THE MICHIGAN DAILY.N Reduction Sale S As we have too large a = stock of fancy SMUTNGS AND I TROIS[RIN6iS S onl hand we will sell to make room for our S Spring and S u1 in ier S Woolens. Be sre and call in efore you place Z your odero6'A 'A 1t 'A = G. H. WILD & CO.,I 10 EO . WASHINGTON STRET. Stewart Edward White Athorf "Cjurer's(louse,". = - Thelaed Trail' e. ?THE FOREST hus1(1, e l ith Sfllpagite buMxf * and it deoratins by *f Thioe~ Fogarty Z $'1.50 NET,1 A ook fll of the charm ad thi msteali tfhswonrk ssorf :there atesoris ofh exprene :sadd veoresW "o ththe hag ithewrai nth ewidso ethead wd hi tshwoermaf.stes of athet fitaian tmande oodseeltndisans of ndithe orterscofty,-pabpie thsaresy ofhigratwore s noits prminendtvarablve e o. an20So atueson160eWoonrgAv thean" n tArbisorSanank. baitlsooc aft55. s rpls, $17,000 tue Ifthessa oes t in55i05 rem a n oa n d Cv a ria le .m t oc , Pds. ; i . 0 Offc20 S. tave. 1PhWoneard98.ei dentl c ,$,002 1700. Aar man ulanc Pes. onJ FiCa e. I 1 . THEu MICH-IGAN DAILY "stunts" will ever lose their charm - for alumni, undergraduates, or those Entered as second--class matcerst the Ann interested in any way in college life Arbo Pos Offce. andI Ike enthusiasm of college men Puhlished daily (Mondaycexcepted) during the is en invite certain ridicule. The libh collece year, at 17 E.Wahington street, eral applause and numberless encores (basement eaor, side entrance) Phene 892--3r with which tsar clubs wvere receivedil MANAGING EDITOR : in Chicago, the packted holuses which S. E:lIdY 'IIIOMASON greeted the Yale andl Cornell G1cc BUSINESS MANAGER$: Clulbs on their trips wvould seem to tIROSCOE B. ItC5TON - indicate ayhn that college glee clubs were, EDIT - OR K WLTx However it is not probable that the Acnlaet, - - - - - J. 5S.ATON Detroit alumni will receive the clubs ASSOCIATES : ' in any less hearty manner because Clifford Stevenson, Rosy Peebles, the Journal correapondent baa "stig- A. 1Y. tGcaver, Henary P'. Erwin niatized" their entertainment as slow. A. C. Psand. A. 11. Ortmeye. Moot of those who read the article toseph; Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. Mre. swill probably smile-and telephone Ida M.1. irswnrigg;. L Walter Jayne. for those tickets, and doubhtless some ; Geo. A. Osborn. Hlareld C. Snmith. few will wonder what the spirit is larry 11. Andrews. Alfred I1It loch. that actuates a correspotndent, pre- I Editor Today--ARTHUR C. POUND, sumably having the best interests of the Uiversity at heart, t(opuibliah Sshbscription-'leao Dlarsiperr scar, payable is innueindoes against: an organization adcvacc. If dlnqacnt aftere Ac'. 1, 1,903, $2.50 typical of the best in college life. Office Hours:-t2:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 tn 7:3n IM E6 S5P p. m. Dotty. CLIO OSP Address-ROSCOE S. HUJSTON, Bsionemo Man- ager, 331 Packard Street. Professor Stagg is still in New Mex- Telephone. 461. ico and is not improving as rapidly as he shotuld toacount of the ctold and caw weather. He will nottble 11ck at Chicago again umtil the last ___________________________of the mnth. Outlines of the Law of Baihuents and Carriers By Edwin C. Goddard, 'Ike Outlines state the fouind- aion prinepplesnof the'subject in an ordery and consceutite form to order tha~t the ctuldent may haive an oppoertuinity to see the tsuhject as a whole. ii$2.00 W PSORf SAtE Au' Walr's Book Stores. CALENDAR., January 9-8 p. m. Lecture by Mr. Andre Mtichel on "Notre Dame of Paris" in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. January 16-Comedy Club play. DAILY BOARD-NOTICElI 'The sitting fur the Daily Boiard pie- tur'e has been piostponetd. Never lee iniltile history of the tUniversity has ait article so utterly uncilalledI for been senit0o11 of Ann Ar- hoc as that whitci appeared in the De- troit Joturnal ii few days agoI uniter the litadi of "Tirestume Glee Clit Stnt." t'trpolrting to actitunt for thle financial lisses tof the Muihigan Muisi- cal Cliubs tduriingtlirt recent trip, the writer explain', that the puiblic has tired of the them of entertainnment awhichi collegiate lmulsical cllubs iresenlt that their "astunts'' are ''wuornouit," anid their tcuncerts wearisoime. With- 0o11 ciimment ingE luponithespiittw'hitch tirlmplcii sitchi anl unwiarrantetd at- tacktuon smn institultioin, vhii'h-what ever' else it may lbe-representls the ICniversity 1o lie best of its ability, a brief review of the facts in qulestioni will serve tol establith tueyondl a doubllt lie ab~surdlity lot the poiltioii tak~en by the Jiuurnal correspondtent.. Irtiln the lay the clitbs left Anni Arbor till they reached C'hicagii, they encoiuntered weather which wviitld wreecs lie most popular comic oplera cuimpany in tecountr'y withia monthl. Snow andi rain anid sliushl kept all hbut the miot liiyal alumnli in-diooirs, and consequlently the houses were tiiiir andi the mlanagement list moni'y. At Chicago anti Ottawca where the weather imnpriived, the crowdls were larger and linoimoney 'wsas lust. Sii mnuchlfior the financial loss -uchl as it was. It has neer tieen claimed for col- lege glee clutbs that their mulsical talent was of the highest torder, and dioubtless better voices anid more per- fectly trained orchestras can be heard at mj.ny conert in the larger cities. But to oay that college songa and IFive resident sttidents and three j graiduates at the U~niversity of Chica- go were lost in the Iroquois fire. AC--- memorial service will tbe belid for * p..*O!****,g*!O*g*f! , iO them' thisaweek.9 Ftuotball at Pennsylvania this year . Suitable Holiday Gults broutin $47,810t.94, anud the expens- es o~f the team were $22u053.99, leaving FutR a iialance of over $25,000. Base balt aidded $6,214.45 and track $39152. LAWYER OR STUIDENT! A balance of $780i.3)61 is leftithIe! treasuiry after laying all expuenses of d, .C iuluu iulsye the teams andl a $2,500ti uefliit PIlck&s land lu 7sslstr u 0f SllucestuCssmssn w oeumace 10 *fliresue tlsi l snl lum of As a resu~lt of ain athletuc war al 10 lesnch anduBali, Vol ....2 4 50 the U'niversityluf lIwa a new daily is i9 lausus......... ... .. St2 0 in the fieldt tnider the name of the!9 ll cls L ussiconaruusuy, t col.. 56 i Vonusost'us toussiuiolu, nd s~ "Otid Cold." The Daily Iowani s j l'usl usicallslucy or the C. w., wiirk~ing for tine man fiur atlitc tdi- ! 8 Vol'uus'lssusm..v.'a.." 12 t0t rectiur anid the "Oli ldu" oing ' 3 vuoslumss... ..... 3 75 hi. Mhs1 lsssluie s ssf Lson Iii t«, Iselse'. . . alt fOue halt houir's credlit will hereafter 4hele' tea iol-iurnsa.. 800 be givemi for atienudance at Chapel at 1 ltei-'-.tuse-setu's, I vlesu ..usu- 00 Ieu-nt's is.usuol.... 15.00 the U'nuversit y f Indiuaiia. ut sulus aLuw iCuiisvnt, l5 5ajcs ___I ussuusss' .......... 3150 The Dramatic Cliluof the t'niver~i i eiuee, t1esslusme.u.. ..... 556 CIDaiestlms(Csmun Its tiermus- ty uof Minnesota made a ouccessfuilI tIsin aILtws, I Vol... ... 3 5t "buarn-siuorming" tripiduuring the hli- 3Au slevs-meusuiest aLauIVul,. 6t50 * uilsaus,unitudStaistes Steel l a y s , b ot h f r o m t h e s i c i a l a n u l f i m a n - C or'u e o r at;; is oi , e s l u miu e . . . . t 2 5 cial standpoint. 3 Law Boobs and Law Lihrarieo bnught A young woman at Minnesluta willi be in the race for the election to thue* C. E. BARTHELL, Board of tiuntrtul. The wiumen are La.,w ansI Stediesul Boos-sNcmwaid determineu tou hay' a vuuice in ath-* Second Aland *eis 3255., Stote St. Seconad Floor. * At Cornell the standarudthuermomii- eters sun eke campus registered 1711 degrees below recently. Over seventy men reported for ear- ly baseball prectice at the University of Illinois recently. WOMAN'S LEAGUE. MIiss Nosing, Vice-President of thue Wuuman's Leaguie, will tue at Barbour Gynmnasiumi, Friday antI Sattlrday at 11:30i a. m. to meet the girls uon League Stisiness. Hot faces cooled and refreshed, Willias' Shaving Stick,. STilt STUD[NTS' L[CTURE ASSOCIATIONI I Lym an Abbott ! ON U o rNIVERSITY HALL, _ k1ondrnj [venIinq Jan. 251 Single Admission, 50c, Season Tickets,- $1.00 ..ATH EN' TH EATR JL. DCAN M9. $I2AIOLT, M~anager MONDAY JA ind1 THE EVENT OF THE SEASON I THE INNO61CENT MAIDS* An organization composed of Thirty I.5 1 I BURLESQUE and VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS PRETTY GIRLS JA FUNNY COMEDIANS A CATCHY MUSIC JAt ELABORATE COSTUMES As GORGEOUS SCENERY JA~ SIDE SPLITTING COMEDIES 5t0t A Burlesque on Entirety New ad Original Lines PRICS: 7C 5 SEATS NOW SELLING " 50C 5C NOINCREASE INI PRICES FOR SIX FRONT ROWS 4 HEI~NRv & KYER, MERCHANT INTAILORS, N. UNIVERSITY AV.