THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Cluett, Peabody & Crown Brand ~CUTTING, RI Sprains and Bruises. M HI t et e prain land l~e lottingantore = should h mlt e) so11111 e- voillfort il'edl~t lli- Ia. F. ula. 1 Or.I11Cyolell )oltrot c o1 n f o t i nd " " ted Mogi"" Flyailot1)tlOi lIthte 1r11yof11 u in imentally t hat oil and tai he l ot ~tidg. a1h y 11sno1reas iuYegcFY titOil, ac pod 1of cenlolsp and some hes an d mstl 10 eIp sv haling; andisyl P)o n, gyrm - once x111leaes n1stin.llyl .I1 I R lloll' Inrl .Sert ar (llY olg l+ shtao AsIt citatio,.fekor lll - lh ,c ---, 1 _, i I -ta ilbt x icll res iii~ald F tepatrafe yea 1.Hav . -Furth an u.lya la 1e and thpr ilns all Pill~ ow 11111ym 1oU hsitae W ecom L ,(i S t le St. greaffmei Ce fg aiy an uirated t i esal , Hat tter d Pictures aner(am-s OV[[IES ART[RSTOR[, Co.'s Arrow and Dwight B. Watkins,i + T=d WRITING Drp1 Collars for add ave u0012l0 323o f .rMoafer So. oh u1fr.Mowr. i/t ~You0 won't 1101 tho1,0"Eigt OCloks" I if yo aveyone of our I Dollar Alarm Clocks 0. H. Lutz, Jeweler, 1 Q2 yI F &hc rnenpnCOd CUFFS American & European Hotel Lne C LLAR "= OpenDay anStamped_"LineFS" PatentrLea th lnn tors n e oes Why? EDERBWEC .T LN ALYIH 1 ALUT ILLTHEUNE[ y RENSCLE Forfahsgindehoin-soeaks L> Mae gof htolrph FamngVCloo N.Rentahl-e.Brkes CVlas atamped OLiAYS? - Phonothe89bra.dCornvrrSlain and SuronaStrintn.are aSKeTnBALCIe.a ticet a r S hoes NOTsnmpe-"Lne.".y THaRLdyInEOrtE aDErllnrtiSf ALERr.1MStOToHMAnINSTEarTua OURSLETLAShERAE t4 , RE lrNl tTiSCHLl RaFotianytingiin tANlineROM Sa Inaynari Potograice s ileTyerting -allonentslerySITNGanOIDYS anhne 392Creral M~~~ral 11 l r-IllaA.inadrs~on 88Streeutns5.t $+ BAire Tfar L11111 CTICEilTtcken 0011111rtslaIIoSt-1.077 111111brst1et51hall tams1areP e uested11 CLA SESEN DA CIN toreprimentSiratnithe prarcticesnv.e tThes Sauramrin _ratcei t e lTyplewrigthn tl]toec etl angto A tN o $1 C5 an epecall imortnt eto re-callatite AMcey-g34 W. Huor on cosifrn capeisubjarctisois tolenseenoinhim n 68O7 city at le Athlenss ihiatre Ill Friay evening Jan 811nand one of the nmost JOB PRINTING -MEYERS, 25 delighifliand p ileasnlt perform~anceIs MiolSt S Phone 281 Whitesidlefirst gainled larls onlyi Pantorium, ;886S5 State. Cleaninag, aftr a stiruggle against alntost lve rc ssinlg and Repiring Clothet wlmting dIiti blut his senmingly ill calleld for adlldeliered Leuveor bornlntnihisIunquechabll iire f era at Cshngn hDrg Store or ambitiln his youthtl andl hearitng fil phone 82. $150 worthl of work for pinnuncl fipromIlinene. WthVlenI Ihis ______________ 1111ty poii nas reached Mr Whiteside Fountain Pn at (uhingo., decied to branch out 11n11 romnace _______________ andt com~edly 01111issuclecss alonhg these lls has rivalleieenthIttais- ath Supplies of all kind at'all tilncilol f his famnaus polrrayal of ricon at Cuhing's Pharmacy "Hamlet." Ill"We are King" Mr -____ - -___ Whiteisideiasus a dua1l111rl hwih ROOMS. affords him an excellentI Iopportilly Ar( yulltlloving? One sie 111101 ts display his woderful vrsatility sarfr lcbthgsUeehn 1 "We are King inIperfet illleeryide 811 iturnacantialsiparael tes521 tail f scenic an111cottllic effet,0 a1111las Jffersonlstsret 69fli thle supploring companilyliheadedl iy _________- Mliss PLela Wlsto~n is an excllent Typewriting naaly done, XMiss Wari OF COURSE ane. NI dolbt aco da ndllwiti n h- 21Soti:2hlstree. 68-7. siasticIhose will grtltMrl-W iie______________ sie tol Friday eveningnet. NOTICE. 324 SOUTH STATE. - - Ill~~~~Te Law Scial C1l11 will gie the ___________________ IMPORTANT MEETING ithirdi ance f ttho seies nt M101- Thne will be. anl impol~rtant inlg ay tevening Janary11 Tinits ae . -. . . . . 11f the iicliganensian Bolardi Tuesday not transferale adlIsbject to for aftrnon, at 5 p ni.Iin the Alnmni fittlr if preented by ay oneoIter Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Roomof Uiveyrsityp Hal tantha' owe. This pro~visin.l will JENNEY Pt rigily enfolrceedl 6972 and California... 69-72 ______Manager.________By____rder____ of____ the___ Committee._______ lifl78 anlger hip ollr lt il tItllliIleeAre bet reahel via 3(O UR IP OLICY St. Louis, World's air City, I (J and the I( The building up of a Telephonz System with every posible mod Iron frountain fern improvemnt; the giving of better service than was ever thought possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To Route anticipate requirements, To overcome impediments. To be satisfied with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in Two daily trains to Californ ia the county. Thre daily trant to Meco ' WASIT[NAW IHO"E[TELEPHON[ CO., FourIdaialy trains to Texas Tepoar OfieLiery tret narFortLFol dily tailns to lHt Spings TempraryOffce, ibety Sreet ner ForthSix daily trins to Little Rock _____ - __ - + THE BEST O EVEERYTHING. WRITE HE. W o i LH .Amtog .P . 1233i Washtenawy Ave, EGYPTIAN AnAbr ic I ~C GARETTS AnAbo,'1th (;roken in Turkey. Perfected in Lgypr. Lnjoyed in America. MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, 'MOGUL srox MAKLS LGYPTIAN SMOKERS The Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street,. Isp stairs),extends spec- il 110011ation tothe ladies toceliathr poe- 10 totis15ae. lorsto1 inspether now line of hole and toilet Cork Tipsaor PRilegoods. Save the Couponn. Try my Scientific Face Massage and y Manicure. "Give and Take" in the principle of President Suspenders What one side gives the other side takes. Comfort style and service. Absolutely Guaranteed. Metal trimmings eannot runt. 5ie and $1, any s10re, or mail prepaid. C. A. EDGARTON MFG. CO. Bon 286. Phieley. Mass. Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring