THlE MICHI1GAN D)AILY. IoHIrAN CN F "TheUNaara Fals Route." THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, lCansas ity. St. Paul and ahe West. h or inforniton and throgh ticket cal on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. COFFEE Our* owns roastinsg Mocha N Alwmays fresh and Java 2aper pouand 214 Man St. DEAN fem. CO. New Brunlswick Tables Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Finn Cigars and Toaccs JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State S., S. Ilhave ust receivedalhe largest anal finest line at Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ver brought to lhe city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Eeryting Neat and Clean. 308 S. Sate St. R. E. JOLLY. GEORGE BISCIHOFF, PLOI.T. CHOICE CUT PLOWffR5 & PLANT5 Chapin St., between Huron St. and Miller Ae. Pone Sil. ac 5 PICKWICK JA at BILLIARD PARLOR and BOWLING ALLEYS Fine Cigars and S. ROTTEISTEI Tac. Prp. The School for Dancing S GRAN6[R'S Ground Floor on M~anrd Street 0ne Block wst of State Street Stores. 'Phone 2-46 $YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tuttle's, 338 S. State f24 LESSON IN UNIVERSITY ACADEMY State Street} PALACE R& PARISIAN ,.LAUNtDRY AGENCY.. Office iiiEast IWilliw St. Pone 6M. Woek casled lfr and deivered promptly ~Dwight . Watkins,j TYPEWRITING Drp us acard to 323 S.iMnu St. and boon us call for your woek. -- - - -11"9mh-lAh F Ift - Out-r Great 'Pro-Inventory Sal :20 to 50 p. c. DISICOUNT 0 I svi rs, OVIBKCOATS a I®Tros~sers, Houzse Coats j U(® nderwear, Bathrobes ' 2.00, $1.50, $1.00 FannS~y Shirts 7 9c *STAEBLER ft !/E j DRESSY OVERCOATS the " Fulton"! and the " Broad- way Box," bearingthis famous mark S fredbenj'amin (o IMAKERS ' NEW YORK The " Fulton" is America's correct cold weather coat. Cut 47 inches long, with full skirts, from rich kerseys,friezes, meltons,vicunas, Scotch chevt- iots ; broad, concave shoul- ders; hand-felled, close-fitting collar. The "Broadway Box": cut 44 inches from same fabai rics; more conservative, but just as correct. Style, fit, fab- ric, seams, lining, inside nma- terials, tailoring in general un- equalled --overcoat perfection. Cost n mumethan nrdinary: ready-made. Ynnr money back if anything goes wrong. No other store bat ours may sell them here. 19 ooooooosrooosa ooa +o+o osoas+o o i fo +® IIANGSTIRI R, Caterer, SOUTH STATE GRAND OPERA IN ENGLISH. Tonig hi. A DECISIVE VICTORY. (Continued brom Page One.) IC There io a revolution in public son- Evary mull did the hest wairk I ever CUllNU, RELYER(&CO. timent in musical matters that has) sass himnadalandl they aldeaqually well. been very clearly evinicedl by the It wos a thoroughly reliabale team- 109.111 East Washington St. great success of the Raise C'ecilia Skay utteia who grew stronger under pre's Brand Opera Coimpany wherever it sture anal rose highest at tlie contest. has appeared this seasaon. Numerous 'hey workeadtoagether perfectly anddvr ahoal uine aeter agmntws utal been the rule rather thain Ike excep- thirotughouat. At Minnesota the desirePhe52 tion and very freqnently it has baecomue a lPbonelign arv58d2vey necessary to pult the "Standing Room awhere anal tke cry was the same as Oiily" sign out in thie laibbay. Thio is ina football, "We mtuit beat Michigan" P a to i n noi, very difficalt to accoaunt for. No Otur boays are adeserving af all the a a tor u zri stick arganization has rctmt' aout aof morea gliary becaulse the de'cisioii was New Yorka in many years iii the way uanalimouls. Furthermore, the judages Cleaning. Pressing. REpairing. ofa rad pea aman. iatsnc tcal afterwards that they were all 336 S. STATE ST. the old days of thie faouas Mapleson prebjudicedl against aor side af tkahe +'Caeamgs organization has sluck alt organlizationsail(tiaveral 0 te ltOiia~iXaiOha____ been heard on the lyric stage. it is tie givenl tn the effectiaveness af ale- said 10olie Ike highest. pail coampaniy tting lacy ware caomipelled ti vote' Clothes called for and with the exceptlion, aof coutrsa'.f tha' for ichtliganl SIas'hemoara' e'ff'ct ive Delivered. Metropolitan of Na'w York, that laos teana.Haur aaiaiaants hald lanttue $15woioforfrSi. been organizeda in scaora's of years. thiryown teaunto taeiiibest aranttage; $15wotoforfr$.0. The beauitifull prima donais herself theaytiseaditeir otronlgest ma1011irst wotild be an attractioan altone, bt a ndi their waehstmabatini laoth leave Orders at Cushings or with sluck supplort, it is onily inatural roundlas {af speece's. Th it chiligantPhonne582 that the audlience shoualad tat larga' al-mn oslwedlblatear knowlaedaage of tha most ba'yond pirecedtent in t ha'history asubje'ct aindl usedl theil'inforaioto of latter-day grand aipeas. Baolfe's 1hbtte r savaitloga'" - famotus "Bohemian IGirl" will b ha'ite ____________ opera given hera'. Fountain isens at Cooing's. tf. Lost-On carner of State street aind N. tUniversity avenute, it lair (af nose glasses ail ear dhil. lFindaer please' retuirn lto 514 Monroand vurece'ive'ra'- ward. Minnesota Cadeto hare recently re- ceived an offer fromnitIe heaof the constabulary in the Philipplines o be come members af thaodaty with the rankaof lieatenants. 'The coitstoau- lacy in the Philippines is lie military police force. The Western Intercollegiate those ball Leaguie meets taoday in Chicaoa Owing to the trotitle betwe''n 'aiscon- sill aiidIllinois theLaetaguea'is nearly ready to go to piecets. A str'onlg effort will he made haiwever, toi prerent this so the Western champilonship imay bas decided the sonic woy it, woo last year. Pantorium, 336 S. Mtate. Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- dters at Cushing's Drug Store, or 'phnne 582. $1.50 worth of wont for $1.go' Bedelia-Rither vocal or instrumen- ta1. Come in and hear it played. Ann Arbotr Music Co. POP ULAR' ;SHIRT ICUT CLUETT PEABODY & CO. CttTAND ARROW COLLARS IMPORTANT NOTICE. M-E The 1904 Michiganensian, actording to contract, is to be on the presa be- fore March 1st, 1904, consequentlyal ' "' pictuies, money, and copy most be in THIDMVI1. ROWlIE, Proprietor t by February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian had at Rentschler's or Randall 's os. dios, 0'. DAN MaGUGIN, ( 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. Manager. -.----me-.e-eee--..-s-e-e.-e-+--..-ee- eWAGNER C& COMrPANY, Imka~,-.-~wmau j~3 ~123 South fMin Street, Imupoting11uTa iloI~rs s~ DOWN TOWN. t WEAR A DIqkA"1OND Barrio, Dianooids hove been wornt[or years by difi >ret nstiaaul)ri of tioe diploomatic corps from the SoutlaAnoorican Oountries. These magtiificeitst Sone, have heels the aduairation and wonder of society wherever they were shown. Bairrios Dianonls have all the fire, life and lustre of getnuine stotoes atid in appesaranice positively catonot be distinuished from them. It is a wanton woste of at suy to invest $75.03 to $150 (i a cool diatnotid that maoy be lost from its setting oany'noonit. Yon can wear the identical piece in appearance set with a Barrios diaond .AT 1-20 TE[COST. These goods represent nil of the latest mos.-t po3ptiar style, aid desigass. Thiey have thec distinctive fcatnres of jewelry worth many tinaes thaeir cost and from which they cannot be distinguished even by the most critical. We absolutely guaraantee these goods to be as cepreseisted aid will reploce atny stone that loses its originial brilliancy without one cent of expense to the purchaser. of oney retutIf w aith) 11t a'ti)soii esse of tdissatisfactioti. + The Ba.rrios Diamond is beyond doubt the finest, most perfect imitation ever discovered an l may be woriu anywhere with per- fect confidence. All the beauty of a genuine diauuond at a fraction of its cost. 29~ot aoSre.BARRIOS DIAfIOND Co.-Na Stet WE A RE NEVER UNDE RSOZLD-GOO DYVEAR' S DRUG STORE1