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January 06, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-06

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The Michigan. Daily-



No. 68

Popular Guard on Michigans Football Club Returns from a Successful Trip
Team Passed Away Yesterday Morn-, -Members Were Tendered Every
ing-Death Resulted from an At Attention-Future Plans and Pros-
tack of Typhoid Fever-Funeral pects.
- Thursay. The first tour of te 1937 Musical
After n illness whichsrotably Clubs it an ,vent of the past ad
(ates bach to Thanksgiving but the with its favorable termination another
seriousness of which was not raied success was atdeil to the list of Mich-
until sore recently Cecell tooding iats Itriumphs The audiences were
the well-knowns gusrdtothlistyear snlilbut exeedintgily etusiastic,
footbalt tesm dedtot typhoid ever so muchel so in act that at times the
yesterday mornnsg at the honme of his clubs ets at a loss fist enore nism
Iarents onl Southiff1-sth Avnct The fists
sews of his ieath came asi sok shailbeesaticpaedt the fimte-
to the students retsurninsg t o n at ide sit the trip was notl particu-
yesterday, as i sas nout visitrally( lasly listunateut the remsianing
]mow htwi lih I eas ill tncti isitfthe yeas will give the man-
Bus(issing was sit seteelijissecititl actme sit asslopotuity tsrecperate.
the Minnesoa game that le was lasst- At Stvey pinitttosn the trits the litbst
en mt. lut his familyfIslit ha tis Iwetsesroyally 5ett aind, several
injury contsributedil itniistmanser tosdacing parties swere given ansI at
his death. h-dc problaly contractesl' Cicagos a smoker tas tenered by the
he sdisease romt which hl iedtsIwshili! 555versity Chit.
OnssJausary E, ass opprtntity wilt
le giss-sito Mihigansunsdergradate
to, njotheplitlislpnsel Ypsilatti con-
cet.Ptactie- witle-gis immeeiately
l friiilssss-11frthle Juiosr Hopton ii-
i rs wihebsproisiisses itiexceptienal-
llufie itsisyer Later a sncer will
lcb ivests it Detrisitudsastpring trip
isbsi-sit, planted
Theihalih offhcers os iMcigans will
isis for teirli ianuial cniferencessat
AssisArisis ass 7 aot 8,I.ok the new
CECIL GOYeaNG All le sssiosssw sill le eld
i this-wsei-cltal builig sitfte
ts ChicagosI Taksssigfsom ipur I Uiver-sity sit Michigan. Fiosr se-
drinkling water li-Hewas out51f ol- itoisns will tic hest Jan. 7, 2 p. . asd
ego the wietcfolslowing IThanklsgiving 8 1I. m.; anitJan.i8, at.10ainm.ati
but resismesd his tessrIsthe tfloiws8sp. in
seek aditc-s--isworkei-in the sop 1The ifloiiwnsg paer ave lien
luring tbat tie prsised:it
flein t-lt-ighscholsGootilng Addres-of selco-m.sy President
playedi twit yeatssoith le high sholJaesBuingll
tetam ansI was a mmlii otheliAlt. Statements oitth5le object oithle cn-
Fres tem hs frst earin ollge.vetiossby the l~sts Franlk Wells.
Last year le was a substistute itsthesisriesiiitt I lii Sate Barilof
Varsity andilwasiiesifithslt-fl-u'minHelh
whowonan M" ftr oe yar n "heSaitatsons sitMichigan Sum-
the substituts teatssis Isort," y D.Arbsr . Oven,
He was tne osith5te tallest msestis fP nse, ih
he team. e-ng 6feel snches and I"TecDsposa o Waste asilthe
sea atispstsasl lb yssssg sIstts P i-vodsnoisT 1yphoidslFever at Mich'
sn the teans as le was isvesity yast isaiSniseItsrs-iyD.B..
ansI eight mnsstsslit asts'- itsite t Iustslrc v ticathficsfser (f Holadi,
The funiera wiltle heist I lssrssay 'Frthesr Re-narkcssinthle Icriase-
morning rons his lass resie,4211 sifI-stemia Psbliems"by Dr. A-
thusIi.tteynolssst co smissiner sit
Fifth avenue susitat, 1IIoclsck.b llsslflsa
The remaisswill betialento 1tYor.s Ic fChcao
swhee the nerme-stsilltaksellacs. sh-ReltsIin leteeiHumsn asalsl
Theefotsblall uenusmsictlast night Bosvise Psilereslsiss tby Prfssosr 2.
and appoisnstesd CaptinuiRIts-tiltCsrs-is P.yRvenel itof teIUniveesitysit eists
Maddiock,. PaustlsuonesBassrs, asisRobiSylana
ert Itcomitte t daw p raol. isheIsspecstissisositMeal"tby le
itnsoa condm enset ede n, s srMwait d-sls Ie.taroinestc larti-si Craie, sit Kal
soe, Cutis andstShlte ilt, as-s a asaces
hallbeaet's Theesstre aut sfi te The-Astiscial Csultva istsof Try-
its sersvies'to (Poing",;-sfanityasstsanossumesbiy Drs . F. Nvy, sit
sil tni as aits slt slt is a iss"sse ow t tsmatccout tertificates sit
tauses sit Deah"iy tr. C I.Wilbur
FARLAND COMING itsh-r--i-si vital staists sit Michi
fforts ate eists made ts seesre -ass.
Alfred A. Fatland fbi clebratediiban - Stinse s l usssitoserncatdsfrohm
joist for a concet in ltesear fitusresssyng tiosspeassMeat Itspeein,
Ble is nosw touriinsthe Western Sa ts y IPrfessors thares E Marshall sit
ansI if snegotations are- sscsulAn th -iheigan AgrclturatlCotte-ge-
Arbor msusc hive rs wilttegivess a "Te Rstististsofsipslhthera"- by
treat in the nearfturstseBDr.Guy L1 Kifer health offices of
Thoestwho were fotuni ats- e-ssssgt~-rois-
tos gain admittance t te Frand "The Casatisonsads Restrictions of
concert last year, wilt remember ele Tyhidis Fever"lby Thomas 2. Konit,
wonderful laying f this art it. health eofficer of Grans Rapids.
Mr. Andre Michel wilt give a ster- Te large engine which brkle at
eoptictin lectue;rn-ottNelre ameo1' ~Taksgiving time has been reairel
Paris in'- Sarah Cutwel Anigell falal anti the builisgs ott the campus are
Saturd,.yevening, January 9lls at 8 -ow upplidsit sufsficient ight.
o'clock. The admissieon is 50 cents. Thue gym has bieen resipenesi ansI all
fiee o members f the Cercle Fran- classes are retainei after having been
cais. This is lte first sf a series of supne ineDcme ;
lectures tos e given suier lbs ass-r
pices sit the Ceree Franscas.
IMPORTANT NOTICE. Psofesor Hudon wilt giv the se-
The 1904 Michiganensian, according snd lectures sn Contemssporary France
to contract, is to be on the press be- it Tapan Hall Wednesday aternouon
fore March 1st 1904, consequently aQ at five o'clock.fit subject wilt b-
pictures, money, and copy must be in "Political Insitutons and their Wiuli-
by February 15, 194. Mihigan en- ings.
sian sittings, at senior rates, may now

be had at Rentschler's or Randall's S. C. A. LECTURE.
studios.. Judge V. 21. Lane will talk on "Stu.-.
DAN McGUGIN, dent Resolutiions" tonight at Newber- aae. r at

Will Present its First Attraction of; Seem Brightest in Years-Many Old
the Year at the Athens Theatre on! Men Back-Good Material in Fresh.
January 16th. man Class-Indoor Meets Begin in
Ott Saturday evesisig'.asuary lIthels
ele Unversty PCimedylush wilnmahke Withs the reopening of college the
its first appearance this seasonawe the iterest of lbe student body natrally
Athenss IThetre in AgustisnDays sc trns towardt trachk atltetis for lbs
cissulscomisedy The tProfssossrs ibeginnng of the secosd semeter
Trage-dtv." The cish hissbsectsunderci mnaris theiaivent itt the indoor track
thie persosnahdirectioin itt Harry Parie season I is toi eary to state any-
oh Desiit this year aisd is cosmposeid thins, iintey abouut the schedule of
of Eoome exceptionally good taentsindooir Ieets bittite is probable that it
Frons last years "My Friensdtfrims wihl be much the sam- as that of las
Inelts east the tfollowing seth rap- yeas. There whhl be the sualahpreim-
pear it the coinsedy sitsJanuary 16th: inary nmet Varsity meet resh-oph
Miss Vanl Valk s shisrg. Miss Brhownniet andu inter-class meet. There
Miss LlitttMirtdBurg satu Mr.IDickey with alsos he iwo meets with other co-
Cnitusduriss the success of last years leges-s Crnehl will undoutedly e
comne-dys ansI this re-urst si a greatIc suse- si thsese- the other has not yet
hiss, Iosi its cast tosgether wsvths the new heeuudecdd-up hon. The First Regi-
talent swhich MrtClarke and Mans--sr ment team of Chicago ha- applied for
Stimsnthase gahseredl eogether the a date he e but the mater is still u-
pay silthe oineositihse nmost succes-s settledh The University of Chicago al-
fist of hose pr~ lesentedh by thu I ssvrss- so wishes to meet Michigan in a dual
ty Cotme-dy Clususcntses at the opening sof the new
Maoni symasiutm.
A HISTORICAL GUIDE It has bein decided not to issue the
Tha arngie nsttuton o. Wsh-cahlfos track athletes 0untlsometim
isugon I s issstsgs No - uet sweekc The indoor season will
lbs Papers sitthe listseatso sitrissocat- probab lly he opened hby a preliminary
Research, "A Gusie ts the Asrchits neetsit Februrary 2th he first Sat-
si the toveunmntit of helbshnte urday. it the second semester and
States nWashingiin"b ltauideHal wsh ibetbrsught t a cose by the Co-
steadl Van Tyunenuts assistantsiro- ehl meet sime six weeks ater. The
fessors sitAnmericans histouy in theannuouscenent that Cirnell is to come
tuuversity os itPichigan, ansi Waldohleure agaiun witlistereceeivei with pleas-
Giffordsh Ielandla gauatae studentslo ut isevby sitlthose wh itwnessed the e-
Ha-runtr h Uiversity. Is the ass, citing nit'st bhetween te tweo niver-
schoedarssintrusstud itsAmercsasshis sits thi s' t twos years. It is acu-
tory hasve haul sit meanssost hkssws -ruuus us icdece that Michigan won
just wihat material couhhisetfsundsuin bosth muets by th same score 4V/
the great mats at Washington and not28/ Iti announced that Sears,
means of knoswiwng how sire cy ti ge thu amous sprinter and quarter-mler
at it even if they knew lbaI the si- wilt agans represent Cornell in trant
sire inormtio wa onfil inoneathletics Last year he was ket off
o theetartmuens.ss h'Flu de is a he Iseam becase sit parena and fa-_
comnpete key to the use byhuyistoran slty objectons. Should he coin here
of alt records of alt the deparimen this year the meting between him
whose heads are members sit the cab anth Hahun in the 40-yari dah is sure
int n fthe departnment sit justce usto prove a desperte struggle. It will
n h eta tethehuehuo ts e rememnbesred Ila two years ago
sai thehsenatentheehedsasdeittiredereae
ttves. and the Smitsnan lst hanahuutru eiiedts
tutis n Iestpublicatiosn with cussr ts the astern crackc ansI Sears wilt
freom 7(105toii9110 lasrgisagesanth will udosutdly maie a great effort to
be uuntuct ethit shut lssurnuso svs-snaters this year.
The onity previisspublsicationus in any I his note as yet been decided
stay sithele same atutre coevred-oly~ whether a sans will e ent east to
seveteens ages. cmete sssinu the invitatiin meet held
______ ___ bsy the University itt Pennsylvania in
WOMANS CHRISTMAS TREE Apis. 1ass year Michigan won the
tourile ru-ay rce which is the ban-
Thue Wednesday befire Christmas, ses evenst the meet, from all the
the womnen who remainedh us Anus At-age Fasternunsiversities and should
bor luring the hlidssayslutis an itt- the prospect s fr a winning eam seem
fashuionesd Christmas ceebhutiassists gotod next sring, they will doubtless
Barbosur GymnsaiumAbsist tIwent y usbe st ast t enseavor to repeat
lyve were present, a subsfiscintnuerlbshespirformance. Of last years relay
tim stash downs the Christmas tret- with ttanmKeliogg Perry and Wait re is.
giftssunsue itt which, accordinsg tQ colege ath while the loss of Conger
agreemnts, sexedetetin i-i-sts it rstwilthue elt it shoul be pssiblet
Everybosdy haul a goodss timndsu the hunssssenueue whim can fill his plae.
mg thristmas tree, aden wits. sumsi-I lbssam ges East Hahn Stewart,
coias sit candhy ansi all suits iof tush SchulteIDvrkcansI ithers my be
by paceels ealledh ts mnasylformer talesn aiing to compete in the special
Chrisas celebruat ionst5in thet says ofi events hislhu in cnmnectin with the re-
lonug ago. ay racesAlthough Dvrakchat serv-
Afte the gifts seres-dlst ributedthe edtfturus yeast sn the track team h
Christmas party tunts into a ance will te eligible sum comete in this
ansI this holday spirit reigneduntil meet as it is a special one. It is hop-
six p. om.,when the sparty broeup. esitthat hi will lrakcthe worlds re -
suitof sI ifeetli1t!2 inches, now held
AN OLD LANDMARK GONE. by RItCP.tCapps si Yale. Dvorakc has
The large crowdvt si studets arriv-one 12 eet in practices and bt for
ig in Anan Artbstrsn the New YorkicBard ustl would have brofen the rec-
Special at four-hirty Monuduay afttr-tint last yeas.
nooun, wituessed thre beutifu ight oh Direcor Fitpatrick with charactr-
a large building in flames. The odtiatic mdesty reused to make any
fliour mill directly topoite the21Mih-satenment as to the prospects of the
igan Central Depots was a nmass eof team I haye ben so busy with foot-
flames just as the hi-in drew u. ball that I have not had any chance
Thtusesene of the ot buidiugi to loek ater the new mterial" he
times past hass eist a favorites reo sad. tCapt Kellogg taes a rosate
sit strollers. 'The students unsre than view si trtackc prospects. Inded, it
anyones else- will nuts thus old land f wuld seem that this year's track
mark esecillywhe th wam Jteanm shoulds b e one of the et that
mpric.g shidayys btcomhie.ar uver represented Michigan and that
s sayinga great deal when it is in-
memberedi that fist the past four years
TENDERS SYMPATHY. he 'Wolverine have won the chain-
TPhe Chicago theare hoocaust peonship of the West. Of last yr's
caimedl the lives of two Wiscsosins' team the ony men who are not ack
unudergraduates and as a result the are Capt Robinson Dvorake and Con-
host vacatieun opensing at Madison so ger so if the old men do as well a
one of saidne.ss. Michigan tenders the they slus last year Michigan is sure
sincerest sympasthy to her iter state 1 of 4 points and several of th ol
university. The heroic condut of theI men arciexpectedh to better their per-

Chicago students who risked their formances of last year.
lives to rescue women and childsen in Much is expected of Schule, the for-
the frenzied mot deserve the highest met Wisconsin hurdler and jumper,
commendation. (Continued on page three.)

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