The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1904. No. 74 TRACK MEN MEET. GUSTAV A. GOETTE DEAD. Gustav Alfred Goette, a 1907 dental Largest Meeting of Track Candidates student, died very suddenly in his room at 503 Monroe street last even- in the History of the University.- ing at 6:15 o'clock. His death was One Hundred Men Present. due to congestion of the tungs. Al- though he had been feeling ill for sev- The largest and most enthusiastic era days, Goette did not take to his meeting in the history of University bed until yesterday and his serious track athletics was held in the gym- condition was not realized until his track last evening. There were gm- room-mate found him in an uncon- iayumlast evnening.rTsere wd at- sciots condition about four o clock', lyntin to note that thend majority The physician who was immediately encotraging t oeta h aoiysmoe rnttcdtecs oi of them were freshmen. The trophy lessmonete was 20ythe case hope- room was too small to hold the crowd aess.oetwas20iyears ofage ns and the meeting was adjourned toa y of great promise. His parents the gymnasium floor. have been notified and a relative is Trainer Fitzpatrick made a rousing ntw on his way here. speech and he said that it was impor- tant that all candidates for the team CONCERT TO-N IUHT. should come to the gymnasium every . day as indoor work is of the greatest The Musical Clubs Will Give Their importance to new men in particular, Postponed Concert This Evening at for there is more time to devote to Y .t. i. h them now than there will be when Ypsilanti-Clubs in Fine Shape. outdoor training begins. It is wrong to think that Michigan is sure of win- The postponed concert of the Glee, ning the intercollegiate meet this Mandolin and Banjo Clubs will take year. We cannot win with the team place tonight at Ypsilanti. The clubs we had last year. Every man must have been practicing constantly since work hard if Michigan wins and the old men must do their part. It is im- their return from the vacation, and portant that the new men should not will undoubtedly give a ftood concert. get discouraged. The best athletes Many students are planning to make Michiganever had were those who the trip with the clubs and a rousing worked two or three years before they reception is assured in Ypsilanti. made the team and these men are the most valuable to any team for they This will fturnish a good opportunity have shown the spirit of determina- of hearing the clubs to those who tion by sticking to it until they made missed the clubs on the holiday trip. the team. Only two or three of last The fifty members of the clubs will year's team will be here next year leave on a special car from the D., Y., and the men who work faithfully this A. A. & J. waiting room at 7 o'clock. year will be the ones to take their The concert will be given at the Ope- places. It is important to get the ra House and will begin at 8:15. The Michigan fighting spirit which has giv- price of seats ranges from twenty- en her such prestige in athletics and five to seventy,-five cents. this is also due to the spirit of encour- aging one another which prevails among Michigan men. The Universi- + ty should always be first in the minds of her athletes and they should never do anything to bring discredit upon UNIVERSITY her. Chicago and Wisconsin have strong teams this year; the points will be divided more than ever and we shall have to work to win and we '. mttst win. wtth lag tunotii O M . 2 Mr. Fitzpatrick expressed himself as pleased with the large tarn-out. He announced that Michigan will be C LU B .... represented at the intercollegiate championship games at St. Louis and that every man who has the least pos + sible chance to win a point will b taken. A relay team and four or fiv other nen will be sent to Philadel- STUDY OF BIRD MIGRATIONS. phia to the meet given by the Univer- During the coming spring there will sity of Pennsylvania in April, so that be continued at the University of this year there is more for track ath- Michigan the observations of bird mi- letes to work for than ever before. All grations begun last spring. About a through his address, Trainer Fitzpat. year ago it was learned that a large rick warned the men against the fatal number of Utniversity students were spirit of overconfidence. He urged interested in the study of the local the new men not to get discouraged bird fauna and that most of these because they failed to make the in- were working in an isolated and more door team but to come out in the or less haphazard manner. Many of spring for outdoor work, where there these persons were greatly interested are more events in which to compete. in bird migration: Through informal In closing he aroused great enthus- meetings it was determined that ism by declaring that we must win about twenty students were interested and would. in this work and that some plans of He was followedby Captain Kellogg co-operation would doubtless lead to who said that every year since he had better results. In the hope of this a been on the team, the intercollegiate plan was devised and volunteers vis- meet had been won by new men ited regularly the most desirable lo- from whom nothing had previously calities and made their observations. been expected. We need new men A bulletin board was placed in the this year and will need them still museum where the records were post- worse next year. It is quite the usual ed so that all might know, at any thing for a man to work two years time, the exact status of the spring before making the team. migration. There is a close relation A call was made for Joe Maddock, between the weather and the migra- who responded briefly by saying that tions, and for this reason the daily he thought there was a chance for weather map-received from Detroit- every new man and he emphasized was posted for the use of observers. the importance of conscientious work. By this means an excellent opportun- Although there was such a large at- ily was offered for the study of the tendance it is certain that there are relation of the weather to the spring many intending to try for the team migration. This special feature of the who were not present. All such will work was entirely new to the local report to the squad leaders tomorrow (Continued on page 4.) and begin training with the others. It is expected that over one hundred IMPORTANT NOTICE. men will start work. The 1904 Michiganensian, according The complete list of candidates for to contract, is to be on the press be- the team will be published tomorrow. fore March 1st, 1904, consequently all pictures, money, and copy must be in SENIOR MEDICS. by February 15, 1904. .Michiganensian Senior medics should have their sittings, at senior rates, may now be had at Rentschler's or Randall's stu- pictures taken at Randall's as soon an dios.,tf. possible. DAN McGUGIN, SMITHIES. Manager. frICIIIGAN WINS. J. F. Halliday, Representing Michigan inthe Hamilton Club ContestAward- ed First Place--First Prize $100 in Gold. TRACK CANDIDATES. Track candidates will report to the men in charge of their respective events at the following hours: 100-2'0 dlash-Halin-tugg-4:t30 p. m. 5:45. 120-2120U Iirdles-Schule-Stewart,4:30- 5:45. J. F. Haliday, of Michigan, won the 40yardtri-iacsstoca-Rasen, :v- Hamilton Club oratorical contest last 5:45. Monday night at Chicago. He return- 880 yard run-Hall-Harpham, 4:45- ed Tuesday morning with the first 5:45. prize, $100, in his pocket and the hon- Mile run-Kellogg-Perry, 4:30-5:45. or of having won for his alma mater High jump--Miller-Brewer, 4:30-5:45, another victory in oratory. The win- Shot put-Maddock-Dunlap, 4:30-5:45, ning of this contest roflects greatered- Pole vault--Dvorak, 2:0-3:45. it tn Mr. Halliday's capabilities as a KELLOGG, speaker and on ,the university. Too Captain. much praise cannott be given to such men who in distinguishing themselves [INAL PRACTICE. have distinguished Michigan and helped to spread the fame of her The Michigan Debating Team Starts great record in oratory. We extend to This Morning-Will Have a Hard Mr. Halliday our warmest and hearti-Bthis-Morning-WHedaih est congratulations on his late victo- Battle-They Have Worked Faith- ry at Chicago and wish future repre- fully. sentatives of Michigan the same suc- cess. Last night several of Michigan's old Mr. Halliday prepared for his uni- stars helped put the finishing touches versity course at several schools in on the Michigan team and those vlo the state, at all of them taking an ac- were admitted to the secret practice tive interest in oratory and debating. feel well satisfied with the result of Before entering college lie spent his the long hard wortrk. There is no last. year in the Ann Arbor High doubt but that the debate will be a School and from there entered North- battle royal as the Minnesota team is western University as a freshman. especially strong, one of the men hav- His next year, however, he returned ing debated the same side of the to Ann Arbor and entered Michigan same question last year against Iowa. University where he has since remain- But the team have the true Michigan ed. He is a member of the senior spirit well expressed by Captain Rip- class and last year won second place pel's own words, "We have worked in his class contest for the honor of hard and will do our best.' representing his classs in the annual The question it will be remembered Michigan Oratorical Contest, his is "Resolved, That the adjudication of brother, E. M. Halliday, securing first disputes between employers and em- place. Both men this year are pre- ployees should be made a part of our paring for the annual oratorical ctn- aIdministration of justice." Michigan has the' afirmative, and the men will probably speak in the following order "+++""-++++++++ .++---Bills. Holderman and Rippel. T H E The team leaves this morning at 8:45, stops at Chicago for practice to- PROF ESSOR'S night and arrives at Minneapolis at 4:30 Thursday afternoon. This gives TRAGED Y i W them a day's rest b ore the final struggle Friday night. The judges willbe Judge McLain, of the Iowa Supreme Court; Mr. Miles of Dubuque, Iowa, and Mr. McLellan, A E E United States District Attorney. .ATHENS THEATR.E ______ SATURDAYJAN. 16. COMING MEETINGOF THE LEAGUE ++ - .+..+.+++ +r.++++, OF MICHIGAN MUNICIPALITIES. On February 11 and 12, there will meet in the buildings of the Universi- test and with these men and many ty of Michigan, Ann Arbor, the most others who have declared their inte - important convention ever held for tion of entering the contest Michigan the consideration of municipal govern- should undoubtedly be well represent- met in Michigan. This will be the ed in the Northern Oratorical League sixth anual meeting of of the League contest which will this year be held of Michigan Municipalities, which on in Ann Arbor on May (th. this occasion will be combined with a Knox College won second honors in meeting of the Michigan Political the contest on Monday night. Chica- Science Association. The plans for go and Iowa were the other two this joint meeting are already well schools. Formerly, representatives matured; andit will be readily seen from eight colleges and universities from the statements which follow that submitted orations, all to be on Alex- a rare opportunity will be offered to ander Hamilton at some phase of his hear an excellent program of valuable wort of life, from which four were addresses and interesting discussions selected to be delivered in person by on a large variety of municipal topics. the orators before the Hamilton Club There can be no question that there in their club house in Chicago. Mr. will be a large attendance of city offi- Halliday, being one of the four so cials and many others interested in chosen had his oration printed at the municipal affairs in the State of Mich- club's expense and the sum of $25 igan. It is known already that the sent him to cover the expenses of his distnt upper peninsula will be rep- trip and stay in Chicago. Mr. Halli- resented as well as the lower penin- day speaks very highly of the atten- sua. tion he received while he was the Two of -the sessions will he devoted guest of the Hamilton Club. The con- to the practical problems of every day test was made an evening dress af- municipal administration. Besides the fair and the first prize was in thle annual address of the president of the form of a handsome purse containing League, Mayor John F. Bible, of Ionia, ten $10 gold pieces- and the report of the secretary, there Mr. Halliday was the recipient of will be papers and discussions on the many expressions of hearty apprecia- enfocemts of criminal laws, on the tion on the campus yesterday, the water supply of cities, and on street most unique being that tendered him paving and other municipal works, by by the class in Great Orations of Judge C. B. Grant, of the Supreme Court of Michigan, Dr. Victor C. which he is a memluer and hefore Vaughan, Dean of the medical depart- which he recently delivered the ora- ment of the University of Michigan, tion. W. H. Maybury, commissioner of pub- lic works in Detroit, Dr. J. W. Inches, FORESTERS' CLUB MEETING. mayor of St. Clair, E. R. Nellis, mayor of Wyandotte, and other municipal There will be a meeting of the Mid officials. Numerous other speakers of igan Foresters' Club at West Hall, note will discuss subjects of wide Wednesday night, January 13, at 8 range and first importance. Full an- o'clock. nouncement can be obtained from the GEO. W. PEAVY, secretary-treasurer of the League, Secretary. (Continued on page 3.)