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January 12, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-12

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The Michigan Daily

Proposed Change in Constitution of
Athletic Association Discussed by
Prominent University Men.
The contemplated changes in the
Constitution of the Athletic Associa-
tion are eliciting ;considerable discus-
sion among the -hembers of the As-
Professor Pattenill is inclined to
regard the agitattoii which is being
made about this maftter as a tempest
in a tea-pot. ie thfinks that the ac-
tion of the Senate in granting to all
students of the University the privi-
lege of voting for members of the
Board of Control ispopular among the
students as a whole and that it is ef-
fective in electing to that Board stu-
dents who are hesi qualified for thel
position. The foIo4wing interviews
will be of interest.


No. 73


Professor Pattengill. r
Professor Pattengill, Chairman of c
the Boa'd of Control, was seen at his t
home last evening and gave out the I
following statement::--Y
"There seems to be some misunder-
standing in regard ti the relation of i
the Board of Control to the questiona
of the election of the student mem- e
hers of that body. In INay, 1902, the 1
following resolution was adopted by g
the Senate of hi University of Mlich- t
igan roviding foi the election of the
student memhers ut lie board:
"'Resolved: That the student mem- I
hers of the Board for the Regulationv
of Athletic Sports shall be chosen un-
der regulations to bi established by
the Board and that in the election of '
such members of the Board, all stu-
dents of the University shall be en-
titled to vote.'
"This resolution leaves nothing for
the Board of Cont rol to do except toi
execute the reiiirements. . Februa-Ii
ry, 1902'an election was held and the
following students were chosen as
members: A. E. Herrnstein, Chas.
Dvorak, H. S. Graver, and Chas. Stur-
geon. their terms expire the first
week in June, 1904. Mr. Herrnstein,
who has been absent this year, did
not resign until last week, since which
time, there has been no meeting of
the Board and the subject has not.
been discussed by the Board at all.
As Chairman of the Board, I was ask-
ed some time ago if an election made
by the Board of Directors would bel
valid. My reply was,-first, that I
was not officially informed that there
was any vacancy and secondly, that,
I did not see how such an election
would comply with the Senate re-
quirements. It is plainly the duty of
the Board of Control to provide somer
method of filling vacancies. That has
not yet been done but will undoubt-
edly be taken up at the next meeting.
It would seem therefore very proper
for the students to make such chang-
es in the Constitution of the Athletic'
Association as would bring them intot
harmony with the resolution of the
Mr. Thomas Roberts. j
Mr. Roberts, a member of the Board
of Directors, when questioned as to
the proposed amendment said:-
"It is simply making the constitu-
tion conform to the fact, which hast
been changed by the Senate ruling.

Wisconsin Football Team Transmits Call for Candidates Issued-Prospects Michigamua Launches Scheme for the
Message of Condolence to the Uni- Bright for a Winning Team-Old Development of Michigan Spirit-
versity of Michigan Team. Players Back. Important.
At a meeting of the members of the Captain Redden announces that a At a meeting of the Michigamua
Wisconsin lootball team resolutions call will be issued for candidates for Senior Society last Saturday night, a
if sympathy upon the death of Cecil the tiniversity Baseball team next plan was formally adopted which will
Gooding, the Michigan football play- week and that preliminary work will undoubtedly develop into one of the
r, who died of typhoid fever, were be mapped out at that time. Accord- greatest institutions of the Universl-
rawn up and forwarded to the Mich- ing to Michigan's captain, prospects ty of Michigan. The principal objects
gan football team. The communica- were never brighter for a winning are the development of Michigan spir-
ion was as follows: baseball team than they are at pres- it, the unification and systematization
"To the University of Michigan ent. Seven of last year's players are of undergraduate efforts and the erec-
Football lTeam: Desiring to express in college and eligible for this year's tion of a Michigan club house. As
ur sympathy for the friends of Cecil team and a number of promisingfresh- a means to these ends Michigamua
Gooding, right guard on the 1903 Uni- men are prepared to enter the lists. has introduced the following plan:
versity of Michigan football team, in The seven old players in college are: There is to be formed an organiza-
heir bereavement because of his un- Captain Redden, center; Campbell, tion of all the college clubs in the uni-
imely death and also to show our ap- shortstop; Bird, second; Davis, catch- versity. An annual banquet will be
preciation of his high qualities as a er; Karstens, pitcher; Carruthers, held in the gymnasium, known as the
man and student, and in respect for right. Michigan clubs' banquet. To this will
is true sportsmanship, we begto com- Guy L. Johnson, assistant baseball be invited every college club, promi-
municate to you the accompanying coach. has recovered from his attack nent alumni and members of the fac-
esolutions of the University of Wis- of typhoid fever, which incapacitated ulty. Each fraternity will send one
ousin football team and to ask you him for work shortly after the close deligate to represent it officially.
o communicate to his family our ex- of the football season. Thus in this banquet will be formed
pression in whatexer manner andform an organization of all the prominent
you may think best. DIPHTHERIA SCARE.-4 undergraduates, the faculty and almum-
Recognizing the high worth of Cecil Mrs. Jordan, who has been sick for ni. The power of such an organiza-
Gooding, his manly qualities and his the last week with diphtheria, is re- tion can hardly be overestimated. In
ability as a football player, and furth- ported better today. Mrs. Jordan's fact, it is only by such unity of effort
r realizing the great significance of case has never been considered a very that such great institutions as Michi-
his death to the University of Michi- severe one, but diphtheria, of course, gan spirit and a Michigan club house
Pan, we desire to express our admira- even in its lightest form is daggerous, can ever be realized.
ion of his true sportsmanship and his and all University women will ie glad At present it is a glaringdefect of
promise of future development. We to hear of their dean's improvement. our college life that there is no organ-
boaieve this young man's life was not On account of her sickness, Mrs. iation in which alumni, faculty and
lived in vain and that his sturdy deeds Jordan, of course, will be unable to undergraduates can associate and
will be an inspiration to the youth of fulfil her usual college duties. In her unite their efforts which. are general
Michigan. place, Dr. Snyder will grant excuses in their character. The Athletic As,
"Ifniversity of Wisconsin Football to the girls at the gymnasium. sociation is the largest student orgasi-
Team." It was reported about town, wholly zation, and while it is unquestionably
E. J. VANDER1ROOM, without foundation, however, that sev- doing great good for the University,
H.t.C CHAMBERLAIN, eral university students had been ex- nevertheless its primary object is nee-
essarily the development of but one
phase of college life. The annual
......." ..+ ....... r... ++,....a...++«++++ Michigan Clubs Banquet Association
Tfli E will not only systematize undergramf-
uate eiort and form this needed or-
UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR'S ganization of alumni, faculty and stu-
dents, but it will also be to the under-
TRAGEDY W V graduates what the alumni banquets
now are to those who have graduated
and entered active life.
The formation of this organiza-
tion and the arrangements for the
first banquet will be entrusted to a
} C LUB..ATHENS THEATRE committee of four Michigan Cluba
SATVRDAY, JAN. 16. and several members of the faculty,
In time, this committee will invite
--+++++++++++"++ .- +, ++++++.+-- ++++ '+++ the active co-operation of other clubs.
Michigamua has elected two delegates,
"Bpb" F. Parker, Leader of the Glee
RICHARD\ W. REMP, posed to the diphtheria by being with C FPub, aDr. .ae , PhesGdet
soil an D. . D. Blane, President
Committee. Mrs. Jordan, before it was discovered of the Senior Literary Class, and has
_ -- how serious her case was. The truth issued a formal invitation to the toast
TRACK MEETING TONIGHT. of the matter is, that Mrs. Jordan was masters Club, the Quadrangle and the
Tonight at 7:30, a meeting of can- exposed to diphtheria during her hol- Friars to elect two delegates from
ditates for the track team will be held iday tri. On her arrival she went (it- each of these clubs.
in the trophy room of Waterman rectly to her home, where she has re- The need of a Michigan club house
gymnasium. A large crowd will un- mained since. None of the girls have is so apparent that it need not be dis-
doubtedly be present as every man been admitted to see her during this cussed here. The value of a strong
who intends to try for the team is time. Soon after her arrival in Ann Michigan spirit and the co-operation
expected to attend. Candidates will Arbor a physician was called to at- of alumni, faculty and undergraduates
be asked to hand in their names and tend Mrs. Jordan, and on his pro- are evusally apparent. The plan which
the events in which they intend to nounciing the case contagious, the Michigamua has introduced Is a most
compete, as Trainer Fitzpatrick is house was rigidly quarantined. . logical and practical one considering
anxious to obtain a line on the new Several other cases of diphtheria the magnitude and importance of the
men. contracted during the holidays, are ends in view. Michigamua i already
On Wednesday training will be be- reported among the students. But at supportedby Professor Wenley, Pro-
gun in earnest under the direction of present none of these cases is serious, fessor Scott, Mr, Kirk and Mr. Cor-
Trainer Fitzpatrick and Captain Kell- and no more of the students have win, of the faculty. With such an or-
ogg. The menibers of last year's been exposed. At present there seems ganization as planned and with such
team will assist iuu coaching and give to be no call whatever for a diphther- support the future of the long-desired
the new men the benefit of their ex- is scare. Michigan club house was never so
perience. The long distance men bright.

It is merely cutting 'dead-wood' out nave already starteditraiing ans
of the constitution. Student members their work so far has been very sat-
of the Board of Control are no longer isfactory.
elected by the Athletic Association.V
and vacancies in the Board of Control JUNIOR LIT. BANQUET.
are no longer filled by the. Board of The Junior Lit. banquet will be held
Directors. The amendment proposes on Thursday night of this week. Ev- t
to revise the constitution to conform ery member of the class is urged to t
to these changes." attend. Besides a program of toasts,e
an orchestra has been secured to dis-
Mr. H. S. Graver. course music. 9
Mr. Graver made the following The supper will be served promptly I
statement:- at 7 o'clock. Tickets are $1 and may
"I favor the proposed alteration re- be secured of the committee: Cook,
garding the election of student mem- Fritz Miller, Parry, Clarke, and Baley.
hers of the Board of Control because, The banquet will be one of the best
as it now stands, this provision of the of the year and will be given at Oys- t
constitution is a dead one, since the ter Bay. f
University Sqnate 'ibs decreed other-
wise. In regard to the second altera- CORRECTION. b
tion which would cut out the filling of In the Daily of January 10 the name s
student vacancies on the Board of of the young Michigan graduate lost h
Control by the Board of Directors, I in the Iroquois disaster was wrong-d
think that this clause should be re- it should be Miss Lucie A. Sill, A. B.,
(Continued on page three) 1899.

Mr. Alfred A. Farland, the banjoist,
who made such a pronounced impres-
sion on local musical lovers last win-
er, has arranged to give a concert at
he School of Music on Wednesday
evening, January 27th.
This announcement will mean a
great deal to those who heard Far-
land last year.
The 1904 Michiganensian, according
to contract, is to be on the press be-
ore March 1st, 1904, consequently all
pictures, money, and copy must be in
my February 15, 1904. . Michiganensian
ittings, at senior rates, may now be
had at Rentschler's or Randall's stu-
dios. tf.

Professor T. C. Trueblood will ac-
company the debating team to Minne-
apolis this week. On January 14 he
will give a Shakespeare lecture-recital
at the State Normal, Cedar Falls, Ia.,
and on the return trip will lecture at
Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
President Blair, of the Senior Lit.
Class, announces the following com-
Picture-W. Weeks, Chairman; -
Work, W. Cook, Miss Whitmon, Miss
Stein-Kid McKoy, Chairman; Bob
Parker, S. S. Boulger.
The Michigan Debating Team will
leave for Minnesota on the 8:46 train
on Wednesday.

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