THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Cluett7 Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and DwigtPE:Wtkins f CrownBranld 15c Collars for tDrop u calrd ouro rk aS. . r 1 z o/. V- / Y.Von won't miss those "Ei-lht OClocks" ' y ifyou haoeo ou r r 4""Dollar Alarm Clocks 7ET .S t i.Twtr / WLA 102ENT 0.H«'~tJwlr _ LO V_---ATChs..iI.'e /COLLARS American &Eluropean flotel .ien ndCUF GO; Opera Tray ad Nightan. Y = Prva tlining iRoomso and ine rRooms + CU NGREYER &C.1'BWIG .L ___7 ~Ht}{L.ARr1jlEL 4. T, ry orfamouootrndrrloi osteaks 1 Other brunts advertised and Sold as Linen are SprainS and Patent Leather Shoes Bruises. tN o I± ey lveAoLI3- EKWT UTZo Vane spirit ino o tt1 h e t i cTHE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER,.3124 SOUTH MAIN STREET 1>[rimdae il-0 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in thu line of + Ikea~en oihiograt Maker of Photugraphs Framing, Cull on Rentschler, ' k'a <'(tu l itr. Colorl' Maie y1po~au O i E Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. I .intelt s gyilao :h tf +r lllr hegrsy offensiveliimietighal soi I ANOTHER HOSPITAL. I Typewriting neatly (done,'.mioo Wont an ti h ltinig. ''heri' is noiT es ThBoagr- ii irrdl of Itegeiitsofitthlt liter- G21 Sooth 121h striet. i6l-73. inMai ytino ilitis omp ised of'' ily on 'icihigaoo soconslidering a itlait expens ti e airig, ad otl 011ti11t itremed ie111(r11111rops(1 dtnti on111)1 lttttitl01 I lning Jainuary till hair go0o(10at Mlei'o 1 ritiatt Astotrttiot, Jackon i h. i \Voi ' i itho 111111117. s, shtyo omty Say " I aveusedlo tgit iEyp al o11 iii l l hot tle- l 'ey It- i 111111111 ii Itmyp w itnr- 11110iofl ot Qsana.y ad in en all Dr .'ne astore.e Tit1 tltt'tlbll~-tt '1s. Ito ho 't I 'l( 1aem n f ta~;e~ir - tt'.Hae evr ond ay e ... yas sl rooti iir rcllii ol it ht itIo ii uic inacionin rekin upa sol asM ic htthe1clilty l et. atu lity 11111 t 11111111 OrcAstra IN an cI n. 1111 P ct l~ n ol.r It, as e n usd b th f r cotF r,0 dtatm eheJu;d1v trs t aI d nwgslecticns in otdace lg 10 la-.'iltiyttanrtsprainslbyltt' ltlttrhouoot ti ieaiun (laseswiti- e~ie 5TOsuts 1eo aytM u nn oloring tilhtitlein fu111 la c-totit 1w nwieaiit.i8 217hesitSc.torFourlvith asv enu. hue 10dytrly of' ;" r o 1101ihan siastic' houtio' till grcetlMtr.Ntllie- t'ali for0samplehi. 707 N. tUniv. Hoar siearidayIhI1 10 eveing; next.a lQtarrt's.t. O URPOLICY The building up of a Tel phne System with every possible mod- ern improvement; the giving of bitter s-rvice than was ever thought possible before. To be honorable, courteotus and just in every detail. To anticipate requirements. To overcome impedimznts. To be satisfied with nothing short of the confidente and good will of every citizen in the county. WASI1I[NAW IOW [TI[[PH1ONIECO., Temporary Office, Liberty Street, near Fourth PRESIDENT Suspenders work in perfect harmony with the wearer's every movement. Comfort, Style and Service ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Trimmings cannot rust. Prieeis nd$1.00, any storeeor mail, prepaid. THE C. . a.DoiaARToN sMrG, 0n., 'BHox 186Shirley, Ma.. University ttudensts desiring to se- core positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. McCullough, 639 Floe Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. ---tf. Always Ahead In Styles. IL WARD, THI 4QIrolrvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUHL SMOitO MARLS C'tYTIAN SMO2KLRS Cok Tpsior Plai. TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring