iestdays, and"GoodtitHetalth will he titeitMotndtay frto 4 tot 6. .Me thatinicSt., betwecent ItorooloSt. asnd Miller Ann. andit tiit l Lototstfor \W'omen'I" oits epwtsill be in attentdane. Ct. II lts l809.''lTursdtays. Ev'teyarltieis srititot byaatuthotrity oft tatiotnat reputionit. Wanted-ResidttcitfttAttitArtbire ti .21.21PICKWICK of A 05. tltcal retpreset'tive, 075 tmothttly; al- BILLIARD PARLOR 5t sto travetitng mtn, $100 antit ttli 'i YO'Rh NUIW Phones 581 Clraning. Pressing. IRepeairintg. 336 S. STATEI ST. Clothes called for and Delivered. $1.50 worth oi work Ion $t.00. Leave Orders at Castings on E Phone 502 THE MARK OF THE BEST CLUETT. PEABODY & C. - ... 1M1 AKERS OF *.0 . w .l ar. -,X i a } CLL7TT AND ARFOVit COLLARS , I 1 and BOWLING ALLEYS Tit5stweepi at. G angir v- itiesitay -'u'v"' c;icclei' ""as nit, class; 'tte'dnt-tttly afte'riiootn, 0niso tatterit-oce. H. S. Haritan tCo., Fing Cigars and S. ROTTENSTEIN uvnl cu;WensdyeennP. 3 6,CnintO 4 Totacco. Prop. j-i-'cilc club 'C eerge-tay' iveing, . t-+-:tif'irtl-itii, l. t. reggutar assietly ; Frittay eventtigseti Satillittly' r ww atie' Ilinois Soceiety iofEngittiees andi j Dwiht l r~~n ~s iciio atetySure'os tis btitig' tilttat the C'n1- : ( \Matkins,1 regular asse'mttiy. ve5. iy of Ittintois. gU ito u j je TYPEWRITING Found-A golid wateth on State 5C. Tce o orsapo-10o .5hA bt47 Dtrop us ai cardIte 323 S. Maine St. ,.h. otwae.3 iindhavenusceiltfor ytiositork.2110oftNwDter.Miss Vaughan, on'or Goer4 02t r .iM r" ^r8. 5 '8Photmpsone t .I.ry's. tofr 1--«0.Ce®.d.C m f a C C 1 5 WAONIIR & co"PANY, In~ortinq Ti r ,a 1 23 Stot Iot SeoI D4)N F tS *tnS~I't*~e5't5..5,4et+4 icscolcu n G -c Z' "4"- 6: o~o o~ ilntoGdntsi2:i"Fs dn ' . vP ,"'ii tde nl ohe -,P i .doS i ais. it .citeS ' OUJR b10CK OF MUST BE SOLD. Any Ritog, Broochs, Scarf Pin, Earring's, Locket, Cuff Buttons iln our sock-your ciSOOO5 CIINIS. These are the sanme goods for which you formerly paid fronI $t.50 to $4.50. BARRIOS DIAMONDIS are the fiffest inmilation 010 earth and positively defy detection. Buy tyoncoe anti secure the brighttst ailit prettiest pieces. ..4 14 at .,t at 1.4t ,.,J4 "At 'A at1A 1 BARRIOS DIAI5OND COO. 2 206 "youtb frl a in Street.--------- Il WE AREL NEVER UN!..DERSOL; D-G O ODYEA R'S.DRUG STORE r