Th e'Micigan Dail1y
Dr. Edmsond Anderson one of im j- The disagreeable weater of last
oneof the Best Numbersof the Course most tr ) inert of Michigan's alumni,l Joit Meeting of Michigan Political wee has casedta great (eal of sick-
a-aGheae ScecrAoeetsesdteLednss ifl f rpandi many
-Greeted by Large Audiece- ttedtreentt etre Chicago. }sScec Aoiainadth ea lsevrema otds care frptsrted(tamong le
Some Detais of the Address. . of 811y terentt tsliteraryI gue of Michigan Mnicipal- statens.Butitnot meey tte t-
_____depart miiiot c ie unintersty in 18to ies to be Held Here Feb. dt(alst are afectedt; seerat ot the pro-
andt in '4:3 c-r. .edt los (egree. When
tt aio vr ie ighrthatt hemdcl :x-ca dedt h 11 and 12-The Pro- ferors are sick as wet. lProfessor
tsiteas-itnmay fall eow. We':invrsitl toe e w - wi anti gratduateui gramltVa Tynie ottheAsmericansHwitoth
Stericans are a practical peoeple andti in meicite in 1' ;)2 lie sas aso I 'tprtietIl).Dan lhtasbenikewi tintie
re a little sceptical of ideals, still3 given an A. Mt. tby the university atdtl 'hi- official program for tes joint i.DatHdo a enual
our greatness depends utiotn them." in 1880 was hont red with IL.. Dr. tic meetin h h ihgn Poiia tteiIis cassforttelpast few
These were the words cilk which Andrews crot' o1 the' most loyal ot Science Asciation anti the League o them again unili Wenestay. tPrufes
ti. LymnoAbbttt of New York City,1 the olter alumit anti haul attentdetd Michigant Municiaities to be hetldit soc setytotct t o i-tls
veteran atthor anti lecttrer irefacetd many rettnitns of is class. He swas Ann Aror Febrary it and 1, was iftr aboutt a wi-tai-lub. attte witkttlimte
his lecure ution "Ideals"'ewicho was a ieant of great versatiity, aclievintg isoted yestertlay his ~ n il o. et
eliveretd hefore the Students' lecture jtdistitictittttas ta practitioer, atn n- thiss olovcla~ssagain umitt Wednesday,
Assocationlastevenig Dr.Abbot strutor nd a riteron meicineandJannItry a27ollos:tJauart 7trill he oelltme hishsten
,tsocilio lst venng.Dr Ahottstrtcetcant a acrettut nottctn attlThursday, February 11th, at 2 p. m o'clock class antiprtabtly alt cases
proveutoittitt'onetof te greatest at geouloty.XWastenawv CountyfCott'urtt.Pust. Ithereft-.
rnactiontsoftt'etctttrset'for an tuntustua-Htt. JttntIs B.lei, Prtsiuetftttfhott ___
ty large atiditence.;grettedtilos AMET[[IC 60551P. Leagute of Mihigani Muticiaitiesin ININTRS of SCI[NC.
itace. ____the (Chair.
Diespite ts' fact thtat clege atid- Alteso ecme-oAtu
irtocs are wotn to lottk askance upon Ce Does a Fast Half Mile-Promis- trs o eloeIin rHttc pthcSuenst e xei
oduresestifti~ iattrestll ron ig FeshanPol Valtr-Cr- RtsttttstandAtdress-Hto. Jthn mented Upon-Alpha Sigma Men
te eginning t the endi of ti. Ah- tis Being Developed into a IF. Bibile, Prsit. will Test Effect of Poisonous
htoi's ta,,the whole anttienct was Pitcher. fttporitt the Stcreary--.thn A. Drg-pemnso e
h eld in crapt attentiton. His address Dru arleInv~rtyttAlia.gin-Extermnoe
tas in tart as foltows: gnnx eetr
"tcesdptd is faltjo Althotgh ntsrtcords were given ott Atptintment o Committees.
ott s eed irto l pnSo eustso a(dCt itdeal, st-oni.,supotniits Intti0-rreta- at the titme trials leldithte ermtta- totRqtote fatttCt
ittatii itiri tpt it relietitn.siimSattrtlay, it was ltantddt'ester- harter--Eivn Swarthoust, Grant Rap- Th it-Itoncoetilitudaettn'tts ot th
lT-eoattrte statesmanot. r the ay thatF. L. Cie, the freshmtnatcan- ie ity ICottnclttitrsitr out Micigan cill cointribtute
artchitect itt trter t achiere stccess tidate for te ile, ran aiaf nile Ptuhlic Wo trks ton letroit-W. H.tolihi-avatceetnt tufscitete. iLast
tuita trs ifal hrt i gratcioctein 2 minttes trt/b seconds. This is a Mabrti Commisosuner sf Ptblicnihli'tttnuestflt'scacti-
ii. Tey musttnext endseavor to remarkaltte eftrmatnce owhen it is tti
ut t to sth ttatt tat ttttts ril onautrr-t ha Ite anst-t ttttiluie Santiaty Stsoets t Small Cities- ec of the lpAiha Sgma fraternity met
-i--itas heylit Ths a-cuniitiatt'in ty-]rin,it.hatt t a si-eecItakenslion.tiF..1RIINeilt Mayruf -yat- althitr tctaptertuctsets-attdtlit. A.
Itity atein itpuosiioutnto tuecotena- art n altuis buefurt'andut as hotbeetn t lavPelt . aeoFt tursutoff, auistnstrucuttor Ithetu
toso.terpoeso.intaiitntgbiut-to ct-sks. His feat kMacadau avmns-rl ames 1\roteoathicuduepatmettt- vo uttcet
uc Ifter i feaaiurubytt. r ie is asoutaribtue tttotueCruss Cutnry XW. Inches, Mtayurtf St. Clair. for te trthfulnetss of thustatement
autstrikte aterages It juttgitig tfmet--(flush whicht uevelutpeudhitotituo a rtn- ITusa - eray11h t8 that it'emembers of it-efraternity
u. Commerciaismn isuour sandardltier.hrdy eray1th tSt .hr grerod o ulose- hi e
Ofsuccess. Thte gi-oatt-t nouel is that Trainer Fitzpatrick has been woru-lo Taslienaw Cutssy Cuur. Houtse. vcsi re ots h feto
ing had witsht-tuple autltera, en- C. A. Kentolsou. President of the rcssou t- u etIlt fcto
at-tug thu largest sale, thle greatest - tthia oiia ti-is soi-ctru istiitut outtiht oinns
treacheur i -tit5 ewo addrssesa ieuevtii oftdassc-sct u tshoe tic onpio; pnth unns
i-rsstuui'itus o'getto ss 'tato Saglsii fiyd.aflssucc ssTarto ihisanPoiti--h Sienc; Pti -ta'it'ssuoc o hu 'soris-tss
-otr ,!aecesahegreatcst.snes h- AlvorkSttuhedays-es tut to ee n, ion , coi.tyF . gaoiteth voIThesstuu-jc tilt othe.iexpitmest tm utu
-tisesli' as geatiotittlitiut. a cu nteiis:casututtefor oeuthent ie-itlsitPsh i g nrhingofCuonolissiu- rtktltreo o sa osttosso
ppritat woe uisheiromatits- Csro.ut-oou shmnangner ts.. A.uenortto Mo-o'o lt-,o~eiti-t -t at
en0 -ai o Ttutuus., of. 0tDetroitot. b npre to'yittlihealthyndit-a het
afidvi o helrgstcrclain.Wepmi ih cho, autd 0 et.vcuteericstill bloubcatIdily-toola tht
tossricssansdugrealt. uilings. Butt this vetopto so tiar0twirlet. isingr. Thuveritheo rntipo tut I iii'se Dr.fuly V.ed b
ot ththuetstanslacut of geanss,. wh.oVatuchun, foranioftsthet lastear hat chilt ottg t trog, Iis regular
1 natitons istoutt great hecaussssite is eeni; ivinrg te tug felluo tson ansi hiVatighais it-an totchatgMedtfcnlelie-e
by, foot'gretsntss udepensriptnuotsial- deca'es that his tupstil beiatsa all(ie ari uitm t otheit'Inivttsit of licit- hakis stillticeitfht du-ls-tintlisshot
itytisrta ias l.siensaouf develtoigtotnto a scessas gai. nto'cohlolc tlutuors whichtisis foride.
st israhe tan ofny -Ii i te uros S o at o ntrpetIa twiler, t'5Thistornmationtill a- iect Prinmary Eltsctios-iSentrted p;i eyeatadi
---courssage- te 'cces utwlot havite hbeenChales I. Sisitos. carrie(' Iutscietoisicalyy thes Naew i
thoatchit-hiis ieautiiuliant inispirisog, ____t'srouotoo-otirttlty-hu'N-s
, t e.sen t hv wndrd arlaetig h lckofptcer. Friday February 12th, 9:30 a. m. trl sciey ittitt-ug- t-trs wobtst-oi
fromstothis thuatlohinimastrpiecesarat-i Tapptanshatt it-ctutre ituons. ilivesi out iso' drug.T'Plotdtsho welooovr
co-mpitaredolwoishnmoern art te first! FA RLAND0 CONCERT,I y of Micigan. at a-suruI til tie ltilorohicthley
toge(of Stinsday nespaptiers fr ex-)That a stats wthilta ianjsi esosould ol . A. Ku-st- Cs. its the Char are o lalt-s. ,sntit irulen-t srpent
-atmplet. ihusic islut- sirrmstiter- ithe apprciative attuntuion ot ani ando- (Adors'of XWecome-Presidetas. taolistao. he rog snichliii'Iishig n
trstatioss ot a great thouttght butomansy icic-fout'almnost toosihsours wotul I. Agel, Univetsit y outMchigan. stdtitts-atru'tot ialto till sobotatly te
o this'la er'ay compooiionslact seem iiosile, botOthat is jost chat (Thu Oi Muicipslode-fitic1 . C oiou onem tefout som utsit- s its 1(lsnu-i.
combintihouisa otiegrit meloduy, setg-I FalandIhas iou-u-usoloig forthlo' tast Dienhiams, li' Soicior iof ToedoO Ii he' tXl i t'tsti wiill bein tut tt
oo ath poeittry which rsultsa its sons-eleren years inso ossuitctssloreitals Thu i~egislatrt' andthy uill-aii s otser andtot 5 liii to- trt sa
hig hat is neilhi's-reigionss, ior throoughiouth thiscounry andthnlgandt.viotIE. FHenemtsanof ithse-leurout Coum ilb iena sitor trt-montohs.i-tn-r
toetsry, sot s-ici. Againt hio ittama This is a feat. hithieto atempuu'tdoly souts Council't. hiouoor to-idtuisl telday thoIle tpot
Aiotuolairsi to gire a trust-interpsreta- y the gesatest perftotrrsoutsthis' sitt- ioiuutiutat Humet'Ruleh; Cily Cfl its- ills-tttaket'hitimeti iiiitandtthe ii
ioss ot that hchi it recta tootiray. in anti pianot.andthauththis'great baon it-sframed-i by Municial Cnveniosittcl is isyp t tos, cru' ly o-
Yei tlhen we refl-tdi 5seems5a log jost shoustldave- achieied0tlis oise-1 . F. XWilcoxSeesIary out the is- evetri- tit atnornator ictttusal
toay froom Golsmith to iuthis'Jess'(tg impossiiiy arguesas-tngly for Ittanti Rapids hit gneiura conutsor ou'phiyica
iassses uplays'andstmoern comeies. fhis wodoerful abilty. Ileiisoultsre- l ris in M~uiipaAminoistaion condttition0.. At thou'utndot hit'sesnonh
t seettis too nitwe oughs touttry- ando('ly anashier'of execoutiostoot heho'os - S. Di talt'lendr Al burssuy of thio' le-iau- is s ont-llatolthourcphysicali
(ill itsthe gai. Virtue shosuod he matte! esses thus-trust-musiia's tempeora- tl Muioncipal Lesague. xamutoiand theii'risltsa wich
tt ractive anth sice reputlsite iniotr mentothat enales himtsto r'nder-the iscssionopenedusiu ty hF.atM. Byam.hays'eetotisbIouulomtedtill he carefully
lays rather thanm irtute rs-ssairt' eanodmost diffc-ulthotclassica ucomnposuiitis of ('Iran(t Rapidst. uexmined'tandtomp ootared,.
ices'at rcatieu. Shatespeare torray- in a manner unxclledt ty-any artist - -________
it jealosmy ini Othselloumb nitioun inon any instrummn. Mr. Farland uss Friday February 12th at 3 p. m. STUDENTS IN CAR BLOCKADE.
tMacbtu-h,. authirresoliution its 1am- ahario ticis ounodesign, n whc-tho FTaanHatlLtouremsRoom.u teoout iatl-'tuigto-hs
ju lst as ce flush them it lift- anti the ojctionsable ''twoag' is cullirely H-on. JoliusF. tutule inthit-Cthair t'w'ek has ctusedoua great itoatote-
1100 sist-eolyhi-ue drauua. absent. The'hdisictisve featuteis a Thiss Enforcmnent of thu Criinalhyitli'ronigttcusuhtinAn
Y.Bah oryonce tor fthe rateorimuf wuoo; rpliacisg thou'time hon Laws of te Sate in ltus'saondotVii ks-tor andoot souleisnOerurbatroad.
oft arts, sit-ma too ho'dying out in juoredtmetal rim thatlhasbehu-n msainli ags's iusothe Ciutitshi. Csratofi h iytr cu'lhtht os ih
i-toeica Y't e eet oatos uosayrespuonsiblet-for the abuos hapedo ut tie Micthigani Surem'ICoucht utmake heawaruy'throtugithe heavy
as much as ever efore. PThe great on thhe-banjo by musisal critics in Smne Legal Astectasibf SitalAs hl fatc h'iusmusn hw
raturnist have a ideep p conviction yeas-a -thaL-
and tass irrepressihle impuls to speakt Departmentit'svesiitf Michian eot reieaoso'tbt-cr t
t ou. Suh mn wh hae a esogeher for a toay. Thu hit-vy iner-
tosl oc e h hv e-BNC RECOVERING RAPIDLY. niform Municipalt Asrontlusk uran cars ihave- een roery late turing
sage are the ned of the huour. Edward escoe thetsiuent ijur- C. BirosmntEditor ot Muniucpa Footi esos sl nt aorly I
'"We have some very good iera- eli h ynaimTthoayi cigltlaaou.esaslyeandtoo u afras tpe-
lre which will cmpare favoaly rapidly convalescing. At thu hostpitial T'he \ort-.tot the Wisconin League aniThtogms-ceutteitru-
witoh hat of other natioiso hutl none last nighb it was sal that he cill f 91Municiaities-ProufesoriiiStEhanctouhr o svceo hest igtetime
o our writers ranki with ennyson laestbansshli ahytco-t uhStcln.ilsiarsWs o- - --ic
snot iMilton andliroiwning. The aim shah.he trillsutter smut permanentb in- IElect ioun if Officerso and tishherhush- ili-roahrsnits'suitonmy
of a great authoir musot he to reawakt- ury as a result of his iunforusnate ness. Iftheweasste cotoiusasuntimeo
istetoeu nhsraeawihaccidhent. At ntoon tin Fridiay, a luncheson will again today. Time lateness of time cara
lit' himself feels anti in order to he' - hue girt-n nt-ar the hTniveraity camusspiootluto'agatncoun e
sreat he moost hare a message iii the GYMNASTIC TEAM OUT. outoutlegates in ahtendlance. Bhetwveen provmany tmbeuangretuinchoneie
nllole people ot all sees, not merely Br. May desires that every candhi- oni anti thinu-i-o'c-loick visiosowilhe
nt-acribyanti chut art'in the habtistof
It a park of the peopile of one age date for the gynmnastic teamss he in the given an oppourtunity t inspcithtie giolnoughhomoe fur Satusrday stoutSuunday.
'Btitu more than all else tnt needth gymnasium oorsrton afternuuoon aht.sUniversit y grotunoss anti buildings use-
Otutlic men withs high itdeals. The fotur oiclockt. Prachice will he begun tier thimecticon outnmmbers ofthut
difference hetween a politician and a at once preparahory too the- exhibition REQUSTcTuSENORS
satesman is that one has high ideals to he given at Deiosit next weekt. !OutFritday evening the City Councilt Sitings foir lichiganemsian, anti
anth a perception of the future while oii AnusArhuor c-ill give a buanquetso ii class pictures are coming its so fast
hs politiician is ahle to see hbut from The fiancial statement of fosothall the dielegates attendling the conven- anud the inue limit, Feh. i5, is sti short
tune election to the other. Bismarltat Illinois shows a balance of $2410.- lion, that it will hue necessary for us hi
saw the ideal of a united Glermany" 89, with the ttal receipts amountfing; The Common Coutncil of Dietrtoit has hook as many morning sittinugs as pos-
anti strove unceasingly until he ac- ho $8,597.90h OP this $2250 was paid "invitedl the L~eague of Municipaities sihle.
csmplished that idheal, Gladstone saw for coaching anti $901 for the early toi visit that city and inspect the muo- H. RANDALL,
(Continued on Page Two.) practice at Spring Lake. (Continned From Page Two.) J. F. RENTSCHLER.