THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ! ICIGAN CNT1 "The Naara Falls Route THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Lous Kansas City. St. Pul and thr West. For information and through ticetscalon or write toNV. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor. COFFEE Ouown r stimt Mocha 9' Alwmays fresh and Java'. 28 per pon.d 214 Hail)S. DEAN Q CO. Ne Brunswick Tables' Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Taccs JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. Iihave Lstrceiedtielargtotand finct mie of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever boughtiti t city. Fine Lunches in Connecion. Eeryhin Nat and Clots. 308 S. Sae S. R. E. JOLLY. The Classes iii Dacing grTl lo acaeyot tttlatytarti rtc, metsias ftiiws: Latiisexclsivsey, Sat ttct ay afttroost .4 cittt-:(et;ltiectt st iy Sittu y Ttesdtayeenttgt, o'tctttk, Beginntttt- tscvettatatytimte. 5t-:ntttt tillclstar ay . Graner's Academy. YOU CAN GET A $Hot Lunch ~At Tuttle's, 338 S. Stat Q] LSSONS+IN Q UIVERSITY ACADEY, State Street PALAC[ . PARISIAN ..LAUNDRY AGENCY.. Officr 05 East Williamt St. c 07&i. Wtrk waled tr ad delieed proptlty Hr. l. DOW[ER, A4t. ' GEORGE BISCIIOFF, rLOkL5IT. CHOICE CUT F'LOWERSI & PLANT5 tCtaptittSt., btetnctHiuottet5. atd 2iler As. ~iPICKWCK $t ,4 BILLIARD PARLOR andi BOWLING ALLEYS Fist Cigars and S. ROTTENSTEI Tbaco.Prp. Dwight E. Watkins TY PEW RITSNIYG Drop us as crd to 325 . Maia St. and have us call for your wor. flit _ iN6El4OOOeoeeeeoe@OoOO@@ P64" !1 I f I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - jOii Our Great reino a20 to 50 p. . DISCOUNT? SVITS, OVERLCOATS 9J Trousers, House Coats Underwear, Bathrobes $2.00, $1.30, $1.00 Fancy S ss-.-7 9c STAEBLER CA .WUERTH WASHABLE WAISTCOATS that wash well, wear well, and ook well bear this famoius mark IA ed enj'amin 9J IMAKERS ~ NEW YoRKt Duck, crash, Madras, English and French wash cloths, silks, flannels; with or without col- lar. Fabrics cold-water-shrunk in the BENJAMIN plant; styles from fashion-experts ; perfect fit, because cut for your figure; custom -tailoring, because in BENJAMIN clean workrooms by salaried specialists---not in contractors' filthy sweat-shops by careless piece-workers. BENJAMIN Waiscoats cost no mute than ordinary ready-made. Your money bach if anything goes winng. Youli find them at this store other, CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109-111 East Washington St. l d a a sa.+s- waas,. . ® @@0@OO$ O @U WWWW wiso vWY IIANOST!IR[R, Caterer,""OI224 "MARY OF MAGDALA." The Michigan Daily deiivered the remainder of college your for $1.25. Thcefamotis storm scene in "Mary Phone 461. tf. of M\agdala," that Mrs. Fluke wiii present at tho Athens Theater on Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, MonayJanary25 ocursin hePrensing and Repairing. Ciothes Mondy, a nu o heay.25,occurscibtetalled for and delivered. Leave or- abacathopa. tindcrhdders at Cushing'n Drug Store, or by those whit have noon it an a re- phone 582. $1.50 worth of work for markable example of stage realism, $1.00. simulating a battle of the elements _________ with marvelously naturai effcet. The IMPORTANT NOTICE. settinig of the act in of itseif deepiy The 1904 Michiganensian, according itmpressive. It pictures a wild ravine to contract, is to he on the press be. or rocky defile, with bilge bouiders fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all toswerinig high ton either side of a pictures, money, and copy must he in wintintg p1011 thai leads from the by February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian heights abocve. Far in the disitance sittings, at senior rates, may now be lie bitstiopls of Jerusalem are seen. had at Renschlers or Randall's ntu. Whben the curtain rises all is in dark- dios. to. aesn save whieitflashes of lightning DAN McGUGIN, illtunine it wills dazzling btrilliaiscy. Mngr itmteen them, froim the darkness Mngr cotme the crash of thtinder and the 1904--NOTICE. rioar ofl wind, andt the votice of Judas, Randall has been awartded the '04 witsgee in on agony of remorse to Lit class work by committee. All lila teoth. As tile action proceeds members report for free sittings for the templest reaches its greatest fury clans picture. Photos at senior rates. anti then pansen, to ito followed by WEEKS, Chairman. th h o- odttt of motonlight that accom- tattles lieendttigofthtie play. The 1904 ENG. NOTICE. sct-te is grand,. iortentious anti awe- Rentschler is the official phottogra- stonte,-anlitn protducing it many de- pher for the senior engineering class. vices now tt the stage are employed. Sittings may he had at any time. They arc the result ttf long expieri- J. C. WRIGHT, toenting onl the part of experts in Chairman. stage mtorhanics aitd never have been tdtpileated suicessfulliy. The storm STUDENTS. acone was the wonider tof New Yoirk The new management of tieCo(uttu tdtring the lttig etin of "Mary oif Rag- House cafe invites you ttt samitle- its loala' thee-, and has aroused like en- Free Lunch. Roast beef, soupi, etc. itusiasm elsewhere. servedi daily, 9:30 a. m. tt noton and __________ 4 ip. m. to 6. 51_-86. DANCING AND WORK. FudCl ac nSaesre A cotutttebuturs' lancing ft nice mu- FudGlSatho taesre sit, amutitpleasant stiroutndiiigs antia Satturday a, m. jttly assetmtbty will nialt yttur school GEO. P'. SWEET, trarlo lighter. Try it attGranger's 607 S. State street. A cad o-m y. 82-83. ______________Lost-On corner of State street and 10 CENTS A GRAB. N. University avenue, a pair ott nose glasses and ear chain. Finder please Attcesrt-isntri- tr tdy return to 624 Monroe antI receive re- Atiisrtgtg int valtit-fi-tm Vct. 82. ward, Typewriting, neatly done, Miss Found-A itat--totbtuy popular sheet Ward, 621 5. 12th St. 77-82. nitsic t- 1t0ttctits iter cttpy. See our wowtt. Anti Arbttr Mtisic Co. Fountain pens at Cunhings, tf. I 1 1 a it ukCleaning. Pressing. Reaitring. 336 S. STATE ST. (ODvr .-sCnani¢n'st Clothes called for and Delivered. $1.50 wortho work for $1.00i. Leave erdtrs at tuohings ac Phont 582 CLUE TT, PEABODY &CO. THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor ROWE'S LAUNDRY 326 N. 5th Ave. Boll Phone 457.s WAGON ER & COMrPANY, ,4Importing Tailors ,,o 123 South "rain Street, DOWN TOWN. e OUR STOCK 01 IIARRIOS DIA"1ONDS MU1LST B[ SO[D. Any Ring, Brooch, Scarf Pin, Earrings, Locket, Cuff Buttons in our stock-your choice 50 CENTS. These are the soume goods for which you formerly paid from $1.50 to $4.5o. BARRIOS DIAMOND)S are the fiffest imitation 011 earth and positively defy detection. Buy at once and secure the brightest acid prettiest pieces. ,'A -A ,J 'A ,t'A 5- At .t 'AO of1oft 1t14 o" BARRIOS DIAi OND CO. 206 Soutbh "air) Street. WE ARjE N-EVER UN DERSOLD-G OOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE