THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Anlloullcelnent.. The Larget and Most Complete Line of :. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 Elast Washington St. Great pains ave been taken in the selection of all siting, trousering & overotings for this season. G. IH, WILD CO.' 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Z Autor of "Cen'jurer's lTose," "'lI lBlaed Tai," etce THE FOREST" Illsr~e 'it,7iii el15fuGiell pot 5iotg [tmd ~t ozntS it b uyl * Thoumas Fogarty $1.,w0 NET.~ A book fll of the charm and9 the mystery and the wonder of tbe great woods. It has been said of Mr. White that e has the power to make you feel the Iwoods as the masters ofi salt at er fiction make you feel the sea"Z and in the chapters of thi- bok this quality of his work is sor, ± prominent than ever before.! 4 There are stories of experiences ±and adventures "on the long± Ztrail," in the wilds of Canada, Habitants and the Woods Indians of the northern country, pen pi- tures of the great forest in its many and variable moods. Itheehan's AWN ARBOR, DETROIT, 320 So. Sate S. 160 Woodward Av. 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS C. 1. AJOR ~'CO. Those wishing to have their rooms ppered, tinted, or decorated During the Christmas Vacation should leave orders early. 203 E. Washngtn St. 'Phone, 237 T"E MIC"IGAN DAILY Casper Whitney has gasped his an- I[TY C[NTS EACHt nual gasp. Chicago university lies Entered as seconid-gises smater at the Ane humbileid in the dusst, Norihwestern ' -*-+ Arbor lost tOfice. has fallen an easy victim to Andover-s PPs -ulislied doily (Monday excepted) daring tie and Exeter, anid Minnesota has at last IaeCial Limited [ditions- college year, at 117 E. Washingionsteet. showsni herself our superior. POPULAR COPYRIGHTS (basementsflOoor, side entr ante) Phose s92T31, _____________ MANAGING EDITOR:,1There is noi truth in the statement tPPLA RCS sEsltiiiYTIIOMASI)N that several Michigan siudensts grewi Farsm nafaras. 5511 sstr,,tisns Wlll Carleo BOUSINESS MANAGER: righiteousoly indlignant when they dis- L Iazarre, Illustrated ROSCE I. HSTON covredthatalltrans fom he astMary Ilartsel Catherwood sesre frfiv es''olieighitlhiours lsiceCs p,5,Charles IKing EDITGR~lMl~ndavAbraham sLincolniS peechies .C f (litlendens ED~cie,- - IsOiS'E.Wa 1lo ________________ The Red'mtinoiif, iDlavid Cioison, Athltics - - - ROERT i. WLTOiliCarles Frederick Goss Ne,,- - - - - J. S. l~iET ii atn ae fMcia n-The tGolden, lous',Illustrated The astig fae o Micigan('li Chrles IDudley Wasrner ASOCIATES: versity is assuireid. The "['. ,of M." 'I'ie 'aliforniants Geerrde Asherto, C'lifford Stceeso,, Roy ieble, grsilO f epl nte aul'ionAreitwrote Gertrude Atherton A. M1. tearer, leery '. I'rwi s gal i llsonbept'n h 5mret 'losam. illustratiediIlenry Seton Merriman, A. C. 'oused. A. 13.Ortisryr. _A Masit'rof C 'roft H.SNV. Jacolis [3rl~ ay o tosereoluios yt?'[lie 5Mantile' of Eli jah,. Illustrated .0. Zan~gwill Ida Al. Irowssrig I. Waite ,Joyiie. John [Trl Lloyd tis .fes,. Iuoi ' mt. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. With tills o if SieeI, Colored Iiiusirations Geo. . Osorn. Harod C.Smh'.Flrene Fineh Keily t'ubi niversity' has organizid 0 isi ,Arilisr SW. Manechmont t'uiLovlAmhia 5)1 auOldMaid Lillian Bel Editor Today-HARRY H. ANDREWS a tniversity chioruis. qThe Ctaini of the ,luiiiarirs James M. Ludlow lOash the Impoissibile. ltlustrated Sarah Grand Sssrilitios 'Jis IDollrs ifr eati,, .oiosetil s Tihe sophiomorts at Miiniesotfa wotn lhe' Black Wolf'seed.r Illustirated adac.I eliut lter N'. 1,1901, $2,501 1111' -op sel iii atchie'ent- Ilarris Dicekson: tsiesirifilliijrtt ltri fi'lisilil tttlngWell. Afteir All t'rankfort Moore Office Hours.-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 1 'Iiihal,,ke Author lit M1 d'IHauicot .StoresCousetan p. in.Daily. ''eeae9 e u o h rc te ilswl eaddfo iet ie Address-ROSCOE S.HStTiO, Business Man- ltrat5 u 1hf~ i esl ih i e iili uue rs iei ager, 331 Packard Street. teaul ait'irni'll, 4Thif ss'hich are fresh- Telephone, 461. illitI, 5oCEfNT EACH,. CALENDAR. Jan. 1111153p. in. Iretriteroni('oni- tinmporiary Friance': Puoliticatlushi Ititions andlitleir' WorIkingus, by Piriifiessoir Hudision,'Tappanl hail. .an. 7thi-2 p. m1. aiii 8 p. i. IHealthl 01fices't'iinfiei'ini'i'in Newro' td- lJis. 7th.-Facuiiil ti onciet, Phieu',u' le- Theutstutiiilboy tioday' iiouirntstile' his feluows 117 his sterling characier as Cyril as ihis phlysial tprowess. C'ecit Gooinii' sus a niwhosi s''erfl iattires-asiprov iebilal titithi'Campusl anid his tinlookedi'l-firtelialtame us Ia distinct shuock to his friends, anud there were many woliwerer anidart'elioud to call thiemse'ls'esIis friendl4j. T Good- lug's sorth wasrercognized l lt 'all andl his popuiilarity wos basred illt1110 firmest of fountionis, chlaracte. t'r eili Gooding e lft, his inmtrrss on his friends und f(choirw li'siuens aiid throtugh ihem nsiithieUnivrsity asi whiole. Asociated ini all commnendiable activities in ctlilege life, hr still lises anid his memnory' will lonig b he'lrrish- elI by ail whiollkne'w'his, Colege wortiehas i o incemoe resuim- ed after thir'mtuih enjoyed fChristmas holidays. The next few e''l~s still lie btisy oneisfile all, sinci' sol'cilaiid oilier activitier 0'e u. bedlasidi, list' lug iii the tptiximit y oiiexi' naltliin wee'k.iIdoor atletics will lilt op~en untlitie secontdsiniestrandtil le si- cial evenlt of lie year, lie JuiorllH11111 is still fivresweeks itsant. Problably whole year swhen t111'stuident 111117 with one accordl buckles dotwin to bard sttidy as it diloes afteCiristmsas. All appear to realise that this is thil time for cliise uapplicatbinill wotb andithat ionly. I is uirsit y chotruis oitheii' li- Vnirsil y if Ne'brastlai trese'nedru tle Prestsor Stagg is retuterating fr'iom the-effect s If his sickness in Nitt'Mexicot. Thiretost. if the Ju~niiiorPron. at the livlersity ttf Illinoiis this year twas $2118:,sand lhereeipitts $289, 'Tiii'Miiniesotta basketbtall team hat sit far illienltunalel'tol scheiu'uule-anty ganies with t easir-siteanus. '1111 far-u~lty al. LelandSiaoitrd gilt oitli' thehistmas nitmberlof the 'Ciatpparel, a studen1ts' miigazine. Pres- 'The gymnasitim studtenuts at Lelanud SItantorid musthreafteic wear liii'foil- losting costiuie; a blatk sleeseless jersey. grey 'turnierlttiste's, andi Staitisicis oftfhle phuysical rxamiiia- lilonstof Yale freshmeni have teen madulitblic. The averagi' age ttf the tlass is 18 years, 8 moniths anid 27 clays: tie atverage' tweight, -138.5 lbs.. aindthe' aierage Iheightt., 3 foil 8.2 in. Tile 'niversity ttf Iindiana still soonl Wabr's Book Stores. 'Up Town Down Town F i peilci-ili If which are 'li it111v ei5 TAKE[ A SUIT CAS[ thie er'etioni of a iew gyninasium at NOMEt WITH YOU Putrduei. 'The fotothal acidilent lus. hetitghit.itiehtil collegi's cltisertigeth- We have itieiiiiiade of Sole All ininovatiloi in the way of a 1-.eatiier, frot $3.00 to $12.00 courlise ini Domi'suic Science ssill lie in- lltrieed iniihe iUniversity ,tf Wiscoun- ohrldoand liitto sin nxt quter. 'fhe course is ile- tive' aiiit hI"lnly reqiuirement is a5 ens 1oggery 1I1 75. Plain st-ester ilf general chenmistry. 'fle first colureso olffeedwill lie onie Io foodtis. Its object is toi give' a kniowl- edgi' if foodilmauerials, oitheir eo-______________________ toiilv alte aii thit'prineitpls itt loherlpepiarationii. al0:-f 'SilthiTI, sWall~ts ihtcuiut plos thles 1.t'tooley, assistant lprofes- ittAfll sone otfsocilolgy in the IUniversity ilt ,SttfTI AX e Sp5 ,,eztt ,Sfichiigal, idiscussetd the relationi tf ,1110- o1 ..uoj aq solciology t history at the New Or- leans meutifng if the AmericaniErco- nomiilAssociatitinilasitsteets. i/NINN N®ei i0 " i liN ®NNN i ®A s N THEt STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATR4 D Lyman Abbott "1Rero igwobtem, UNIVERSITY HALL, IN I Ii, I I I If I , AITI HENJ TkHEA1TRLE TDrAE 15.3rA BOLT, M5aager Thursday Evening, Jan.?' Friday Evening, Jan. 8 Edward Houghtow's Return of the favorite artiste, Stirring Melodrama MR. The WALKER WHITESIDE Presenting Lieutenant, Johnstown Cordon Sa' WE Flood___ ARE 16aGadSei rdcinCee Draaic eplea'16 KING Prices: 125c5cNS EATS Prices: 250Set t, Redy $1.a0 t1ondaij [veninq, Jan. 25 1' I I Single Admission, 50c. Season Tickets, - $1.00 TH iN iNNOiNNNNMii ii iN NNNi4NiNN NNN NNiiH NNNNNI HEfNRY & KYlER, MERCHANT TAILOR4S N.UNIVERSITY AVE.