Th chtan Da il VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1903. No. 1 IIRSI [OOIBALL PRACTIC Big Squad Out on Ferry Field Yester- day-Much Hard Work Yet to be Done-Scrimmage Today, The first regular practice of the University of Michigan football team went off with a briskness and earnest, ness that augurs well for a succossfal' season and on the whole it was a well pleascd number of students that trooped home from Ferry F 'td after Coach Yost's dismissal of th' squad. Contrary to expectations the ater- noon's work included a short scrim rage in which the first team played wholly on the offensive and proved able to carry the ball down the field despite the best efforts of the second tteam. C ach Yost rwishes it rnd r stood that any division of tir situ d nto first, second and third teams Irovisional and only fir the puor, of concert of action and in no wi'j dtecrom nes the aaetnp of the 'ari whent the bg game come aroaro. The first team lined up with uam atoss, formerly of tetro t Uniersit School, snapping back the ball. Dart Gregory. the regular center, was en the field assisting in the breaking i of hlie n'w men 2nd so did not gat into the lira-up Gooding, last years su, was at right guard and Ga'tret recently of Ann Arbor high schoo , played the same position on the otirer sde of the line. The tackles were Edmrrds of iar year's reserves, and Longman, ro r Kalamazoo, who seems to be a nr ' man of considerable promise. Capt. Redden was in his old plat' at left nd and Doty, another of last year's substitutes, was on the other PRESIDENT JAME side of the line. Norcross was at quarter and his quick, snappy iar' OSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. tling of the team elicited favorable comment from all sides. t.i aitota Daily reports some Hestorn and Graver thnon or h ' w t orranizations A literary erans, played the halfback positit reu ha en organized in the Law in a way that showed them both to be "rat 'r I iich is to be known by improved over their previous form. of the "Society for Legal Bigelow, substitute last year, was / what the aim of th at furll hark and pronaises well. Car irrvIsth aper does not state er, the big guard who expecter to r, to irfer that the Mitt turn to college, has so far failed to 1'ciOt a s" are permeated with the materialize and as the management a'errt dot I re to assimilate all the has heard nothing from nim for so tu ssible. weeks, it is now generally thought j~--~~- tnht a aoew ran will have to be ob-. T ' I te spirit as manifested by tained for his place. 'f candidates for the foot- Maddock, who was at Ludington b ' OE not flourish in all with the squad, stopped off at Albion 'ste 'o stitutions is shown by a re- ot his way down and is expected to at rt rs l3torWn Herald that it was rive in Ann Arbor today. ute ry to hold a mass meeting o The second squad was lined us asti t o is in order to persuade can follows: Jones, center; Curtis and diat tr come out for the second Beechler, guards; Shulte and Garrels, tem. tackles; W. Weeks and H. Weekal eals; It F.Redreto, qrarter; Kidtton T ' iversity of Mnesota gives snd W1tndall, haltbacks; Person, Tait o atw stunts in undergraduate, back. .A large nrmier of srustitr r .he sophomore Dents and tiOns swere made during rthe prlay t toi des recently decided to set- Yost's intention heing to give plary th acs ttunremacy by choosing indi- sm nenton t. g .iaa represent the class in va- mxn ashow.eriou cr tests. Ater a series of hex Curtis of Pueblo, Colorado is Ote r tesiitt aees th ohr of the -best of the new men Ile t t an v resting matches the sophs of fte teat t te ne inet It lty a score of six to one. weighs 212 pounds stripped and so' y rt a likely man for tackle. " and Stanford the men in the Hammond, the former Hyde 'art 'rum classes are allowed to fullback, has the build of a gotd , Ir ' ' k work as part of the rgu plunger and his work at end yer t olass work. Track sections are day in breaking up interf r t f ' oted i a each class, each section stamps him as a most valuable man s endiri ten minutes of their regular Schule, the old Wisconsin hr'r' ternasrit hour on the track under sprinter and jumper, has enter lt. tE tptrvision of the track trainer. Michigan this year and is out trI ___ for half. He has plenty of speo. sat 'ihro gh the columns of the Minne- handles himself well. 8, it 'aity, some co-eds at that insti- No one has yet appeared who seemst utitot are agitating the idea of a girls' to be able to satisfactorily fill Sree- freshran eating club. According to ley's place as a punter. A number of thitir idea a club of this kind is as men are doing fairly well and there is ntces:ary to a freshman as a glee club yet time for a star man to appear o' a rooang club. Butler of Ann Arbor High School and Rumney of Kalamazoo High seem t foowing statistics published in to be a little better than the other. the itinnesota Daily may prove of in- at the eking game although West' terst as enemies of football: dall, Heston, Person and others are "C/atrary to the opinion generally nearly as good. spirear by the enemies of the game The squad numbered fully fifty men and often believed by its friends, foot- yesterday and still others are expre't ball is a long ways from being the ed out today. mot dangerous of the sports. (Continued on page four.) 'Jiottorts from the accident insur- art: 'ompanies reveal figures some- NOTICE TO EDITORS. thing iIe these: 'f (laims paid during the past five There will be an important mert- y F 21 were due to horseback rid. ing of members of 'the Daily staff int st ,it to baseball, 97 to swimming, Noom 7, Tappan Hall, at 12.45 today, 1(. 90 to wrestling, 71 to bowling, 62 to All members must be present. All hiro ng, 59 to tennis, 54 to gymna- caniates for the board will appear siack1, 419 to canoeing, 43 to football, at the 'f; e place at one o'clock to ; f:1 io skating (on ice), 25 to golfing receive asss ments and instructions. at '21 to boxing." WORK BEGIN TODAY. In All Departments of the University Substantial Increase in Attend. ance-Improvements Around the Qampus. Today will markr the opening of the sixty-seventh year of the University, and it is the general opinion that this year wiltlbring more students to Ann Arbor than have ever been here in the past. It is too early yet to have any statistics, but those in position to rknow say that the Freshman class is much larger this year than last. At the railroads the baggage is more ientiful than it has ever been at this season, and that which came in last week was greater than ever before on the week precediag the opening of col rye Iloge. The mort notable increase in at- tendance seems to be in the Engineer- n Department, and the accommoda- ions of the old building will be much too limited to care for the students. 'foThe new building Wi probably be ready or occupancy some time dur- ng this year. This will be the finest builing on the campus, and will have {; ranle rom ftor work. There are few changes im this department. Probably the next in increase will be the Literary Department, which is registering an unusually large Fresh- man class. T'he course in Forestry has drawn some students from other colleges, where this curse has been unsuccessful. The six-year lit-law course also seems to be more popu- tar than ever before. A course in the English Department bids fair to be sES B. ANOELL. very popular this year. This is the course in newspaper writing which _ _will include a series of six lectures on FERRY FIELD. subjects of interest to students intend- With the opening of football prac ing to take up newspaper work, by irMr. Wilts J. Abott, of Batrle Cr'ek, tice yesterday afternoon, Ferry Field editor of the "Pilgrim" magazine, and was once more a scene of student ac- a well-known authority on newspaper I tivity. Being recognized as a very work. necessary part of a college istitution, One of this year's innovations is the par ofa ollgeihstttarofeeotwtao dotlars for lie law lirary, much attention is now given to per- h crollet frie law O fecting the new athletic field and en- students. Besides a few changes in e couraging athletics. Through the the faculty there is little new in this generosity of Dexter M. Ferry of De- department. troit, the large tract of land lying just (Continued on page three.) north of the old Regents Field was pur'hased and presented to the Ua- $ versity. This now makes a ground of S about 35 acres, and when the plans t for its development are carried out twill make one of the best athletic' fields in the country. Some work was done this spring toward leveling this new tract and after an unavoidable T HE delay this summer work has again commenced. A large quantity of dirt A for filling in has been procured and the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. At present all the athletics will be pursued on the old field. M I H G The grandstands are being put in 1. S; place and the gridiron has been en- closed. A practice field just south is Although plans are by no meansD perfected, some general idea may be given of the proposed work. The main 1 gridiron will be placed in the north Will be received in University * end of the field and on the sides per- Hall from 8'a. na.to5 today. . ra nent grandstands will be erected. Subscriptions by telephone and The tennis courts will be placed just by mail may be sent to the Daily inside the north and west walls. The ace, 11 t. Wash ton Street, two fields will be thrown together and 3 manager, t31 'Pakard St., Phone a baseball diaiond placed about in 461. the center. This diamond will also he provided with permanent grand- ; o stands. This means that all college x The subscription price has been games will then be played on college reduced to grounds, which ought to be a means of encouraging college spirit. a a Prof. Sadler of the Board of Control has been East this summer and has payable in advance. If not paid secured some very valuable ideas before Novomber. 1903, $2.50. along the line of construction. He was much impressed try the new stad- tium being erected at Harvard. As the University Daily, The It is also the idea of the Board of Michigan Daily will contain in- Control to enclose the field by either portant Faculty and Undergrad- a stone wall or an open iron fence. orate notrces, the accounts of MThere are objiections to troth and this games, intercollegiate htoe 1 e-. mater as otetns tr dechd this graphic news, reports of lectures matters has not yet been deckded, it and all interesting facts regard- being argued that those who would ing Michigan and other univer- gaze through an openwork fence si'ties. It will also prove to be a would not pay to enter a closed one. valuable record for reference, With an outlay of at least $6O,uOO illustrated by occasional half-tone and the best ideas of an enthusiastic cuts. To Michigan students The Board of Control it would hot be sur Daily is indispensable. prising if Michigan should soon have 4 strictly first-class athletic ground.