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January 14, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-14

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The Michigan Daily



No. 75

The sudden death of G. A. Goette,
Memorial Services for University Vic- the freshman dental student, came as
a great shock to his parents and
tims of Iroquois Fire-Track Athlet- many friends. His death came after
ics and Baseball--Opening of Bart- only a few hours' sickness and was
lett Gymnasium. due to acute incompensation of the
The memorial services for the Uni- Goette was a member of the Xi Psi
versity victims of the Iroquois fire Phi Fraternity and though only a
were held in Mandel Hall on Friday, freshman in collega was popular not
January 8th. This great disaster has only with his fraternity brothers but
touched almost every university and with his classmates. Goette was a
college in the country, and Chicago consistent student and was held in es-
has indeed been especially unfortu- teem by all those who knew him.
nate. Five students in residence and Services were held yesterday after-
five former students are now known noon at the house. The body of the
to have lost their lives. Among these deceased was then escorted to the
were brilliant scholars, well known depot accompanied by the men of the
and held in high regard by their class- fraternity.
mates. The divinity, the medical, the Lamb and Richardson, together
school of education, and the college with the father and sister of the de-
of arts each suffered the loss of one ceased accompanied the body to its
of its numbers; at the memorial ser- last resting place in Delphos, Ohio.
vice, a representative for each of
these departments spoke in memory TRACK TEAM1.
of the students who perished. This
disaster has awakened Chicago stu- Track Men Out in Large Numbers-
dents to a realization of present con- More Men Out Than Ever Before-
ditions, though, in a way, we are not Over 100 Now in Training.
so much concerned. Mandel Hall, Oi
though now as nearly fire-proof as any
such structure can be, is to be equip. The track men began training yes-
ped with an asbestos stage curtain at terday and both Captain Kellogg and
once; even now more convenient and Trainer Fitzpatrick expressed them-
quicker means of exit Ore being plan- selves as well pleased with the first
ned for the boxes and balcony, to pre- day's work. The latter stated that
vent any possibility of a horror sim- there are more men out for the team
ilar to that of the Iroquois. With t.e this year than there have ever been
many educational institutions East before. No hard work was attempted
and West that have suffered through yesterday as the principal object in
the theatre fire, Chicago mourns the view was to teach form t2 the new
loss of promising students. men. Everyone who intends to try
for the team should give their names
With the winter indoor meets but to Director Fitzpatrick at once. Form
a few weeks off, the track athletes blanks can be found on his desk at
are beginning to shake the kinks out any time.
of their legs, and the baseball men
to limber up their throwing arms.

Men Who Will Meet Michiganat Minn-
neapolis Tomorrow Night-All Prom
inent Debaters. Exceptionally Strong
Irwin A. Churchill comes fromRoch-
ester, Minnesota. He graduated from
the Rochester high school with the
class of 1900 and came directly to the
University where he entered the Lit-
erary department. He at once be-
came: interested in debate, and few
men have made more rapid progresa
in the field of their choce than he,
In the inter-sophomore contest two
years ago he led the winning team
and thereby won one of the Dunwoody
In the intercollegiate preliminaries
last year he won "First Iowa Prize,
of $40 and was leader of the team
that met the Hawkeyes in Iowa City
last April. Mr. Churchill is carrying
Senior Literary, Junior Law and as-
sisting Dr. Schaper in the Department
of Economics this year. He Is presi-
dent of both the Minnesota Literary
Union and the University Liberal As-
sociation, a member of the Shakopean
Literary Society and prominent in
University affairs.
Philip E. Carlson is a veteran in de-
bate. While still in the Cannon Falls
high school he was one of the trio
who defeated the Minneapolis East
High team and from that time till the
present he has hardly been out of a
contest of some kind. In his fresh.
man year he entered the oratorical
contests but took up debate again the
next year and won literary society
championship and the coveted Jacob's
Prize Cup. The character of his work
in these contests led the judges to

Since the completion of the new track ...+++++++++ +++++++++ ++ N. + ..+.........
in Bartlett Gymnasium a small squad
of men has worked through the holi- T H E:
days. At present the squad is rapidly UNIVERSITY <PKOFESSO 'S
increasing in numbers, tit as yet no
new stars have appeared from the (fTRAGEDY r W
the freshmen class. From the pres-
ent outlook Chicago will need many VE E UY
second and third men, at least until -
the spring quarter. Some of those
confidently counted on for points in
the winter meets will be ineligible to .. * ATHENS THEATRE
competition owing to defective' class{SATVADAY JAN. 16.
standing. With Captain Clyde Blair *
and Rice, formerly of Purdue, the +
sprints will be well taken care of.
Taylor, quarter-miler, has decided to
remain in school and will be elegible The following is the list of the men name him for one of the $25 place
for out-door work. now in training, prizes, which admitted him without
Lightbody, the freshman from De- N. A. Kellogg--Mile. further competition to the "Interool-
Pauw who won the Henry Cross-Coon- S. S. Boulger-Weights. legiate Finals." In these contests,
try Cup last fall, will also be elegible G. M. Allen-Sprints. last October, hue won second place on
for out-door meets. Jerry Magee's W. Henn-Pole vault. the Central League Team and a cash
loss in the pole-vault wi. be keenly R. D. Norris-Sprints. prize of $50.
felt, though Kennedy, end on the foot- B. L. Minor-Mile. Mr. Carlson is president of theScan-
ball team, may show up well. An- D. G. Graham-Quarter mile. dinavian Club and the Shakopean Lit-
other ex-football track athlete is Ed. S. B. Laub--alf mile. erary Society. He is a Junior Liter-
Parry, who was kept out of competi- H. Workman-Sprints. ary student and is preparing to be a
tion last year as he expects to take a R. Buckwalter-Quarter mile. pedagogue.
law course. Parry is especially R. B. Leete-Sprints. Jesse G. Steenson is a native of
strong in the hammer-throw and D. W. Ward-Quarter mile. Eden Prairie, Minn., wherehewasborn
should also make good with the other H. P. Ralston-Quarter mile. twenty-four years ago. He prepared
weights. A new team mate for Cat- J. J. Hogden-Quarter mile. for college in the public schools of
lin in the high hurdles will have to E. J. Creighton-Sprints. Eden Prairie and in the Minneapolis
be discovered, as Kelly, who ran third A. T. Hugg-Sprints. Academy. He graduated from the
last year in the conference meet, is R. G. Stewart-Sprints, hurdles and Literary Department of the Universi-
inelegible to competition. A call for jumbs. ty of Minnesota last June and is now
track candidates has been issued for R. K. Walton-Quarter mile, a Middle Night Law, having carried
today (the 12th) and defnite plans W. M. Heston-Weights. Senior Academic and Junior Law last
for the coming indoor season and also L. Warren-Sprints and jumps. year.
for the freshmen's track campaign D. G. Warner-Half and mile. Mr. Steenson has always been
are to be formulated. Training quar- L. G. Packard-Pole vault. drawn to literary work along the line
ters have been established in Hitch- G. P. Hall-Quarter mile. of debate and oratory and won prizes
cock Hall, and at present about 15 A. Nagelvort-Mile. in declamation as far hack as ie
men are living at the quarters. Ow- W. B. Kern-Sprints. Academy. He has made a specialty
ing to the absence of Coach Stagg in L. Schuette-Mile. of oratory, however, and has taken
New Mexico, Captain Blair is in H. H. Howard-Mile and half, high rank in several of the Pilsbury
charge of the training quarters. Mr. J. A. Gamon-Pole vault, contests. Indeed he has been regard-
Stagg will return next Friday, and H. S. Bartlett-Quarter mile. ed more as an orator than debater in
serious work will commence for the A. F. Reiland-Quarter and half. University circles until he entered the
candidates. J. T. Keena-High jump, preliminaries last fall' to represent
W. C. Knight-Half mile, the Forum Literary Society. In these
The baseball men will this year be M. A. Hall-Half mile. contests his work proved a surprise
afforded better opportunities than Joe Maddock-Weights. for he won a place on the -Central
ever before for winter practice, es- W. C. Packard, Mile. League Team in one of the severest
pecially in batting. The wide running P. E. Demmler-Half mile. preliminaries ever held at the Uni-
track in the gymnasium gives ample C. E. Hayes-Quarter and half. versity.
space for batting cages, and the team I. D. Goodwin-High jump and half.
this year should not be weak in the H. Hill-Broad jump. MASS MEETING.
"sticking" department. Beginning H. L. Coe-Mile.
next week, the daily batting and field- O. Grimm-Half mile. All upperclass girls registered in
ing averages of the candidates are to W. N. Marsh-Weights and high the gymnasium will hold a mass meet-
be kept, so that a line may be gained jump. ing in the gymnasium Thursday at
on the ability of the new men. A J. C. Barrels-Discus and quarter. 5:30 p. m. Important! All come
(Continued on page 3.) (Continued on Page Two.) without fall.

Last evening the first dress rehear-
sal for the "Professor's Tragedy" was
held in the Athens Theatre. The
members of the Comedy Club have
been rehearsing twice a day for the
past ten days under the direction of
their trainer Mr. Harry Clark.
The rehearsal last evening was all
that the trainer could wish for to pro-
duce a successful performance next
Saturday night, Jan. 16.
From a financial standpoint the
management believes the performance
will be very successful. Most of the
sororities and fraternities have signi-
fied their intention to go in large par-
ties, and there seems no doubt but
that the Comedy Club will present
their first play for this year to a
crowded house.
A member of the local fire depart-
ment will be in attendance.
Team Arrives in Minneapolis Today-
Men Confident-Professor Trueblood
Accompanied Them - Practice in
Chicago for Contest Friday Night.
The Michigan Debating Team, com-
posed of Messrs. Rippel, Bills, and
Holderman, left yesterday morning on
the 8:46 train for Minneapolis, accom-
panied by Professor Trueblood. The
men were all feeling fine and are con-
fident of giving a good account of
them elves on Friday night. The
team stopped at Chicago last night
where a practice was held and a good
night's rest secured before continu-
ing the long journey to Minneapolis.
The team will take the Rock Island
road out of Chicago and cross Illinois
into Eastern Iowa. At Cedar Falls,
Iowa, Professor Trueblood will leave
the train and give a reading before
the State Normal School of that place.
The debating team will continue on
its journey to Minneapolis where it
will be joined the next morning by
Professor Trueblood. The men will
make the West House their headquar-
ters while at Minneapolis. The Uni-
versit.- of Minnesota still retains the
custom of having Chapel exercises
each morning at 10 o'clock and they
have asked the team and Professor
Trueblood to be present on the plat-
form on Friday morning when a gen-
eral rally meeting will be held for
the benefit of their own team. Pro-
fessor Trueblood has been asked to
address the students at this time. Tlhe
debate follows in the evening.
This is the first team which Michi-
gan has sent to Minneapolis although
we have met Minnesota teams three
times before, once here and twice at
Chicago. Michigan has won two of
these three debates.
Returning from Minneapolis, Profes-
sor Trueblood will, stop off, this time
at Cedar Rapids, where he will read
before Coe College. The team will
probably get into Ann Arbor sometime
Saturdaynight or Sunday morning.
Whether we win or lose tomorrow
night Michigan may be proud of the
excellent team which represents us;
and the men on their return should
meet with a cordial reception.
Tonight at 7 o'clock the Junior Lit.
banquet will be held at Oyster Bay.
Hugo Sonnenschein will act as toast-
master and the Harmonic Orchestra
will furnish music. A rousing time
is assured and every '05 man should
make it a point to be on hand.
Judge Donovan, the well-known lec-
turer from Detroit, will deliver a lec-
ture January 29 in the Law Building
on "Lincoln as a Genius." The lec-
ture-is under the auspices of the Web-
ster Society and the public is invited
The 1904 Michiganenslan, according
to contract, is to be on the press be-
fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all
pictures, money, and copy must be in
by Fepruary 15, 1904. Michiganensian
sittings, at senior rates, may now be

had at Rentschler's or Randall's stu.
dios. tf.

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