THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE MICHIGAN DAILY1 Uedf~uci onII fl * Entered as second class matter at the Ass EW U bLI IIArbor Past Office_____ Published daily (Monday excepted during the] college year, at117 E Washington street, Sal*s (basementfloor, side entrance) Phone 892-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: 1 ROSCOE B. HUSTON As we hve too arge-a- -- - ----- EDITORS: stock of fancy I Atels,-- RoET K. WALTos oews, - - - . - J. S. BA Y ASSIICIATES: SUAINOA AND : liiford Stevenson, Roy Peebles, A. M. Graver, Henry F. Erwin TROUSERINGS : A. C. Pound. A. i.Ortmeyer. + Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Brownrigg. I. Waite Jayne. on hand we will sell * Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. 6 harry . Andrews. Alfred B. koch-. them at reduced prices 'homas B. Roberts. to make room for our Editor today-H. C. STEVENSON. Spring and S u m m e r Suwbe,.ptioa-Twoa Daar per year, payable in Woolens. Be sure and advane. If einquent afterNov. 1,103, $2. Office Hours:-12:30 to1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 call in before you place . m. Daiy. your order..<- jA j4 ,t Address-ROSCOE B. SUSTOS, Boltoess Mar- ager, 331 actard Street. . S - Telephone, 461. - G.1. WILD & CO.UN 103 L. WAHINGTON STREET. _ I i CALENDAR. * i4lrN N+roirMONYg4 January 24--Addres by C. S. Cooper, in McMillan Hall. TH E GREAT G A M E January 24-3 p. m. Report of work at Chicago Commons by Miss Inez 9 T 1' 9Weed at Newbery Hall. f.P Tf 1 ZJanuary 24-7:30. Lecture, "Truth," by President L. M. Sniff, at the Memorial Christian church. January 25-S. L. A. Lecture on E X C I T I N G FUN "Ideals," by Lyman Abbott. F OR E V E' R Y O N E January 27-8 p. m. Illustrated lee- ture by Professor Russell on "The Recent Volcanic Eruptions in Mar- tenique and St. Vincent," Museum lecture room. January 27-Concert by Farland at the School of Music. January 29-Lecture by Judge Dono- van on "Lincoln as a Genius." January 29--Senior Lit, class dance. The old saying that it never rains but it pours, certainly holds true in a college town. Monday night Lyman Abbott will speak at University Hall, and Mrs. Fislke will interpret "Mary of Magdala" at the theater. On Jan- uary 29 the Senior dancing party, Judge Donovan's lecture on "Lincoln as a Genius," and "Alt Heidelberg" SH EEHAN'S are scheduled. The saddest part of it all is that DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenue the examinations are drawing nigh, ANN ARBOR, 320 So. State Street and-well, the students generally find a place for their time. BIBLE STUDY IN THE UNIVERSITY A splendid opportunity will be given Before the Junior Ho the men of the University today at Is a good time to decorate your frater- 6:30 p. m., at McMillan Hall, to hear nity house. Call or phone 237. one of the foremost authorities upon C. H. MAJOR e CO. the subject of student Bible study. 203 E. Washington St. The speaker will be Mr. Clayton S. - - -' - - - Cooper, of New York, chairman of the H EL International Bible study committee LINESof the Y. M. C. A., who in this capaci- DIRECT LINE ty spends his time traveling among TL DIECLNEthecolleges of the United States and Canada devoting himself to Bible st. PO.n Caah .1 T,.in.. dy interests. Mr. Cooper is a grad- THE STUIINTS' LECTURE ASOCIATION Lyman Abbott ON "I DIE A L5" UNIVER.SITY HALL, 1ondaot LveIrnigJ, Jan. 25 Single Admission, 50c. Season Tickets, - $1.00 )e*.~~O @* @*O@*@*@*@@*9*ON*@*@*@ uate of Brown University, at which institution he was prominent in fra- ternity circles. He afterward became pastor of the First Baptist church of Lynn, Mass, where he organized the famous Cooper Bible class of 300 working men. From this post he was called to the work he is at present doing. At the beginning of this year he set his stake to double the enroll- ment in college Bible study classes and the reports from the various in-, stitutions show that this purpose is being realized. Mr. Cooper has a1 thorough knowledge of college men's problems and no one should miss the opportunity of hearing him. He comes here to conduct the first an- nual Bible study conference under the auspices of the University Y. M. C. A. and will addres the men of the Uni- versity at the time above stated. "WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS." The first semester is nearly over but freshmen mishaps are still in or- der as the following story will illus- trate. A well-known member of the '07 medic class and an energetic frater- nity man conceived the idea that he would like to enter the sport of "rush-- ing" from which the older fraternity men seemed to derive so much pleas- 're. He was accordingly sent to an- other freshman's room to invite him to the fraternity house for dinner the next day. The freshman, whom we shall call Ralph for want of a better name. started out on his mission with the highest hopes. He reached his des- tination and without stopping to rap, opened the door and walked down the corridor to the room where his fra- ternity brothers had directed him. The freshman was not in his room so Mr. Ralph settled himself com fortably upon the sofa with the inten- tion of awaiting his return. Being naturally a lover of sleep, he lost no time in taking advantage of his sur roundings. When he awoke it was with a start "Why! why!" he said, stumbling to his feet, "doesn't Mr. So-and-So room here?" "No," replied the timid voice, "He rooms across the hall.". Apologies were then in order, and Mr. Ralph deemed an introduction al- so a necessary following. He saw that he had placed himself in a ridiculous position, so decided to try and straighten matters. The young ladies proved so entertaining that he forgot his friend across the hall and spent the evening with them. The other freshman sat all evening in his room waiting for Ralph to call. "MARY OF MAGDALA. "Mary of Magdala," in which Mrs. Fiske will appear at the Athens thea- tre on Monday evening, is the larget as well as the most beautiful produc- tion that this distinguished actress has made. Four massive and magnifi- cent settings are used in the play and they picture with absolute verity the Jerusalem of Pilate's day. To handle these scenes a stage force of forty men is required. As a dozen men can handle most of the productions on tour, the magnitude of the mounting of the Heyse play is evident. Nearly one hundred people appear in some of the scenes of the drama. The inci- dental and entr'acte music, all spec- ially composed or selected, calls for an augmented orchestra. Shirts, Saniitary Coton .Sleeve- less, colors, bllk & wh ite,S 10 -hir as, cut wor t ic], ful l. - i0ec each- -- --- $1,15 Pant, White or l ick Silcsia, ily front, la,0eeka -50 511ppor ters, 'masde o Best Cotton 1 anel 25c Spal2 i:g ieastie Supporter withi elastic pieces on side.---_Zoc Jockey Strap Supporter, all elas- tic, full fashioned, no buck les - - - '---- - - -- - 5e IIO[ Indoor Rtunning Shoes, fine leath- er, rubber tipped soles. Per pair -- -$2.50 Gym Shoes. fine leather, Elkskin soies to prevent slipping_ _5Oc Canvas Shoes, rubbe' soles, 5c, I ited-------------$1.00 Chamois Pushers per pair.--25e SWEATERS Vest Collar, finestlambs wool, $5 golf Sweater, Iine worsted. Gilt x buttons gray & White $5.50 FORsLA Ai Wair's Book Stores. E -. . Y - SILK OPERA HATS ®UR sllowhin of rilk and Opwra liitsis tihemosco lete io AnneeArh..r. veiyni h very newest tyl(,- ro tout this seasonl. Complete Outfits for Evening Wear Full dress suits to rent if you hurry GOODSPEED & SON 117 S. Main St. Phone 388. t a®I. ) If you value your face, don't experiment with Shaving Soap. Use Williams' Shaving Stick. Hf o e H e e sH safe sofH ®.e s. e ®A6 DCAN M. 51ABOLT, Manager MONDAY, JANUARY 25. Mrs. Fiske IN PAUL HEYSE'S DRAMA (Enlish Adoption by Wm. Winter) MARY OF MAGDALA - Lower Floor, $150 4RIE. Balcony, $1.00 Gallery, 50c 4 O. TINKER & OMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 S. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r