THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 NEW FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. The famous HART, SCHAFIFNER & MARx and I other well known and reliable makes included. 217 South Main JACOBet.TZ State Savings Bank. 01110 CENTRAL LINES W.J Booth DIrcC 'lt. JnoV. Sheehan DIRECT LINE tam.Anl Dr. V.C. Vaughan TOEO O lUi(S J .H. Wado E.P. Milts i . Kyer John iloorer TLD OCLMU .1110 Koch Prof. Ii. 5. (abohrt 02~.,nk P.Glazier Christian Mortin Par a,o onall '1Tri The Right Things and Enongh of Them Is what keeps this store in close touch with the young men of the University. Our exhibit of 4 SSUITS, OVERCOATS, HATS; CAPS, AND ALL THE NEWEST MEN'S FURNISHINGS '2 Is generous and interesting and is made up of; just those things that give tone to the wearer. + Men who like to be well dressed at moderate cost frequent here.! WADHAMS, RYAN & REULE,. YOU WON'T MISS THTOS "Eight O 'clocks"~ If you have one of or Dollar Alarm Clocks S0. Hi. LUTZ, Jeweler, 10911S. Main St. Everything to Make Your Rooam --- Cosy~- At LOVELL'S Corner Store. MONEY LOANED on Watches, Diamonds Or other porsrnol propeorty of oalne. Watch. e-and .Jewelry Repaired. IBargainsin Watch,- esoadDibamonds. Office aof lienrco,331 F. ibelrty street, Ann Arbor, Micidgan. Hours' 8 to 11:30a. Ill., 1Ito11:15 and ito 9p. 0m. All: Business Clontlieential. JOSEPH C. WATTS. Dwight E. Watkins$ TYPOWRKSTING Drop ns a card to 325 S. Maly~ St. and haveus call for your work. ZACHIVANN & PETRIEt DEALERS IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS. 6107 E. William St. C. H-. MAJOR & CO., ...Artistic Decorators... Speelalty ine interior decorativewart. Nal aper, Paints, Oil and Glass. 2031 I. Wanhington St. Phone D37, Chs.rlle's American & European hotel ovem~ Day an~d N1gh prieate Dining Rooms and Wineo omns IiILL1AROD HALL, OOWLlfld ALLEY AND { DANC HALL. Try our famous tenderloin steaks 209-211 N. 4th Ave,E S th4 ATHENS PRESS { +1~Printers4'~ 2~m4.ynd rov A.fT.$aj5 rS44 Bl4 '7 . ' SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS } R EN T SCH L E R Fo~r anythinlg ill the line of 7 Il Maker o Photographs Framing, tall on Rentnchler, ;IOctober ill, tv Phone 1389-2r. turner Slain an1 Ilron SItreets. 'I Conlltlrlll'l5401t'4.00 11. 01 It,17 II 1'I7I7I"I'I'IlI~I I ) '1 >' 171' 17.17 1~ 1 17II,~,7)1.,I ,t Colesi Tollslat. 4il .00 1p. 01. - 11, ply Ilead~illl Iat 7.0011p. Ill. CALENDAR. Onvri' Ntcs 01ctbr 17,. October I-Physical exantlans Hea-1111 l Pr~lopert1y .111O. l'Oice.NOTICE. 'Torto at. 8.01110a.n 'Tennlis lnlancflf 1begins5 All candlidates Cfor 'Varsity sOlullilsl AgeIlly at. 11.0110., n) Otobehr S--Fencers' (C11b1m01e1i1g. rep111t inl togs as01100n05asIposil)Io, OcI l)llr 18, ________ itc Rntschller's Studlill for lindiidual tamagesll(at111.00.1( n. il BULLETIN. phlotographls. NI) expenseOlI1' 11 T____ HOMSAS If. lROBITS, (Crim~ilial 111'lllldtrc 01 4.0011p. nm. Manuager. If~vidlelle at 4.00 p . in. Class in iPublic Ofices-l'rof. lBatcs Oct_____________ (rober 720, will mleet section t ll till'classin 100111lt1lletayRollroery4.0 ).m 17 t 0 . , ~f~ndy.ocobr lt' NOTICE TO OHIO STUDENTS. lll'llr1111rllli.11I.0. E a 1 a i. lodar.Ocobr . leI . . 1 ratic111at11 41115p. 01. will inetesection II 011 the iIIllII tilg All 0111hoeet ultlimate~lly to ly13 ____ will prepare thecflrst forcty pages of (Ilireti by law to filc, 1hree yealrs illn1.Icla lldns sh~ erdlc s ill 1sIecond5111seie tMechem il 11Publicle (111c is" fillrecl 0vanc lfthfie brtexaintions 111, Ice"111 I tr4bll s are 111 11111111111for 011y tation 011 those days respelctlively. I ilicafe ofl tentrance 11111111eIstuy ref nbulapicnt frI'vac of IIIh' lls.All 01111 have n1 on0s1 111101' 511riledtotae he Notice to P2ld ye1a1class.-irst melet-511h11ulooroce 1theIofficil fo11101f1(1110ir' 1111.1' ur5111'I1rilissilllIfrIom till log of class inl Iliillets 111nd'1Crierthe 111clerk of tbe SIlIroe 1 ort.c at ;cl ,,, TlesllS fed s1111 will be in1ro10111 Iat 11 0. 1 u., .Mon1day. tolull and11111present. I0if oteSee11reI X'c1s lc 111 c11111110'b Octolbec 5. IEntire class wsill attend Clelacyt111 11ianother1rooln may1b lreplared to talke1a lecturle. H .0t1IA i), _____d -Secretary. GRADUATE SEMINARY IN Notice-Secondl year class lesson Ifor IuesayirtCaptri______'s leal lProp~ecty. Ii. M1(4tiolMOsc. NOTICE TO THIRD YEAR 1 R1HETO1(R111711 Ie adlf S.L A lees wllle ~l 111'ISTU DENTS. Soinai~lry in1 lhetoinc will be hldb, l~eY mll tl t lidyearictstay, Otcober 6, in 1110110 1;. \est tClobing's Drulg Siore, :1301 S. 51011', '11100isexpetledl So seet'hIe Secretary 11,111, 111 ti. 0111 Brlown's, Mainl street.1iis fleI~l~ escl (coscSl It. S. OAVIS, a hsofieou1eten1ctb1 t Traurr .ad111hIto erify lhis rcrI adl k'(etrrl 10111 111711 ( tl~c 11111id 11o1ie ''ltllsch('c Tc isll c.hollice Iof(Itl eivs. So11f1111'10co1-1!1 sreill 'I l'TsdayI0 Itll 111iII 5 a~lok KOLLAUF, The Tailor, S The.llllbc ttscio lc'c 1' la o'.If 11111' (117 0111ill ' 111011e 110 Ilucon St5. I+. quesOItd10to1111me during Ifs' week trom 1111o011 1ater1 1111 ____________________ Octoberc5thlo 9hto111ilst' inlse'ttion l2 - - __ Bath Suplplies of all kinds at all durling ithe first eek from Octob~er' NOTICE. prices at Cushing's Pharmacy. 12111 t1)1511.. ly seminary i~110s 'emest'r will 1n0' "_____________ Thin in imperative.Aftier Novem- i detkel('sIt1(ud IIicin b rans1po1rtat1ioni JOB PRINTING -MEYERS, 215 11cr 1sI the1'rdsoin the 1officewill be1'st'eadtIflAmIII'ican :f~iianI('e. It swill IMain St. S. Phon1e 281. conslidtrcoclus~live' 05 ill (ach 0111- metfor (orgaiziclonlill Tappan all _____________________ 1(de0nt'. ecrd101100nlesshecan showlood1111ILecture' tollin, Fridaly, Otoberl' 9, lat You~r clothes Iresseli 01111cleanoedlclcaefor ifailinlg 11overify OftIthis 1t1me. k13lp. Ill. 81tudets may111' co1n0111lt D. anid your oboes shined for 25c a week. E.(C. tGODDARD, Smallley inlregardl to 11110course.50 Pantorium, 386 S. Stale St. Secetary. I1ltOF. II. t'. ADIAMS. Anmial metlinlg(If tho1'Atltic As' soci'ationllwill be' 1111ell ttniversity ten t L ea t er S o es Ilall Salllr dlly, Octobel' 10, a1 1 p. in,, SALBERT L T8 WP~iPres. THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET 1cm tslhlml ('21110at.517711r & C((1.5s. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. lbesi- PRIC[E AL! deuce 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 114. We can save you money on ' d?.1L1 {JUl livv vaa vw+a. THE REGAL SHOE All kinds, all styles, always up to date, the most durable Shoe made and always the same price, $3.50, three hundred and sixty five days in every year. (Ne013or'econd-llolllll) CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, 1I:1 111 1111 r 114 ?4OSEOE STREET. CHICAGO. ANN ARBOR BRANCHI, 340 Stale Street, Olpposite Law SBufidng N NN NNN Nf N N NN N 9 4 + Our Genttlemnen's F urnishing Depar tme nt JUST RECEIVED A large asnortm e t of r s a d T e P0R THIS SEASON. The Effects and Coloringst Are Beautiful "" SPECIAL UMBRELLA SALE for $1.00 nger SS. Ciztting, RWeyev ft Co. .Meyers' News Stand, 611 EAST WILLIAM STREET ANN ARBOR, MICH. goo""* Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best rof Everything in Tailoring.