A IIC)AN CGENT "The Niagara Falls Route," THE SOROT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON wci direct connections at Chicago for St. uis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. yrinformation ad through ticktscall on or wte to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Ariior. COFFEE 0Zs. owen roastl-dg Mocha VO AlIways frosh. and Java 280 per- pounds 214 Ma~in St. DEAN ea CO. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale St., S. 1have ustreccived tiie largest and iicst tine of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever birought to the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Evereythiing Ncat and Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. The Classes in Daning ,roun n o deoi;y in Maoynarcd Strict, mitt s folows: oIn e,.elotecly. Stouiday fteriiooii, 4 ' isiiemreii esi-looteely, Saturday 10 in"l o'clioik; Laciies. aii geteai, iiiayt eeings,,7o'clock, Btginer ei- -iita't asiyttime. Sesoiiiiicleliise may 3d. Oranqer's Academy. YOU CAN GET A 0 tT tl's, 338 S. State 24...DANCINGi... $)U33 +UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Stole StreetS PALACE E- PARISIAN .LAUNDRY AGENCY.. 041cc Ill East William St. incise 651. Worb callet for ind diciiecrcd promptly fl* F.* BOWLEiR, Agt. GEORGE BISCITOFF, FLORIST. CHOICE' CUT I'LOWER5 & PLANTS5 Chiaptii St., between toroii St. anid Millgr Ave. Phiong s09. at PICKWICK A BILLIARD PARLOR and BOWLING ALLEYS Fiuc Cigars and S. ROTTESITEIN Tobaccn. Prop. ~Dwight B. Watkins,~ TYPEWRITINYG Drop us it iard to 323 a. Mai-s St.X .ind ha~eussicallfor your works. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i { 1 I i I I i I ' s r rl " . I I i 1 I 1 I 1 r, l 1 1 li i I I 'f' I "."r I " ', -1 ~ '< i i 0%12- Great Pro-Inventory Sale i20 to 50 gp. c. ]DISCOUNT !1 SVITS, OVERCOATS o !1 Trousers, House Coats U nderwear, Bathrobes $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Fao.r..ny Shirtis 7 9 STAEBUER a d/ WERTI ' ' HANGTERFR Caerer 224' IIAN ST!ZILRC~ttrerSOUTHI STATE ST. LARGE PRIZE OFFERED. (Continuod from pago one.) but ittoistnidersood thot if it to our- cetsstul,uthero may futluw. The turn- mnitteteicet to Ncw Yiirk City Decemo- bcr 28 toot, unit decided upon the oubjectostoil the condtitions. An- nounocenments ore Io be soct0to alt tht collegepubtictitons, tit all priifesoirs, and proboaily tu some magazines. Thc onnoutncemtent to thc Uiviersity to no1w posted in the bullitin btoarid at Tappan Haol where thioe intereoted may read all other iotructions. Thteaouio of the t'oiveroity of Peoooylvania in the. Stote ot Wosh- ington hove provided their Alma Ma- ter with a monster doggtitle, the pro. idiit of the Woohingtotfirests. It to o fir tree 1311 ftet high and 000 ohip- ied arountti te Hurnt. 1905-NOTICE. Alt candidates for 1905 Lit Relay Team report doily at tho gym. for tpractice. Signed, STONE, Mgr. LOST. A Royalt Archonuim pin. Return to 228 Stoth Thoyer anid receive reword. 83-85. The Michigan Doily deliverted theI remainder of college year for $1.25. Phone 46t. tf. Pantorium, 226 5. Mtate. Cleaning, Preosing and Repairing. Clotheo coiled tor and delivered. Leave or- ders at Cusohingos Drug Store, or 'phone 582. $1.58 worth of wtunt for $1.00. M IMPORTANT NOTICE. The 1904 Michiganensian, according 'to contract, is to he on the press he- fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all pictures, money, and copy must he in by February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian sittings, at senior rates, may now be had at Rentschler's or Randall's stu- dios. tf. DAN McGUGIN, Manager. 1804-NOTICE. Randaoll has been awarded1(1till '04 Lit tlasosvtirk bty commtlittee. Alt membelrs report for troe sittings for class picturt. Phlotos at sentior rateo. SWEEKS, titairmati. 19114 ENG. NOTICE. Rentschiler istheIioficiat photogra- pher for the senior engineerngi class. Sittings may to- had at an~y time. J. C. WRIGHiT, Chairman. YOUR FALL OVERCOAT to be correct shoud bear this famous mark MAKES AVed5njamin&(qj AKR cNEW YORK The "Manhattan": olive, tan, and gray coverts; short, snappy, and supremely stylish. The " Broadway Box ": 40 inches long; blacks and Ox. fords; more conservative, but just as correct. Both have broad, concave shoulders, hand-padded; hand- made, close-fitting collars; unripable pockets. Both are hand. shaped and hand-tailored--- custom-made ready-to -wear. The price s rig hi. Your moey back it anything osawrung. We are Exclusive Distributors in ibis city. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109.111 East Washington St. Phone 5582 Pant ori u #iu Cleaning. Pressing. Repsairinge. 336 S. STATE IT. lOrse- Casehinug'sl Clothes called for and Delivered. $115worth owork toe 81.00. Leave Orders at Cnshsngs o Phonc.52 At THE MOST1 Found-Cold watch on State street STUDENTS. " P UAR Saturday a. m. The new muanagemient of the Cioiik SiII RT GEO. P. StEETre oo totse feinvites you ito sample- its 607 5. State stret. Free Luntch. Rtiast beet, soupi, etc. CLUETT PEA13ODY & CO. sencildidaily,9:,10 a. to. to niiiiin tiand AKRSofr roshoner's, Achegotats at - pomsh 6 -86. CUT RO OLR rsHulwe's,coatlerettshpr- .0.to0 10. C~T ADAIWCL- logos Pharmacy. t. Lost-tOn turner ut Stalese e-t and Foun-A lacto uy ppulr seetN. University avenue, a pair of tnose- Poun-A laceo by pttotr stetglasses and ear chain. Flutter please music at 10 cegoto per copy. See our retitro to 614 :Moinroe anid rece-ilve re - ~s---~-------..s- window. Ann Arbor Mtusic Co. ward. TIIOMAS ROWE, Proprietor 4 DANCING AND WORK. NOTICE. A cotiple hours' dancing to nice mu-MebrofteRcy ouai' OWESL U D sic, amid pleasant suroundingo and a Mobr ttetxct iotiai jlyassembly wilt make your school Club meet at Rentschl er's stuilo Sci- jollgtr y i tGagrs raJnay2j t23 .m 326 N. 5th Avt. Bell Phone 457.4 Academy. 82-83. Ptoiiigrapih Commiiiei- '~..+. as.-.s..-...-+-." y -yWAGNER F COI. Pa A NYV 4 ImpowIrig Tailors23 South flanStreet, ,a OUJR STOCK OF IARRIO5DI MrUST BE SOLD. Any Ring, Brooch, Scarf Pin, Earrings, Locket, Cuff Buttons ill onr stock-your choice 50 CENTS. These are the same goods for which yon formerly paid fromo $1.50 to $4.5o. IBARR{IOS IDIAMONDTS are the fiffest imitation 01n earth and positively defy detection. Buy at onictslnd secure flit brightest ailid 20§Sotb~ai Sret.BARRIOS DIAMIOND CO. WE ARE .NEVE R UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE