THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SCluett, Peabody & Co.' s Arrow and wgt E.dfl5in Crown Brnd 5c Collars for Dra ous card t o rk . i t I You won'tahse Eght O'Clock" 'f" _. if youh a.oneoof our d .t // Dollar Alarm Cocks J U i IU O. H. Lvtz, Jeweler, ,~c p 109 S. ,-1Alan St/ WLA9 -- T Amreian & European Hotel COLLARS OW~O.4 pen Day and Nig!t Linen F CUT T INGT j YER CO\PivaeiaA o an it om OWLiNO fiALLEY AND DANC }ALL.' f iotiofiat Beoff ro 30to. Mahed Pota- ARE' HEIZ' 1 - tuna and Brown Grvy. *1'm Try or famoun tendrioin stak +b '4 33 + 33M +'rd a+ «.{;+;7 1 t.;.; ..;«...,«. .;. 209-211 N. 4th Ae, Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" L ea~~ ~~ther h e T brands atvrtisd and Slasi an f r Bruises. ALBER.T LUTZ,IWW[K rhhnow "nclvna spiriu at 11n ithc THE -RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET conitssis very suree--_______ _ ___ __ RWEL a~~ nwsna ~CUT s'PRICES ashuldhae olere- ,i,. CL 9 liahie rendy h andy RNT CH 'E Fr In then line of cation oniiie Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, I n" ual Dr. ('anco a In Phone 389-r. Corner 1Mi and Huron Street. 'I4 irsntsandsuch - In 1 ea~c$0 1+.++1,01&FURNISHING c GIAN ILcuse. aui nnn+4 +.n nn. Mihagiiayon ic lliiegti an sil I FARLAN'S CONCERT. Latest sng hits of the operas at G O S e~~a adsainnthu clothing. Theriw no greaneAnAbrMui'os f to Magic Egyptian tiliit. iin onii ,oiado Ticiuets for the Fariand Banjo Can-AnAroMsiCo. If esential oilsaand ianion of the hunit and mosi crt aro 5i saic and may ho scurd cxens'nu eialing and asuothing rena-niesJBPITN-EES 1 1 n uin mdicaliscitence. It pnetratesatt fmenibers ot the iBanjii CiuObPITNGMYRS.1 onceaE. lfeesnei cetr ougnMr. Fariand caomhere ndiret friiiinMain St. S. Phone 281. Mn is hratian Asociatin Jckauon Mich..EuoewhrheanumitiIn 5.iyst iinrcetentcti anicecati sason. Big drive on Mandoins-npecia hav uitsi'ed Magic Egyptian oil bout e- Hrcs-n'rorMsc o f tonanlly andiiinternally frtine at ithrelIcia npresentinnir inluunesmot of pie-niAbrMscC. I yn'ars. fae neer fioundi anne ronedy ii the Wotern States, nit an ctenndeni muk in ationinn iiinenhingaprausd a li agiePncr Eifni li. ft inalne a'ebt u ngagemont onl hi' Pacifict', 336 . State. Cieaning, WAGNR &a CO. ui nt sann aiby mnneiberaf nine gym- Au a banjoisit, lartaitioccniesfn a Presing and Repairing. Cfothea nntun cnases withn 'a'int e"sait. 1 dn°cuffed for addlvrd ev r nthesntate to re.!'iunnnnnin'ni~itinarnennedy of luniue psitionnamong musictat artists.anefvre12evoo1~-i23 MaiStreet. gr-atnit in'ot"-dra at Cuhings Drug Store, or fDr. C'nlell 's Mafngic Eat tiana O)l1 asaiod lie has eevatt'ditientiajo fron wn ii-' and ghoneandingive anifcin y agiian natniinmn tnivemm phone 582. $10 worth of work for Qs--'eCcspa Druga Sore. er stringed instruiments. s.00. -- With his harp atachment, an inven- r r -- FINE- tion otAMr. Farann's inciridibeen University stdenta deiring to so- Satout' sweeter than tie arp anti cre poitiona to toch will find it to 16 louder tan the piano. Critics have their interet to writo to James F ll titancit him nt a class whi tihKubeli MCuflough, 6i89 Finn Arts Bldg Chi Dr PIZklt.5 AkT a TOXtand Paderewsi,ou accnuntont isina 217 S. Fourth Avenue, uiniiwl anna a ii Sinni1OIE niMuinsice ifalt Wentesdtay, Jan. 27. The annual metng of tie Athtic S iij -- Asocition will e hld in Univrity an ay als'6 LAW NOTICE. ttuli Saturday, January 1th, at 1:30 Janefuary o i e nal ' Tops, iatw lass Moindaiiy, Janury 1, : Financial Secretary, Fotall Manager Baskets, Leather Food, Stmpd ft m ioo. ad Interscholatic Manager, liiiens and Hfand Painted China HlDfIN GEORGE P. SWEET, ,Darling & Mallaeux's President President, 226 S. State St Freh Lowney, Allegrettis, Spar- NOTICE-'07 ENGINEERS. rows and Huyler's Chocolates atCush- Clans meeting Thursday, January ing's Pharmacy Crum Chewng andy- 14fpni. lam1, Engineering n 1 Bidn.mportant. 74-7. WOMAN'S LEAGUE./u 11\ Salted Peanuts, Hot Butttrtd Mis Mary Frnsworthl wil be atCakis Pnopcorn, Crackerjack flesh THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Barbour gymnasium from 9:30 to 10 daily. Inurninshcs maic fnor al occasions. to meet the women on Leuenbhs- OF COURSE 01 SnyndaEinn if. [*B.eILB[RT. Dance music a pecity. Address L 'ls. D. Mate, Manager, 808 S. 4th ave. -324SVHSAE G r b S._-a e 7490NOTICE. 3 4 S U H S A E -'t'here will be a meeting of the Bird__________________ ...a/flfluail GrabSale... Your eya examined by an Cub in the Curator's office, Museum at expert optician, All the lt- Building, Jan, 1, from 7 to 8 p. m. _______________ LOVELL' S CORN[R STOR[ eat t approved appliances and methoda known to the profession are empioyed New classes in Dancing now being ArnsTesMxc JANAY2'N 2 New eye glases fitted, lenes dipli- formed at the University Academy, TEN CENTS A GRAB. oted, franes repaired Hailer's Jew- State street, Wednesday and Stur- and California... ...-...... _. e ry Store. tf. day evenings. t. ___________________________________________ Ae bit reached via (3)UR POLIj) CY( j St. Lons, World's Fair City, and he The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod- Iron frtuntio) emn improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To Route antifipate requiremenits, To overcom impdimfnts. To be satisfied+ with nothing short of the confidence and good will of evry citizen in Two daily trains to Caliornia.3 the county. Three daily train to Mexico, WASIIUNAW llOfrt T[[[PHlON[ CO., FPour d ily train to Texas, ! Fourdaiy trains to Hot Springs. Temporary Office, Liberty Street, near Fourth Six daily tinls tn ittle ltock. "Give, and Tae_ r_ -. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. is the principle of WRITE ME. Hi.D. ArmstIrong, T. P. A., President I___AnAbr ih Susp nder 12l3 Waslitenaw Ave.,' Whsat one side gives the other aide rok,'n 11s Turkey. ' takes. and service. .----____- Absolutely Guaranteed. ,e~ce isIYt MRS. J.. R. TROJANOWSKI, Metal trimmings cannot ruaLst.ncDijoyed in America. The Professal Hair Dresaer and $1, any sore, or mall prepnaid.Y ..,', 4 rocut SMOKL rMAKLn LcT'iAn SMOKLR53 322 S. State Street, (sp staima), extends spec- C. A. DGARTN MFG CO.lal invltatioanttlieMlden to cali at herpar- Ban 286, Shiley, Massa t for' i haotol 'pentihernewline of hair.;and toilet _Sane ntCe Coupon. Try my Scientific Face Massage and Manicure. Always AheadL4TIAP TH TTT P The Best In Styles. . ~ ~of Everything in Tailoi.