The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904. No. 81 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. IMPORTANCE OF nYnlN'ASIUM. TIE NEW DEAN. INTER-DEPARTMENT DEBATE. ot p t y s e rThe Inter-department debate lead- - -For the past two years Director of . ng up lb the Wisconsin-Michigan con- Professor Van Tyne Will Lecture Un- Athletics Fitzpatrick has prepared sta- A Sketch of Dean Cooley's Life-His test will take ilac tomorrow night der the Auspices of Alpha Nu So- ost swhich show at a glance the Untiring Efforts for the Depart- in University Hall. The question is ciety-"Canoe Trip Down the imptrtant tart the gymnasiom is play ment-A Few of His Notable Resolved, That states should .celin- Danubev''ong in the life of the tniversity. Achievements. qtiss the pel onal property tax. The Every member of the entering class Literary department team, composet has been examineand assigned to a ary, L. C. Amberson and Claude G. Van Tyne, assistant pro- class which mests twice a week for Professor Mortimer Elwyn Cooley A. L. Lathers, will lake the affirmative fessor of History, will give a stereop- gymnasium training. This work is was lttrn tn the faco in Onario Co. anti the Law department team, com- ticon lecture before the Alpha Nu lit- compulsory. At the end of the school N. Y., in 1855. He was brought tp in posed tf F. P. Ceib, C. E. Blanchard erary society Saturday evening in the year the men are again measured,p the costtry and edtcated in the dis- and D. B. Colto, the negative. Museum lecture room. The basis of charts showing the measurements oft his lecture will be a canoe trip down the average student at the beginning trict school. He began to teach at Mr.EJ. Kenny resignd frtm the thc Danube river which he the and close of the season's work, and the age of seventeen when be was death of his father. Regent Arthur stmimer of '91. Professor Van Tyne it was totod tat the intcrease in av- hired to "straighten out a hard prop- Hill of Saginaw will preside. The f- had that year received the A. B. de- erages for each measurement was 12 osition" in the shape of a neighboring nal debate with Wisconsin will take gvee at the University of Michigan, to 1 per cent. district school. He was sucessful. place March 21 is Ann Arbur. The and intened to cotinue his stttdy "'the eniteriog ciass a present,' The next few years he spent in Michigan team will be composed of for two years io the University of said Director Fitzpatrick, "does not the winners of tomorrow night's d- Heidelberg. - contain such robust specimens as was teaching and attending school. The te. lise. Desiring to combine business with the case 10 years ago. The freshmen acad my to which he went was four Members of the Oratorical Associa- pleasure, ht decided to spend the are .vounger now and, of course, do miles from home and he walked it tion are admitted free but for all oth- summer reporting for McClure's news- not show as great muscular develop- morning and night, learning his les- e -s a charge of a quarter is made. paper syndicate, so devised the unique ment. We have to do in the gymna- sons on the way. Everybody should turn out as this idea of canoeing down the Danube sism with the freshmen what young About this time he became anxious promises tote an exceptionally strong 11110 miles so as to furnish the pub- men used to do for themselves" to go to college, but seeing no immed- debate, lishers something novel and interest- iate prospects of it, entered his name ing. About half of the views which he will show will be from photographs DETENTION hOSPITAL. with the navy departmentg orean a INDUSTRIAL FRANCE. whihetokhpmelsoitmeotsi t as Cadet Engineer He ___ which he molk himself nt that six .toos the competitive examination and weeks' trip. University Proposes to Aid County in entered Annapolis, seventh in general Professor Jones Gives an Interesting Professor Van Tyne has hatt con- Erecting One-Of Great Service merit out of seventy-seven applicants. Lecture on French Industries. siderable experience in making long to Medical Department. He maintained this rank at graduation -_--- trips for newspiaper syndicates. In int1878. the sris lectures o "Coo- lisa junior year at Michigan he touretd i 01 lt tvo ymonts iimiles throh STety Wadt ot the titversity he next two years he spent in the temporary France," Proffesor Edward has been directed by tile University customary cruise on board the "Al- D. Jones spoke yesterday on the sub- befoe that wheeled acruss the tns authorities to acquaint the county Iance." managing to aee most of the ject of "Industrial France" Consider- the PacificSope\ board of supervisors with the Univer- world. He was then detailed to office ing the inclemency of the weather at leidelberg he wrote aSrticles to sity's proposition in regard to the pro- duty in the department with the rank there was a larg attendance. Americantewpaperssnsstudent life posed county detention hospital. The of Assistant Engineer. In order to presentt the industrial s ista s old-amous towns report of the special committee whith uter the las by which certain offi- aivantages of France Professor Jones st Prfs oswas accepesd sl adpttd by the ers may be detached to- Engineering briefly summed up the excellence of Isuing lbhe iastaosuer Prosfessors acetd nd doedb thYP n tyne s-as engagedl it cos ling t iboard of regents is in part as follows: Schools, Cooley was sent here in 188l. the location and topography; because eesen i til University arees to u sh The Engineering department then con- of the wide exps of sea cuast there from government documents material TeUivriy agee tdfunih"annbousaldas 24r Isir susblucatson He is at trstnsittothe medical attendance, light, heat siset oi a "temporary builing I2x are large opportunities for commerce; gged in writing a history of the Rev iand water, and allt theotuer expenses 6 feet, to which were afterwards because of the complexity of the gess- oluliouary war which is to be publish- are to be met by the county. The added an unused carpenter shop and ogy there is a varied soil adapted to -si sh lUivsty aloss agres t lurisss an old engine, "and the dreams and almost every form of agriculture. The 'fbie w ist l th Altiti N' - silts anso mesicss 'is cost, sui ambition of Professor Cooley. range of climate-from that of the Tiey which securedt holatssi Van iioaric at lh oay hspital sates mie this he has been approached Baltic to that of the tropics--secures 'y ne to lecture hopes that a large "The county's expense for conta- li. manufacturing concerns with a great variety of agricultural pro- number will tie advantage of this giius diseases for the past year asi- twice the salary he culd get as a pro- sts. opportunity This is the first ine estimated by the county clerk, distrib- essor, but his answer has always The population of France is about sisal lie has tectssr-d titfire a soicity usles as flsts: Physicians CO Iit liet n, 'My first lusty is tis establish thirty-eight ansi sine-halt millions. here' and his canoe experience will cent; nurses, 17 per cent; provisions, lbs )epartment of Mechanical En- This lies between that of Italy and 1r-v very novel and interesting. 1 s per cent; property destroyed, 9 gineering in the University of Mich- the United Kingdom. In growth the per cent; drugs and disinfectants, 4 gan." What more key do we want population is stagnant. The mass of THE LEAGUE OF MICHIGAN MUNI- per cent. to his success than those words. people is increasing in the north of CIPALITIES. "The county's expense for conta- From time to time he has been France at the expence of the high- ious diseases would b reduced about granted leaves of absence, the two lands in the south. heoeage of Michiganmunicipases urishig l must st notable being when he again It has been the desire of France to its which issoIsldstilssita aln hasa ,breddsthenisnavyIibiss stite atwhi'h t'hvi'ty sit Ilishi enlightened effective and humaneentered the navy during the Spanish supply allits own food and in this it meeting at the university of peaiv treatmient lli thatiensts. As the li- American war as Chief Engineer of has been preeminently successful. It asstci. ti sit stiles amilat versiy wouldg ive its medical stu- the crssier Yosemite. It is interesting produces nine-tenths of its wheat sup- Issostiii Ie iis advilsage dents an opportunity to study these to note that the Navy department ply, 350 million bushels--an amount formeid for their mutual advatago leasly isasfs t sft to him esnserred upon him the same rank equal to one-half of what we produce. and the improvement and betteirent stes tas test tsiftsuol te vmw which ie would have held had he re- To France is due the merit for the lie msii nit s sunga slta net ed through gtass partitions) they mained in continuous service. A sec- discovery of the method of manufac- the state. It was organied at a meet-i atuti nfit leave of absence was granted ture of sugar from the sugar beet. ng held at Lansing in May, 1819i; asnil sii lerig reat beei when he was called to England to ad- Much o this sugar is used in the since then it has held conventions at i ,las vise the British Raiway Commission wines. Fla is grwn near Belgium Grand Rapids, Jackson, Battle Creek, is ias fur the new hispital coocerning its colossal troubles with frim which much linen sni lace Owosso and Adrian. At each of these.- the Newfoundland railway. made meetings interesting and valuable ad- would be jointly areed upon by the county and University, and the Uni- He has been engaged in settling North and west from Paris is the diesses have been presented an vt versity touli assume eitire cool countless lesser engineering prob- dairy region. The cattle do not the practica qmesos o miscip under a contract. lems and in fact is now in Lansing amnt to much for the breeds are atminisratio s by citysioffialsac 'he county will be asked to appro- o a similar missios. His numerous not specialized. One kind is expect- ainystragso the vt suisins if priale 0,00 sis which the istcrest articles on Engineering matters are ed to be suitable for work, the dairy, sus.his ngadin to hetousals of at 4 per cent would be $1 200. The accepted as authoritiets. He is a veal and beef. In spite of this 400 work. n addition asti e it fformlal pi- University would expend annually member of "The U. S. Naval Insti- million pounds of butter are produced ceslsio y the lsats inra lirs-t about the same sum. tute," "American Association for the annually. There is a large production cssions by ithe delegats present Advancement of Science," "Michigan of cheese in the south some of which, served to bring out more definite and ABBOTT LECTURE Engineering Society," "American So- the Hocheport, has ieen known since usofulmterchange of views and ex- A ciety of Naval Engineers" ad numer- the time -of the Romans. periences. Absolutely nothing of a Dr. Lyman Abbottof New York City - partisanp olitical nature has been ex- will lecture before the Students' Lec- otts others. The wines of France are varied and The friends uf Michigan unanimous- many. In one year was produced pressed at these meetings;- ndthebeliAsevatentnhaterstyHal o lut -sth t Ieocmeeing; sul he tue Asocatin i UnverityHal 55 1veulieve that no gresler fortune one and one-half million gallons. The sole object has been improvement January 25th. The subject of the ec- S Ideals,, rater than the could have befallen the University most famous are those of the Cham- "Negro P "Ilem" as originally an- than that the Naval Department pagne district where seventy square govern -ent. should have sent him here, and it miles of land produce wine to a val- Besides these conventions, the lea- nounced. useems a just reward that he should ue of $600 per acre. gue has established in the office of IMPROVEMENTS AT YMC. A. come to the head of a department For lack of time the speaker dwelt the secretary a bureau of informa- - - I which he has helped to grow from but briefly upon the industries. The lion on municipal affairs. Here has The ventilating system Of McMillan nothing to a leading place in the value of most of the productions of been brought together a collection of Hall has just been much improved by country. France is due to the care and skill charters, ordisances, and reports of the placing of a large fan and dynamo xe sdnhun.y. Michigan cities, which can be used in. the room above the auditorium. A exercised in te makin. The cut for purposes of consultation and com- li/a horse power dynamo was yester- TALK BY DR. HERDMAN. glasses, pottery, gloves, etc., are fam- parisou, and from which information day putt in place and is now doing val-fa Last evening at Newberry Hall Dr. fs the world ver. One sees large can be readily furnished which Would uable service in improving the circu- Herdman of the Medical Department utries and the old fashioned home otherwise require an extensive con- lation of air in the gymnasium and gave an interesting and instructive .tesioLyoniaemaeindthe respondence with many cities. Here, bowling alleys. The motor is a Holt- talk on "Loyalty." Men may be bril- the silks of Lyon are made in the too, are being compiled comparative zer-Cabbott, alternating current and liant and talented, he said, but if they home. Many of these handicrats statistical and other unpublished data self-starting, and is of the latest and lack the quality of loyalty to their hay been passed down for genera- secured by correspondence from var- most improved pattern and a valua- ideals, of loyalty to the best side of ions. ious cities, which' is likewise avail- ble adjunct to the equipment of Mc- their nature, they are not as worthy able for the members of the league. Millan Hall. With the recent im- of esteem and praise as others who I S. C. A. NOTICE. Membership in the league is for the I provements on the bowling alleys, have less talent but who are more This afternoon from five to six at most part held by cities and villages I when the alleys were repaired and steadfast in their principles. Dr. the regular ladies' tea in the S. C. A. which send delegates to the various made true, and new sets of balls and IHerdman gave as examples of loyalty parlors. Mrs. Ellen Carhart will give meetings. Many of the larger cities pins were purchased, a popular place the lives of the apostles and of some an informal talk to University girls, in the state, many smaller cities, and for the passing of spare hours is of the great and noble characters of on Alice Freeman Palmer. All girls (Continued on Page Two.) made, more modern times. are cordially invited.