The ichigan Dail VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1903. No. 67 CONCERT POSTPONED. "RS. ANGELL DEAD. On Account of Sad Death of Mrs. An- gell-Musical Clubs Concert at Death Came Yesterday Morning-Her Ypsilanti Cancelled-Remain- Life-Her Work in the Univer- der of Itinry Unchanged. sity. Owing to the sad death of Mrs An- Although Mrs. Angell has been ill gell, the concert at Ypsilanti last for several days the news of her death night was canceled, the remainder came as a great shock to the students of the tour wil however, be made as of the University. Anxiety and dread planned. showed itself on every face last night TP ittitingly complete their stren- and the lowering of the flag today tuous and continued practice of the brought gloom to many a one of thore last two months, the clubs have the of her warmest admirers-the stu- last two evenings gone through their dents. entire program as it will be given at Mrs. Angell's death was due to each point in the trip. If the advance bronchial pneumonia. She was at- sale of seats is any indication the tended during her illness by Dr. tour will be a great success. The Vaughan, who gave her the utmost Alumnr in the several cities which the care and attention and who advised t clubs will visit seem to appreciate sending for her relatives when it oe. the conscientious wore of the men in came apparent that her condition was preparation for the trip and have dangerous. Her husband, sons and come forward at the seat sales. It brothers were at her bedside. Her will only be another demonstration of daughter, Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin, hadt -Michigan spirit for the clubs to be not arrived. Mrs. Angell passed away greeted at each concert by an au- peacefully, conscious to the last of lience in which the yellow and blue those around her. Irhas a large re resentation. This tour Mrs. Angell left two sons-A. C. An- of the musical clubs will serve as a geli, of Detroit, an attorney, andIt means for making the people of the James R. Angell, professor in thie Tni- ate more interested it the Univer- versity of Chicago-and one daughter, site \\ here is there a Michigan Mrs. Andrew C. McLaughlin, of Wash- heart which has not been stirred by ington D. C. She is survived by oneI the victories in her athletic field. brother, Major Thomas F. Caswell, of 'rhese recitals of the musical clubs Annapolis, now retired. will give another cause for the Mich- Mrs. Angel was born in Providence rander to be proud of the achieve- Rhode Island, July 24, 1831 She was ents of the University of his state' the daughter of President Caswell, of hse efforts i nevery department of Brown University. She was educaited college lil gives to the University a in the best private schools of her a- cosmopolitan atmosphere, and helps tive city and later by Professor Geo. to displace the erroneous idea that W. Green, the noted Italian scholar athletics are the only branch of col- and historian, and by Professor Hen rlee endeavor outside of legitimate ry S. Frieze. She received an educa college wor which is worth while tion such as was rarely accorded a PROFESSOR GODDARD woman in those days. In 1855 she Last evening at Newberry iall,the married James B. Angell, then a ro- ttdtt steries of Faculty talks lessor in Brown University. Dr. An before th Students' Christian Asso- gell, in 1866, became president of theit l ctaio was given by Prof. E. C. od-- University of Vermont. She resided t ar who gave a very interesting tal in Burlington till 187 when Dr. Ant on the subject, "Preparation for life gel was elected president of Miigan after College." The speaker in a few and during the thirty-two years words gave his large atdience some which has passed since the cordial- very good advice.I is mainidea was ity and wisdom of the hostess in the that no matter in what walk of life. president's home has been a lesson to it one really sets himself out to get thousands who have gone forth fron> shat he wants, he can do so with his the institution. awn efforts. In a physical one, this During her long and active life Mrs is true, he contendd, as by the prop- Angell has been called upon to fill r xrrise any deired physical stan- many positions If iimP.ortancet. In tard may be attained. Any one desir- 188081 Dr. Angell was appointed min- ing a collge course, continued the ister to China and here she preside spetker, c griet' it and if not, it is with rare grace over the legation ait ias ' its' want it. Pitf.tid- Pekin, where she became the friiend.t ast r ries that swants tcessry fot as great a friend as wais pssit ir rione to retain self-respect in view of i any foreign woman to become, of the the fact chat we mst live with our- diplomat and statesman, Li Hungel les eways and to do so in the most Chang. Later in 1897-8 she held the wholesorme way we must live in re- same relation in the diplomatic cir e nusels ole of the Turkish capital. Prof. Goddard's talk was both appre- Mrs. Angell was a member of theI tciateri and enjoyel and was very time- Woman's Board of the Chicago axpcl. sition and for two years tdevotedher At theii ting eleven new members self to her official duties on this boattt were reci s'1aui tirtieen applica- In this connection she was a ilber tins for membership presented. of the executive committee, of tie committee on ceremonial, and chair- ORCHESTRELLE. man of the committee on classification lany students have attended Pro- of exhibits, which difficult and often lessor Stanley's classes during the delicate task she performed with on last few weeks in order to hear the sumate tact and kindness. new instrument used to illustrate the In speaking of the work of Mrs. An- lectures. It is an orchestrelle, built geli in the University, town and cou- t like and not much larger thani an up-. try it is hard to tell where to begin right iaio. It is a great aid in the and still harder to stop. And then the study of orchestral compositions. half will not be told nor can ever be . This orchestrelle is the acknowledg- known for Mrs. Angell -never let her ment by the manufacturers, of Pro- left hand know what her right handI fessor Stanley's services which he ren- had to do. Deeply religious, of a dered them last summer, when he broad, philanthropic mind, she knew prepared a series of discussions on no caste nor distinction in the bestow- certain periods of musical history to al of her charities, her kindness, and be illustrated by the Orchestrelle of herself. For she did give herself. The instrument is a very expensive Whenever she entered upon an under- one and is undoubtedly cherished taking for the good of otifers she did highly by Professor Stanley. it with her full heart and with all With the aid of this acquisition and her energies. Her special effort in of the Cecelian which he uses. Profes- life, as an old friend said, was to sor Stanley's lectures have become bring happiness to others. some of the most popular given in the In her religious life this purpose University. Other means have also naturally lead her into missionary been resorted to in iorder to make the labors. For ten years she has been course more efficient; namely, the use president of the Michigan Branch of of the lantern and screen. ,This de- the Woman's Board of Missions of the parture in ilustrating lectures has Interior and for the past twenty-six proved a source of great gratification years president of the Woman's For- to both Professor and students; as the eign Missionary Society of the Con- lectures have become more instruc- gregational church. She has always tive they have increased also in at- (Continued on page three) tractiveness. , 1OCKEY AT MICfIOAN. ( MODERN LANGUAES. Lttle Chance for a Team at Present- To Meet Next Monday in Ann Arbor A Favorite. Sport at Other Cal- -President Hempi Will Speak- leges-Ferry Field Would Concluding Sessions in Detroit. Prove an Excellent Rink. Next Monday will occur in Ann Ar- With the thought of snow and ice bor the first meeting of the Modern comes the thought of hockey. Mich- Language Association of America. igan is one of the. few large colleges Tis associationrwas trganizei which up to the present time has never produced a hockey team- to rep- New York City twenty-one years ago, resent the University in muh the chiefly under the inspiration of Pro- same way as its other branches of fessor Marshall A. Elliott, of the athletics. It is true that at present Johns Hopkins University. Its life we have not the proper- facilities and ha been cincidnt witr a greatad. the cost of piping Ferry Field and the building of a club house is at pres- vance i. the teaching of the modern ent out of the question. Souse year languages in this country, and there ago the gridiron of Ferry Field was can be no doubt that this advance is flooded and used as a rink. The fieldI. was leased from the Athletic Asso- in large metsur- due ti the efftris ut ciation on a percentage of the profits. the Society. There are now over five It was the aim of the Association to hundred members and for the past make some money. The season was nine years there have been two air- a prosperous one but the cost of flx- nual conventions one in the east and ing up the gridiron was costly and for one in the west. The meeting this one year -the field was destitute of yeri ahjownt meeting this grass. From this experience it is year is a joint meting and is the first meeting of the National Society that hardly likely that the Athletic Asso has been held west of Cleveland. ciation will again flood the field. Among the presidents of the Asso- Manager Baird stated that as he ciation, the most- distinguished have was not a member of the Board of been James Russell Lowell, President Control to whom this matter, of rec- Carter of Williams College, the vener- ognizing a hockey team would be left, able Professor Francis A. March of he could only give his opinion that the LaFayette, Professor Elliott, of Johns said board would not allow at present Hopkins and Professor Calvin Thom- a hockey team to enter into intercol- as of Columbia. The president this legiate meets. The policy of the year is Professor George Hempl, who board seems to give little comfort to is also president of the American teams who wish to play out of town Philoloical Association and of the except those already formed. Mana- American Dialect Society. ger Baird concluded by saying that The meeting this year will be held it might be a good thing for those partly in Ann Arbor and partly in Be- D-who are interested in hockey to form troit. The first session will be held a team and bring it up before the Monday, Dec. 28th, at three in the af- board. In the future when the new ternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. field is completed such a thing as a After an address of welcome and the hockey team might be realized. appointment of comixittes, papers will be read, mostly on French sub- YALE MAY HAVE A STADIUM. jects. At eight in the evening Presi- t is understoud that the Yale At-dent Hempl will deliver an address Sletic Association and a number of on "The Attitude of the Teacher of prominent graduates are considering tglish toward his Subject." the erection of a substantial structure After the pnresident's address there to surround the football field, some- niembers of the assciatio and in- what on the order of the Harvard viteni guests. Stadium, says an eastern exchange.vte sess T The association is under consider- The session of Tuesday morning is able expense each year in replacing devoted mostly to tie reading of pa- the dexaed ahtimbers in i' present pers on German subjects. The after- woe stecayend tmersaingthe re-n noon session will be devoted to busi- wooden standis and matting other nec-nssndwlntbefitrstt essary repairs. It has been estimated ness anrsill rote tf inters e to that a permanent structure on line strangers. After tis sessitonw the similar to the Cambridge amphithea- members will go to Ditrot where the tre would be more economical in the tine in the evening Prfessil r Calvin long run, and the subject has been i'io h will give clue Arssociatin a under tiscurssion for the past few smoke-talk at the University club. weeks. The meetings on Wednesday will oudIt isb thoughtthattfully -be held in the Banquet Hall of the ioulnd he necessary, the greater por Cadillac Hotel. The morning sssion lion of which wuud have to come vwill be devoted mostly to English from the Alumni. It is not considered subjects and the afternon sessin to that the present time is propitious nsceiianeou tapers. for securing subscriptions for this ob Thecellaneouspe t s ject. The attempt to secure fundsho i prblc is welcome no the ses- for a large baseball cage, which is ions in Sarah Caswell Angell hall badly needed at New Haven, has not and no the Cariltac Hotel. The pis- met with the success that was expect- dents adress iMonday evening) ed, and for this reason there is con- "The Stage of Hans Saehs" by Pro siderable doubt as to whether the new lesson Osthans. (Tuesday morning) project will meet with a better re- "essoing anu Shaespeare" by Mr. spouse. Meisnest; (Wednesday morning), "the Most Fundamental Differentia of TO DESIGN A YACHT. Prose and Poetry"by Professor F. N. Sydney Russell, a student in the Scott; (Wednesday morning), "The Engineering department of the Uni- Religion of Friedrich Schiller" by Pro- versity, has received flattering ack- fessor Carruth; (Wednesday after- nowledgement of his ability as a de- noon). signer. He is to build a Lipton Cup The meeting offers to the modern challenger for F. H. Walker, donor of language teachers of Michigan and the Walker Cup for 21-footers. Rus- the neighboring state anunusual sell is also to have charge of sailing opportunity to meet men distinguish- the boat. ed in their line of work, and also a Mr. Walker proposes to spare neith- chance to join the Association. er money nor pains to make his chal- lenger as speedy as possible. Designs PROPOSED COLUMBIA GAME. have been submitted by several firms and Russell is now in New York mak- Last night Manager Baird at a ing arrangements for letting the con- meeting of the Board of Control sound- ingct aed its members as to their attitude Sydney Russell is from Detroit. His in regard toa game with Columbia. father is W. S. Russell of the RussellNegotiations have not yet been enter- Wheer i& Foundry Co., Detroit. ed into with Columbia, but the board expressed the opinion that if such a game were arranged they would give ENGINEERING BUILDING, it their approval. It now rests with The most sanguine predictions by the Columbian management whether the builders of the new Mngineering one of the greatest football games building do not set the date for the in the history of the sport takes place availibilities of any part of it before in New York City next Thanksgiving the opening of next semester, Day.