THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SCOTH INGNJZT sadust.4 CLHR.3HFNRe INVENTORY SALE M ARX GOODS ~ Du rintgthe tht lotf Jtanuary we will sell +AllV24 and $25 Suitsand Overcoast...s.$20 00 UTZ . .Al$8 and VO Suits and Oercsat. ....t 15 00 ' IR Clothier ~ All $t5 Suits and Overcoats at........ 12 50 .. + 4 Bath R bes R~t Cost .It Sut a i Sl .ti . { REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS IDress and Street Gloves, Bath Robes, Dress and IFancy Shirts, Hosiery and Late Styles in Neckwear ALL REDUCED IN PRICE DURING JANUARY * a MACK & COMPANY. f i i~t* *~ '~O 'T 1+ ! i ,THE Er 4 e '' rQ ' I ,MMA RANDALi IOTO"GRAPHE U r21 rKE.Washington St.~ *+~++*t*I*++++i.++i.+44: ... eoNONNNNd N o N i® .NNN®®® N®." 4 stablished 1881 106 Husron Street, Eas BVKCHFI+IELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE -1 I F We are preparod this san to meet every demand, as we have increased the neuber of workmen. As usal we have Che Flinest Lime qf Wooles in the city. Art and Skill will prcdominate in onr work as in the past. We reapectfully invite your enquiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD 0 N I. NA NAAO ® .®AO ANNAONAr1NN ®A AIaAMN = ----------------- OYSTER. BAY CATERING CO. CA FE AND B AMNQ VE T Ir a HALL 9t 9t? Speial Dnnr.ers 12 to 130 3 P. M. Daity, 35 Centso3 Foor Ladies arnd Gs.>tlereer 315 S. Si.te St. Phxorsi 467 New Brunswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Ciars antI Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. t have ost receicedtle' largst tndiest lie o Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes everhroght to It ciy. Fine Lunches in Connection. - et'ryttsg Neat asS Clea. 308 . Stae St. R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancingq t GRANGER'S + Ground floor on fMlanard Street *Ose Block west ofi State Street Storc. 'Phone 2-46 tYOU CAN GET A $Hot Lunch $At Tuttle's. 338 S. State 24 ...DANCING... $ UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. State StretF PALACE In PARISIAN 1 ,.LAIJNDRY AGENCY.. Office b55 East Wivlam St. t'sue 65. Wre cated for ad delivered prmptly PHOTOGRAPHS CALL AT SEYfrOUR'S STUDIO 316 S. an St. "LCHI6AN CENT wL "e1Niagart Falls Rote." TslE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct cosnectios at Chicago fr St. Lasts, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. br inormaion and thrugh ticets call n or write to W. W. CASE. Aet. Asn Arbor. IA NOS"iZIRIIZRCaterer, 22 S0ElT LECTkIC FANS5 Elcctiic Cka f its 1}Diase5 ; CHURCH SERVICES. (Coiitinuied From Page Two.) feti oteLtss Congregational Church. at i atoh'littifaictvrliiy . s~ , aytttlug to ighteths4pF 0. C. S. Pattiin, Pastor. n test e oe ha vrbuyro. Cali inase or d play..... Morning service at 10:301; sutbject of wiii have seats, anti no caves of sermon, "The Place of the Heroic i neutmonia wiltie reported. Bit for+ Chrstan aih ad ife" t year, it aeemsa as if there might WASHYLNAW LICHT & + there will he a spiecial memotitrial acrve- somthnella n tts mocr. POWERCOM ANY ice in hititor of MrI.Jamesi. SAil Signedt, STUDEINT. in-. Wactingtcs ced t tAve. Pione 275 lt which the publice is coirdially ilivil- iOe* t ~+4 .iti +'+..r edi. On accouinitiof this service the iiv GRAND OPERA IN ENGLISH. - - - --- ital eening service ivill lie tmitted- The company which Rose Cee.ifl -L ~~~Say liings with her to Ann Arbor M nyLae First Methodist Episcopal Church. tis year is the strongest organizationis Edng r at11:1.indeh so, h oPtt its MidShayshigdesofiNdardofr. it ec OSN~.iao Class meeting at 9:305 a. m. Preach is equal to any and ail of the demndstlo XTO V pltecv of Malachi."Suntday schootl at optera. The special orchestra is tin- Or other ptersal p roperty of noocn anti Epworth League' at 6i:30ti. tder the direction tif Carlo Nicosia wvcoo value. Watches and Jewelry lie6- m. Al 7:301 p. ini., Presidenit W. J, was for years Mascagni's etoncert paired. licirgains in Wietehos 'tter of Dartmotuthll tiege will tie- meisler. The chotruts is capatble, tune- and Dliamonds. liver a Weslcyan Gutildl lectlire oni fiti, well drilledl and giit oi Office at residence. 31 . Lih- 'gtyoeoetdtIltrlMttity' ii.Teouttesaealoo that erty Street, Ann Arbor. Hours S "Hww _rahMoa_ atrt." o.Thotuerealthtat to 11:3 0a. Ut., I to3:31) p. 01., 7 to anti genterouts expense couildt stpl in- 9 p. mi. All lBusiness C onitie- - First Baptist Church. The itrincipals itf the company in- tial. JOSEPH1 C. WATTS. 'T. X. Ytoung, Pastor. clude such artists as Alexantdre Lute, +" . -,. Tne lpastor will pre'achi at 10:30 ot 'Sptiritutal lResont~siveness lie Trth." ilhe schotol wil meet at 12 in.; Jun- or Cnion at 3 p. in.; B. Y. P. U. at 6:311. The service at 7:3l0 will he "The Higher Patrioitism," a flag ser- vice rendered hy inine yong lathes. The uisual fiften minutes' sting ser- vice iprecetding. Presbyterian Church. J. NI. Gelston, Pastor. Sunday, 10t:30 a. ni., stuhject, 'As thy days so shall thy strength tie.' t2 in., Sunday school; :3, Iiiter- mediate C'. E.; 6:30tp. in., Senior tC. E 7:3(1 subject,'""Te Rcsturrect itn Life." Memorial Christian Church. Serton tin Stuntday, 10i: :10 a. m.; stub. ject, 'The Lost Sheep." Lecture hy Protf. Coter toi theilte class at 12 m.; subhject. The IHebres epubtitlic- a study in the limits ittJudges'' Lee- tore hy Protf. Coler at 7:30;1, ''Tth to: cif Acts to the Apostles." St. Andrew's Churech. Hentry Tatittt, iRector. 7:30 ,a. in., :Hotly Cotimtniton; 10i:30 morning prayer anti sermoin; 12 in.. Stundaty schttottant ilet'classes; : p. in., Ssunday school at Getddes- 7-:'0 evening prayer, with special music, anti sermont to young people. Unitarian Church. Joseph H. Crooker, Minister. Worship and sermon at 30:30 a. m. Rev. Florence Kollock Crooker will preach; subject. "D~evelopment through Difficullties." Sunday school at 12 in.; Young People's Religious Union at 6:30 p. m. whit was the bright, particuliar star of lie great French Opera Cotmpany in Newe Orleans fur the last two sea- soins; Joseph Fredericks, whose per. fect tenor voice caused his to share hotnors with Miss Shay last season; William Stevenis, who has been prom- inently identifiedt with the Emma Jtuch GreandI Opera Company, the Damrosch antd Seidel orchestras and other simi- lar tirganizations; Lawerence Mooney, who is conxsidere'd oine of the hest bar. tones nowis singing on the Americas otage; Miusy Daisy Thorne, one of the most successful singers ever with the fanmous Tivoli Company of San Fran- cisco and Sarah Carr, formerly mezzo itf the IBostonians. Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. Pantcrium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, Presving and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- ders at Gushing's Drug Store, or 'phone 102. $1.50 worth of wonk for $1.00- Cniversity students desiring to se- cure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James he. lcCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago.tft. Bedelia-Rither vocal or instrumen- tal. Come in and hear it played. Ann Arbor Music Co. Free-A beautiful collection of hoot old songs will he given every pur- chase of one dollar at Root's Music Mouse. wfs. SPALDIRG'S OFFICIAL IWTER-COLLEGIATE 4 FOOT BALL 4 - Used by allthte Leading College Foot Ball Pani--ta Ie e frot hip ad ine- pdddihb with cne atrits. A. o. SPALDIING & BROS. Spledlig's tOflic-ial tFoot hatlI iGuide fo. rit edite-te y t'tcte'ctamp. Price 10 denits. .,. ROU NDTA B ARROW'BRAN D 15 CENTS,2 FOR 25 CENTS CUTPAOY& nO. Faeso letand Monartb Shirsr Phone 5812 Pantoriuli. Cleaning. Pressing. Rewsiring. 336 S. STATE ST. lOver C...ehtrsg's Clothes called for and Delivered. $1.50 worth of work for $1.00. I Leave Orders at Cushings or those 582 Win. lbocbrcin, 55team & Bas ifitter. Plbolle 667. 303 ZS. tate St "ALLEN'S F+OR QUALITY." $10.00 and $15.00 SUITS AND OV[RCOATS We give the Best Clothing Values, saving you from $3.00 to $5.00 on Every Soit or Overcoat yuu Buy. The balanee of the month our Annual Sale is on we give you the choice of our $10.00 Suits and Overcoats for $8.00 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for $12.00' ALLEN, T E CLOTHI E *t ir a s. ,I v ir t .t W ARE NEVER UNDE RSOL4D-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG SrmoRE