THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY Three reasons may be advanced to o -explain this state of affairs. First, Entered as second-class matter at the Ann perhaps interest in politics is dead Arbor Pest Office. and but few men care for political Ro Publshed daily (Mondayexcepted)lduring the jobs. Second, maybe the value of the Scollege year, at117 E Washington street, offices appears to have depreciated a!(baseent floor, side entrance) Phone 892-3r for some reason or other. Lastly, the MANAGING EDITOR: support tr each office might have EMORY THOMASON een pledged before hand, so that BUSINESS MANAGER: when a man's candidacy is announced, AS We4have too large a ROSCOE B. IIUSTON the other possible candidates think it ---e-----------is no use to run against him. What- stock of fanc EDITORS: ever the cause may be, it seems a fnyAthletics.liROEK. WATONe NAes- - - - JER . S.WBALE pity that such conditions should exist. ASSOCATES J. . BALEY A man's vote at such an election is SUITINOS AND Clfeord Stevenson, Roy Peeibles, of little value if he hasn't a chance A. M. Graver, Henry P. Erwin to exercise his right of choice-the TROUSERINGS A. C. Pound. A. I. Ortmeyer. thing that makes his vote something Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. to be desired. And it is not much of on hand we will sell Geo. A. Osbr. Oserld C. Sith. when the excitement and fun of a leerry it. Adews. AlredIReolh, close competition is eliminated en- themn at reduced prices 2 - - ----- - -- -someiio-se-iaede- tem: Editor T ay-A. M. GRAVER. tirely. to make room for our E S rSubsdcription r "-Tw ilis e a,1 l n Anther improvement has been in-- PeidsancS. If uelinqset :ft rAs..e1r03. $2.AI stalled in the gymnasium baths. By Spring and S is mm e r .S'sltec.If lie ' elorl u-s ee seter, p~t,, lc fi3 s noheiprvemntha.benin Woolens. Be sure and .the closing of the drains fine wading office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 is afforded to all. call in before you place p. m. Daily. Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- COLG GSIP your order.AA t ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. -- The alumni of Northwestern Univer- G WLD& CO '___ Tlphnsity in New York have organized a a . -Uwoinett-LNorthwestern Alumni Association. 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET. TheSorrityof Alpha Chi Omegahas CALENDAR. been recently established at the Uni- January 13-Glee Club Concert in versity of Wisconsin. ON rtN NO* Ypsilanti. January 13-5 p. m. Lecture on "Con- A largely attended memorial service TH E GREAT GAMEtemporary France--Public Admin- for the victims of the Iroquois fire istration," by Professor Fairlie, in was held at the University of Chicago Tappan Hall. last Friday. One :f the Chicago men January 14-7p. m. Junior Literary who lost his life was Fred W. Leaton, banquet at Oyster Bay. a 1902 man at Michigan. January 15-Choral Union, Kneisel *Quartette. Fifty-two stdnts at Leladl Stan- * E X C I T I N G F U N Fischer party at Granger's. ford were suspended for one semesterI F OR E V ERY ONLE January 16--1:30 p. in. Annual meet. on account of poor work recently. 921 ing Athletic Association. were put on probation and 24, who at:- January it-Comedy Club play. plied for leaves of absence, were January 16-7 to S p. m. Bird Club granted leaves without the privileges meeting in Curator's office, Mu- of returning until next August. seum Building. January 17-7:30. Wesleyan Guild The program for the junior week at lecture by Professor Tucker of Cornell is as follows:--Tuesday even Dartmouth College. ing, February 2nd, Masque Play; Wed. Feb. 3rd, sophomore cotilion; Thurs. In former times during the week Feb. 4th, musical club's concert; Fri., preceding Athletic elections, one could Fob. 5th, juimor promenade. In addi- not venture on the campus without tion to this most of the fraternities vein re uanthpesenmte witht have planned house dances or tea held up and preseted with ing the week. numerous small cards bearing the names of the various candidates for A University Press club, stscn to office. For every office the competi- everybody, was formed recently at thes tion was great and generally resulted University of Minnesota. a small majority for the lucky candi- date. Some of the Cadet officers at the Of late however, things are alto- University of Minnesota are planning gether different. There seems to be to organize a small band of students SH E EH AN ' no unusual activity in political quar- to fight on the Japanese side, If the ters at present, although the January Japanese-Russian war becomes a real- election comes off Saturday. Very ity. DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenne few of the candidates even feel the ANN ARBOR, 320 So. State Street necessity of canvassing the campus A $10 advance in tuition was made for votes as in former times. This recently at Northwestern 'University. cndition is accatuted for by the fact It is planned to eventually raise the C.H MAJOR & ' COMPANY that there is in most cases only one tuition to the amount charged in other - J Cavowed candidate for each office and large colleges. ZItItOC Decorators therefore no competition. On the face of it it would seem that - Elaborate and mysterious invita- Specialty fine interior decorative work. Wall but few men are desirous of holding tions have been issued by one of the Paper, Paints, Oil and Glass. office or care to go to the trouble of new sororities at Northwestern to a Phone 237 203E.Washington Street running a campaign. Or can it be leap year's party. The young ladies - that the offices themselves have been ace to tales the initiative in everything rendered less attractive to the prss and the fsortunate men who drew are pective candidate? The fact remains, all excitement. A "balding hansds" DIRECT LINE however, that as time goes on, there contest is among the list of entertain- there is less and less competition for ments, and much speculation has been TOLEDO TO CLUBUS office and less general interest taken indulged in as to just what form the Perlur Ceir..s .1 rcin in the elections, said entertainment will assume. Outlipnessof the Law o1 Bailmleits aild Carriers By Edwin C. Goddard, The Outine's stte the fond atton prinsciplesofa the subject in an orderly and consecutive form in order that the student may have an opportunity to see the subject as a whole. $:.00 POE SALE AT $5.00 MIOUSERS SA[[ Our window full of $7 and $8 Trouserings made to your or- der for $5.00. . AA A We losesmoney at it, but we'll b all sold out nest Saturday night. And we chare our lss to our advertising account, be- ':USepleased customers are our best advertise- :ents. GOODSPEED' S 110 E. Washington - - TAILORS You Owe it to your face tO use Williams' Shaving Stick. TE STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Lyman Abbott ON "1Regro 11probem" VNIVElRSITY HALL, ondag .venicJa . $0 Single -Admission,' 50c. Season Tickets, - $1L00 9H M MMMMM MMMM MM sM.MMM sMMM I v DEAN M. $SIABOLT, Masager Y. M. C. A. STAR COURSE SEATS NOW SELLING AT HENNE & STANGER'S "R. ELAS DAY Novel and Unique Impersonations FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 15, 1904 RESERVED SEATS 504 GALLERY SEATS 25C TINER & CQ-PANY FURNISHERS AND HATTEJRSI 334 S. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r.