THE MICK~IGAN DAILY. iXIIHAN CGENTA "The.NYwar Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For information and thog ticets call os or write to W. W. CAE. Agent. Ann Arbor. COFFEE Our 'owns .oast~i.Mocha 5N Always fres and Java 28C per pos..-d 214 Mans St. DEAN ft. CO. New Brunlswick Tables REIYS BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine cigars and Tobacos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stae St., S. 1 hasvc ot reciectithe larctstsanl lioct line ttt Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ' ctercrlouotght to the city. ine Lunches in Connection. vecrything Neat sodi Ca. 308 S. State St. R. . JOLLY. The School for Dancin (arond Flor onfManard Street One Block west of Sttc Street IStore. 'Phone 2-46 YOU CAN GET At ~Hot Lunch At Ttle's, 338 S. State UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street I PaRfEss5 RSnOOT, PiNsosrAL PALACE Fn PARISIAN ..LAUJNDRY _AGENCY.. Officc 615 East WillatoSt. Poote 17. Witrh called for astd deliered proply fl. . DOWL[R, Aq. GEORGE BISCHOFF, ItLOR5T. CHOICE CUT PLOWCIR5 & PLANT5 Chapin St., betweetsllrass St. ad IMiller Ae. Phone 80. $5.00 ripe Rack iven this weekt ol. t i hes ts ea t Pckwick Bowling Alleys. Cotst closes-a . iS aturday, Dee.1, 51 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS PrlorCe Con.allITs- I fsw o NNHH o + N®s® .o®®® I Poker Football 4i e 0 e e Z s e e 4 e T e 1 I , .i S oeooe0eeoeomeooeoeooee0eeo0oeoeeeoeeoooooeooeoo.. { Ou~r Great re nvo 20 to 50 p. c. DISCOUNTI SUITS, OVERCOATS S I p = Trounsers, House Coats $2.00, $1.50. $1.00 Fasncay Shir-ts 7 9c,,J STAEBLER (ft WVERTH HANGS TFRFR, CaererSOIJTfl STATE ST. NOTICE. Un~qulestionably the dramnatice vent 'hi' Law Soscial Clush will give the of the oeaooo is to ho Mr. Walker third sdancec of the series next Mon- Whiteosieo production of the new slay eenitng, Janusary 11. Ticksets are Cro encmd eaeKn. slit transfserable and oubject to for- tsilrs. it presetediby ooy one other Mr. Whiteoide haos ecidedl that lie thantse lit'owner. Tuislproivisio will will appear in thio city at the Ath- ite riily enforcedl. 61-7.71 cooThseartre on Friday evening. Joe. By order osithlis(Committee. bSts, ansi the cotmpuany which he lass selected ts support him is souul to he a most capable one. 'We are King' IMPORTANT MEETING. is replete with clever diaosgue and There wiiilie an imporitnt meting enjoyabsle action. The scetnic arrange. sit the _-Miichiganensians Bosarid Tuesday ments aind costuming have received afternoson, at 5 p.,nm. in the Alumni Mr. Whitesisde's personal attenition, Roomti of University Hall. which is a guarantee of their pentc- JE.NNEY, tion. After a long hardl seasots last lil-72 Massager. ye'ar Mr. Whitesidle sacrificedi a well- eandvocaltlonts ItstefhIis tinme - duringthe suimmer mosnths ts lbsor- The'Gle Cit luhwillmtaselitsRososnirangements for the tprodulctiontsofii"We C. Ussiversity tiall at 7 Thuirs- (one King." Presumably he has re- day, January 7lls. It is imptirtant that ceived his just reword for ipress anid all mensbers hi'present. ispublic alikse hove received iis play PARKER. most csrdially and he has been greet- _________________ ed by crowded houses wherever he Our assortment and display of hull' ha _mad _hisppeaance day goods is better this year than in - the previous one. If you want a nice. Typewriting neatly dotne, Miss Worst Morris arm chair or a good leather 1s2t South 12th street. 68-73. lounge, or a fine davenport, we. can -_______ surety please you. Latest song hits of the operas at MARTIN HALLER. If Ann Arbor Music Co's. "BE NJAM IN" in English dictionaries means "coat;" in America "clothes" ---the "Correct Clothes for Men," bearing this famous mark MAKRS ;: EWYORK Correct fabrics, because BEN. JAMINshrunk--not injured by public shrinkers. Correct fit, because cut for your figure..- not by guesswork. :Correct styles, because from style" creators-- not cheap copies.: Correct tailoring, because in BENJAMIN sanitary workrooms by salaried specialists--not in contractors' filthy sweatshops by slovenly piece workers. The price is right. Your money back it anything goes wrong. BENJAMIN readyto-wear Clothes at this store only. CUTTING, REYER& C. 109.111 East Washington St. Phone 582 Pantoriu i., Cleaning. Pressing. Reaoiring. 336 S. STATE ST. Clothes called for and Delivered. $15 worth of work for $1.0. __Leave Orders at Cshings r Phne82 I TH E AARK rpreo ROWES LOr RY 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. WAGNER C& COMPANY, Importing Tailo'rs 4 1231, South T.abStreet, WEAR A DIA"19ND Barrios Diaonds have been worn for years by different na2llars of the diplomatic corps from the Sooth American Countries. These magtnificetit stonses have been the admiration and wonder of society wherever tihey were shown. Barrios Diatnonds have all the fire, life and lustre of genuine stones atad in appeaantce positively cattnot he distinguished from them. It ts a wanton waste of taoney to itnvest $75.00 to $t~o it a real diamotnd that may he lost from its setting any muomenot. You can wear the identical piece in appearance set with a Barrios diamond AT 1-_W0 THE[ COtST These goods represetnt all of the latest mast p'polar styles a:11 designs. They have tile distinctive ft attes of jewelry worth many times their cost and fromn which thaey cantnot be distinguished even by the coa)st critical.{ We absolutely guorosuttee these goods to b° as represented a-id wilt replace any atone that loses its origitnal brilliancy withott ±otns cent of expense to the purchaser. Noney relurisel without qaestion iti cite of diss:atisfacliots. The Barrios Diamond is beyond doubt the finest, most perfeict imitation ever discovered amd I may be worn anywhere with per- fect confidenace. All the beauty of a genuine diamnod at a fraction of its cost. BARRIOS DIAMIOND CO.. 206 South f"aimsStreet. WE ARE N-EVER UTNDERSOL;D-GO DYEA.R' S DRUG S TORE