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January 07, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-01-07

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IAs we have too large a
stock of fancy 6
on and we will sell
' them at reduced prices"
I'Spring and S unie r
Woolns Be sre andl
call in before yon place
your oider..A #Ati
G.,H. WILD & CO.,
Stewart Edward White
IAuthor ofCnjuersHose"
Te01azed Triletc.
-;llstate I illh 1 folpge ii :0 1g
ThoK ena Fogarity
$1:r0 NE 1.
A book full of the charm and9
the mystery and the wonder of
jthe great woods. It has eeii
said of Mr. White that he "has9
the power to make you ieel the
woods as the masters of salt wat-j
er fiction make you feel the sea"
and in the chapters of thi- ook
±this'quality of his work is nor..
prominent than ever efore.
4where are stories of experiences4
± ndadentures "on the long
Ztrail," in the wilds of anada,
'habitants and the woods Indians
of the northern country, pen pic-
tures of the great forest in its
many and variable moods.
I Meehan'&
330$S. State St. 160 Woodward Av.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank.
Copititi S wke, $5,00. srpius, $75W0.
Resources fC.050.O0i
Orrieous Chrles F. Ilsock;Pres. ; . 1).
ilarrimos1, vice frs.; 5. . Frit. Cashier.
Office 209 S 4th Ave Phone 98. Resi
dence 302 S. 5th Ave Phone 14.
Ambulance on call.

TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY A former student at Yale Universi- ruff-V CENIS [ACH
v tly boo recently sued the editors of
Entered as seciid elias'.moiler at tirAss the Yale Daily News for $6,00or+++.
Amli: l'i'. tut e. prininig his noose aniong thos.e black-
Published daiiy(l~edayexceolieilduring the listed for spueculating int tickets to the - liecial Limited [ditions -
coilege year, ati11i. E. 'Wa shieino'.t'' Yale-Harvard goose. POPULAR COPYRIGHTS
(basementsifieor, side entrane)t obese'5"a
MANAGING EDITOR'.'The University of Pennsylvania is, at POPUILAR PRICES.
5. COllY ittiM510N thinking it huing away with the one- oc obd..5itsrtenilCreo
BUSINESS MANAGER: 0100 system sit ciaching, and adoipt- Lazarre, ittiistratetl
iiOCtiKB.1.IhIJS'TON inig the ;Yale system. They plan to ,et Slicy iHartweltlOsaieweod
miake IDr. Williams head graduate Coeteen CeiLnesrilluKinge
EDITORS: coach, to be assisted liy many assist- i eijsi tvin Sofi-Devid-son .Cittnr
Attitetiec. - - -tuteas K WALrTsNsillciiachs.Chiarles Crederick Cos
Nes, -- - - - .IS. BLKYer____iii'eioldeshueti.I stir'ited
ASSIAE~tNio otbiall sontg ini the antnutal -rice l'eCalifeoias' GeOrtrude Athetn
A.ffr S.tveo, Royhenebl esti esongetimpetitinat Yale woe cunsitd- 'ise Aristocrats Gertrude Athiertiit
A. . Gave, Hnry11.Erwn Fotsm.IllustrailieilHenry Seio :Serrtoot:
A. C. boond. A. hi. Oteyeer. 'viii wority itt thelirizec 01)it wa otltA MAtlaesiter fCaft,'. Nt. Jaobts
teet V ~ry iddu . ie. awardtedlthis year. The A'holotf 1Elijah. Illustrated . .Zangwill
JosphY.Der, todar S Mre.y aick ofi litthedKnob. Illustrated
Ida A. lleeseinig. I. Waite Jaynie. JhmUri Lloiyd
Ce.A. tisteico ihrti C 5 T lh.~enthmers of lbe Ohio IWesleyan With HooisofSit seet. toloredIl lstsations
Harli.Adew. Uiversity toot 1ba11 team were calledttilie Florence inch Kelly
ileortLovit. Arotee. lluistrated
tiltupiby Presidets.Bashifuord. It waesi- eeAtoeOActhuse W. Marchmot
n e Lve AOK o atild Mold Lillian Belt
Editor Today-J. V. KERR. leorned that white in Clevelandthle The Captain sothe toelcoees
teentirie tamt natde'upa iteatre lJaitu iiiestt. tmes MI.Luloiw
Subsciti-ina oellarts iies yer altet oirt; ibith'Iposibe.tolstratedlSarab Grand
adeoe. I dtiisoete~te ,.~. 55, 9.1 party anti attenidedi tne itt the plays The lilack Wof'sBred-i. Illustrated
adane I elnuetafeiii: 90,_910 heohowiving there. Thie to contrary isl ttcAlHairtirt Nkos
Office Hearst-12:30 to 130 andl 6:30 to 7:301ito the rutlee of the inetititun, hilut i e IDuke. A::tloee of M. diHaricet
p. mn. Daily. to the tact that Cioch Place was with .1 Store Clostan
Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business lMan- them asitu naouqtainted'th liithe fa-oe-her titltesw:itll beaddedsfromutime osi:time.
ater, 331 Packard Street., Iutity rulee the oftenee was overlo:okedt. s ET AC
Telephone, d61.
--__-__ The Rfegietrar of Coltimbia Univer-
-s iy psulished in SCIENCE, hes _
annete m lenIgt:e t'igte r:l:eis
teatin a:,Itwent y of the tlotting u::i- arsBo trs
CALENDAR. Ilevar e .......i .. ..1,01.:1 111 U LI
tIttlitlIbtO...... 'I...., . ,57
Jan. 7th-2 p. m. and 8 p. me. Health titicago .......,..4,146 IJas Town Down Town
Ofliceers' Con:ference in Noe Med- IhMichigan ........3,926
teal Buiding.fCalifornia. . . 3,190 - --_
Joan. 711: bac:lty Ctocert, 'rieze Me-Ilinins..........3.61.1 e " I iO ~N
murial Hal.tMinne~soa. .......13,550a
January 9-8 1"i.m.Lectuirt' ty'Mr. ('re'llt .......".34
SuteAdre Michel onsite"Elitre'Dtanteof Wisonsein. . . .'22 Sitale oldaGu, ts
Paris" in : ar ('Casel'l Anigell Yat:' ............". ,9
htall. Nor thswestien.......) 2,740'tilt
Jatnttary 8--4:15 1. m l tltitrated'iI1c: Ponnstels'tnia .......... 2,4
toree Profeotr Statnley ont"'Te NI tsha ..h47 [A.R R TDUT
Gotldte'nAppleiI,''"ilii'iint to e'- Syracse......... El,2-
lure Doot:, Oht:: Stat:' ....:1 ......t.ll.it.l .isi.,y710
Janu:ary 8-b ip. i:. Juiorite .1Social Itndiia........... d :t1t,.10141' 'E5
it Ne'wbsery 1111 '~u't:ri ..... ."......1,'140 tHolm'its Common 11 ti1 tvoume::3 00
January 1 'Com:edly Club Ilay. trinte'ton ..........:143iio~n otr.n1H mro
Li-tn Ssn:::l an ar vl.... I5
Still we' malt:'Jerry Utley, our lolli- ,tohnsie Hopkins....e ... 0 4 Bl ck' a iarnrI i. s0
suits ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N litci''Iaeil ost letis5i:lss 1Cittiito i:

comng year? 'this quetiston 1 isbeig FOOTBALL POKER. 2 Posiili's. . r he.S. hl
considuere'd in athletic circles tolday. Ask a Hlarvarit 0100what hits taviur- WI, ''r"Ic 'huadeyi
anti an: airmative atiswer sents to ite cavil gamei is niuw, says a Cain "111' nttts fiou
be very pouliar. Suchselstsio ssoldl bAM, ,l'1volumttilu,......su4it5i
not isecessarily conutilt thie untive'rsity 104-1bt ta awl nse,"ot vln(s x0
tu the systetm of gradutet chuig, Me1':: ede'"s .at i'terpiri':s. us uuo
it wold. merei y express ti .1th n uw eeteg m gntedo'nd"1m I:u)u'lot:''s et'ies's.4 sol:.. 1> 00
no ter eeay oitthelsd,'iite lt am'uriiit t th ty,; O:'wens 'siiwtiiscaires. 5 s'stt vi ees X
tiiwsiy e::'sly ~ui', hif i-eywhst the' invetour was no:onie is stile tis::'slunise siJe-'.
tley is this'mano best itted to louacush:11tltuutessunshav'tst 0:se'. . .....
to tlbt- h su e t a e n t lloiltiitii's S:sci :':'eofu' ipu
Michigati's basebsll team: during the I e:'' olOie..... u
tonin yoa:. lirbotuuheredeiih'mseves with thieesills 1}a 5 {hnis ih)1.1Ito st:- I
coigya.Lionts, :b1i:g quito cut:n1t 1toenjouy to:::I I riii, 1 Vol 3.. .
Afte plaing or fur yars ponAtndrew's tsin i:'enI:';*ti v5sol.. 65
A lte tua~'tig lote 5oar ti~ li the ps ine, whih hiss beoc~o m' oh- '15less. t d' t ti's 5strh
ouir baseball teais, Jerry Uthey wuon nmost a hpassist: wills sometof the toot. ' 4 C'orpora~tions, I soilu51....... ': so
thie sincere aodmiration::otf.'Michigan It is nost neceseary for the players it LwBoson a ieahshuh
men Heimiuise 00'w::e s: suisidlay any tmontey sit the outcime in sue- for rash. Ctrrespoadence soicited.
lilt ie nauil taltinte with: str spirtit. oh:': to imre the game inte'restin~g.,
Flelinws aseal frm ato , ad 'he usncerinty is ettoutgh in: itself. C. E. BARTHELL,
the fellouws wo.uldotl :: I.conscientliuus- bFtotat ll utpo'er is eastily learnedt. iis:oo Sei'i totsNt t
ly fits limn. Thiese soon:is:be goodlilAnylerson::familiar ciiw ithte got±Se:: h:~
qhuhldis'scommeadcJearh Utley toidr Anseriost: gatme cotsquiclcsy beoe 2 Sa. State St. Second Idnor.
higest rosi:dter itn. o trOl slv.Ee: hts ichl hu
higsot shavdeaio::nuewIert'playedt spoer or rushed i+ i N i
GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. thit' uigskion stua scollego'gridhiroutican:
witt: a litts' coacuhintg, sooun master ts:'
38d0lil seats wesold siutt h li'Yatse fis' pinlts.-Detroit:Proc Press. _________________________
Ilarvoril gamsetlissy'ear. harvaerd-
sold 273t 11 t sas:01(1Yale 10i,3l06. 'The A"ys 10 ROOMS.Toke yonr face
gosrspiwoe$1hb, stis ievelace. bthl, gas, ttelphone 1in gootl c 0 11 d i t oil ,
'hIe CoreelGlee thub, consisting of ftr:O~ hst shsrtohu'is.Il Xisum'Shaving
fify-iv Mn v~if-l ~hofellawnaEast Jeffersio street. 1911. ,

cities dur:in:g lb holtiays: Syrsectse,
Rochester, BuffalouEvil', Defrosit and

Dig drive so Mandoins-special
prices-Ann Arbur Music Co.


Lymrnsen Abbott
1onda E [ening, Jan. 23
jSingle Admission, 50c, 'Season Tickets, - $1.00

DrAN M5. 5CABOLT, Mahanger
Thursday Evening, Jan.?' Friday Evening, Jan. 8
Edward Houghton's Return of the favorite artiste,
Stirrint Melodrama MR.
Johnsown w Presenting Lieutenant
Johns own Cordon Kean's
Floo0d ARE
16 Clever Dramatic People and '16 K ING
Ua Grand Scenic Production
Prices: 15s 35C SEATS Prices: 2Catea50C eClr0


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