THE 1'MICHIGAN DAILY. VAThin sals includes thm emrous H. S .&MAL 52 and 54 iosh lonaecoats. Black and Oxford. Plain or the F elt INyton. + 217 South Main Street ' Phone 513 J+ .i 4+ ++ r .t.r-r,'r :Jr*s~s< 4 # f 4# ! fi 4 # 4 4 ? 4 + : * ++ *.*Ir+ 4 IN NII + li~ifN w YbI a>t ' tvro tsnw - - $20 ands w l~ii.O ()evas w - - $18 _ vrcots ow - - - $15 't - $1ohie Tu'aii ;t; I FOR aNew Neckwear SHandkerchiefs Um~obrellas =Dress and Stree :Solid Gold Cuff 0 HOLID3AY (GIFTS INEN [OR LADI[S Finn Silk Umbrellas Lace Handkerchiefs For Boaa and Scarfs Gloves Toilet Novelties EBottons Gloves, Fans, etc. MACK It CO. -:>43M4 ®NO O N® O OINNN ON®e NNO NNNO NNNON " ON®tNNNNNNNIN O.OOO IN+NO NNNN . .RANDALL, THE 12F -L. Washington St. * ia~1* *rfr~i.i+a~ isi~iir il~i~?44r1 1rarf Farar + r s~a~r~f ~r~aa'f'f~ri~r~r*s*farara.a~i~a~i~r~r~t a4.Z 0 a .S e Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BVR.CHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 3 4 We are prepared this season to meet every demand, as we have incrcasod the nomher of workmen. As usoal we have &6e Finest Line qf Woolens in the city. Art and Skill will predominate in our work as in the past. We respectfolly invite yoor enquiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD " v " Bi i....,...,.....,.....,.,....S....,.,....~.-e. OYSTEK BEAY CATERING CO. AND BANQUEIT aHALL LSpecsststDimrs.~e 12 to 1.30 SP. M. Datly, 353 ces~rt i For Ladl ies a "d Gnrsttoran 315 S. State St. Plso:Axo467 New BrandckTable~ AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate St., S. I have sssreeiehe lar gest Fuld alloat line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes eebou t.o lIeciy Fine Lunches in Connection. Everyvthing c 511 a t io. 301 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancing (round Floor on Maynrd Street (oe Block west (If State Streeit Stores. 'Phone 2-4 6 0 YOU CAN GET A 0 $Hot. Lun ch, A t ile's, 338 S. State Lessons, $3 per Term of 12 Oo el.s UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street{ PROFESSOR SCOTTPRINCIALea + PALAC[E & PARISIAN ..LAUNDRY AGENCY.. Office 615 East iiam St. Pease 657. Work called for and delivereed promaptly 1 'i. [. DOWIJIR, Aqt. ALM1IS A. HAL[,I V1.e Plhotaorapher j Viewsof cityand campus.Fas ith ts, In- teiors,Groups. 316 S. Plain Street, Ann Arbor With, Seymasr Studio. Ih1eS I1 ANOSTIRI1ZDCaterer 224 , 5011111 STATE ST. 'itt e\\llilnt s OperzzIComspany pre-lorthtie transpoirtatiotn of the scenery 'oti ;~l "When tJohaty Conses March- and manty electrical effects which are lFl 11k11110" is tiiquesatitlbly tte moot its evidtence at every pterformance. illiall aiziat it ton lear, as titere Phone 582 Pantoriu m. Cleaning. Pressing. Repaitring. 336 S. STATE ST. i (Ove'r Cu.shtrs9'sl solo of1 mo1 11 1than otrdittary ability to Jeltity, ill ad lit 11nltthe largeatig- ilt tihortuts of5 SthternBelles attt itch 'f'onlta and-i ispatio drk the WttilI iys Opeea Compttatny oiltoutr -- I "When Johitnty Cotta-s Martching (Ctntinuted frotm page ottte) First Bass-I. L. Green, I-1.tLWttr, Cloi hes called for and Edgell Horner, I+. ti. Wootdwvard. Delivered. Srcord Bass-C. HI. Smth~, T. Is . t~b cal-e- 1-. 11. Armstrong, 1+..iF. 1.arei $15tUS worth of work for $t.U0. SIANDOJIN (CL1UB.LevoresaCuhnsr A. h,7. Kustetrir,Leader. LaeOdr tCstaso Pkone 502 First Mandolin-A. F,. Kutaer, r, S. 11 St atoielt, M. It. Vt rdir, Lotiiis Quari- ; It-a . It. It.Itaiti - . I. ).-Badsha liar, OoiLic r W CMon, ey Loaned Srtadol-A.Ei.- l il s vla-.WitKuiterndrA Ptt. . ttt il. hamc at tF..dnee.t:stl. - Vil ANC 1, Al lt .tT. ryWtat, nn AIlirr , lo- 'll-1.C. Tu lc. LeadOeoto her pero n ato l pop , 711-f uVanjea -rr e-. 5.ttti a Stlys.. lt, .tie Atc ie andita 10l lt trp -11 Oi la~ . Irt. Iel vICS irt. Bagais[P in C.WATS Flut-E Ba J--.iiott . aInll tel 13 7. li BAdBa NJ-Ol C".- . 1a 1:i. Oficiatreidecel3l1 {. C. F.JumpLeadr . ertyBAILEY (,Ann. rbEDM uD , 1st an dorine- S' . J1111Stisi ti S cul, t 13 .m ,1t :3 n,7t 1st anj--L tir P tle, S It *Ha121- E. Lar s rtw y St . . .utorn-AIt. Ltmi1ciro, . C.Kltter-r. 2ne a n-Il S).lt t II. eIlr~ Whelr FOOTBALL CALENDAR. 1 iT'oeo93 'st- 1andoll-ballt.I-atndi~sh 'ya i t r~ int yadltn- rLoulrl isQle~ a sar SkatedFloG.ri.ndiYer)qld yArsompaist-Raynorltl iatii Iethe witarhs-.FLust, C Yost err.S 2 L abrtot. Fit paCe.A-1-11. 1111-l Ifrhntigad the s- othet l lt cllr. 'i itlaI 'rsnbrmeleClrd rles A STHENSMAR SSOF Te for0al fotaill calenlac tsiyea 'rn e s. is eisthy. Afo r I's a la ge let er "M Id r113. At0n Th ate8ld . oyorwa. rduo wih4 *. Mf 06 : Losraellheprtogah of tl tbhPAOYs ten ls ner ir Mlorte5011togath'eate andic. . bueco.r tdifrhng in dly etr tol707e5cologalMs. M4ild. 1 Lst-aroddaeyoring, sall odH MAdarPrpieo Thei toar5monCroead rciestra - ISU THE MAUNDRY dei ret inlemtst din ntth. it wpcad.AdssL . Bat4,-03. 36N8t v. elPoe47 let.Fourthtve. 6-66.Ii I T~n LotR ae QUALt." athfo e LUCTkICPEAD &C this n coiner of Gooe ,a1d Ingalls MAERSo l 4oo. acedoY.oM. CorArilteng. KindlyLawit re an 77SoIngals. 4-5 ane prieeklterpnonohr R W SANR tu[ oI61.5[oroWe.and receiveOIrT-& ; INr STRI Cases! Electcaiego n idlea. ~s.Pt Electic Tale 4Lamp+s...4.sS lJlTo-e" thtat was used luring the New Yolrk and C hicagol eogagements, two sixty fot b iaggage ears are requiredl f "ALLEN's Fo SFALDING'S OFFICIAL 9 : INTER-COLLEGIATE 5Urof..I. -- FOOT BALL uHeadquarters Used by allthets Leading Fnot BalPanto-La Ie lot, nj ecarry the Dargsat tips and knees paddedwsthllAsrmetinfou/n Oine carted hair and thighs - rmn with cane strips. anp St_ le Wantpd in 4. A. 0. SPALDING & 1105. at toe LoU e t poooib, I Incorporsted. L padNew' York, Chicago, Denve. + SplgsOfficial Fsot II.lItGuide4 A EN or103, edited hy Watereltoop. ., Price to cents. 4* <'f1 13 5. "Al WE- ARE NEVER UNl-DERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE