THE MICHIGAN DAILY. For lair 7J Ann Arbor Store, I I I S. Factory--Brockton, W'as~s. I' is Qjroken in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMOKEt MAKLS EGYTIAN SMOKLRS 10 forSS censi. -......- For a (wood ('oul of COFFEO xCHOCOLATE Made Right and Served Right * PIINNYCOOK, Tes Cofc-cticncr, 310 S'. Stati:St. D., Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY 5TANDARD TIMEI For Detrodli tlhlcoy fcom 6:15 a. m. until 6:1 p. m. Then hourly omil 11:15. For Ypsi- cit oly', t 12:15 c. mota d 12:45 . m. Io Jacksn }sorly fom 615 a. om. onL II7:151). m 'Thcenatnc9:15.mrr. adi11:15p. n Waiting Room. Huron St., W. of Main. Du You WANT A GOOD cif RENTSCHLEF c. Maker of 'PPhone 389-2r. For good up-to-dlate Allen's. At Allonis you can fi sortment of suit cases. Bath Supplies of a prices ot Ciushings P1 NOTICE Hland-paintedl china gifts at University Art One of Allen's colt would be a ine presen Fr0om1Th/ e W. C. Kern Co. k ~ 411 B. 57th S., Chicag. tory Caand(Gone mde to or- ,l at , C ei i er ad rnted tI en sfo r l colleges and 1nI1F l1 fr terites carid rE~y M instck. fl Cl~ 5nr ', .as in, C ae" and esmn- lv+~ bhJ _____Lps Hq o sSend for Catalogues. YN ~MONEY LOANED ON; Watches, Diamns. L UI Jewelyand alllligh .. iLO I ~' Class Chattel a td V U Collateral Security. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 11HE WORLD'S AIR CITY, Main. ~~W. J. LOURIM N Il Offcm inrs9toli, io~i:.3a, 3 MISSOURI PACIFCRAILWAY 7: il to 8:0 Z 1 S 4, a0 4", q. 4,4, q ,s 4 4 Sbe Tais0t4KNSS IT + 4 and COLORADO. R For anything in the line of + 44oni Photographs Framing, Call on Rntshler, i Take the Irou nan Route Corner Main and Huron Streets. 4 1, 1,q li 4 + p 0. 1 ARKANSAS, and TEXAS. sit cases go to Fountain Pens at Csihing's.-.....- Suit cases at all prices at Allens I PIot ldcrr and flii l 11111aticillad-1 fd the bet 5as JOB 11. D. AIISIRON~i, JB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215' *Main St. S. Phone 21. Irv"fu, g. 1'? ;WccllonwcAg.. 11l kindo at all ANA AI30 ICA' 111 harmacy. For Christmas we have an unusocal ly fine line of Smyrna, Wilton, Body A:«; ;d ";,g:3;',4,: :""' :.'',i:" Brussels and Tapestry Irusel rgs PLI + FFCA in llnies ad ansiityou in the INTERCOLLEGIATE for Chritmas patterns as well as in the prices. FOTBL Store. 56-x Very respectfully yours, j Used by all the Leading 4 MARTIN HALLER, 4Colleges. .c''CaS cae o ms 112, ff4 & 116 . Lierty St. tf Fotl Pants -L'. aiedfrsnt t. w ih ;ant d nd iisl. - Pantorium, 26 . State. Cleanisg, 5. 6. SPALIN & BOS. 1 desiring to no- Pressing and Repairing. Clothes Ices. ciraed. ° hwill find it to aled for and delivered. Leave or- cc New Yor, Chiafo, Denver. eto James F. ders at Cushing's Drug Store, or - ipii..' s lhi-i .l loll -1cGide , f r 1.'lilcil lted y 'c4 suer i'ain. ArsBldg., Chi- 'hn 582. $150 worth of work for Pric ill cens. It gnrl EARN SPENDING MONEY. 0 AIEYC r4NS h e a good mi- wanted gentleman canvaer to sell f ALY a DMNS lacy and other new, quick-selling Chritmas gifts for Skate Orinding S A. W. Crane, young folk. Apply at once. Address *" 1 ich. 62. 11, care Daily. 0 121 E. Libry St. display of holi- is year than in We sold your Grand father goods r,4, +;«;..; ;. ,,4. ; ,4;. . ,4 +;« 4,4,4,4e oo want a nice ed school here. We want to keep it !4h' T FN RS a good leather up and do yours. Hallero Jewelry L ve TEN RES 4 ,enport, we can Store. °f, ririters v :1 HALLE.tft Fountain Pens at Cushings. c Z2nd Fleovu. Ak-,o, T5.,s. Odo. URPO IC YPictures anld Frames pof a Telephone System with every possible mod- 17E PkIEX5 ART 5TORE, te giving of better service than was ever thought 21 . Futi Avenue e honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To - -______ mts, To overcome impediments. To be satisfied Y ' ist ;,; 'les f the confidence and good will of every citizen in i ycuc~ata cc cs-f ccur ± +Dollar Alarm Clocks ~~~~AW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o fflU [IP IN Co, 4 0.H. L'tz, Jeweler, ' ry Office, Liberty Street. near Fourth 4. , + ,+:4": 4,ww. , ,:,'r r d" ,4~ $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? I tniversity students cure positions to teact Try the "UiNIV[RSITY." their interest to writ. lkann's Dreg Sore, 213 S. Main St. McCullough, 639 Fine. cago. E.c[. 50051'. HARRScONcLsct t'resicde'nt. V.Prescicdent. S. Wi. CoAcKONscisl'cclir. -Wasted-An assistan FIRST NATIONAL BANK medical wor. u OF" ANN ARBOR~l, 1110t I larticculars, address, CAPITAL, - - - $100,000 M5. 1)., Kalamsazoo, SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 Our assortment and State Savings Bank. day goods is hetter th D1RrC0P6:the previous one. If y wv J. obothit Jscc. V. Sieancct Morris arm chair or Wmsi Arnoldi [)r v. C. Vccogltcs lounge, or a fine day los. Hi. liocl E. I". Hills N. J. Kyer johcn tHaaocrer surely please you. Jnto. KneltProf. IH. S. UCrhaort MARTIN Frasns P. tilazier Christian Msstin THE ANN ARBOR RAILROADo AND STEAMSHIP LINES.0 Trailos leave Asn Arbor hy Central SItandard Time EfifectiveeOetober 26, 1902. The building ul SOUTH NORITHO ern improvement; ih Ks. -ItM ~ ~:~ i o~:~ ~ ~:possible Meore. To I No.4- :25P. . N. 3 4:3 P M. with nothing shorte Trains No. 5 sodS6 ros between Ass Arbor the county. and Toledo ssly. Traiss1, 2.3, 4,5, andi6, daily eoeept Susndcy WAS'!lT[ Free ehair cars on N oo. Icand 4. J. J. K IRBYT . 0. F.A. .WfLS gn.Tempora Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. All at Reasonaable Rates and First-Class Olrder at J. r. SIHVH'S, 207 E. Washington.. IPHYSICAL TR.INING IN WRITING, the book for all thte people all the tome. to all vocatios; for horne improvement. 60 pp.o illustrated. prices$1. Teted,)-i yeors. Tioree monoths' correpondenceecourse by Lauthor $7. tor a brief time I mill send the books and course for $1. Wi111 lecture en phsysical traising in rapid mrlting for 01.tO)oroe weeko for $500. Conducive to health one leson, 10c Address Prof. G. BIXLER, MladisonSt5. & Ogden Ave., Chicago. 515. STUDENT'S Excursion Rates via, IHockkir~lg Valley Ry FOR CI1RIbIfrAS VACATION Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleep~ing Cars on Night Trains Union Depsot in Columbus.. WRITE L. W. Landman G. T. A., Detroit, Mich, Always Ahead - in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring