THE MICHIGAN DAILY. overcoat Sale. Al-1*Oecot o i AT] This sal. inv'liile'. t1e cou'. II. t+ 0 S. & M2. 52 and 54 in1ch lomconavs.0 ALL .. Mlack and Oxtisor. Plinccorthe. $ ladies' Coats Bel It to. T-?0 1-2 Price '' 217 South "ain Street The Clothier Phone 513 *fo eer4 + * t s *i..t~ t*a *,t*ir* ,t'.t~ a t v f S L ^ t 4' .iS®. HY MIACK. ft CO.'S ALL ALL Ladies' Suits fur Neck i 1-3 Reduced 1-3 Reduce .-Everything 1-2 and 1-3 tOff eces da 0+ 0' v9 1 4i®i®® O® OItAS ®ItN N / O $4 *r,'ir*e r~ r*~ia~sr,'ir~+t*ir~iia' t i'i +'' r~ a at ir~it~ir~ia~it~ ir~irr*i SRAND-ALL, THE t 12-E. Washington St. j ®®s®seH oHS o" s ®o oef®® o+ ®a®a s ®e s a ®s ®®+ s t t Established 1111 106 Huron Street, Eas BVRCIiFIELD''S FINE TAILORING TRADE z We are prepared thin season to mnet nvery demand, as we have incrcased the numbcr of workmcen. As usual wn have Z~e Inest Line. of Woolenxs in the city. Art and Skill will prcdomicnate in our werk as in the past. We respectfully invite your enquiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD * 0 0 0 S 0 'it 0 I 5............@,@,,44*e®),@4 I *S*S0oe0o oe4,Se CATERING CO. CAF AND BANQ VET St eilDnses1 P. M. Daily, 35 C~o aisam G35S t .eS. Pk r n w c at e AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State SI., S. PRAISE SERVICE. ple'a Church, Kalamazoo, will preach, 1IProfessor Wmn. A.lHowlantd will con- Suhject, "The Christian Doictrine ofa (toct a Praise Service incthe Preslby-lBrotherhood.'' Sunday school at 12 tercan church thisl eventing withI a full mu. Young People's Religiouis Union chlisc. 'lie progracmi is an followa: at 6.30 p. mt. Mil. Ellis Michael will lOGRlA11l. giveti Iplpe. 1 1)1Organ- ''M!etod y'~-tlilmn t;t 2.Chir--'Sinig Attehitlia Forthc"' Seventh Day "Oaventist. Buckt . L. ('. leeve, Pasttor. ' s.Chir-"Ilejoire Gretiy"'-- Mars- Sunday, 7 p. in., pireaching; stubjt'ct, toll"Tice tweet y-threec'hundcredI lays of 1. Chir--atisosetsaid Qtitcttc IDanciel ,S:14." Chucrch, crice of etos- i1ar I-lark icy Soucl''Shlvley. pccl antI(Churcl etreetsa. G. Offertory (Organt) ''lc'rc'i'csc'' I eicciigri'. s . hir--Sopranoci cc soo al cois leont thtic.' Iliia ,-tiicccl. S. ivh 'I--Tiui-"Sivit. ccc7Scivicc, Slet)"It'-ccc. Icy Hocwlancd. 9 'lCcoir-"'Atvake '1cccicc Glorcy''-- (Ctacticket. It. Cir-lass aolo acid ciccrcc ci .Pstltccli, (Oracnic - "Mactc'' - 1licace sst c'cc'cicc'tel arc' cigc'st andfinticc'c I_____ linecc of First Methodist Episcopal Church. Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Ectliaic S. Nincdei'Pasttor. ever ticcsiuj tocit iy. Pine Lunches in Connection. ('lass nc.'c'titcg at 9.St) a. nc.; prc'achc EverytimiNeag adCla.c a i c. cc 1.211 a. cc. andil7.30 1,. icc. IMorn- 308 S. Slate St. K. E. JOLLY. ln ubctject, "'hFli'athcerhoodi of Gcci". - - ilvicig suctjec t, ''ljs ans cd Foutnd''. "'-n''4Stcinday schiool ccc incconsand lctvsrtlc The Sch.ool for Dancing I League atc' 0 .m cThe cconlhly r'ice'ptionc (fc'rimen wilt jIRANGj[R'S be hldilat Ibe' parsotie, 215 Statc' Grudtfoor on Mraynard Sir ci st re't ncrthc, scn'Tuesdany evet'ning frice On(lock h elstc'viSaSt t r.s t 7 ucccit1 10c't'lcct'. IStores. 'Phone 2-4-6 ...o..t-... t ... ..a First Baptist Church. First Church of Christ Scientist. Stinday services at 10i.3ti and 7.3t0. Sucbjecct fccr tccnccrrocw, ''Sac'ramenIt". Wc''edncday eveingc service' ct 7.45. 409t Div'ision cstr'eet. St. Asdrew's Church. ; Henciry 'latlci, Stector. 7.30 a. in., Houly Commnion; 10:3.80. morcning prayer sonlsemhtn; 12 in., P'arishcStuncday schotol anililelclass- es; 3 Ip. i., Sundccay schooil at Geiddecs; 7.10, evening prayer 'with spe- cial music, acid sei'iio'cctisyoiunigpeo- tpc' Icy the Rev. ('. E. Woodcock, rev- 1tr ccf St. Jhnh's chuirc'h, D~etrocit. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran. WV. I.. 'edrowv, Pastor. 11.110 a. ini., sermoun, "The Testimocy ofi Jesuisfcco Jchncthc' Baptist." t1:30, Scinday schoctl and Blible classes;3 Ip. in., catechetical icstrcicticcn; 5i p. m. scrmon. "Socme'trcuths we believ"ea fixedl faith." 6.30, meeting of the Y. P'. S. C. E. Thcc second annucal rcen c'crt Icy thcc Ann Arbocr Mandocliic anc Guciar club on Tuicsday evening. Jan- uacry 19. Memorial Christian Church. Sermontn iiSunciay at 10:10 a. icc.Icy Rfev. J. A. Canbcy; subject, "Whccis imy Neighbor?" At 12 m. Prof. fColer will lecture to his Blible class on "Tbe Conquesi. of ('anaan" Prof. Coler will als lecture at 7.30 p.m. en "'The Bosoc of Acts". Y. P. S. C. E. Switch made from your own hair. $1.00. Miss Vaughan, N. Univ. Ave., near Quarry's. tsu All candidates for the track team are requiested to meet in the Trccphy rocom of Waterinc gymnasicim at 7: :30 p. m. Tciesday, January 12. N. A. KELLOGG, 71-73. Captain. Ei LE~CTRIC rANS Electric Cafin'g Dise 4; Electric Tale cLahl'qa5 S in f-t., -Ythins it i51.iF, . 0 s'.so to . alc Is and =e.. surdiseiso... WA5I'TENAW LIWT & " POWER COMPANY. yCsr. Ws.i gto I t. A-..P-sn.2b Money Loaned ION Watches, Diamonds Or cther icersna ipropety oh vcalu. Watces and Jevery i- paied. Bargcains in Waths and lDiamocnds. Office ct residence'. 331 E. Lib erty Street, Ann Aior. Hocurs 8 tco 11:30ac. in., I to :4 p. i., 71cc 9 p. mc. Altl Fcciness I 'cnlden tial. JOSPH1 C. WATTS. lFAtLDIiit'S OFFICIAL I IlTEN-COLFOATE FOOT BALL Used by all the Leading Collees hi nl 1nespaccec' Irisi Sew tnred hbir an. ii. r Panto msriu in 336 5. STATEIG &ST . New'Yrk, ico hirig'si Cplotew-s altlledIoran D. ~ 11.elivered hone 582 Wlaig.Psi. ng.obeping. DteliveredJ.iter Phone67. 713 582 te~ T TOU CAN GET A 0 Hot Lunch A ittle's, 338 S. State UNIVERSITY ACADSEMYState Street1 PALAC[ 4, PARISIAN ..ALJNDRY AGENCY., Office 615 Ecst vWillicmcSt Pccccce k7. Work called ftrarncudclieredlprocisitly PHOTOGRAPHS w CALL AT. S[YV1OUR'S STUDIO 316 5. fPlain St. ',~ CHGAN CENTIRAL "The Niagara Falls Routc. " TEIE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct cssnectioss cat Cica.gcfreSt Louis, IKansas City. St. Pauli ciid lice 'West. For information and through ticetesecal oneor write to W. W. CASE. Agenkte A Arbor. 'Il'hlpast'r will lp'reatltci t 10.3011cci "SIicaics Epitome' of tlii'Christian Lift'." IBilei schooccl at 12 mc.;: Junior U'ncccionat.31) 13. Y. 1i. IT. at 16.311 Socg service aci 7.:0, weithc scrmuun in '''11cP'riclsofCclo(cllege lift''' Congregational Church. C'. S. Patiton, P~astoir. Mornecincg service at 11.30; suibject of sermnic "Scalvatiocn throucgh Christ". Stundacy seco at 11.45; C'. E. meeticig at Evening servict' at 7.30; whcecn lhe pasfor will speak on "The Libceral SMan". During lice Sunday school houtr Procf. llcnry Adams will conductc, icc the auciience rocum, an ((len parliamcent (tie the discassion of qucestions of the relatioin between Christian people antI public and necial I, giae lvus'The Harmonic Colored Orchestra desires tcc inform the students that it Unitarian Church. is prepared to furnish first-class mu- Joneph H2. Craooker, Mininstie. sic for all occasions; dancce music a Worship and sermon at 10.70 a. m., specialty. Address L. D. Bates, 800 Rev. Thomas P. Byrnes of the Pee- Icurth ave. 72-74 "ALL.EN'S F OR QUALITY." $10.00 and $15S.00 SUITS AND OV[RCOATS We give the Best Clothing Values, saving gou from $3.00 to $5.00 on Everg Suit or Overcoat yuu Buy. The balanee of the month our Annual Sale is on we give gou the choice of' our $10.09 Suits and Overcoats for $8.00 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for $12.00 ALL[N, THEt CLOTI lR, 1135. 01 AIN STREET WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE