THE MICHIGAN DAILY. A A l All $9-5 and $24 Overc yats new - - $20 0 O IA IT a SPf~I ale, All 8205and $.2 Ovrcoatsow .- $18 H LD YGF OyT coatJ4LVLU All $18Ovrcoeats now - - - $15 , '11$5sOtercoats now -- 12 [OR "EiN FOR LADIES 5 This sais includes tile femrous H. New Neckwear Fine Silk Umbrellas S. & i11. 52 and 54 inchl long coats. HandFurhefsas andecarefs Black and Oxford. Plain or the Handmres LaceBoasladecrfs U T Dress and Street Gloves Toilet Novelties 217P South "ain Street Th Clothiear, Solid Gold Cuff Buttonls Gloves, Falls, etc. Phone 513 MACK COO 4. io~~~~~~o~~~~~ ®®~~fs~s~~oo RANDAL L, THE 3DHOTO6""RAP ER 121 LE. Washington St. IgO,,,se.Oee.,,,.@~..O~0*0*080*0*6*@*$4@o0.$,o @6 2 3' Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BURCHUFIELID'S FrINE TAILORING TRAIDE S S a A WAe are prepalredi this sea1-on0"o11moot1every Ilellnlml], 11s we have increased tile 1111151111 of werIl 1101. As ulsal we have Vbte Flnesat MLIe O f Woolems in the' city. Art alndlSkil il pfred 1)11 lltI' is 1111111wIrk. asrill the past.''se lrespecltfully i t eyour11nquiry. S. W. BURGHFJELD p @1 AS 0 lio*@~o*ao0t@@so-$* ,h554$0'$SS'S$'S o®®o ,,,$'Se'S@$*e 0* OYSER BIAY CATERING CO. CA*F AND 1BANQUECT Sr N HALL a!W a0 Special bDines-12 to. 1:30 34 P. M. Daily, 35 cerits Z4 For- Ladies and Gerstierrs. 31558. State St. Plsorse 467 New Bruuswick Tables ATr REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars andi Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate St., S. I hareusot receiedetts largess sod fiest line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever broughtstoIsthse city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everytintg Neastsasi Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancing Ground Floor on "aynard Street One Block west of State Street jStores. 'Phone 2-4-6 YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch *At Tittle'., 338 S. State Lesnons, $3 per Term of 12 Wees UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street 4 PROFESSOR SOOTe. PRINCIPAL PAL.ACE e.PARISIAN .ILAUNDRY AGENCY.. Otlce a15 East Willians St. Pesone (=1. Work called for and delivered promptly ALMS U~A. HAL, 'View P1%atteg.-aplse.- Views-of city and camcpus. Flash lights, Ic- teniors, Groups. 3,16 &. fain Street, Ann Arbor With Seymor Studio. 'sone 019. M&NOSV.RFER CateeriTi.,STATE ST. ( Continued from page one) Holiday dancing parties at Gran- gers Christmas and New Years Eve. been intensely interested in church. thursday nights, 8:30 to 12:30 os-cssek. work: and 1105 been active in the re-itegular Assembly tonsarrow nighs. let of the pooreand needy. -__________ Ill the social life of the University HOLIDAYS AT GRANGER'S. Mrs. Ailgell has taken a deep inter- Thursday night dancing periss. est. She has heen led to this not for Christmas and New Year's Eves. are, th ociety per se lblt rather through the only parties to he heli at Ike herinerest and sympathy in the life Academy during vacation. Prolgrams. ands activities of young folks. And 50 cents per coule. fssr this reaso she has ever been- really to be p~resent at every Uliver- The thirtieth year ssf college' joulr- sity gatherinsg, no mailer the place nealism at .the Utniversity o1 Califo~r- isor use tinme. Fewe other women cia was marked by a special ediioIll 150011 have unldergone the personal of the Daily Californian. The hisio- inlons'venienlces tis ilas caused bin1 ry of the various cllege pulicatios~l Ibis as inl tse othser phsases of 11cr is- is taken tip and the paper is gottlen hors 0(1 consideration of the personal out in fire shape. elemenst entered in. Her edulcation __________ permitted her to enlter into this lead. erhpwith a pcia'grae sr Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar ershi pecuiar ace.Bornrow's and Buylor's Chocolates at Cash- and rs'ared in a college atmosphere, log's Pharmacy. for years a resident in foreign diplo- matic circles Mrs. Angell has been }yt-l( signally qualifiesd for her psition.U of M. Ailtiseptic Brher ~~ "And signally, toso, has she fillisstii V5~nno5 The Ysong women of the University AND BATH-iROOMS5.. have been 11cr special charge. And. a. R acsesANO SK Prorien- r tintil rscently when failinog health has J l ndiiou rplir plrevented her mingling IRith 1 ilem as Face Massage a Specialty. freely and of knowing them as inti- 322 SOUTH STATE STREET motely as she woluld, she has regret- ted it exceedlingly. Mrs. Angell ha: known nuany of the women students A TRIUMPHfu i- by name. Many a girl in distress has 1A rii O come to her and fouand encaoiragement TA ILO0R IN G and many a one has she helped tePic through princely Pic Albert tonttse death (If Mrs. Ansgell the Unf- bearing this famous mark versity, town, and c~ouintry wilt msurni-- the loss of a broad, womanly woman.nmn No hiighlertribute culdIbe paid iser A lfred ej a in Simpe ad dmesic oslse was in MAKERS q NEW YORK her tastes yet she respolnded willing. ly to the appeal of the world for aid A ready-to-wear frock coat anld gladly wore her life away in pro that you cannot distinguish motingr the good of others. Beyond from one made to your order. ibis what more need be, couild be saidt? Thibets, vicunas, unfinished ____________________ worsteds, double-shrunk in the BENJAMIN establishment. Fit individual and perfect, GERMAN CHRISTMAS. being mreasured on a model Last evenling there was great festiv- ity at one ssf ihe boardinsg houses, of your figure. Styles from where there is a German table. Tb New York and London fash- members of the table had procuireiilioners. Hand-shapedan a Tannenbauum which was laden with the customary sdecorations, and can hand-tailored by salaried dies, Cermnan customs were observes" specialists in sanitary shops. in every manner. After the tree wa. BENJAMIN White and Fancy lighted, gifts were exchanged among Washable Waicoats, too. Thc tholse seated about the festive board, p rice is right. Yourmosey and short but pertinent adsdresses back if anything goes wrong, were made by the invited guests. We alone sell this famous apparel. The singing of German Christmas l *Ir'RY &C . songs, which could nsf. have been C TIN ,R Y &Co sung with greater vim by the sons o1 the Fatherland themsselveo, marked 109411 East Washington St. the end of the festivities. Phone 502 Cleaning. Pressing. Relsairing. 336 S. STATE ST. (Over.-Cusht1rsg'od Clolhc-s,callced for and Delivered. $i.55 worth of wsrk for $1.00. Leave Orders at Csitngs sr i'hone 582 Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds Or other persoInal sroperty ci value-. Wsatchles and Jeweiry0lAe- pair-ed. Basrgaoins in Watoss -- and Diamonlds. Ofice at re-sidence, 331 N. Lib- erty Street, Ann Arbor. tHors 8 tol 11:30 a. ml., 1 to 3:130 P. in., 7 to 9P.. 1. 11 1 1' 'sofiden- tial. JOSEPH C. WATTS. 4 BAILEY-X ems. EDMVNDS, il Skate Orindiixj 13Y1 E. Liber.ty St. 96e ATHENS PRESS ' Zend Fisso.. Alt.. Theatre Bldg. I I TIGMAS ROWE, 'roprietor '"- Electric Ckavf ii y D iskes & t lcrcTalale Liams5 .HntntM.1 I I II.$44IF S-I I I I.Ini'tNI ® 1 I Ak ' SPALDING'S OFFICIAL INTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL Used by all tisi Leadtng Colleges. Fot BallPants-Lace front, hips and knees pde with tie curled hair and t iss with cane strips. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. Incorporated. Now York, Chtcgi, Dnver. Splding's Official Foot Ball Goide fori19t3,edited by 1Ster~amp. Pice 10 cents. "ALLON'S FOR QUALITY." Hleadquarters for Suit Ca eC! 'We carrs the .Crgsst aned 5fost owcplete Assoortmenrt ine Io-Wr. 'We canl Show 4027 anJ e5tle Wartpd ine thisfinire of G'oods, ; at tk e Louest possible price. I II i, s; i, i .r 4 thfat,e. uyslihq to lishtteh S- your .r rot. Call ih see o.usr disp'lay..... WA-5H'NAW LIO}IT & CoaWsntoq hn4Ik Ave. P~ohe 27a ALLIEITHEilCLOTIER 113 -5. WAIN -STREET n, . ,W'WIW 'AS1u6S-5AkS$ *u***#** **0 #*1**"*****"+*********,* 4, 0 WE ARE NEVER UTNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE