THE MICHIGAN DAILY. CletPeabody & 'Co.'s Arrow and : Dwight E. Watkins,~ 1 ~TY1PE&W1.T1NG Crown Brand 1 5c Collars for St rdduvr se sc ftroaorswr.rk ff ~4 10 PPA q'~ 4Dollar Alarm Clocks --AT- +,,'s "-4 American & [uropean Motel Openna~y aend 11Nt 3\~ j.~ X ~ 10WLa'L 1AL LY AND UtY°ML. l ot ll.oefrom 3:30 to 6. )lo-hedt'ot- .. , toes and Brown Gravy. Try our faiono tooderloilo steak~s !4 4T4. -4441--I- 444 T s '5 4 ys'_ 44'-'i . - + + te.F209-211 N. 4th A-ve-, ..I // . l f WILLA 9 / COLLARS Linenland CUFFS A1IE- THE BEST. Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" Other brands advertised and Sold as Linen aro NROT stamped" Linen:' Why ? SjwainS and Bruises. 1 1je icsohoens rt o h __________ o i0)tito at IIIyoO)) 0R. COLWELtSget1Bore sprain Mialeredy andy 00)10)0)) t~e O cati)o n. lhr o)))) cano afMogloMagyciEgypil an Oil 001) 1O10 foridpromp and er IAN S. On~, c ras ryes. ) 11)0 ts~u o Assooiati oo t ao o uMi)))d M or)~) MgcSy)ai 1)11 hl O-l with)0]le 0)))asyOorfenivlyini)ents)ht ilo y~drain.he cloth0ig.))1 awre s o reays in0Mgi )0gyptan i.git,)iscompd Mgo esealso ls ado me ofDy theobrestf arlgyos- expesive halo ithrand lsoothigremebo 1do lir.(havelusdMagic )gyptiaO(1i o ldex tallyanaodtnteray for theO psthre ,y4 ns. H eery' C ou nd any regits as. Piatless and F ebr ffrgym 217umcls.Forth Avlenteul. Id an uarydogiesale!atonb Quarrky'sLoatrnpGodo, Stompod Picnrs al and tFrntamCina D ring & Allaeux's 226 S..Fout atAve St. Oefourthloffngal Candy,.op Salted Pr sonuts, Hot lButterd Popeorn,) Crackerjack frrsh daily. Candy SKiclhenF IfsGI[B[RI 301 S. StateSt) W F1 N?14 JANUARY 21-22 at [OVIZIL'S Cosm-naStoe- i4' R E N TSC H LER For anything in the line of 4 14 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, i 6i Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.4 Patent Leather Shoes ALBERT LU'TZ, i THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. Latest sang hits of the operas at Ann Arbar Manic Co's. tf. JOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 215 Hlain St. S. Phone 281. Big drive on Mandolin-special prices-Ann Arbor Music Co. tf. Tho Michigan Daily dlivered the remainder of college yoar for $1.25. Phone 461. tf. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Furnishoes music for all occasions. Dance music a specialty. Address L. D. Bates, Managor, 6885. 4th ave. 74-90. Switch made froem your own hair, $1.00. Miss Vaughan, N. Univ. Ave.,~ near Quarry's. tsu LOST. Fountain pen - Waterman Ideal. Initials T. B. R. scratched on harrel. Finder return to 1020 S.Uiversity and receive reward. NOTICE. The fiudor of a note hook contain- ing lecturs in Philosophy please re- turn to 506 S. Fifths ave. and receive reward. Students will make their headquar- ters at Roots Music House this year for popular music, musical instru- nments, supplies and studios. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The 1904 Michiganensian, according to contract, is to be on She press be-. fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all pictur-es, money, and copy mast be in by February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian sittings, at senior rates, may now be had at Rentschler's or Randall's stu- dios. tf. DAN McGUGIN, Manager. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET Fresh 1Downeys. Allegrettis, Spar- rows and Huoyler's Chocolates at Cush- ings Pharmacy. '0t LAW NOTICE. There will Do a meeting of the '06 Law class Monday, Janulary 18, 1:10 p. m. in Roono C. RUDIN, President. New classes in Dancing now Ding formed at the University Academy, State street, Wednesday and Satur- day evenings. tr. Your eyes examined Dy as expert optician. All the lat- est approved appliances and methods known to the profession are employed. New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- cated, frames repaired. Haller's Jew- elry Store. tf. The Michigan Daily delivored the remainder of college year for $1.25. Phone 461.. tf. Typewriting -- Done neatly and cheap. A. A. Marschke, 824 W. Moron street. 68-83. Typewriting neatly done. Senior theses given special attention. WV. I, Willis, 1247 Washtenawv. tf. STUDENTS-Insure your Booksand i Wardrobe three years for0 $300 ata cost of 82.))). Renewal permits granted free. H. 6G. Sellman, 615 Willianm St., rod 2.24. Fresh Lownsey's, Allegretti's, Spar- row's, Buyler's, chocolates at Cush- ing's Pharmacy. tf. Typewriting, neatly dose. Mis Ward, 62t. S. 12th St. 77-82. Bath supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf. , . H 1 F t f TWO W[[KS CUT PRICES ON MEN'S c FURNISHING GOODS t,4e-- 12 z-_123 Msin Street, Skatili[ OF COURSE L 2 4 SOUTH STATE. It PRESIDENT Suspendsers work in perfect harmony with the wearer's every movement. Comfort. Style and Service ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Trimmings cannot rust. Prie 50c andi$1.00, anystoe ormai, prepaid. THlE 0. A. EDGABTON MG. CO., Blo 280 Shi.rle,.Maa.. OUR POLICY The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod- irn improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought possible before. To be honorable, co3rteous and just in every detail. To anticipate requirements. To overcome impediments. To be satisfied with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in he county. WASI11[NAW IOWrl[ T[[PUON[ CO., Temporary Office, Liberty Street, near Fourth I I Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and California... Are teat reached via St. Louis, World's Fair City, and the Iron frountain Route Two daily to-ains to California. Three daily trains to Miexico. Four' daily trains to Texao. Fou~r daily tr-ains to Not Spr-ings. Six daily trains to tittle Itock. TEE BEST OF EVERTHING. WRITE StE. t fD. Armstrong,IT.P. A.," 1223 Waohtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, 1 lich.4 MARS. J. R. TROJANOW SKI, The Professional Solo Dresser 322 S. State Street, isp statrs), straids spec- ial invitation to (lie laidirs to rall at lir par- lora to inspect her sew liar of halo and toilet goods. Try my Scientific Face Massage and M~anicure. The Best of Everything in Tailoring, U'y_ j°'" Always Ahead IW RT E ALO . in Styles. MLWADTH TIOR i, i