THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ruritan Shoes I' w ti f-,4 7 0 CICARLTTLS Qjroken in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMOKEL MAKESL"GYPTIAN SMOKERS For MNII 0 ._. . 0 :S ®: t ~Cork Tips orPlain. From }t Sae the Copons. F~~-,. A The I GKernlCo, tory ,s7 y&4 , / 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Capsan Gws made to or- - der and rooted. ULU. I" Pennants for all colleges an( * . iiti t I I! .I+ fraternities carried Io_ Class Pins, Class and Team " IliOII o byr - ti Send for Catalogues. MON Y OAE.O Arkansas, Texas, Mexico , Jsewelry, and all High ' Class C.hattel a n d Are best reached via Collateral Security. ' Ann Arb r S ore I I . M in* BUSINSS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ; St. Louis, World's [air City,' "if W J. LURIM.and the; [actory-Brockton, "ass. om 7, lennnaBoc. Phn 19 o 7: 00 tos8:0 .roo l uountaio '~ ~ Route For God Cp o R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of isdoltrnso('ifria -~ Three daily trains to M exico. CO FE , Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, ~ IL~tan oTxs U~ CO F E O Phono 389-2r. Corner Main and Hur~rn Streets+ oudaltrist'Tx.44FrdiytansolofSit. *t'N Si g d i iiy tr a i s to L Itl r o c kn . ; .CHOCOLATE ~Sioal THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. The atractison at the Athens Thea-I Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, - WRITE ME. Made Right and Served Righst tre on Monday and Tusday evenings, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes C all on January 11 and 12 will be the famous called for and delivered. Leave or- H.* D. Armstrong, 1. P. A-, Innocent Maids," horse play loss not ders at Cushing's Drug Store, or f P[NNYCOOK{, been provided to take the place of 'phone 582. $1150 worth of work for ;. 123,3 Waslotenaos Ave., Tie Confectioner, " 300S. State t.t genuine artistic comedy, and every $1.00. Ann Arbor, "ich. 4 .... 4 emale member has been selectedl for beauty of face andl form andl for her JOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 215 "# -' "° ' Do, Y., A. A. & J, RAILWAY respective ability to please the' audol Main St. S. Phone 21t._ T! i ence by a clever entertainmenlt whsich -, .5TAMDAkI9T~ is added to by lavish and costly dress- Big drive on Mandolins-spetial For Detrsit half hourly from 6:15 s. m. until log and beautiful scenic effects. prices-Ass Arbor Musit Co. tf SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ' lanti only. at 12:15 a. m. and 11:41 a. m. For The show opens with funeny farce FOO________ . 1 ITR-CLLEO'T Juekson hourly from 6:15 a. m. until 7:15 p. M. called "The Magic Hat" which serves ( ahS. pples o alFOOTd BALLl Thee at 9:1 p m. and 11:15 p.m., 0.0ispe ofnlkdsaei Used by all the Leading Waiting Rnom. Baron St., W. nf Main, to introdoice twenty young ladies in prices at Cushing's Pharmacy. Colleges.' d i 2 t DO TOo WANT A Goon $1.00 FOUNTAIN, PEN? ; Try the "UJNIV[RSITY." Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. E. D. KINNE HARRISOSOL Presidet. V. President. S. W.CLARSON, Cushier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL, - - - $100,000 SURPLUS AND FEOFITS, - $40,000 State Savings Bank. D1ltrCTOiS:h W. J; Ilsislb Jno. V. Sheehan Wnm. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H. Wade E. F. Mills N. J. layer John Hauarer Jno. Koch Prof. 11. 5. Carhart Frank P. Giuoier Christian Ma-tin U. of M,. Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATH RkO4MS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. Face Massage a Specialty. 322 BOUTS STATE STREET AL"U1IJSAIIAL[, Viesw.Phsotors-p her- Views of c10y and campno.IFlash lights, Is- tenlors, Groups. 316 S. Plain Street, Ann Arbor With Seymour Studio 'Phone 819. funny comedians, the fu1n1 is fast and ROOMS. furious frsom the rise to the fall of the Are you moving? One suite down curtain.stislrplcbtgstephn The rlosing of the show is alusairos , fureoaceeath, gIastees.o52 able satire, "A Lottery Tickset," whitch 81 unc et eaaebd.51 is immensely funiny and calls forth Root Jefferson street. 69tf. the ntir comany.Typewriting neatly done, Miss Ward 621 Southo 12th street. 68-73. Uiversity students desiring Iso se -__________ cure positions to teach will find it to! their interest to write to James F. CLASSES IN DANCING. , McCullough, 039 Fine Arts Bl1dg., Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Granger invite thosej rago. tf. considering the subject of dancing to call at the Academy-ground floor o The Harmonic Colored Orchoestra Maynard street-one block west of desires to inform the students that it State Street stores. Classes now, is prepared to furnish first-class mu- forming. "'68-72. sic for all occasions; danre music a specialty. Address L. ID. Bates, 808 Latent song hits of the operas ut Fourth ave. 72-74 Ann Actor Music Cols. f. OUR POLICY The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod-j ern improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought ponsible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To anticipate requirements, To overcome impediments. 'To be satisfied with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in the county. WASHUTENAW U"O"El[TE[[PHON[ C05, Temporary Office, Liberty Street, near Fourth tipsatd hees paodded with line carted haoir and thighs setticae estrips. A . G. SPALDING & BROS. Ineorporated. Sew Yorkc, Chicago, Denver. S