THE MICHIGAN DAILY. P uritan Shoes $3 05O r ON THE SQUARE WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. LET'S SWAP! 111 South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. i 1 i S f.: e A^ r rM1 w, 'r. n °i S. , ..ti Zs PENNYCOOK. : The Confectioner. 314louth State It. 4 Fine Confections. Lunches, t thyhlay ccaies111:1eventhe deail- In cc ,1v1 11 ou i oh l-:it1fes,( ar pelloesllherostcomp-iletcon- fectry prlor intct.3 Ice Cream. Soda Water. 4 PENNYCOOK, 3101 Southl Staite' strIlt. FOOTPALING'SOFFICIAL. INTER-COLLEGIATE Coleges. 3t Foot Bali~aiiits -,1111fro1t1 AG. SPALDING & Bill. 4. ;$ NwYork, Chicago, Denver. D,, Y,, A. AI &- d, RAILWAY STANODARD TIMEC 1 1)1 1 1111 11111 11: 151 Phoeo3189-2r. CALENDAR. Otoblcer 8-Fe'ncers' ("In])llmeting. j 1Ot.11 -1. ig o T n i 1'1ra tI. 01---2M1 311131411vs. Alblio. BULLETIN. Notice-'-Selc3cn yea 111lasslessonlcfor 114181111 FirstI Chaplter ill :Pi ffaliy( NOTICE. s1h11l111b13'l111t111 111' S11cretar~y's O(f- PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION cat 111nstruc1tio 11n 41 o l'lednesda1y,01c1. 7, a1 10:110011nd 1 1:0 .ainI. PETITIONS. All petitio10n1 to the faculty r01(eiv1d t1h1 Secre-tar'y. - 10-73-0117. SECOND-YEAR CLASS. tOn account (If to 1111111r01thic week14at. olo311314 th11'e ltglishlt;jur- ist, t1h1111131018in tho Study of Great Oratorn wilt recite at 1 p. in. 'THIOMAS C. TRI E olfII). MORTGAGES. Profescor Thcson 33111 1e111131111 Motga1(10s01at 11:00 1a. im. 1111Montday IandtI'lt1rcslay of tics3311ek isead cf 0o4 Monda01y 81111Wedlnesdaty. NOTICE TO OHIO STUDENTS. Alt whcocellect. ultima4tely to a111111 fcc admllissionl toltoe Ohio Blarr834 31- 1q1ired11by law t1.1file, thre ears(1801in atl- vance-4'of toe(tar t'xamin1at ions.,c- tificatecstof (entran1ce4111111te81stu1y oIf telawtl. All -scitohavncot.111do1111 so shoutltd 1proc3re0 1he'fficial formafromi the 3ct'rk4 (f 11(eSupremeCorttl at1( Ctolumbs and411(1e11304141t,1to 1141' Secre- lary at tnce. E. C. CfiOI ARtD, Secoetary. - 8,, 'Z""27"5c, {rK DARLING & MALLAEUX, For3 1(1071ing in the lute 41of~ Framing, Call on1 Rentsthler, 2't Pillows, Penannts, Fancy Gloods (1(130er31Main11and(1Huron Streetso. '2' and Notions. '7',, }i 2"<; f". "7" t 2' { "Z" <, "2"3""f < t2'-,226 S. STATE 5T, U~niversityj Notices. CLASS TEAMS, NOTICE! NOTICE. ('r1with 1a(1(10(111-11-lislttof 111a(er3, 1(1(1(11 114tagc 88 soon114 810 ible141, 3110s before s'ix o'lock'I 1't ednecday photographsil(0. Not expense8(. Il ttt trwillIbe' 111113w('d lt01(1t1'r1the T1(MAS I3. i(It)3ICS. 311(3a 011s31rios11s1111- a11hletic 1m1n(1g831 M(anatger. in-ct 4(nd,1'Valts= 311(o1a ctsavec- KOLLAUF, The Tailor, i l(l1 inl ivo il 3dmndt ha11'1l 111t teill- 1 GLEE CLUB NOTICE. 11A1711 ' M. \IIt, Al i((flhI1 o 1(1 1117 111('('111(1)4 laclison Street.' 3111 84wth'ol'4 110 (8, ilun 31111d1 tei- 1names'84(1(1 address'es'3 tt ___ .V, T'IlD 1 r13n, '4tt3, COS OUTY UN Blathi Suppilies of prices8 at Cushing's I JOB PRINTING- Mainit S. S. Phone 2 Annlual mee(ting of1 sttciaiiowill behe t' I}1a11 Satu1(3da(3, ()cloh for(theelecti11114 tf 1) managers'30.. 01 Liawrence S. all kinds at. all I t~tit I t t natl r wil 1 '1114 14xt Phiarmiacy. wt-it, '11.18s418111111,' 011111 lilcipa- - MEYERS, 247 illthe Ieit ght(,311 1111 3311 10also b ; achanc131e 011(t(11'imlbe4r up. 383 till Aitilc'tic Ac- 3(3101co111113 itt ors4113 tf till' 1as1tweelc or 40, a8 1_1 1,.in., I('1m011 d his118fail. Illft , 1 tetriner(0 SWEET, Pies. ;withI atthty ihat1(14111 tffottin ith(a(, -_ iec'ton( Ne1ic'lIbe made. NOTICE. Al11ltdentso desiiing 10 compete(I0 \'cI'od111131111rt18111ff1111113goosc Nich1( al eprt uiness('' ct:311Iup'18-(a81-'l 141 do y4o41It urs13. Hailer's Jewelry maagr t 311(11.dstet.thsStore. RESURRECTION TONIGHT. expert. optic1Ii. All 1the' 181 STfering'l114 (f 1t(0 Ttim iMarlsc 01eiitpproveld4appliances1 a(1111th~odsc evening03witlle he iegreatetl e ss3('8N ('8e('31-;lttss(-' it tedlensties'c ttipli- (If modern 't4 imes1'"13011331 11(1." ITisca341ti, (31ot01 11repaoi.Haller's Jew- is to1118ay(141(111as8woniIfa40(' anttlery Stcre. forltune fot' Miss 'BlaitcheioWailih. Ecvery cr t t'1''8(111teei 11(10 det110181i30111 Ito 313410 to1i11(84(31'i8stcla1488per- formnce cofico1st111101great wort:. El) NOTICE. Teelecti11110or113pl'in Ilof t1'3104 lit. foo11tba1lo am will he held 114 11( trophy13 roo1m4of Watermns gymnasium81111 member.,4'3 of tact yoar'c loans 4431 urged1 to be precent. 'HIOMAS(3N, Caain1. NOTICE. 313- 8'lminary7 tti 81105101113will un- tlertaite situiin110 1 1(8111181ion 110- ''('11031'Root,tit riday,1c3. 0cter I9, at Smnalley ill re'gardII to Itiscoursei'8. '1OF01"1I. C. AII)ASS. Your clothesl pr0es111 8111 3108100( antI 31((r csho sthinetd for 253 a weeko. Pantorium, 336 S. Slate St. BIX[[R'S PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, (pp. 11illu t t, pr('ice It. 'ITestd :501y-ars-. 'Thremth'ut s' l'Irrl'cpodxI( '((1 (1183by3 athor $7. 'loi t a1 britf1141111'ettt11-will sfend04111.book11 and. o-41u' se4fl'o1. C lO~ l' c Itneo 111ilonelso, l1tc. Address-c Prof. G. BIXLER, Madison SI . & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. Electric and Gas Fixtures anid Construction. Flsmhing and Steam Wnrk. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHUHI'S. 207 E. Washirigtori. +:o..E.,..O.. ...2tb.t+..hJ + . +tr *.t- +j+ t+.+ r+' + h.5,,h ' hA,,+,14+h ,.+ + '+ i~r + r+:" ++ . ,i +++ IGive us an opportunlity to figure on your list, PRIC[S TALK. We 3811 save youIlmoney o0n ~ ~LAWBOOK5:- : iC'AT~i2IA&T (NowoSci o'od-lhwtdi CALLGHAN& COMPANY,. Importers. ~3,.c~aL~JaakL~114 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO.I . ANN ARBOR BRANCH, 340 State Street, Opposite Law Building -*---- v New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS Leave Detroit 10 p. um., Michigau Cenitral.I Leave Toledo 12:30 Nigh~t, Hocking Valley. Arrive Colunlibus 6:50, Hocking Valley. 4 PARLOR CARS ON THE DAY TRAINS. Say y"Hocking Valley" to the ticket agenit or write L. W. Landman G. T1. A., Detroit, Mich., ,RA.NDAL] G, THE IOTOGRAPHER. 121z E. Washington St. I + ' R4'f? 4^ 4i? 4 4 'i ' ;4' T ? i f " "4^I " ! 7 '4"', "! fi? 4 F'7 '4' 4' "4' *: * '4"4' "?"4"4 .;!"4..f"t' .1 4"R' "!"f' "4" i' "4' .4 _4 _4_ .f' Always Ahead in Styles. ML WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.