The ichigan Dail
No. 84
Tryout Yesterday was Satisfactory- Winter Foets Out in Earnest-Cam- Lyman Abbott will Appear on S. L. A.
New Men Showed Up Well-No pus Presents Attractive Appear. Cource Monday Evening - Some-
Time Given Out. ance--Cantiea Fiends in Evi- thing of His Life as Minister,
dence. Jcurnalist and Lecturer.
Keene Fitzpatrick was the busiest
man in Ann Arbor yesterday, trying There are few pe pie in Ann Arbor The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, auth-
to get a line on his new track mater- who have failed to make some sort of or, minister and lecturer, will address
ial. From four o'clock until six, the remark abot the weather during the the students of the University, Mon-
candidates for the runs, one after an- last week, :cnl chat they have said day evening on the subject, "Ideals."
other, ran distances varying from one has been un ally uncomplimentary, if Dr. Abbott is well advanced in age
to seven laps against time. Altogeth- nothing more. Without attempting to and it is seldom that he consents to
er fifty-six men were out and there deny that ' Ann Arbor has 'received appear on the lecture platform.
would have been more had time per more than its share of rain, snow and Dr. Abbott is a type of the Beecher
mitted. In view of the short period slush, notice should be taken of one and Phillips school. He was uncertain
that the men have been in training, remarkable advantage that the rain in youth as regards the law, and it
it was not expected that any sensa- and snow has given, The students was only after long deliberation that
tional work would be accomplished, have had the best of opportunities to he consented to enter the ministry,
but after the trials, Mr. Fitzpatrick observe the campus in the full beauty His first charge was in Terre Haute,
stated that he was more than pleased of winter. If the University at lres- Indiana. Ie later removed to New
both with the records made and the ent fosters any budding poets, it may York City, where he has spent the re-
number of candidates. He stated that be certain that they have gone hack mainder of his time. In 169 he re-
there were more men in the tryout and forth across the campus in cc- signed the pastorate of the New Eng-
yesterday than have ever before tak- stasies of delight, while looking up to land church of New York City to de-
en part in the first time trials of the the snow-covered trees and bushes. vote himself to literature and journal-
season. Ie did not think it advisable Even the rest of the students who. ism. He was for a long time asso-
to give out the time made by the men not being poets, have been held down ciated with Henry Ward Beecher in
in the various distances but stated to earth at such times by the necessi- the publication of the "Christian Un-
that the best record for two laps was ty of avoiding the numerous little ion," and later became editor-in-chief.
=9 seconds, made by A. F. Reiland, laes and rivers along the walks, can Dr. Abbott has edited two volumes of
'06 Law. This is very good time for not have failed to notice the heavy Henry Ward Beecher's sermons and
the distance, 251 3-7 yardo. loads of snow under which the trees "Morning and Evening Exercises," se-
Other new men who showed up well are bending. The owners of cameras lected from writings of the same au-
for two laps were H. S. Bartlett, '07 have taken note of the situation, and thor. Dr. Abbott's most notable workst
Engineer; J. C. Garrels, '07 Engineer; for the last two days have been busy are "Jesus of Nasareth" and "Old Tes-
C. A. Clark, '06 Law; R. L. Lewis, '06 setting up their tripods in advanta- tament Shadows of New Testament
Law, and J. T. Hogden, '06. geous positions about the campus and Truths." "A Layman's Story," and
Among the half-milers, the new men focusing their lenses on the lretty 'Life of Henry Ward Beecher."
who made good time were 1. D. Good- snow scenes.
wit, '06 Engineer; S. B. Laub, '06; While the camera artists have been PROHIBITION CLUB MEETING.
P. E. Demmler, '05; H. P. Ramey, '06 enjoying the profusion of ice, the . . .
Engineer; and G. P. Hall, '07 Engin- street car mien have seen the matter 1. Histoy of the PrLiqule of i-c
eer. in a rather different light, and owing e
Among the freshman candidates for to the di-icles they have eneounter- - C Brown.
the mile, ft. L. Coe and M. H. Daane ed all students have been obliged for misc with the Liqeso raoffic -omE0 .
made the best records. M. P. Rum- the last couple of days to forego the Mes.
ney, H. A. Workman. C. A. Penman, pleasure of riding on the street cars. Meyers.
and G. W. Griffeths, all freshmen, Friday, however, things were some- Does License give the Saloon a
each negotiated one lap in 14% sec- what better. legal standing? If so what is its ef-
onds. Captain Kellogg proved that he Just as soon as the condition of the feet-W. S. Bowman.
can sprint as well as run distances tracks became known a force of about 4 License as a Source of Revenue
by going twice around the track in twenty men were put at work with -F. C. Co'k.
29 seconds. Archie Hahn ran one picks and shovels and they have been 5. The Moral Phase of License-
lap but did not exert himself as his over the route mentioned cutting out J G. Welch.
time was 13% seconds, which is con- the ice and snow and draining off the The meeting will be held at the
sidered slow for the little champion. water until about half the entire line Christian Memorial church on South
isopen.University avenue, near State Street.
is open. a
COLLEGE Y. M. C. A. CONFERENCE The company says that never in the at 3 oclock. Every one is cordially
An important conference over col- history of the city has such a condi- welcome to these meetings which are
lege Y. M. C. A. took place at McMil- tion prevailed before but owing to the held every other Sunday at the same
lan Hail yesterday. Clayton L. Coop- unusual weather the delay has seemed hour in the place above mentioned.
er, a Brown graduate, who has been unavoidable. Nevertheless, the peo- _
active in Association work, addressed ple who reside in the southeastern WOMEN'S BUILDING FOR CHICAGO
the gathering. Delegates were pres- section of the city have not found the If President W. R. Harper of Chi-
ent from Michigan, Detroit College of condition any easier to bear because cago University has his way there
Medicine, Adrian, Albion, Olivet, Hills- of this unavoidable fact, especially in will soon loom tip along the Midway
dale, Hope, M. A. C., Kalamazoo, and view of the impassable walks. two blocks of magnificent woman's
Alma. State Secretary L. E. Buell The tracks on Hill street and State buildings, to cost $1,000,000 or more.
Ahd C. D. Hurrey, international secre- street south as well as that from Hu- He has proposed a woman's gymna-
tary for the western states, were also ron street to the Michigan Central sium, as large, as beautiful and as
present. General topics of university station are not yet open but probably conveniently arranged as the new
work were discussed and a great deal will be by Tuesday at the latest. men's gymnasium; a women's com-
of enthusiasm aroused, mops, cafe and reception mrn build.
An interesting meeting wilt be hetdniiscfatIrcuiunuomutld
th ineeing at 0:30 'clcki, at which ADMITTED TO SUPREME COURT. ing; a women's assembly room and re-
Mr.s Johnng t.:Jeulwck, Lawwh'0 , ha ference library building; buildings for
Mr. Cooper will speak. Mr. John W. Jedlaw, Law 03, is
pursuing a post graduate course at fine arts and music; and new aldi-
A BORN GENIUS. the Columbian University at Washing. tional dormitory halls for women.
Judge Donovan of Detroit will de- ton, D. C.
liver a lecture on "Lincoln as a Gen- On November 2, 1903, he was admit- 85 STUDENTS SUSPENDED.
ius" in Room C, of the law building, ted to the bar of the Supreme Court Arour Institute has eighty-fiveless
on Friday evening, January 29. Any of the United States. students than it had, because that
Lincoln lecture is unlike this. The After completing his course at the number has been suspended by Frank
boy grows tip, lives, moves, acts and University next June, he expects to W. Gunsaulus, the president, for con-
develops in sight of the audience, the locate in Chicago. duct unbecoming gentlemen and as-
Judge being to the audience the im- pirants for academic honors.
mediate presence of a great character MICHIGAN DECLARED CHAMPION. These eighty-five took possession of
-showing how he became great, how The New York World almanac, an alley "L" train, refusing to pay
he won and pleased and mastered men which has just been issued, places fares, and ran it down town, disturbed'
-why his fame lives-the elements of Michigan before all other football shoppers, tried to close a Chinese res-
his manhood-his law life and his teams of the West and gives her the tauralnt by carrying away the dishes'
statesmanship-his diplomacy - his rank of Western champions. and performed various other playful'
genius. It is a lecture never to be for- feats.
gotten-a living reality, given in an ESSAYS FOR GOOD GOV'T. CLUB. The term of suspension is indefi-,
hour, in an inspiring manner, and is The subject upon which competitors nite. President Frank W. Gunsaulus
free to all. The Judge is a vigorous for the Good Government Club essay personally notified the boys they were
speaker. prize at the University of Michigan no longer students of the institutte,
must write this year, is "Nomination So far the boys have failed to see
TIME LIMIT EXTENDED. Reform." Each' essay must contain the error of their ways and it is im-
The Assembly Club gave a very suc- not less than five thousand words, possible to tell whether the suspen-
cessful party Friday night at Gran- and no essay will be received later sions will develop into a lockout or a
ger's Academy. About sixty couples than April 1, 1904. The prize is$25. strike.
were present and dancing continued
until 2 O'clock, an hour longer than STANDARDS OF HIGH SCHOOLS S. C. A. CABINET ENJOYS SLEIGH
usual. RAISED.
One hundredand twenty-seven Mich- RIDE.
John A. Fairlie, assistant professor igan high schools are entitled to have The Cabinet of the Students' Chris
of administrative law at the Universi- their graduates admitted to the Uni- tian Association was given a sleigh-
ty of Michigan, was elected a member versity of the state without entrance ride about the city Friday evening.
of the executive council of the Ameri- examinations. Ten years ago only 78 After a two hours' ride the party of
can Political Science Association, or- schools of the state could be regarded students was left at the home of Miss
ganized at New Orleans, December 31, as good enough to prepare students Imus, where a pleasant evening was
1903. for University work. spent.
Will be Presented in German for Uni-
versity Students-Story is Center-
ed About the Great German
"Alt Heidelberg," which is to be
presented in its original form at the
Athens Theatre here Friday evening,
January 29, is one of the few plays
that afford students an opportunity to
hear German spoken ou the stage.
The entire performance will be given
in German, so that all persons inter-
ested in that language will be afford-
ed a unique entertainment.
A number of students and prfess-
oors of the University, who are en-
gaged in work in German are, plan-
ning to attend.
The play will be produced in Ann
Arbor by the German Theatre Stock
Company of Cleveland. The entire
male portion of the company will be
used. Special scenery is carried
showing the Castle of Heidelberg,
and the famous old Inn where the
students assemble for their jolly
A number of students and profes-
sors of the University, who are en-
words. Karl Heinrich, the hereditary
prince of Sachen-Karlsberg, has grown
into manhood surrounded by the form-
alities and restrictions of court life
with no brothers or sisters or youth-
fuil companions. He is tutored, guard.-
ed, directed and watched until, ar-
riving at maturity he is as little in-
formed of the outside world as a veri-
table child. It is now decided to send
him to Heidelberg for a year's study
at the university and he is accom-
panied by Dr. Juttner, who has for
fifteen years been his tutor and only
confidant. Juttner, though an old
man, broken in health, devoted to
and in sympathy with his charge, has
preserved a young heart and is de-
lighted to be given the opportunity to
pass his last days at Heidelberg, so
utear to his youth.
Arriving at Heidelberg, the prince
is received warmly by the students
who immediately discovering the
sweet side of his nature before know-
ing that he is the crown prince, love
him and take him into their heart
frolics and corps, and open up a new
and beautiful existence to the unsoph-
isticated young man. The spirit and
actual joy of the life in which Karl
Heinrich now finds himself are shared
by the lovable old Dr. Juttner, whose
simplicity and sweetness of nature
appeal to the open hearted students,
whos make hi t one of themselves.
Of course the prince falls in love
with Katie, a sweet little bar-maid,
the idol of the students. She is the
first really human girl u, woman he
has ever seen and the attraction is
immediate and mutual. At the end
of four moneths and in the midst of
tremendous frolic the news that the
king has been incapacitated by a
stroke of paralysis is brought to Karl
Heinrich and most reluctantly and on-
ly after a great struggle is he com-
pelled to return to the capital anT as-
sume the regency; and during the
two following years his heart is filled
with the memories of those four joy-
ous months of freedom and compan-
ionship until at last upon the eve of
his marriage he determines to revisit
old Heidelberg. There he is met sol-
emnly and greeted with the deference
due his station by the students, near-
ly all of whom are new to him and
only little Katie is unchanged. Tak-
ing her in his arms and telling her of
his love for her he bids her a farewell
that is beautifully pathetic and re-
turns to Karlsberg.
"Alt Heidelberg" is said to lose
much of its natural charm by the
change from German to English and
the opportunity to see this master-
piece in its original form is one not
to be overlooked by the German stu-
Sittings for Michiganensian and
class pictures are coming in so fast
and the time limit, Feb.t15, is so short
that it will be necessary for us to
book as many morning sittings as pos-