THE MICHIGAN DAILY. N THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sig. Harris, the Minnesota quarter- * back, has been suspendedl from col- Enteedss second (lass matter at the Ass lege for crihhing in the examinations flArhor foss, Office. hefore the holidays. Attiough lthe Published daity (Mnday excepted) daring the wiltlIte allowedl to return in Fehroary, A . cstlege .year, at 117 E. Washington street, it is said that hte wilt not return again (abot a s e ~ e n t fl o r ,r d e t r an5 c e P h o n e f0 0 2 33 r a n d w i ll g o t o a n o t h e r ct l e g e n e x t AseIaetle a ' S.ICOR5Y T tOMASON tatittfrJnir 2 BUSINESS MANAGER: The Woman's Athtetic Asociatios RiOSCOE it3.IRUSTON at tChicago has ptannet a big atltetic stork of fancy SITINGS AND ; S on hanil we will sell to mnake room for our I Spring and Su mminer Woolenis. Be sure and call in before you place I your order. j4A 4A 0. 11. WILD & GO, 108 E. WASHINGTON STR[ET. ITHOE GREAT GAMIC "PIT" IE~XCIT'ING F UN F'OR EVERYONE SHE EHA.N'S DETROIT, i60 Woodward Avenue ANN ARBOR, 320 So. State Street C. H. MAJOR & COMPANY 2Ertislic Decorators Specialty tne interior decorative wart:. Waltl Paper, Paints, Oil and Glas. Phone 237 203 E.Washington Street 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUM4BUS Atletics.- - - IlOonne E. WALTN, The tennis men at Chicago wit be1 Newse,- - - - - . ' LEnY Jattle t~o have indoior practice this witn-j ASSOCIATES:teascutarbenpuupith Cliford Stev'ensone, Goy Peebles, 1rasctrsaeuin ottttnth A. M. Gravecr, lenry P'. Erwie new gym. A. C. Pouand. A. 11. Ortm~eyer. .l::sepl: Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. 1Mo:re. Eckersall is ou:t working with thte Ida Mi. lroasriag. I. WaY:ite Jayne. C'hicago: track team. He expects to Geo. A. Osbo:rn. flarotd C. Smith. make uip. his bark workt in time to ili:rry 11. And:rew:s. Atfred Bi. kHochl. Icompete in the' sring. Editor Today-A. R. PEEBLES. S'ubscription-Two .Dottara per year, payabletcin advanc:e. If diein:quent after Noc. 1, 1902., $2.50 The Syractse Daity Orange is print- edt in. a shto ownedt andt rtun by the studtentts. I Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 Is 7:30 I In speaking of the baaeball candi- p. mi. Daily. dates the Daily Maroon of Chicago Address-ROSCOE B. HOSTOS, Business Sian- ager, 331 Packard Street. says in part: "Catting is also a first basenman.E Teehse 6.Heocetipied this positio for two a eara at Mlichigan, leatting in: tatting uviov ;ABELboth years. He is an in:fietlter of classI as many Chicago ieee can testify. - His acqu~isit ion seemas to be the test CALENDAR. t lte. Janoary 1-9::30 a. m. Daily Bo~arttr breakfast at Oyter Bay. 0:: accotunt ott danger frcom the ire .Jantuary l1t-6:30. Lectu~re on "'Phi' the girls of Bryn Mawr are not altlow. Religions of Stience" bty Dean ed to use chafing dishies, ansd fior a sim:- ;- Vau~ghan it: McMillan Hall. filar reaasin the Wellestey girls are ftir-j Jantuary 11-Law Social Clb danci'. bitdden to pyrotgraphl sithi ioitfits re- Janua:ry 11--2 p. im. Opening of resid- q~uirinig lbenzine. loggetloiti titCercle Francasa. ______-...___- Jantuary 12-7:30. Meeting o:f track M.Anidre Michel addressetd the Cer-1 ti-am canida~ltes ini Trophiy roomit. coe Franicais in: the Sarah C'aswel An- Januiary 1:--Iltee' tlubtiConciert, in etl] al lost:ight, takinig as his suit-' Ypsilanlti. jet "Notre D~ame de Paris."-Niot theI Jtanu~ary i15-'CiiraltUiin:, l:iis:'t romnc:ee tiVictor Htugo's bt ithe Quartette. tGothic'edifiice whicht largely inspired Fiischier ptarty' at Graniger's. it. 02. Michel spoike' ofthle develot-o January 16-Comedy Club play. meet o~f Gothic architecture emp~hasic- ing the role of u:tility in: the m~ethodt It seeoms noit In be generaly tuniter- itt eonstrucrtioni ot Gotici arch-the: sttoool amn~og thte studieont tiodty jilst.zirve tinarc-tto:taot ati51si i why the amendlment to the constitu:- i~trirtiolfth raeialttN tion of the Athletic Asociatit:: has tre Damie revealedl it not nierely as bteen ptrolposedl. iThe ctiaf oii.,:culty sit artistic pitece oif work to be adl with the preseot arrangement is that mired altogether fromo the aesthetic the Iloard of Con:trol, consistinig of view Itoinit, bu:t alsi: as a great histor-' five ptrofessors andi foulr stsuten:ts iral monutmett, rep~lete withsugitges- not electedl by the Athletic Associa- tions tof the ideas oIt the "Mto:yers titon,hilt tby the studtent boidy. AndS Age" which M0. Michel gen erously sit' fturthermore the Hoard of Contro~l has preciates aiid atdmires. The speaker otf late taken a liberal constrtuctio~n to totok pleasture iii recognizing the le- the clatuse in th~e con:stitu~tioni providt- ,gitimate appoeal of medtiaeval art- ing for the electioon of sttudent mem- that barbarii Sativage so studtiously berns5to fill vacancies to the IBotard otf condemned by the classic cen:tuiry ot Contrtol. In tact they hesitatedl, antdMtir adBien finally did not accept into their menm- This incideotal defense of romanti- bershito a man con:stittionally elected cism wvas appilatuded by a sympathet' to that bitard. atudieoce. 02. Michel's complete anid The otbjeot of the anmendment is t~o einthosiastic interpretatio:n of Nitre make the Board o~f Control entirely D~ame shoold inspire his hearers with inodependeinttot the Athletic Asocia- a keen interest in the sulbject of Goth-. tioti. ic art antdtunquestionably recommnitd _________________ the readitgotHiugo's "Notre Flame de__Pris. OSP t may iiot be o~ut ot place htere to: The ootallmenat ortweserndeprecate the lackofto courses iii the The ootall en t Erthwsten tniversity of Michigan which shoutlid are planning t: give aniinstrel showtrawihhro:gnstevstub sooo tot helpo raise montoiy ::pay their t oet rt willsritshnthericastevet- track coach. ~~ ~~~ject o rwt t itrcldvl traco coch.opment. Stirely a subject enititled to the same consideratioon an music anod Becaose of the strained relations of belles lettres. Illinois and Wisconsin, the Intercol- After his lecttire last night an in- legiate Hoard will not make ouit the formal reception wan held for 02. base ball schedule this year and the Michel at the residence of Profeasor old league is broken sip. Canfield.I Outlines of the Law o1 Bailiments and Carriers By Edwin C. Goddard The GOtlnes stte the fotnd- ation pinciples o the subject in an ordely and consective form ini ooder that the student may hive' an oportunity to see the subject as a twhole. $9.00 tOlt ii LE AT Walr's Book Stores. $500 IROUSERIS SA[[ Our window full of $7 and $8 Trouserings made to your or- der for $5.00. 4 0 4 4 St'e oe1110n0-:at it, Sout wo"1'lltbe a t]slot one:st Sbturdaty iogtt. Ad we ctaise our l ostaails adeiocs:-.:ooaeoosn, t,' is lshdicsomrsta:' aeosr ellst051doveis'- (I'll I. GOODSPEED' S 110 E. Washingon - - TALORS "A stiff upper lip" is softened and re- fresited by Williams' Shaving ,Stick. THEt STUDEtNTS' L[CTUJR[ ASSOCIATION Lymaz& n Abbott, "I~e~3roON UNI VERSITY HALL, "1Ondanj tveninq, Jan. 25 iSingle Admission,, 50c, Season Tickets, - $1.00 DEAN M. 5EABOLT, Maager MDYand TUESDAY, JAJN. ix and 12 THE EVENT OF THE SEASON THE INOETMAIDS An organization composed of Thirty '.1~0 0 BURLESQUE and VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS z PRETTY GIRLS JA FUNNY COMEDIANS -A CATCHY MUSIC AO ELABORATE COSTUMES JA GORGEOUS SCENERY .4t SIDE SPLITTING COMEDIES t, A Burlesque on Entirely Now and Original Lines PRCE:50c35c N SEATS NOW SELLING PRICES 50c 5c NOINCREASE IS PRICES FOR SIX FROST ROWS? TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISRERS AND HATTERS. 334 5. STATE ST,-, Phone 342-2r.