THE MICHIGAN DAILY. LSTIAN CItAr LTLS Purian S oes Ap I . Mroin in urkey.. Perfected in L~ypt. Enjoyed in America. +iFor Frofrif[eci .I~Ol F~- V iTheW. C. KernlCo tni'u/ .;--/e"411 E 67h S.,Chicago. 1nd11 Caps a d wsmetoor It 9 len i' fo all collee s and MillII frtrnitis carried 0~~~~~~~ls Pi*:II.I 1111ISnsfo Class and Team +MONEY LOANED ON ~ Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Comlplete Line of Dress Boots.athsDion, and Caliornia... weryand all igh31 Cass Chattel a nd 4. Are es reached via Ann rbo vt reg I II S Man. BUSINESS STITYCNFDNIL St. Louis, world's air City, An r o t r ,W. J. LOURM anal the Factory-Brockton, Mas.Offce For o om7 Hiis I o Se11:3, 1ti4rhoe 0 59."" Iron ou ntio For~~ Goo Cu of'wo dil tainsesto California Fo4,oo u R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of 4 Three daily trains to Mexico COFFEEP OR f Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentshler, f tFour daily tris to Texas i f1F[~ Phone 3892r. Corner Main and Huron Street. 4 Four(daily ta.ins to Hot Sprigs CHOCOLATE ff*-4 fffffff* ffffff4ff4 idalyt44nso4tleRok 1 THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. Made Right and Served Right WOMAN'S LEAGUE. Latest song hits of the operas at WRITE ME. Calo ,Miss Mary Farnsworth will be at Ann Arbor Music Co's. i i . rroq . P. A. Call on B* arbour gymnasium from 9:30 to 10 H .Amtog . A3 * P[NNYCOOK, to meet the women on League bus- JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 25 1211 Wsltenaw Ae., *The Cnfectioner. 3uss. State,9t. es. Main St. S Phone 281., Ann Arbor, Rich. NOTICE. Big drive on Mandolins-special D lf A A.txJ. AILAY There will e a meeting of the Bird prices-Ann Arbor Music Co. f D., Y. A. A ~J. RILWAYClub in the Curator's office, Museum ______ 5TANDAPD TIMIC Duilding, Jan. 16, from 7 to 8 p. m. Pantorium, :336 S. Mate. Cleaning, PLI'SOFCA FrDtothlhorYfrm51a.munl Pressing and Repairing. Clothes 7ITER-COLLEIATE 9:l5ip. . Then hourly ustil1 1l15, For Yp' - New classes in Dancing now eing fo n eiee.Lae- FOOT BALL luti ony, at 12:il a. m. and Ii:xsi. .lor called fraddlvrd ev r Jackson hourly froso.0:1 a. in. until 71 p. in. formed at the University Academy, dra at Cshing's 'Drug Store, or Usedy all the Leading -TWnatisg51 aras11W5 . ofSMats. tet Wdedyan auColleges. wathe so S.m.aund 1115. oMan._, Sat evsredesdaygnd.tur- phone 82. $1.0 worth of work for Foot BaliPas--Lcefret Ro t.dyeeig.t. $.00. hips asnd knees pdded with DU YOU WANT A GOOn . . . tie urleuhiran thiihs Your eyes examined y an University students desiring to so. with cassris $.0FUTI PEexpert optician. All the Fat cure position to teach will find it to tcorortro ta est approved appliances and methods their interest to write to Jameo F. Bw ork Chicago Desver Try the "UINIVEIRSITY." known to the profession areemployed. McCullough 39 Fine Arts Bldg.. Chi- L alding's Olillal F'iot Bal Gods MansDe tr,23S anS. New eye glasses fitted, lenses duplicgo for INY3t edited by Walter amoo fated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew 'leI et E. D. 555CC 1HARIOO SON8IL elry Store. t.NOTICE. 444.Snnbt. 444 rs.i.iLent SO V. C reside.t.The annual meeting of the Athletic s.w106k~, aher O LAW NOTICE. Association will e held in Univrsity **--*-4~f~f .44*4~.f* FIRST NATIONAL BANK There will be a meeting of teO '0 Hall Saturday. January 1th at 1:30 ± BAILEY ea EDM~vNDS.1 OF ANN ARBOR MICH. Law class Monday, Jaiuary 18, :3:10 p. mn. for the election of Treasurer, CAPTLSAN, - - $100,000 p. mn. in Room C. Financial Secretary, Football Manager Skate Grinding FUPU N ROFITS - $4,000 RUDIN and Interscholastic Manager. 4t President. GEORGE P. SWEET, / 121 E. ]LibertyF St. State avingsBank.President. 6 Of*++N N Stat Savngs ank. NOTICE-'07 ENGINEERS. W. J Booth D ET 1Jno. V. Sheehan Class meeting Thursday, January Fresh Lownys Allegrettis, Spar. Wi. Arnold- Dr V. . Vaughan 14. 4 p. i. Room 10 Engineering row's and Huyler's Chocolates atCush- 4.'5.I444444en4 Jas. i. Wade E. F. Mills...-4 ..jj . N. J. Kyer ohn Harer Building. Important. 747. lg's Pharmacy. - Jn. Koh Prof. H. S. Carhr M~e ATHENS PRESS :.s Frank P. Glazier Christian Macis4- U. of M. Antiseptic Barber ShopO UR PO IC 2dK Print~h .trs 31 AND BATH RO9OMSI. r44nk A... 444444444444H'r 44 J. R. TROJAIOWSKI, Proprietor. The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod. Face Masage-a Specialty. emn improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought OHIO CENTRAL* *LINES 322 SOUTH STATE STREET pssible before. To be honorable, courteou~s andjust in every detail. To '' T1V anticipate requirements. To overcome. impediments. To be satisfiedUiILfl UIUU ALMSA. H LE, with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in( Direct Line between 'Toledo Colum- View1lJ~A. N~VAL[, h cuny bus, Athens, Gallipolis, Charleston, W. ve.-.. hoto.~mh.. thecouty.V., and the Soth. Ask your agent or Views of city and camipus. Fash lights, In-jg,~ apply to L. P. LEWIS. P. A., 7 Fort St., teriolal ~r, ann Abor WASH EA H EEL'V *,i. 1[iPfON[ CO., Detroit, Mich. MOULTON HOK, at6 . MtD tree, An AborG. P. A.. Toledo, . With Seymor Studo. 'Phone 5ls. Temporary Office, Liberty Street, near Fourth Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction.8- -" Pluoming and Steam Work. All ,at Reasonwable Rates and First-Class Order at New Sleelinq Car Line Between 4 DETIROII, TI9 D,'COLUNIBLJS . RfcLeave D~etroit t0 p. roMichiigan Central, Leave Toledo 12.30 Night, Hocking Valley, Arrive Columbus 0:30 a.'in., Hocking Valley. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the bokfor all the pie all the time. in all vocatioss; for home improvement.6 PARLOR CARS ON THE[ DAY TRAINS pp lilustrated, price $1. Tested I years. Three months' corres ondesce iourse by author $7 Forea Sief time I wli sed the hoot and course for 1. Wili lectureson a y "Hocking. Valley" to the Ticket Agent or writ' physical tralniegin rapid writing for $100, or one Weet for $50.Oonduciv to health and oitiencare fur bad writing.Individuaality retained. Business P emananed L. W. LA NDP'AN G. T.«i A., ot'IiC.1. one lesson, 10c.Address frof. IRMIXER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. *Dtot .~.. Always Ahead MIL WARDN TH E TAILOR. TeBs In Styles., of Everything in Tailoring. * Y wr . . ..* ...... _- - _ -,. ,- --m-, . ,,, ...