The Michigan Daily
No. 7
Championship Already Seems to Lie "Character Building" Chosen as Top U. of M. Band will have a Drum Ma- Sir Frederick Pollock n "The Expan-
Between Michigan, Minnesota and ic of Advice to Freshmen and jor-Band will play at Albin and sion of the Common Law."
Chicago. Game with Albion Others. Beloit Games. ___
Thursday.. Game with Ada
- "Sit Freterietk 'ottct the eminent
Ohio Normal Scheduled. President James B. Angel delivered "The U. of M. Band will have a English 'jurist, delivered te firs o
hi anuladestoteFeheis serie o leturtes ott he Expan-
Frsmndrum major eoits snext appertferona hl attheat- no h omo a,"ysed
No ;tttMtichigan's first game tosttdyatrona afps he.ane" said Bantd Master ay to at rp-t- tttShe(ttttlw ysery
satisfactorily acttttttedl for ant the A great body of students woo In at- representative of the Daily. atertooo in Untiversity. all. A
restults of tthtltr gamsstto tf last Sat- tettdance and the power of Dr. Angell This is an entirely new departtre large retesentt1ion fromthel( Law te-
rtday trt- all itn,t- foostlall sittuationt as a speaker was evinced y the care- from anything which has ever bett trtmetttandssthersor-tft- sttttsn
intheIs'tmiddlec West iscomtnescitgto fta tt attention paid to Is words y all tried here ht it is the nt-w thitg lbody itsterestesd ithlet'prittcitles tf
clear. iTe conttest ftr cltsststitnsslip present, which the students tdesire. A drtttm l tthe ttttmolastwre trsentt.
At4- DI eanets hestststsof Ie Law
hottttrs siltitsettttre fiercely fotght The president took for his topic major is as essential to a gotd bantiAt 4
l~st yea tlstt ftr sme lnac. Al- haracter Building'" and his talk was as a captain to a company of soldiersllDepartttetnt. ustheredt-heit grat jttist
readytho I r-ct-lt sents to lie tn a filled with kindly advice for seniors As their leader and director ihe c- uotth ieplattiftrmndttthit was t tlltt-
lrittsgtttsr match. ichligat, Miotte- as well as freshmen, In the course lieves the band master of matytf the iatictsty received by te assmtbtltt
sotst tttdtCtlttago set-n to ie its a class ot his address he said that we mst small things which have to be attn-si-uyelnttsst-tlst-iattverttiatingots
ttovttty t'r'st tf thescholttts its this not imagine or characters as tome- ed to but whichs he cannot prperly yel l- hwdterapeito
st-ctitottof t-- cttttttry attd shtotldth iing we could pack away as finished see to it le plays an instrument. The to hyt- atstttttrtstity ttt listttsI t
hsoorts ftalt ttttsitde tf tis trittmviratc produtcs. They are still plastic and drum major also gives a certain gracethgraexonrofhelw
it silt ittteetdctttte as a srprise we mutst remember that our associa- to the band which is lacking withotttIn yeterdatys ttcttre oTtt ri- tn
trittnell feltutn easy victimtoIt Miotte- tins ihave much to do with moulding him. He is a necessity and all wilte gin oftttimCommo Law hi stIfsrtt
sstanttttienotssus tccetteinitdeeat-tihat plastic mass. To this end he pleased to know that the U. f M iHfurimotalnt ivisios. ititg x-
Ittg Itttittta ater a ttartdsr strttggle urged his hearers to select carefully band is not behind the times. anplstt to sttw tit,ttdevtttpmt of
I tatn httdbttenttanticipitatetd. With their companions during their college Elroy Holland the man frttm Mis- each, te putbicity tf tritl, te st-
whttittighst atmssotitt-taletd a greets life. sosri,' who has been playing the fraity tf ctturt, lbse tttrttas stle
tetstt, Mitthigatt lattts its sie frttttt rants he president dwelt at considerable drum, has resigned fromt this position jtttgtetf it-e lassadtttelbsrtservatlittn
sy tdfeattitgavtrauemfrmaln tpon te fact that the age and will e appointed srum major fpiiee oofcas
scholsttttedttttftr itt jt~scty fotttalwhett yousng men and women leave ItTspriual uaiidft ie 'ht remasinintg lecttrsswiltIto te-
Playtrs. Onttt wet-k frtottext Satur- httme for college is one of crisis for sition as it is not the first time he as livret ithlteLwltttttg.
tdty Intdtitnastsniss ttt Attt Arbttr attd it is the tne of the transition period carried the stick.
it rtm-nts ttt be st-snswether tr not Buitt he showed how fortunate It is for A11 who had the pleasure of hearing CROSS COUNTRY RUN.
Ytstspltatyrs tcattrttttutita larger a youttg person to pass through that the and Saturday were well pleased Atrs lststtt srt-ttsta
scrt-. a dttidt tlttste tttter te cre of period ins suds an institution and con- at the showing tade and many re thelar-esizettt ttfitt-turnes outtttozstrys.Wsnilses oeue htacolg stevr bs ak eemaecmlmnaytotefrtrno te rs onr
bt-atIrifle ttotutf it(,rtttttittg inthisspIlace for a young man or woman at its work. With only one practicest- stCutbtyttestraymoit tt istg tatttmttteta
ye-ars conets. Witss-ry few old siuchs a time. ether they did remarkably well. vr creditabtle soinstg. Te slest
sanaottitIwuu mils atsilt sasy pace
iptayirs acik it wouildi its a diflficiuli The services of the afternoon, con- 'They may now rest assured of the lititttttsttisiitcessgii
priiposit ioit to showti upiitschlampsiiont- sisted its addition to the presidents spport of the student tly. bi nentohponncasgte
shtpIsri address, of devotional exercises con- It has beets suggested that te band idistaice ansiisedsosto s grdu~aly
Dasyastier toutmorrouwr ts-e oize assildistedi by members of the faculty and do something at a gane besides wall- wirinto u Cttitists
tlts- silt lists-ll il Pesrry Fieldl Iwoi baritone solos by Earl Killeen lg to their places in one si thue 'fis aunk is very imposrtsit; for
agintsttuCachitNufers tessmnfritsAl- itt the School of Music. bleachers with, perhaps, a previous thoss woitenisd s ttrys-forithtr-cs-k
Dionst. It is onlty- after costiuerabliete- The hall was well filled with st- tne in. frot of the grand stand.if ~ tatmsnts-t srigostissis-lstially as-
gotittitns than isls gamei as-a beets dents and townspeople. Although it the band cosstd get to the ganmes say irats ilsfur losgista ncetssi onr sitis.'b
plars-it. Presidt:utDIicey sitAlbiontis5suppioedl to be for freshmen t is a halt hour early asd after nmarching rery fac-t ita t-iitasneur-rwss
hasvintg iseensoitotsedt- it msid-wee-ks soticsable that the audiences at these around the Inside of he griuiron taks lroist t in onut itli~Isttitttwrt itt
gatiess"Jimies-Nnfer, wuosutrutus anntul asdresses ae usually as large- seats in. the center tf the filtd adtoutheiitC rss Country Sllbws rgattui-
at s t-i tttachis welltknown lstn ly madt- tp of upper lassmen as furnish music from hre, ifsoldi td rtl sirs -the-itgotic otfstthIis
f 1M1ichigan's itromttinentasthlleti offreshmsnss.certainly be much more peasing ithanss k,(at.P - - , rsietoft
ftrmersytr utssitud itis s ri-thaIlie s--the old plainsoflprtcedure-s. 'The sug- tttgtstiei ttuill tatke- lihtotits-i sui
uill tre ..s tteamtt- stha1tt. usill st-uer FEH NREUAIN. gested plan has been triesd willsisc-- sussiitiiuss sissris rus
gu si itgstu-wlustsiultn Last year the Sophomore class drew cess bymmatyiofsthetlrgercnisgartsits fyom
iTtas rt at 4: it0 stnd suitusssitu will rip1 a set of rules for the Freshmen to and there is no reason 1tosuposse thegym
tu aedt al-u stIwusl yt-u-v cents. olow. These rules forbid Fresh- that I would not work hers. A fiftu-s Iseeuusn yrtstu sfusi l u
Alltittuig-isttoiuue1taIsass- sikeapipe on the campus. minute cocer fromo the seuer of the wsteriscoulittgus'uswill nutu-I itsansin-
dicaltionif Ibtis u-s-trs gsssou, lt-stire o sit its the first five rows at the thea- grisiron might be the mseans of ar- ssitturtu ftusi- uttusisKl-
of li st u-tu sssusth ltionius say te eo oene eti rfehetrousing the rooting earlier in the etg, MSliutuiusitIrcurtesamtileader,
of ittire st. fT-he tutuavelbeet s ~filaces or to wear silk hats, and re- game,r-ssiututurusu ursitt sa
lows: quiredl them to wear Freshman caps. Tebn itplya ohte al-iray s- ttularin thlitr tsuhtssritais-
till-, Mi tts -ttts iAlin 10. Al a meeting of the Senior society, bion and Beloit games. tus -suu.'rtuu 'tisiitstu
rtil, Milihigan ti - Albio M.hithigamsma, last night it was decided Cati cam. s-ittsiurt- uits tult1titistnI
but, SMichigantt 0uAttin t. o support these rules and to aid tn WOFrAN'S L[AGU[ RCEPTION. fitsconemplutttatintsuof it-e lau-e, adu
1ilt2, liscttgatt8h-Albion 0I. lieir enforcement.OnTusa th Woa'L-tgtitsuwr-ttustutsIttfs-utyusti
Next iSitit-u itshlst-Al-re-shmns College spirit depends largely upon will giverdathoeniomng'rscLeatueit list- trisssi it wsitthelul tyisi sat
leant i oto ttAlbonreu l ayssu ttts-he cleecsosan nms ftethe Woman's Building. Ths- League iontiu.
sants- 5555t~ttiI lustrlistais utunusfarussisues o othese is this'year in a forishing conditiontt Athutougi yt uIits stnu-eutbrynsit-site
ttsshituts Titursuitysusulasusome t ier- art-belaedwnpfrasesTohfollowand its prospects are umusually trigst. as-uti-c ats lst i-uutgiveu-sthsialfrutm
-ithogrsus tit i-sBli-lu.A-antidiownm promaonent.asstheyareth- Last year Mrs. Jordans gaefouri t hltic ipttstionsthus prpsedtstt
plsuofiuthurs-tint-some.s- st-y god lsnl'lslus rmoecls oao -receptions or all the nssmirsnof sue litegu-vi stb ss supr l-tte, Ufiial
slayes osut, hut All-s-siteale ack is-os-u- ands observed and lived up to asa
sit-uttuu lssss uits.'isiscsn he uecssay sar o th cllee ife ~League together. Tis year it-e lassauvistse -tuueis t- athltuutcreptuhmstusts 1
sped nd ea ply.Ths cn e ncesar prtof hecoleg lie.Itwill be changed and te receptiutnss of thueI sirsrils urtChicassto, -thus ii-
Yetsecday safternnssu t-e ntguiars establishing prmanently such es ilb ie otecasskprt-vriyo ic nadtelnvr
anti--tusvu-nre1putishrough siarpstoms hoe, college spirit will be ly.' The fist will e for lt'tresh- sit sif liso ,t lusunrooutm-tt stfur doub
strengthened ansI so they have deter man class and will take tplace sitsF'si- usponsite suts-ture itu urw-elconmu
signsatlupracics-tsulthu scrimniage day, October 9. The recetisostr wicihs till hi ts- -sltu t t hut istdela
wassomttei-u.'This aflunotusu therse minedi ts act in the matter this year the Sophomore class will cotsie in ithosscsususus. '"t mtitt is wills
will beits ihulscrinmmsages-teenmsand sill decide extreme cases. following Friday, ansi thestwomeeais-is, sidt'Captinlt lotuttiystrday
the 'Va-I assnd thie rese-res. ing Fridays of the month will it osc- in dis-ussisng thus-rutabue utcoumeussutof
Onemerst-snmoticabe ting in yes- COMEDY CLUB. -cspied by the Junior and Senisr class tu- leaguet-.wsituCticaiis-go, Wisconsin
terutsys rtui-ice sas te inmprove- The annual election of the Univer- receptions, anti Illinosis wi-u' tshim
moit isIntsheickinig. The mess lia- sity Comedy Club was held yesterday These class receptions wre sng- It is snitnhslM--ugs iest
tiredl icking sut anti heeling the all msorning and the following officers gstdtoMs.Jrdntrotesucsseirtts ta iilsus-u-iuansitgakeuhe
an uhCutsat Sa~sui hw ee lceof last year's Senior class organiza- as this supeurisriy f Itt-ndisac
eh tsp 1museittIt- in punting. Botth President-Vail Dickey. tion and it is hoped that in this way rusinsas nol tuseenuquestioned-lsice
hart- alsus fouundluse -lar in lie lplace Vice-Pres-Nelie Van Valkenberg. the members of the classes will be- the meumsoraluevisuory tfite H"
Iicsoandsu1th the bll over with reg- Secretary-May Brown. come acquainted early is the year reayteiant last srig istl'umnsy-
ulaity. All these ns were out with Manager-Maurice Stimson. adta aypesssgteig asa ia us -uithsgr-
the eci-tiolit -f iRedduen ansI (rog- Prperty Man-It. B. Barret. will follow, a geaten impetlus t atlt-iics its gn-
try but thsu these will be iot agaiss The Club is in excellent condition The League empsymen committe er~l in lie swes.tsan sisy thing wills-
today. financially and anticipates a most suc- has been very active this year amd in hits'mnmo-ytofhcoliegeuent-tiren.
Arrangesnts have hesn completed cessfusl year. It is the present inten- many girls who have found it necs- Au aluiecmauncsu-.ctnt rally lcaost
ion a gasue hers- otOct. 14, with the tion to give he first performance 'sary to secure employment to assist itsnuestts all schsouols enters-ti
Normal Schsuool lcatedl at Asda, Ohio, some time between the Thanksgiving them through their term in cllege, musst te stiuceut for the meet, asd
andl tccorudimng thu atl reposrts it will lus anul the Christmas holidays, have been helped in obtainimg godsu site ithie vis-unsty ofi'tcg is nowt
a goosgamie positions. beleed t be the mshsdesirale loca-
SOUTHERN CLUB SMOKER.- tion. The- desigaton of thu curse
A stronsg adduition to the Chicago The Southern Club will hold an in- NO SOPH.'MEETING. and the arangmn sit alt details,
tennis teans is expected in Cy Garnett, formal smoker, Wednesday evening. A very erroneous report was spreadt hwever, will be decid by a bosart si
the cracik player from Wisconsin, who Oct. 7th, at 7 at NicholsHail 326 S. Monday among the 'fit men to the f- representaives from the colleges
has entered the Unvriyansi will State St All members are requested feet that there would be a meeting at with cmeting runners.
try for the teats n i g. to e rthyt the cannon tonight at 9 ocock for That the deal is on in earnest,
BY THE PRESIDENT. the purpose of deciding on plans for may e juuged from the anunusce-
a Fresh-Soph rush. - From all that can nient made yestrday huy Trains-n Fit-
Lost-A blacls silk watch fob with I be learned the sophomores have no# patrick thats osutoour training of all
small gold locket having initials R. S Lost-Pi Beta Phi pin. Please re- idea of a rush and wish now to discov- varsity runners ton distances greater
G. Finder please retusrn to 548 5. turn to 406 Packard Sc. and receive re- er whso the persons are that are cir- -
State street ansd receive reward. S ward.j culating the -false .reports. Continused suitpsie'fIsur.