THE MICHIGAN DAILY. A4LCH~GAN CvL'rIt4 "The Niagara Falls Rute" T lE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connectionssat Chicago forSt Louis, Kass sCity. StI atl anithie Wist For informaticsnsoil thro.ugicktscalloso write to W. N.CASE. Agesiil An Arior COFFEE R11 Ou wiroastirnt Mocha 0l Al-w-ays ffrsh and Java 28c peer ppoixa-id 214 Halo St. DEAN (ft CO. New Brunswick Tnables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tohaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate St., S. C hateiust receivetllttatrgesti and illmit lise of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes e, ,..1.e -b. 1 ,it .i-to u e -ty __ .a 6 0a t O ur Great 'Pro-Inventory al ® 20 to 50 p. c. DISCOUNT SUITS, OVEKL.COATS . * 'Trouesers, Hosese Coats ® Undterwvear, Bathrobes , $2.00, $1.50, $1[.00 Fr~acny S hias 7 9c . > TEBE /VET I I I a 3 3 3 the y -f ..Rain Coat MAKERS xis NEW YORK guarantees its rainproof qual- ity. Contains no rubber--- never heats you up or smells musty like a mackintosh or rubber coat. Cut loose and 50 inches long from olive,tan, gray, and fancy mixed fabrics. A perfect Rain Coat---a stylish Overcoat; the idea[ outer garment for correct, econom- ical dressers. The pricetis right. Your money IIANOST'!IRItI R, Caterer, SOuTHt ST. Fine Lunches in Connection. CNTTTO OB MEDD i mnlclt back if anything goes wrong. Everylhioc 5eal soil Cleuin. CNTTTO OB MNE.tisAedeti ulse ek We are Sole Disrbutors here. 301 S. Stale St. b P. E. JOLLY. At the regiular meetingo uf Ihe Al-it oavatico of the omeling ont Janitary lic Atociatitit which will tie hold thith.CUTTIN , REYER.&C..0 + ++ o net.siStiturlay antamnentdtto -v The School for Doncinq lie ecinstitiution will hetprttoosed. Switch made from your own hair, 109.111 East Washington St. 4 + This alteraltin, as statedcloctw, tde- $1.00. Miss Vaughaon, N. Uiniv. Ave. GRANsitoost-; Cite caretfuh atteotlont of every near Quarry's. tanu Groond Floor on Maysnardl Street stitieistasoiildi elicit the hearty __________ 4 One Blocks west ofi State Street attproval itf eat-itasti every memher Storeo. 'Phone 2-4 6 itt the Associatioti. During January all htair goodso at AtceInwretals: one-half off. Miss Vaughan, near Phone 582 Qu__ rileI is tarrys. ws " , , ,d l, q , tt BARD Fi tileONTROL. YUCN GET A Seetio t. There shaltltie an ailvis- NTC-RAK N YO CGoyomitteeill owis as the hoardl ittUNOTICE-TRACKM EN V u c otol ossig'itt five poesos Alt castuiudates furft-e ti-sk t-lelau an four .t~ C mee- a re requested ftso t-c et in the Turophy At Tette's 33 S.S at hus ii lst oaru shh h ticte Loroim of Wtersatn gymnasiumn at 78 Cleaning. Pressing. Repairingj. p.i.Tedy aur 2 336 S. STATE ST. ®tt a~~n- - -se llt-e thletic assoitionitsat the regttlar cm usia{Jteay Ove- Cusilnsl mueetintg itsJaeutary of each year, the N. A. -KELLIG.___ .,-.. .-.."" . sltuentis receiving thit highest -ube 71-73. Captain. stimier ___________Clothes called for and C-B\N I. of G- otecliii- dslit-7slciiretielectedl. S Se.. .Thuelboarduof sitrolitshalt NOTICE. Delivered. Lusuus.$3lue C 2 te b:'I -conulttledtits altlniatters wshich tier- The re-ading roton of the Circle $t1 worth of work for $.0 UIVIERSITY ACADEMY, State Stret lain ts lie athletiicet-ltare itt the tot- 1Frautrais will beteniti next Mosday___ PROrESSORSCnOse.PRoIsoIPAt. vecrsitystiucs as butsinsess of usisven- troms2itois4 p. in. withs icr.ffinger itt Leave rders at Cshlacs or ios, scetusesit ganmesItsaissers, etc. attendianee. PALAC[ el,,PARISIAN it shahl hateiowerts veuttse autos ___________Phone 5s2 Y of the boaTSarittfsirs-co; assoprev- GLEE CLUB-NOTICE. ..LAUN RY -41N instoth-rgiuar meeting it Jantuary It is itttn!(tithIlat everyittioslir !l~~iV i(: shall appo~~itstfrtostito sonosumbier o h leCu hudb rsn Olici 6,15lEat Wiill i diam St sss 0 (5.-2. . asstuuuuttt s-coutthree- tosasitlthe ac- isnthefyle-Jtnury s1issits s-7 rcst.- - Woris cailled tsr andi deiverietipromtsuily 1ss)ts.hi-Ic-suerasifnnia tnty aitay i t 7 ino. ini - cI~oecusyof-thetreasuer n nnSe Rssom C. The cosncert at Ypilatai will -Trein T - he-last.sf Art. Jan. 13 GEORGE BISCHOFF) reads:_ PARKER Shuda vsacanicy occutr anoreng the fL j5Tsstdent. mseumiesssi this- board of cosn- TE!1S . C'tlthills-ardsu ofsitrlectosrs shall fill NOTICE.t CHOICC CUT FLOWERtS & PLANTSsscsaany The lihrary outhue Cercee IrsitcalvPPUA Chapinst lius iitwenluonutt su Mille-rAse"-'Thu-tsesall se siric-ken osit of the intWet Hall iwill ite octMsstssay l list ii. s~~~~t -siu itsiot. atriss rut2sutt4scsec is Thuset-changs matiste it-boiardt ut tesstsrEfftistger wilt he ints ancse- CLUETT PEABODY & 00 $500 ripe dc oto needn fteAhei As-sciatlion.Tfissthissisis cssssieredhFree-Ahb-autttiulcolectionnof hi-ti 055 0D AARR Gii~ his tet k ifIottheis 1 s ssre uat-e -csstry ivieft-c hte tact:.- iol ontgs will he givent eery tuur C T 0000w COtSOS 1. Tiat the stssunts-emiesofsttthe chascet sit ine titllar at Roil's lsicr Pickwick Bowling Alleys. ltsrittfsitrsar-sestgrsictti itss.o. Coiteiticloses a t . 5n, a --yfe. .,1,byte tltic Assocsiatsion.- 2. That the Bolisardt sftCotsiroli has cc ttilvt-tsit y 01 t.udiutissiito Ses - n * . e. .. OHIO E TR LLI-sfsd soIcgnizelt-e tighittfthecucsre pstisl tIs-ash witlfint itt TOA O~fPareo BardofDiessrs sof the Athltiic As- the~ir intcre-st twrite 1to Jaustss I'.- TOA OiI ,Poreo Direct Line hetsven Toledo uthestial issutoItsilil vas-auseies tonlte 0st- iMctullough, 0l39l Fite Arts ldgi., i ts Va., and the South. As year agent or ptrovidedu by the conustiittiotn. RO ES LA N R apply 10 L. tP. Lowavs. 1'. A., 7 Foert St.. Acsrdtgtthprtvisionsus of lt-e con- Big drive on Mandolins-speciah 2 5hAe Bllhoe47 Detroit5,h itch.BeOlLTOonHOC57 Detroi;, M Gh. P. A.. U T eledo, 0.stiitltisn of tu- Athle-tic Associatioun prices-Ann Arhor Music Co. if-- ...¢ ..... . It AAG LE) &S.C P H4 ANYV e4 Im"'ortino T.dilo 4 123 Soulh flab Street, r~ +.I.4.*4+.b~nS.o14.SnS.tnl.5iui5 oloslot tot 4sIsgOodot~lutl Barrios Dilltta)tds have a2ece worst for years by different msan-bzri of the diplomattic corps from the Southt Aserican Countiries. Tihese magntificenst stounes have beets the admsiratious and wontder of society swierever thtey were shsowus. B trrios Diattaje s hive ill tite fire, life antd lustre of genuieit stones asnd its appearastce positively c-antnot be distisuishsed from thesue. It is a waintont waste of elaisey to istvest $75.03 to $150 itt a real diamnd that may be lost front its settisug asty snoneest. You can wear thte ideittical piece itt appearance set with a Barrios diasmontd AT 1-20 7MI1[ C9ot.- These goods represeunt all of the latest m)Atp)piar styles a 11 cdeigts. Titey hive the distinactive features of jewelry worth emay times thseir cost anad from whlich thtey can-tot be distinguished even by the m aol critical. We absolittely guarsaantee thtese g tols toi be a- r, irese tte l asIl will reptlceanty stuan' that loses its origissal brilliancy withouft otis cent of euxpeunse to thte p tretiasor. Nl aney reistr sul witho-altush t it nt cs2ofudissaitisfactious. Thec Blrrios Diatnid is beyonad doubat the 11fi, solashperfect ismitatiots ever discovered and snay be wore anywhere witls per- fect coefdlencre. All the beauty of a gesnuine diamonud at a fractiots of its cost. 206 South Ni ain, Street* BARRIOS DINfIOND CO. WE ARE NEVER 1JND5ESOLD-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE