THE MICHIGAN DAILY. IReduction F Sale IAs we have too large a stock of fancy S SIIINGiS AND I IROUS[RIN S on hand we will sell them at reduced prices Sto mnake room for or I Spring and Summine r Woolens. Be snre and call in before yon place* yonr ordero.4 4j4 T G. HI, WILD & G0.,l j0 lEl . WASHIINGTON STREET. THE GREAAT GAME "PIT" jFOR EVE;RYONE 0 S Aa' DEROT,16 oowad veu IRSHEEHAN'S T~arrilan Vce Pr s. .J rtzate r 0. ANSACECTOR Officee 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. resi- dents 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY Etered as scondclass mtte at the Ann Arbr Post Office Pulihekd daily (Mndy eceptelo during he1 colege year, at 117 . Wshingon street,I (basem~etflos, side entrace Phone SS-rC MANAGING EDITOR S. EMORY TOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER OSCOE B. HUSTON EDITORS Ahleties. - - OBET Ko. WATON Aes,- - - - -3.S. BAE ASSOCIATES:1 (lifford Sesesn, IRoy ecbles, A.M. Gra-er, Hlenry.Erwn A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Josepil Y. lere, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Bronrigg. 1. Waite .Jayne. eo. A. Osorn. Harold C. Smith. lrry I. Adrews. Alred I. och. Editor Tday-J. Y. KERR. 5ll,ecipios Too Ollr or ear, payleis aicolie. If selliaqaca afer No. 1. 13$2.0 Ofice Hr:-1230 the1.00 ad 630 to 7:30 p. m. Daily. Address-ROCOR B. BUSTON, Busness an- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephele.461. - CALENDAR. Janualry 22-Inter Dept. Debate, Wis- consi-Mihganl Sris, Cnivrsi- ty Hall. JanIuary os-. M. C. A. Social. Janulary 21 ilustrated lecturo y P'rofesor Van yne on "A Canoe pfil he iDtanbe," in Mse~m leture room. Januoary 24-AdlesoIby IC. S. Coper ini eoMillan Hall. Janulary 25-S. L. A. Lecture on [deals," y Lyman Abot. Tile awful holoast in Chcag, d1urin1 the holiays, direced the thoughlts 0of many uotht~lO e cndition (f Universiy Hall repetiE facili- tills for escapie in ase of fire. uring S. L. A. leture and Choral tnion conocers Ie 11011 is generally well-fill- ed- rhe only effective methods oofx it for these cowsl are the inside stairs, 01111the 1r00 step leading down from outllsie. In ase of a fire, hiere arth(111r exisopenlJ~ing up1o0 lhe sloing irnh rolf ht nnelaing 1o fire escapes. These e5110 areOy tillmHansO suffi ci1111 for ire emtergecy. By slight exesos, roll fire esae oul11111be con~srulct elf1(1m1widws Owhich nw lose small irnllbalois on the out- side. A railig col e pt 111 the edige of the slinllg roof so that per s1111 escaping Iby that means would 1100 he111 11011er (of talling 11ff. By 11100s 0101111leIprcatinls, University Halold1b(1e)1red~(re very safe. 11110uit, lquetinIlnaurally ariss as to 111e dan0ger (It fire or fire ani. It 1111st 11e'coceed that this is very slight. There it o01 fire in the build- log; 1111flimsy ceery In ignite qic- ly; n011le1crial laparatusexcept the lighting ysteml; in fact a fire ii ni- Oersit yHIllls10a0vry7remo~teposiil ity.- Neserheless, tisiomcIparaiv im mul~niy of(hIe hililg fromn danger o ire shouldllnIot Ieruaethe Univerel- ty authorliies 1t1 neglect to ake pro catioary meRtodsll. However mutt thela1c (f danger may rest tie fears it is nosuiclietito10jstify ngligelc in1 pidlinllg for an emergency. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Captain Blair of the Chieago track team, has had groat difficulty in keep.- log the track squad rooming in Hitcheock Hall from smoking and otherwise breaking training. The Inter-fraternity Howling League at Chicago is now in perfeet organi- zation and the schedule of games will soon be run off at the Reynolds Club. The Choral Union at the Universi- ty of Wisconsin successfully rendered the "Messiah' recently. Illinois and Wisconsin have patchsed- ulp their long standing difficulty in a manner satisfactory to both. The disputed $130 gate receipts was given Go the Purdue Memorial Gymnasium Fund. The medical department of tho Uni- versity of Indiana is considering the manufacture of anti-toxin for the pen- pie of Indiana. This step is consid- ered on account of the increased p~rice of anti-toxin dule tol Ike lrustl in this medicine as a cure for diphi- theria. At Brown University the exchang-s ing oh photographs by the members of the Senlior class is an old estab-! lished custom. Regular semester examinations are held from 8 to 10 p. m. at Cornell. From the Northwestern: Ouitlines of the Law ot Baiflents and Carriers By Edwin C. Goddard. aitinli incip c.. oI the subject in an orderly and conlsecultive for1i subt as I as0( whle. $P.00 Walir's Book Stores. t E C 1 1 i r y Evanston merchants have flocked. ii fiii®if~~f to the aid of Cupid with a most lkb- C.E BAtILL * eral offer of household goods to the C.E A tI L co-ed who will be the first to win -a A( j( hsusband on her own proposal, while La I eia1 JsieByrnotobawtb-;hind the vendors o merchandise, hae .t offered his services free in tying the Books knot. Hero is a list of what the lu~cky maid will get: Nolrshl' Irvt opitos Cook stove, set of chairs, bedroom 1Vo"".".".. ......"".(0 suite, barrel of flour, beef roast. 111i1l NwtseyCo.~ aio The offer in bona fideand was made Wiltus, nieds 111 See1Cr poratl 1111 Isolume ... in the presence of a justice. Golddard's011u111ne111111talents - 11 The only eonditions imposed by Ton Hoist's 0111s11i1ut11o1a1l1and Po~loitialostory o101e U.S.,1 the donors is that the co-ed convince i oe~lsformrl sl d 1111 10"A111 them that she has actually done the now..1111 .. .. 12110o a irodse ye-s Abblot-'s It of proposing unaided. Ionveyncileol ...I 5 0 An Evanston young man, anxious Joneos Ibrmof C1 oneycy- , to win the price applied to the city ! VI°... ".1 .1 )11 Cooley 's Ct11115111111 111111 clerk yesterday morning for a license t111111151 llade 11 one'sIEd but as the girl that popped Otis quro- jsot ublrled ls) u111 s0( lion is not in the college he is barreod hllbshfield ll 111110111 111 Juries from the contest. 11I~alis Negoallo 111010ews 2-l.. s 1903..0 ..1... °0 10 1ess10k) e a d lre 11 0 Tile trip of the Musical Clubs at Le- MarCm erc00 ial Papers1101 ol land Stanford ended with a deficit of th~ers 1-10 00 350 1 r hi $1,000.00. llei« lsork} . ...1.1.11 ...1 0 The latest announcement of the Statate.s, ccooe s, 1)10111101(011s fortial opening of. the gymnasium at etc. e the University of Chicagoo sets the C E BARTHTELL date on Jan. 29. I ______________LAW AND D ICAL BOOKS *326 S. Slate St. Second Floor. (Continued from page one.) ANN ARBOR, MICH,. some villages have become members, iN fff iiii~ii and the number has been notably in-- creased during the past six months. ________________ To secure membership all that is nece ' essary is to make application accomt-- panied by the annual fee, which isl A stiff uppCr lip" for villages, $3.00; for cties ulnder is sotee Lnd r- 10,0011 population, $10.00; for cities - over-50,000 and less than 25,1011 pop- freshed by W~llitamsl' lilatin. 25.00; for cities over 25,0010 Shaving Stick. and under 50,0)00 population, $30.001; and for cities over 50,000 populationl. $40.00. 1 t r V! t- t :1 ., B i r. i a THE STUDEINTS' [[CTURE ASSOCIATION Lymanm Abbott ON UNIVERSITY HALL, "1Ondanj [veninDqJan. 25' Single Admission, 50c, Season Tickets, - $1.00 p I ~~THNUT HEATxk L$& -DICAN M. .5ISBOILT, MaLnager " MONDAY, JANUARY 25. Mrs. Fiske IlN PAUL BETBE'S DRAMA (English Adaption by Wmn. Winter) MARY OF SMAGLIALAI PRICES Lower loor, $1.0 rRICES Gallery, 50c-a HEiNRY &KYRMEiRCHANT TAILORS, N.UNIVERSITY AVE.