THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SReduction " s Sale As we have too large a Y stock of fancy =l SUITIINGS AND * TROlSERINGS Z onl hand we will sellZ " them at reduced lprices Y j to make room for our ± Z Spring and Snu in inc r Woolens. Be sre and call in efore you pl1acc Y your order.,A 4 ,A A Y SG. H. WILD & CO., 108, E. WASHINfGTON STREET.4 THE GREAT GAME EXCITING F U N 2FOR EV ERYV ONFP f 2 e0 SHEEHAN' DEROT 162odadAeu ANNAROR,32 So SateStee 0eeee~eeeeesee TRASHEHA'S Igrxs ABSaBr 0sE.Hso.Stte reet 3 V D Taria ie AnPrbo;M. rit avhieBn. 0.aM. a r toc , DI5. SRETOs,07,. Orcei09S.thbAeeI. iPihone98FRes i-V 0 dence 302 S. 5th Ae. Phone 314. Amulane on call. THiE MICH-IGAN DAILY other things being equal io on mueh ~ -more valuable to his paper than a re-, Rntered as second-class matte at cteAnsnA i Arbor Post Office. porter without that acquaintance and 'i "A~ Poblished daily (Meonday escepted) during the conindence, that their, values cannot 1, collete year, at 117 E. Washngton street, be compared. The mechanical par t 4)of (basement floer, side entrance) Phose 801-Sr newspaper-making, also can he learn- Shirs, - >cc}Coto.Sv- MANAGING EDITOR: ed best, if nut exclusively, by doing 1es klo- ~ac &wite, S0c S. R 0EV THOMASON the actual work. The school moist shi . utint (,fll ifb BUSINESS MANAGER: Itei ah ROSCOE uB.ItUSTON have a newspaper of its own. It ci.. 1 EDTR:must have it even though a real news- Pans. i. teo - 3 Ii ,t - t6 e IAihletic, - - - ROBsERTK. WALTOOS paper will iscrease she schools lroot:- lit'),to tee-, ptadeofiii11(. -t otton Aves,- - - - - J. S. lIALEems many Cold, by involving it isn 1. a'teI -._.. I_ t Aitod SS , bOyEebes many questions from which it might. iStalJt i ~ tic ' ellppnteettWill, A . if0 1 r d Sra c e o, R o ebes , w n b e t t e r k e e p t r e e , . T h e m e i i c a l s c h o o l 0 . - t - t i i Itp : t i e l tid( - - c A, C'. Pound. A. IU. Ortm~eyer. has its hospital, and the law school tf, , .I :1 -ipn ,. o t h Itisepi: V. Rerr, Stoddard S. More. ispatc ors h colo ~ IdaSt. lie-ae:: clg. 5. Waite Jayne. ispatc or's h colo e 5 (tea. A. Osborn:. liettid C. Smith. journalism must have its own sort utf '3 larry It. Andewos. Alfred IB. Kocb, laboratory. The inference isso strong ( lIdoor : mtlingsttSit-s, fileatm.- llttia . 0 Iotoclts. from the arguments advanced, that c ,Iu3~~ ti i:ci o fair- - ---- $2.50 Editor today-CLYDE L. DEW. we need nor be srprised at any time Cl~i i. ii~c tt~, littk t to learn that the school has acquired I ct i-%tItie---..5Sc Satttee~itiioii-Twontllai.s-tper scar, payabte ii iaiieo::ee. 1]ltsaeiit ott fter iov. 1, 19n03$2.,,i its own paper upi0n which the sto- Canashoesto., itthbeir'soleso, 75 det ilget their training. It may ati- 10 Office Boues: -12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30Oeta h tdns al ilsrv hmi uhr e ar -5 p. m. Daily. b htthStdnt'diywilereEAt.Pi t-sTER-Stli Address-ROSCOSE S. BUSTON, Business Slat-I at first as the laboratory. of the school IWATR ager,331 aulcao Steet. of journalism, but if the -school is to tttoln is-tliti.etl,$ Telesline, ~l.reach ito ideal, it must have a muh uttei ttotis, Graiff &. lit' .$5.50 -, 00oeelaboratelplant to workowith "N BCthan a mierely college piaper. Walr'sO BokStrs CALENDAR. , Then recent performance of the Comedy Clu:b seems 10 have stimiolat- January 27-8 p. m. Illustrated lec- ture by Professor Russell on "The e ihrouhadititrs i Recent Volcanic Eruptions in Mar- the fieldi of dreamatic art. Stoudents.*44444444~4*e tenique and St. Vincent," Moseum attending the play at the Athens thea E 1 I lecture room. tee last night were surprisedl and de D0- ~ Januatry 27-otncert by Farland at the lighted to' behold nit leos th~an tocnty School of Music. ! January 27 -4 p. m. Stodents' meet- rfamiliar faces ine the , lug ittfbiluostohical Society, is alrr 3trc.trc11 Ihoon: 21, University Hall. DR. ABBOTT'S LECTURE. ClerStl coli4t h.1 M(-,lastttr xi is tuto1'Niii 0 Janurary 29-L~ecture toy Judge Dono- _York* 5 .StteBn ep l van on "Lincoln as a Geniuis." v(Continued from page0 onesratel Janulary 29-Senior SLt, class dance. c rl1 l ar rrocrlcr rrla only the Itossibility ot a demoicratic ' oY f relir ii' i irr to-tic