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January 24, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-01-24

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44444444444444+444 3"444"4444444444r44444 +;+.'"«'+y +M3a i wrv ~ vv°wirr ~ ~$g' -"-
CutPeabody & Co.'s Arrow and Dwight E. Watkins,
Cluett ~ ~ ~ Collas forTYPEW RITING ) '-
Crown Band 15 Collas for rops itcard to 32 S Main s.
O~n DaflIl C~ 4egad haveusscall foryour work.
SjYou wo'tmss thse E ht Otiloohos' '
fyo hav on otour
DolrAlarm ClocksI
O.H uz eee,0C N Sa10 . Main St. 1N, WILOOOOa
- --AT ~4:4.ChC.'
American& [uropean hotel . COLLARS
P ivtag 1idio0ms nd\inse Rooms
SCUTTING, REYER &CO. Oe.Dyad 4* rer°n.UF
Try oar famoustendrselotes 3r s+-dtrw :bs++ s: ~""3 V 3 ~r dX3A3iI 2921Nth Ae
4444 444 444 .:-4444 44444-94444444 29.21BN.4teArs Collars are Stamped "lLinen
SprainS and Pate n L eather Shoes t aadpeeresed and Sad as Lines ar
~DR LWELLS tov e oosprawl
y r iflremedyhandy Saturday
fo imditeapl- 3rR E N TS CH LER For anythig in the line of 4
cainNtigcn Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentchler, 4 iIondy..
R~'uut ~.o us lo ,w Phone.3892r. Corner Main and Mron Streets. -"J8+dr
ANo10 'si4
with the greasty offensivel inime nto that soil Unvrity stodnts dsiring to s- Your yoa xaminod by an A lot of STIlT OSOM1
ano stain gthe clothn.ei s no r+d II cro positions to tach will find it to extrt optician. All the 1at-
estalore s 11and111000iIt o lof0thebest11011 moo t their intrest to writo to James F. ot approved appliancs and mthod an u it
expensve hci ll sienl .It Hoothing tedies
hknown totmodiicalointti11-OI McCullough 639 Fine Arts Bldg.,Ci- known to the profession areemployed
o1n1e an i ale0, no tir. o rlay5105 ago. tf. New eye glasses fitted, lensea dupl- CENT S
Mon cittol1r1tt Asoc~ihton, 1ko1. Mih_ -c- ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew-
s1y s111 11I tgol1y111IlI 0 Free-A eautiful collection of bet elry Store. t.3
ternlily and1internally 11or 110e, 1p1s1,11hr1e old songs will be given every pur-
years. lavene 111-loru1d111111150 01ed~y a00as of one dollar at Rot' M Mi ath sPle of all kinds at all
q ic l "utillllto11brlt I , 011 Hdoas1 11011c haoR os M sc sple
1 -yptanu t as I 1oito-l oth111 for11 House. wfs. prics at Cahing's Drug store. tf. g /
Ilcicstan1d Sprainills sb ui r tIltya- _______N_______ ___________CO.
t111515111 010000 ith it l 1--1111t r sulks. I do _ _ _ _ _W G ~ O
getmeri11tOe1llllsi 1 r-tldot IPOTN OIE New classes in Dancing now being ll 5lt~W
It-. (olt-lo 1111011 t'gyplian i(Il it old The 1904 Michiganensian, according fornmed at the University Academy, --_-_________
lltllgs~ratedto give satisaction b11y is contract, is to be on the press be- State street Wednesday and Satur-
Qsxaar-y's Ceuspsas Drugn Stor-e. fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all day evenings, tf.T
- - -pictur-es, money, and copy mst be in
by February 15, 1904..- Michiganensian T(flfl
-- FIN- sittings, at senior rates, may now be JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 llIl
P iues n d Fame had at Rentchler's or Randall's su.-Vlain S. 5. Phone 21.
Manager. Typewriting neatly done. Senior
DEfr firs ART 5TORE, heesgiesecalatetin.W.I
217_._Forthvenu._191 _NOICE.thelses1givenseilatenti PoneW80I,
Randall has boon awarded the '04 f, S~ i
Lit class work by committee. Al -_______
B 'v members report for free sittings for Switch made from your own hair,
.ay PILLOW SALE r.~ class picture. Photoa at senior rates. $100, Miss Vaughan, N. Univ. Ave.,
M onday, Tesay and Wednesday o WEEKS, Chairman, near Quarry's, tan
a wY; 'avIs . OIIaaJ r Rntschler is the official photogra- Furnishes music for all occasions.
0. _____________________ 01phr for the senior engineering class. Dance music a specialty. Address L.
Sittings may be had at any time D. Bates, Manager, 808 . 4th ave. (1ilS
SELL FOR CASHwithLChairman _____________
lnIh ily ___________ pIulielf Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis, Spar--
STUDENTS. ow's and Muyler's Chocolates at Cush-
Yor Busness, Real Estate or Partnership The new management of the Cook lg's Pharmacy, F OURS
No atter whe-rel I loted. Sendikl~l par1111- House cafe invites you to sample its GhUS
ttlars, pices, 0etc, addretso - Free Lunch. Roast beef, soup, etc. Futi esa uhn'. H
G R. E ., P o E L L il vv . N Iha w k ~ t s e r v e d d a ily , 9 :3 0 a m to n o o n a n d F o u n t a in_ _pe n sa t3 C4sS O U THsS T A T E
___________'______ 4 p. n. to G. 81-86
--________ Fresh Lowney's, Alegretti's, Spar -_______________
Pantorium, 336 . State. Cleaning, row's, Muyler's, chocolates at Cush---
Home-Made Rolls & Cakes Pesn adRpirg. Cohsingas Pharmacy, t. _____
.AT.. de at forhan' Drug Leave, or Found-A placeto buy popular sheet Arkansas,TeaMxc +
'phone 582. $1.0 worth of work for- music at 10 cents per copy. See our lxsMxc
[OVE['S CORNER STORE. $1.0. window. Ann Arbor Music Co i and California...
--___ ____ __ Are best eaced via
tOUiR PI OL,~ I1CY17St. Louis, World's air City,2
The building up of a Telephon: System with every possible mod-
- ern improvement; the giving of belier service than was ever thought- Iron Mrountain
possible before. To be honorable, cotrteous and just in every detail. To j
antifipate requirements, To overcome impediments. To be satisfied Ro t
with nothing short of the confidenc-. and good will of every citizen in
the count Two daily t-ans to California
WASETUI[NAW flUMfr LE[PHION[ CO., Three daily trains to Mxico
For daily trans to Texas
Temporary Office, Liberty Street. near Fourth Four daily tas to Hot Singis.
Six daily tin110 to L itle Dok

<< Gve ad Tae PWRITE HE.
_ no ®1. bArmsrong, T. P.A,.,
PresientNIOG UL - 1233 Washitonaw Ate.,
LGY TTN Ann Arbor, Milch.
Suspenders CcI.p-L -_ __ _+_ _
C~jr~n 5in turkey.
take: Cmfor, syleand ervce.Perfected in Egypt.
Absolutely Guaranteed. Lnjoyed in. America. MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI,
The Professional Hair Dresser
MetaI trmming.snot east. S0e ,. '' "jMOGUL SMOKY. MAKLS LGTTIAN SKOKL I 322 5. State Street, Istairs). extends spec-
and $1, any store, or mail prepaid. ,A~e ial isnvitatioan0 tote Idies s t all at hler par-
C.A.EDATOaM4. O.t 1fr scents. iors telinspect her aewlinae of hair otnd tsilet
Bx26ShreMs.Ccrk Tp or Pain goods
So 5.5.lo.Ms ave the coupons. Try my Scientific Face Massage and

Always Ahead
in Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailorin,

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