1_ Fall] Allnouncement El The Largest,:iand Most (oniiileii Line of WOOLENS hii Anon Arbor wxiiillie found N'asi Waslhiiigton tir Iiili pains liaie boon takeni i the selecion i iof all suit ings. I loisel' ins, ves .oisatin' for this season. 0. H, WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. C'heupseiI 'lace in thl i te ' for l ialt I id Is o f i SText-.Books I Ageinis for *Keuffel E sse' rwn n strunments a WaemnsIdeal Fountain Pens ? One DollarFonanPs SHEEHAN & Go., Students' Book Store. 0 j' 01Souih Sitaiii'SIreel. THllsMIC HI GA THE MICHIGAN DAILYC Ent iled s secolldiiclass isi ie' at.iith spit ItANAtilNG EDIITOR: BUSINESS MANAUIER: 1 EDllITORS: Nu,tN - - - I . S.1: ,": f ASSOCIATES: i'liii'iuniSi i'cu'isi. Mauriiicie A 1i:1. A.IM. Giiiiiiii.C. A. vis A. i.lPund. A.I lii'1'1 . I. 111111. ; Office Hours: 12:30 to 1:30 andi 6:30 to 7:30 p. si. Doily. Address ROSCOE B. HIISTOO, Business Mant ager, 331 Packurd Stroet. Telephone, 461. 1 1I'llii 'ro iii 'i iii l ii oli r lastii i ssiiiile'sa hi~s' isu iil hs iii' i t indl aiist. yeir'si ilil u''cc ltis 1u1,iiii t 1. Itis iicii ji lii ofiithei athletsi c.111 iln s'llti ti ul1':1 eis y ar to ° l'nht ilf' icit Ilil iiiif iih l iiith t lililiel tll n i-;el c H in a lot oilii thi en alsi 111111 oard i hs diii) iiiI tii(ii o aiii y- aniii I erasMlilT numberini thel ii lit i o ii ii fisI e r n ll cl serfieiiindsh 11ipiopll illi "i( loa t uuuusiial iiforoAll-Fresifooi- ha11llipratice. Asi'llcslsiii. Ireslto lilch i(1, mois,11111 1 90i75teiam l' l ro l lepln iicertilyii' ni 'I rlb AN DAILY. c:,, the cartoonist, Rov. LymanOii *M~t>***®****®00® XAuboti, Pres. lDavid Starr Jhordanlao ni 0 Your Enture Needs in + M~r. Paul Lawrencee Duinbar, the noieul 3 Tht (h ohr :etenuiersiies L all Ulliceal and!~ ar' i'allin:g 10 linith ssiI hil'5* a, ed itiree ganmes lplayedIthims se isoiIlli-siy iiiis has tiadue a tiital secire it 125.* 'l 'f If Ithis crile can be leli upiinitshe latei' ex-Bok,* gaimes it13m07' leliposibile io equal lthe fiv e liiumicdru' l :r:. Lei; '5001fr ie-11 : * New and Second-Hand. : nohs" bei'tle slogan Ciir ihis ao.ti Nh:' aisophoimore girls at Letlant Drafting Instruments and z s>af>~ oeditoadiitithe lii s te as f1:e class h~eadi-gear. Sii. muhei Engineering Supplhies : opitioini wasi 5 ieveloiped late iiiiw-*t' eer Il::it thismtiiiiiwas sviuoed.As ASnecial ty, lie carnie sch'l i heiigills hisve' a tiin- Irstainwoich hplys nat: altiiatcihI withi the'girls frii ti: jli usiisill sif:1he Right Prices Always. ; Cfornietia.t It is a qiueler coiinienetxi that thea Second-Hand Books Z leader of liie strithig mn atthe is' Xliii *n S ld t nc 'ipiiiisfltouir' nilts h5iislai fotmough anddolde ira~te "'Ile U n 'iicursitiy o i nneliiisuit, andu this niti faintht e i stiker'Is placiiesilie also fr'otm:this sate ini-i Versily.z I~I~1,th gea uad f inl* BOOK STORES soiul's fooiitballtetatilahust. flltt is pro fusso ofi'ii e'llemtis triy 'ait, Monltn il i*i sP TOWN tDOWN TOWN. 4 v esify atiu l isou i'oaehies tli giris Al, Mhinesota ihey'7'havea girt's i iS,04044.*08 4*@4 * dea ing itcsl i W ich: comt:ieis wiii: he oter dbitin teaslillIle eri ity Books. iiarsiiy . ttiigh theIirlgus hise neveri®il woin i: thpize'cupti heiy hissei lvsiiss * A1W'1'EFARTMIENT. beenu'ii the 'finiatsa FIRST YEAR Ti'his yi'arcat Yale'they hivese lii'ail11cil \51 unut- ~~scn larust- rh'ms~tati class in lth istoiii Conrscts... I iiin * iiuin .XItaiC i~cini i sii(ti . i ofi tei s i ty.l nft'h's Andet m i ct'uhal t kttcsCcnneI~vc n ti I''iiite' i ti i itis't ts i 4 iiii I c 11 n licc i ;5o 'i 7'i'ic lotug'fti i' rs A ui tii c i cti ::0 >> t'xtc 'ii Ir5 ,.. I tit' iie'r ' collge coiat l 'iti'es. lii iuio ui i iuu Ilii lii 5 'iuic " WilonofPriceonisiuoedasiay 40 Si llls I liliYEAR ii. Ii 4 RHg f ant ing~ETR an y$IIC.iiiuiuis gl ii cI ns inesIio0 'hrli' of7' tauliurtii' ionei inthti conchsi I*cni c luiiti tcc.0 'iiiiil',ii'7 ii()thins ii:' sciltjii'11.:'hitalTHIRD YE 0 a \i ni, crsc~ic i \i iii.ti me cdil l a ients I 111117io ii nttli1 20 GRSADWUlA s SEMNR N lecn;cacs« 1itavlngin. RHETg ICoti C. ~nc5E BAT HEiyIl CI~(Ll Stc .a ilii liiills Sed~lnn d EloShip a z_________ N , t'tisi? Week of Oct. 5. Return o1 the Favorite James Whitcomb Riley, Oct. 10 + I0aAKSC"AN Madatit G ielaw Lymtatn Abbott A + Presenting the tollowing Well-Known Snccesses in the Order named. ires. Northtrup of Mittnesota If.IHopktitsott SntiuhtN AY----- ut eoe a n---- M N A Walte aelanHnr a*Dk + TUESDAY ---------- Resurrection ------ ----TUESDAY a ® Oratorical Cotest Isabcl Beecher WEDNESDAY -An American GentlemanWEDNESDAY* * THURSDAY----A Wife's Devotion----THURSD)AY 4. OpnNtttmber. a FRIDAY------The Little Minister----FRID)AY a *a SATURDAY-- --The Defaulter- -SATURDAY I ~iiten~nrve atcui1Dru Stre,3365. SateStretI ~ High Class Vaudeville Between the Acts. etr on Thursday, at 8 A. M. PRICES, . - - lC, 20c nd1 0c2 Lbrlcoitteission for sales ofrdt tdns Apply to NOTE-Seats may beseudno for any eveningduigtenir R S.DavisCusigsit o-t t a.sm., attdl4-5 p.In.to_ * engagement at Stofflet's News Stand, next door to Theatre entrance. 1The days of lues sweetent / "TeoW .sen o ~~~~memorins are the good oldThW. enGo college days. MOGUL Cigar- ettes figure largely in retro- 411 E. 57t1 S., Chicago. spection, They lease sweet 't7_ :dtian ist:tto memsrns of a stoke. Ah .l e i -td don't you remember the MO- - +GULS, dear pal?* Yours for- Pennants tfor ill c oil:ges intl Iftratecnitics carttid alithe time. - -in stotc Ten for 15c. _ - -ct" r coClass Pins, ICls nd Teamt Plain and Cork -Tip. 5 e Caen lfrls.io~t WEARE NEVER UNDERSOLD -GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE1