THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Reduction I ft Sale p As we have too large a 4f stock of fancy * SUITINOS AND T ROUSERINGiS Z on hand we will sell f them at reduced prices Z to make room for our f Spring and Sum m e r I Woolens. Be sure and call in before you place* * your order..2t .4$-4 . sG. H. WILD & CO.,_ m E I. WASHINGTON STRET T TH E GREAT G A ME 2 EXCIlTING F U N 2 ® FOE EVERYONR o A *l A ! p A ." A. D 0 C. E H.MJOE COMN Y Brtitic IDecorators Speialty fine interior dcoratie wrk. Wall papeIPslnt, Oil and Wa1: Phone 23 203 X. Washington Street OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS PlrCara .11Tr~in., THE MICHIGAN DAILY TREASURER'S REPORT. Report of the treasurer of the U. Eotered as second-class mattee at the Ann of M. Athletic Association at its an- Arhsr Past Office. nual meeing, Jan. 1.6, 19114. Psblished daily (Mondaycexcepetd)aring the Bal. Jan. 17, 1903.... $149 56 csllege year, at 117 E. Washington strenot, Receipts Jan. 17, 1903 ts: Jan. (basem~ent flear, slde entrance) Phsnc 810-3re 16 1904 . ......51,14 99 MANAGING EDITOR: S. EMORY THOMASON Total. . . $51,683 55 BUSINESS MANAGER: Expend. from Jan. 17, '03 to IOSCOE 13. IRUSTON Jan. 16, '04.....$45,363 67 Bal. on hand Jan. 16, '04.... 6319 88 EDIiTORS:_____ Alileleca - - - OBErrRT. WALTONS ''1ual.......... $51683 55 Nsa:w, -- - - - J. S. RLsE Of thcse expendlires $20,000 has ASSOCIATES: Ulilt,:ed Stevenso,', RoSly Peebles, Seen set aside for a wall around Fer-' A. M. Gracer, henry P. Erwin ry Field. A. Ct Psand. A. 11. Ortmeyer. Respectfully submitted, Jo:seph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. Mare. GEORGE P. SWEET, 1I1a M. lirsesriga. 1. Waite Jaynle. Treasurer. Gos. A. Osborn. lHaro~ld C'. Smith.__________ Barry 11. Andrewsa. Alfred IB. soch. MICHIGAN ATHLETIC ASS'N. Edilr lhayHAROD C SMTH. Report of Financial Secretary. Edito toby-HARLD C SMI H al. on hand Jan. 17, 1903 $584 56 Sasscieioa1's dos er ca, pssicOsBaseball recleipts.....2,497 951 asicvace. If delitalarutl sfte Yoc. 1.1,903,$23.5 Football receipts ........38,080 28 -General receipts........... 8,453 93 Office Soars:--12:30 to 1:30 andl 6:30 to 7:30 interscholastic receipts ... 8 33 p. m0. Daily. Track and Tennis receipts.. 1,958 20 Address-ROSCOE D. StUSTUN, Business Man- Credited at Sav. Bank...4,000 00! ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, a6l. Tl. . $1172 Baseball expendiitures..$3,156 10 u~oN ee Football expenditurcs..13,953 7i General expenses. . . 821,1(8 Intecrschsolastic expe'nscs .. 1253 1 CALENDAR. Track and Tennis expeid.. 2.1)95352 January 17-7:30. Wesleyan Guild Ferry Field expenld...1731 69 lecture by Professor Tucker of Office expcnditures.... 953 28 Dartmouth College. Fond for waal Fcrry Field. . 30,01)1) (1 __________D eposit in Sav. Hank...4,000 00 NOTICE-DAILY BOARD. Sal. un hand Jan. 16, 19(04.. 6:319 8 Sitting for Michiganensian picture, Tsta Saturday, January 16, 11 a. mn. at la ....... .$31147 35,: itentsclhler's. 71.77. Respec'tfully subit~ited, Jan. 16. '0. The recen:t gift o:f thse Hon. Arthu~r Hill of Saginaw to: thc Fo:rcstry He- part ment of 911 acres :it lanid will iplace the SIUniersity if Michigan: is a psosi- tionIIt5::compteewill:IEastern collegels in this essenltially practlical branch if Unieersity woirk:. T1he prisperty is west o:f Ann Arbior andlincluides (lie third Sister Lake. On :this Eroutnld the Forestry :Dep:artment intendito: carry o~n practical fo:restry operationsl. This Elf t means nmtch to: 1k: tiiver- siyt aill to the State; withioct such a forest reoerve experimeintal won:kiil She st anding timbetsr wouldl be'praoti- cally impsossibsle, anid consenquenly Michigan couldS:not.SIraint: anmlng the fo:rem~ost Forestry scoollso cf th~e coun::try. Now, hlowever, will:htthe in- creased eqiplmeintgradutates frosm the Forestry Department will be able 1to go out~ in thc eihiga woods callable of meeting successfully all the com- plex 1wrlblemo which confront the moderns scientific woodnman. ALICE FREEMAN PALMER. Almost everybody at the Sniversity surely every Miichigan woman, linows of the life aisdl work of Mrs. Alice Freeianai Palmer, one of th~e first wo- men radluates of thceIUniversity of Mlichigan. Very few people, hoswever, know much osf her inner life, In th~e num:ber of She OutlookE for January, 1904, is an article writtenl Sy George 14. Palmer, Mrs. Alice Palmer's hus- band, whbich glees a little insight in:to this wosnderfu:l womlanas broald,sleep character. The article is eiititled, "Some Religiosis Verse of Alice Free- man Palmer,' and with the article, sme verses of hers, known by very few to: have existesd, are psublished fssr the first time. Fin:ancial Secetary. COMMUNICATION. Michigan lDaily:-- Every year at abosut th~is tinm-, the rishsl for reserved seals for thse May Festival Concerts takes sdare. 'This year, Frisday night, was the time sc- lected fosr the rsush. Evory year, at the lime when th~e ccold iso moot iin-j teisse aind as night, when the raw air is most lkeen, three thouisanid, oitd, studtents 55nd townspeople rusoh frsom the concert ball, many sit them ds-o tiurbing the audiee by leaving lie- fssre the lasti sumber is compls-ted is ' srder tos get places, a51d lin:etip outS- side the Schssol of Mutsic tss wait their, turs, Deep in sow they stantS, soes times half thse night, waiting for that torn Is: come, as a geintleman Friday night expsressehd it, "just fssr the sakc of singing a good deep bass th~e next, day." That plan may be all vcry well for men, although 1 docibt very much if they like it, but it is simply impossi- ble for a girl to ine tp for two or three hours at n:ight, in tile coldS, and in the molb that gathers arotusd tile Mdusic School. Some of She girls have boy acqu~aintances, stf course, wh~ont they may beg tisussffer martyrdonm for them. That is all very well, too, for anyone who cares to feel under a loasd of obligation. But1fcor thtsse who sdc not care to doso5, or who have uss accommsdating acquiaintances to ask, what can bse done? tUnsdtr ex- isting circsunstances th~ey nagy staind up at th~e May Festival Concerts. It seems that something might bse done, some plai: might be formed a little musre rational than the present ssne. The rush is over for Ibis year, (Continued on page 3.) Outlines of the Law o Ballmelts anld Carriers S By Edwin C. Goddard. Otc5utiesvstate thes fosnd- ationopinlcipes othe subject in an odeilvy ad consecutve form in sid 5t1:hat the stdeit nay have 511 opposrtnty ts see the subiject as a wshole. PO0R SALE AT Walir's Book Stores. 1f l Varsity__Hat Sale al t a i'st t folo ing s:-h 'I 3 Varsity Soft ats 245 $2 Varsity Soft Solo $1.5s i-isn ,' this a skyst ,.:50s-isc Issits Goodspeed & Son Phsne 30. face.' Ue Xiliams' Sihaving Soap. 80111 in ShaOving Siks, 'Tae, Etc. !!!!N~l/l~N~ 1 ®O H H e o N e.® f .o .oos N sos 9 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww s w ' w s v 9S i I I S I I lIltE STUDELNS' L[CTURE ASSOCIATION Lyma n Abbott ONj UNIVERSITY- HALL, frOudrtj [venioDq, Jan. 251 Single .Admission, 50c. Seasono Tickets, - $1,00 OC'AN M. S12At$OLT, MaInager A I TUESDAY, JANUARY 19. WEDNESDAY, JAN'Y 20. AN EVENT 01' EXCEPTIONAL [[PIER WALTERS M1ERIT. A Great Musical Treat. First Presents th~e Big Dosciriptive Appearance in Ann Arbor. Character Play ROSE CECELIA SUHAY ENGLISHE GRAND OPERA A THOROUGHBRED COMiPANY. Sixty People in a Grand Scenie TRAMP, Production of Half c's beautiful opera PLENTY OP SPECIALTIES. The Bohemian Girl, Several Ne0w Jokes of Recent Vintage! Full orchestra under the direc- A Gold Mine of Laughter With a lion of Signor Carl Nicosia. Thread of Silver Sentiment. Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00, $ 1.50. Prices:, 15c, 25c, 35c,; 50c. Seat Sale, Monday 9 a. m. 4 NNNNMO IN NN ® "i' TN NN N N eN N NN NN N NNN TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 -5. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r,