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January 14, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-01-14

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rurta Shes_____
Groian in Turkey.
P u ri a nI-Perfected in Egypt.
Enoyed in America.
Forto h opn
lollThe'W. C. KernlCo
iz, ~~411 E 57h Wt,Chicago
C~ aps rd Gowns mae to o-
j ~~~torydeanrot.-
§ ,t 1ally Pnnant- for all ol ge and
t frIiorit(i e carried
_ L iistock
101i7e~2e./ Class Pins, lass and Team
MONEY LOANED ON Arkansas, lexas, Mexico
Compllee ine of Dress Boots. Watches, lDiamondo, nd California...
Jeweiyand all Hig
c' Class Chattel an Are hst reached via
A A- ,Collateral Security.f
AnnArb r tor , I S Mane BUSIESS STRICTLY COFIDNTIAL. St [oui, World's air City,
W. J. LOURIM. ad the
Factory-Brockton, N1aSSi Bo 7cennngock.t 105Pishotro459.
_ _ _c 4u .o5.'io43. r n o nt i
For a Good Cup of.TodaltrisoClfrna
. R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of 4 Three daily trims to Mxc.
COFFE OR 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentchler, . Four daily trains to Texas.
.U''Il~ Phone 3892r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. Four daily tran oiiHlit Springs.
OR.......... ......... ....... Six daily trains t) Little ock.
Made Right and Served Right WOMAN'S LEAGUE. Latest song hits of the operas at - WRITE ME.
Call on Miss Mary Farnsworth will te at Ann Aror Music Cos. tf. Baburgmasu fo :3 o 0h D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,
PENCOto meet the women on Leaguc busi- JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 21 1231 Washenaw A.,
The Cnectisner, .310Stae ns. Main St. S. Phone 281. .Anrbflih
__~~~~Big drive on Mandolins-special"+ -""t""
or eyes examined by an prices-Ann Aror Music Co. tf_
D, Y., A. A & J. RAILWAY expert optician. All the 1t 44..1. l 111111
5TANDA~D TIMC ~et approved appliances and methods Pantorum, 336 . State. Cleaning,
FeDtothlharyteesa..sthknown to the professin are employed. Pressing and Repairing. Clothes SALDIG' OFFICIAL
6:15 p.irn., Theeathury sodl.s1:15.or Ypsi- Nw -ess ul called for and delivered. Leave or- FOOT BALL
ladse o nry frm12:15 a. m. set1:15 p *rcae rmsrpird alr's Jw-ders at Cushings Drug Store, or Ueh l h edn
Thee at19:15 p. m. and 11:15 .inm . elry Store. t. 'phone 582. $1.0 worth of work for CollegemHro t . fMan
WiigunBrnS.WofMi.$.04. Foot BalPans -Lace frnt,
NDTCE'YOENINERSANT____A___hips sd khoesepdded wills
DOO ouWNAGon.. . KNTslo7ENIERS ie curled isir cd thighbs
Class meeting Thursday, January University students desiring to se- with ae strips
$1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? 14,4 p. n., Room. 10, Engineering cure positions to teach will find it to A.. SPALDIN & BROS
Bunilding. Imorant. 7-7. their interest to write to James F. ew Yr, Chicago, Denver.
Try the "UNIVERSITY." McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- iSpadio's Olileal Fot lll Guide e
Iia'sDuStr,23SManS. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. ag. i. for 1903.eiedliby Wlter Camp.
Furnishes music for all occasions.
x.5D505N HAOnsoSO eo Dance music a specialty. Address L NOTICE.
President. V. Pesidet. 1. Baes, Manager, 808 S. 4th awe. The annual meeting of the Athletic
S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier.-_-
74-90. Association will be held in University
FIRST NATIONAL BANK- Hall Saturday, January 16th, at 1:30.." _.__..._.._
OF ANN ARB3OR, MICH. NOTICE. P. m. for ths election of Treasurer, BAILEY BL EDMVNYD.
CAPITAL, - - - 1100,00 Tlhere will e a meeting ofi the Bird Financial Secretary, Fotball Manager (
SURPLUS AND P6IS - sae~nee Club in the Curator's office, Mluseusos andI Interscholastic Manager. S a ef idr
J--ildng-Ja.73 f oissp in. GEORGE P. SWEET,
tate Svn s B n .President. ian21 . LbetyES.
Svns B n. New classes in Dancisg now being " 'f ~ + ""
W. J. Both ntrCcokhs,I.V hea formed at the University Academy, Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar-
Wi. Arnold :or. V. C. Vaughan State treet, Wednesday and Saur- row's and uylers Chocolates atfisl-
Na. J. Kyo JshF.HMarer day evenings.i. lg's Pharmacy. N . e fh~ae 444.4444+".. ::1 4444n.4. +
Jew. Koch Prsf.tH. . Carhart ______________________________ ATHENS PRESS ±
Franh P. laier Christian Martin + n,
U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop 0OUR POLIC Y 2.d lor At~e rs li
AND BATH ikOOl KS. 4++++4++++ 44++... +3.S..44++
J. R. TROJAIOWSKI, Proprietor. The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod-
Face Masange a Specially. emn improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought
322 SOUTH STATE STREET possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To OHIO CENTRAL NIES
-- -anticipate requirements. To overcome impediments. To be satisfiedAL bIh
AL1'I.J A. HA[, with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in Dirct Line between Toledo, Column-
Viw PLotog.'tPha.' the county. bus Athcns, (allipolis, Charleston, W.
Views f city and campus. ,Flashs lights, In Va and the South. Ask your agent or
tenos, Groups. WshNA 1110"trl[IILLI'IiUNE CO., apply is L. L.wis. P. A, 7 Fort St.,
Detruit Mich. MOULTON OK.

316i S. "ln Street, Ann Arbor TeprrGfie iet tet erFut i - C P. A.. Toledo, 0.
'With Seymour Studio. 'Phone 519.Teprr fceLbrtSrenarFut _
Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction.--~--_______
Pubn.and Steam Work. All at Reaasahle Rates and First-Classorder at STUD ENTf'S Eixcu rsion [dates
J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E. Was~imlgtona.
via, Hocking Valley Ry
Ithe book fer all the people all the time, is all vocations; for home improvement. 60 , Sleeking Cars on Night Trains
1pp. illuastrated, price 051. Tinted 25 years. Three months' correspundofee course by '"
author $7. Frsa hrief time I will send the bouk and course for $s, Will lecture on Union Dlot in Columbus.
physical traininglin rapid writing fur $10U, or one weet fur $00. Conducive to health+
nd itvee earn for had writing. Individuality retained.,hBusiness Penman and . WRITE L. W. Landman G. '1. A., Detroit, Mich~.,
one lesson, loc Address Prof. Gt. BIXLER, Madison St. & Ogden .Ave., Chicago. Ill.
Always Ahead MJLWAR[), NL!THE, TAILOR. * Th~e Best
In Styles. o Everythingr in Talorh

--J _w.

-- w . -- --0 ar a . .. r

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