"The Niagara Falls Route THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON~ with direect oeotos at ChicagotforoSt. Loots. Kns City, St. iPul and tho Wool For inforeattiont and through ttcol s oalo o write toX. XW. CArlO. Aet.t Am Arbor. New Brunswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fine Cigars and Toacos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 32 State StS Ithave u(,reeootltthelargst ad ietilo' ineofo Turkish Cigarettes and PipeE hvr roght to th ciy. Fine Lunches in Connecio. llEoothttdg oNettald01'n 308 S. State St. R. . JOLLY $ GRANGEIR'S Ground rloor on "'anard Sree t One Blok ceototStotto 1311 ii Stores. 'Phone 2-46 $.YOU CAN GET A AtTittle's, 338 S. Sate Lesoso, $3 pr ''ormtof0 12 l 0000; UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street{ 4 PrOFSn5 SOTer, Pnso at PALAC F PAISAN ..LAIJNDRY AGENCY. Office615East WlliamlllSt. Itmmeot6o Wor clledfor anttlinloll ot'oomp01ly10 GEORGE BISCHOFF PLOI5T. CHOICE CuT PLOWEILS5 & PLAN i' Chai t betwehettoootuott. '.1 od llrrtoX(, Pickwick Bowling Alleys and Billiard Parlors10AGME Ally. ttt be110 11 1. in ;1 '. n rtoof o p o utt ybt wi lln t b I .d i ew Management Cracker Jack Fturnished for prties andiIchtrli socals t XXwhoIlesle prices.. 301 S. State SL..B. GILBEIRT. Ch-"e'i.'s American & European Hotel Open .Day madNit Private Iioleg iooots.anottineiito omls Do WLtNO ALLY AND DAC HAtt, Hio t oto t t of'ofrttto lo::11Lotti. Xhdl'tot - Try ourfaomotustendelotinoostoea's __. . . r . " fi THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Pre-Iloliday Overcoat and Suit Sale Evey Overcoat adid te et lack J t ^,- , suits) maarkeowufrTeGets i Steever inaugutrated iniAnAt ,otr. II S ake yotr slectiotto eatly-Ilisit)c11111 Fi o'rst served. }0 I SPECIAL I[IiNE OF; SUI CAST mtarketd town forthtiss1e tMSacbier ' er AN S1!IRIIIR, Caterer, SO~lSPT Y WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCH. ENGINEERS' RECEPTION.NN H IG HOME. Tterceptioltn fo Otii til j Aliouogh 1tho' ite orty cifthe Wit--dets nd tttauotlty, gien blothet i 0 O ()pt C'ompanuty ipreuenting tdtnt' Crit in ttotii iol 1 Johnny 101 C'otmtis AMacinltg Iigtwuu a gria sucto' a" i :y It' Hoe lotl t'tes oseverof ithesmll-,te wathier. Al al111t1 1igli 1III 0 toe i's. ot sioalte oin'ttenighti guetoItiarrive andl illy1 11111it' sti his se10 0 ioitiMt. 'Atitttiy has weroprsenutit altlpt' 1151ii t i nl~l oti 1 t1 ot t'ltotlttn the cat, or 'dit ttAgll h ailr 'Xlit dol 'l n1101 t i ll 11111n tay. antitt tio lu-, anti gio'e a otp'eoih btti 11,1 lniible.ti I 1i ,0111e groat cat andtchloirtus that'iitbepesenti. Protetor 11110(0 01110, i f .r-p10red ill 111het Operalduringtiheliien (Matley, Profesoso Allen, andiito i ""em0.I of1 1111er 1wit hiititretinights Mi geot wereanitonttg' t' acltI,'ca in N, ori ntd1one11h1110 redotin o Ch 'ii- ent. IAs each oenin111r0 oti t ,- taIo 0w1lo1011 e:nittevry0toy i011t. woo givent a ribtbtntti 011110 100111111(1 \t lien lohlnnoilieu' 1ltotohltg Hotme tdate atitihiclo 11011rintldlto wa lote'See a.1 ti' Atents Theatre on Te fhothll' thtttt' 00111 1,11111 i 11hursloty0 i 'tiigSotota'e111100sel- Lhng acuatedtlo 0witfellow ntyndfcut.1aesad 1n a As te seni lirdncionunited y uctls tueooi aaol 111 1 the WitneyOn er CoIl iteton t'ouri hy dtie sl 'igo otnti Qarr steoiia rdcinwsoofo thot i't ill Tat or Whe Jhnn CoesMarhin iof the proogramtl. Ator ril nt oo11 Iomethatiii tva 110u11diduring 11100Nwon yM.\.H rnt h sic 'ottoand(liiiagoeniageenutos, twtt of le Faculty grot tl 11111. slat fot bggy e crs re rquied wre witty atndlrighItoIie, lit' i- oloi tlo 01ligg ~ '0011 00roqtiEuthacht osooakr woslethnlltdtlillyx for 1 h tranpt~tio101otttthe scney ' and111mar ,pi Iottliit at effcts which are plaidbedt. Alt' t titsoe' tilliO'and50 ill ''oi 1111 a oiooy tot'tor otto tltiity, rotfresht nts oil' 'll) 0 1a' Ove i htyleopttttle are ~saltd0 to i'en Osndwtiches wore soved.I lii ' I tw Iito 11wIit'be0ten at too'AtheottoThouteafirwsvtd urc, ______________NOTICE. opunn?,of aalt'otveosiyibranch t ickttotWednttesday at S8t. 1.0ttoitmi2-1, 1 Ii ho in iu t oflc fTrea~tlsuret' Sotue l. t1). V11Dt iE, Presi.0 MtothdayD, lo'.I, ttriishit t onts o- tlw 1ithiI'omatin totalt. ittto uts Te h at'tticEi o (tloll'I (O 't 000t11es' c ut., for C'luistmtasiOvacatioit. iltaros l to itomiheIt~l t i i 01 I.t andl 1l. Ospeciatyo. Adreos . t.I. 101 i. WO. W. ('ASE. Ag. Onoth 00. 1100 GLEE CLUB NOTICE. Lot-Cateootat ofi'wtch 'rIt 05Thi, (lit ii0( tOtoill retoearse 'it'us teelotOlirn oyMoro''an linV 1111dO We'dsdy at 7 to.int. andttY.S. (. A.buiiltdigI' St ti.. PARKEtR. rturto to 717 S. Inttlls~. '0 NOiCM ils Allitn's tloratoil 111001 'heIltaotitsoti' cltbchillutgirt.'the, Face Croam for sl Ity'is V2oo' t hirtd111101y oil' te' stries 'Thtutoy Clortit'sanmtle. 717 N. liii. . .1 in'D. o.17. 0lThe seasontttickets;(Qtarry's. i lell tif 11100100tottlby atiyotne, othet Fresh Lownys, Alegrettis',13101 ithatinti tthee. Tis troisittn wit row's and Hyr's Chocoatea t'uh-011 ihe rigortosly etnfo00000. 465. ings Pharmacy. a cf, Coas~U 0 nateasse 'tf iarli lro s ir k ioi Is I_ q + n.T~7yo f. WAGNER ' COMrPANY, 4 Impiortirng Tdilors Batrrio~s Diatto stt iveIsbtoo 'aott or y 15 eirs by dilfferent unotbars of te diplotti op('101froth Souith'ii These nagificett oooes taco beenth ie aulmtirotiott and wonder of society wherever they 0w00e shot' t. Barrios Di iandis hive ill tli fir:,, life acth bistre of genuin t stoties anal in app iratte r oti, ' '10 ' tlemo. It is a tvattoia iasle if to oey to invoest $75.00 tto $150 in a reai diamnthit ma y be ototfrot it: can wear the identicai piece in appearantce set twith a Barrios diamond AT 1-20 JTH[ COtsI These goods reprosalit all of hla test to st p paisr styles add dasigns. They havte Istltintis' ' ' i 1 j1 = manayinmes Cheir cost atdifom fnnwhicht they cantnostha distinguished evati by the in )st criticai. We absolutely guairaanteec Chase goodsho Cia a so rorsated a-id will replaia tty stoone that itses itsorttig~oinlii Iot otne cent of excpense Co te pitrcitssr. AC sey r-bt rI Aoitlia it q toi i in ts is of dis, tisfa_ oat. The Barrios Diaznsod is heontd dosubt tita fia- ta, tiast perfect itiititia ev-r odiscoveredl andIii in 101 .1)2wrn yotl feet confiletnce. All the beauty of a ga-ttitte diatniond at a fractioas of its cost. BARRIOS DIAfION ( 206 South f"aimStreet. othCi o iitiaott it 1}(--r- WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'S D RG': STORE