The Mc9 nvai0 VOL. XIV. SENIOR LAW PARTY. Successful Party Given by '04 Laws at Granger's Last Evening-Unique Programs were a Feature. Last evening the Senior Laws gat one o the trettest tarties of thi sea son at Granger's Acadetoy. This is the first ot a series of tparties which the class intends to give dtiringi ih' winter. The tickets were limiteid to the enmbers otte eass wichtetmade( the event a sociat success. Atot 60 couplses attenttedtaid enjoedthte splendidt mtutic furnistiedty Irange's Orchestra. Dring tte atter art o the evenig Atent the photogaper. tool: a flash lgtttpicure of teiac- er. Tthe eatu reioi thte tsiiee ssast the triginality in te prograi to signs. The program awas gotten aup itt the form of5anee, tie cosecr- respottndtng tosialset on tpteaing filed in tte pratice enats. The tpes gram, whtchi is one of thte ceveris ot its class, is riteoducedt beosw.tur tog the eveningtpuch wis i5srvediu the acoive offtietmatn halt /-Haig,; terfe. To Caenan Setatiecitaiii the social cmititelii'ciimtiisidt ii Dvorak, Jicharidson, lDeinetail Stt- ton mutchi it the siccesi5of theipityc is duse. Followinig is a copy f ihe' progeami Ctiver Page. Party No...... UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Law Class f 1t01 In Granger's Academy. IDecenmer 14 19103. BETWEEN AND CUPID, ttr. (fis. Page Ini. University of "Michigan, Laiw t'aslit 1904, s.: In tGranger's Acaiemy, City if Ant Arbor, Dec. 14, 1903. ..This Indenture, mails this... day nit............ .. 1). ]90i3, Between .......o.... .party o i eisttell-i ... y of le seod part Wtnesseth, That the sal party ofi tie first pat, foe sodin cotnsieat iiin ot the mirth andi enjiymen toi hi'ob taned thererom idies herebiy slemni ly promise to, and agree with the' tar ty of the secnd part, tl aithfully perform anid gracefuy eanfat' the within Iproram iito 'hibet f:... aility. Signed, sealeid ani teivedithetn presence of ....... .. L S Page two. EXECUTION LEVY. 1. Special Apiearance. 2. Trespass on tie Case. 3. Accord and Satisfaction. 4. Novation. 5. Caveat Emptor. 6. Trepass vi et Armis. 7. Covenant for Frther Assurance. . Lease and Release. 9. ho the Clutches of the Law. 10. Offer and Acceptance. 11. Qare Clauum Fregit. 12. Covenant for Quiet Enjnyment. 13. Quo 'Warranto. 14. QuTfacit per aliutm, must fae it himself. 15. Froton Industriales. 16. Attachmen. 17. Capias ad Repondedltm. 1.,Finri Facias. 19. Sic utere to t01 alientim0110 leadas. 20. Covenant to stand seizedl. 21. Change of Tenon. 22. Seizure of Property. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1903. CHICAGiO CONCERT. FOOTBA[L BANQUETI. Tickets On Sate For Concert by Must' Banquet Given by Easiness Men tn cat Clubs' in Chicago-Glee Club Football Team and Athletic Ofti- Wilt Sing at Masonic Banquet.. cais Tpmorrow Night. ti nt'redti-it Iickts t5foerithe Chira-' Wednesuday ev'ning at nineii'lcke No. 0a4 C"RISDIAS CONCERT. fly the Chcral Union Tonigt-The Filst Christmas Concert in tieve:- at Years--Nated Soprano Wilt A csst. no Coret of iliii'Muitical Ctbs have t1h1'members f this year's footbllti Iiasbinaiisver-cityirs sietu'hei- bi-en fileswarilidtoiiAnn Albi' ansi will I team, ti'afsltit'offichias isod smeiss-(luae-at I it ii has rtvti-ti a'theitms be 'p-rt iiisat.' thilsmorning at Shee-iegslit the fBoarud liftCont rtliwill sitt soer. 'Tontii hi sitneen siltusrtsrl hai'snBotok Stolien. 'lisswill give the dowivoto a antsqutat tiiiet'ioikiHosi;it' hi s;ii rntiiit uhch C'bica'ssud tients isst choice of seas as the guests o la iebutsinesnn mist Iisitolliiild favir withialt lovesiofit ht is till -s saving tDem te inronveeli- thin'city. Covirs isitt ten'aidsilfoe hl. thittrts. Thei irogrami, Icotsisin sg ut i--li infi -g.tintg nss nliii'crsuh at An excillentatlist olitotatsts lias bheI'tllliiichaisruct-ristnici'oflltheii''histlo~s Hle indsiy 'lly. prepsar-en the ii''ommittee its charei.iii.i.ii. tie, isbe - esy riisliicho- n Th lnivesimt 9 I:Msica Cushahave 'he psss1-am folute fte r e si it- ais Anim ighei nli I are . 5 si-i s'- hiiisieasonliii'sinissganizieidIo astrict- as foltlws : I is b ly 1rissrttsus ilisitihichwereot- ly osiis-stbasis stsnd i-t' hicago Cons-. MayorDsrosvn, Tiastnster, n-c. ltitur cituItrtiesiagoutiwtichttilt i-i . ill J)( a, isittointe lniverssity- ]svcatio, Revs . .S. lilt 5155i y9t iritu, as tuds osf ilt-tfinluistOif Al-I-I-r- seni-seif tthi'5wor'd..Foostalin tiets' Iites i'nit hi st- iii-:-ss-age IantIgsits. as-. fleleililis- Aftei-c ciuiltg fs-iite tosicet dititAngelt. it ttiis iof 'itii isis,101-tci - aniilMa- I h ie i ii'i iii "1s anst heli sbonIt snla -s ihoutit d slithefaoistici fittet sigrin t the Wiesti hcis ('titus-sit b al th etv lc uti i s e'hoa (l i l 1 els s-i I i al r li-ai ll plc 5t(nu ti trl' l d ii' , tli tosiisiCshgise- 1 et - Ps I i -- r . 7 , r 1"nliowirl iih it I is-i i n ul --i I 17-i) Chir-a.riiii "Rjii C- ale tl"i ) fry lf l it, C r II l 'ie T lr Ya rii' it he siep st ' ip s ." I'lilcnvlii (illihtst as Ypusilanti f thitsllt nighs t',flt's- (ust'iGuists, i'x-Masyos fiiipeland. sss i IieOthgsisis Haisis. flibiiilislug at theii rdslurt givensi OssIHost, (aptaisn ttiess. hOsgoodsi ii tiiheiasossii ontols'of ('oacihi thte fieam f'iachs Yiis. "Ala, lliteIto ti lte iligIt. Yoisi.(College Spit-ivten(i'i-trti1'.asi.-y ________ An astern Gane{fhss. tain. li uIsltiSitlt MRS. ANGELL ILL. The Aisimsi fhi sry M.41.Bates. Chli it n .1 n isl itis ta iii Thin-Ft t -C( ari ic Kili)st in t Mrs Agel i rporac asben TheRetfieiee Whiste I. IW. Wsil'- i-ry irl(, Studayliiheidoctrs feareit Lvs ,elng (l nlists day 'wsest sot altto irepotel'an i-aIlshiJiean ie sit ii Itmslst. ltae sn st altho ugt'.hithy il-ee- 1ot1DEAD FOOTBALL PLAYERS HON1P 1liarlPal spns the irprdts say sdsfinitesy t hat heORE D. liaiti ItAtsend ssslis 'ir is 55 5 soirioss. Is liii-wreck f thin-Purduesi'Sit tsiei - ru -A h atpns" Air thits fal sasost of ue Oil'S listhoiirs " o y sufit Iii it ti it i.- YOSTf RETURNS TODAY. tshasnd i i-secntas wre ' ltlest ir se l a' iv jelm ot"'I'ii '15' ihihshuistiouilsy hurt Ohrssaccouinsst f thei-shorutes-"Fl. hd nefolh iott tlad- me~inr~daills his'weressadtettif'fcusltsbgtvihe. matesoeitxueastsss thn-tslilys(ssidthis'ii teac AntnI Asus'rbosr somtietodhutay. 'lhe51ersteeasialetiltnldy t rituse lutist-soil]iicast-- draw1 i;° aitti -h-u itssi i et ittuuttl lfe'ttufters o sualyv ting n llesrissigIi.inbo at-s 'ti Loiitd hlst 1555 - ft utti t at, wihhwisapoistontieit runslast t;e-'ote iiuaultustiihhstrialt Chorus lthyI myisoul artii tout issues tlt-beciaius' if ftis-notn-arsival ourary rewsaids tolbsheldead.. Ni' ol ilIls s- 4s.17ii si5iin if~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~lc ths usii-iiiI'tei unstylssutvivostres--still in liihehostlfso. iii 5 ' t noons. T'l ist't-ionis incnt-ing a grs-Iat - Jeasfi tereils ilsitsteisnampus. LECTURE POSTPONED. CLEVER SOUVENIR OF RUSH. T___ he l- echture whichi asto iteli'gin Ti lily Y,,I lt. hsusussof tLaSallin, ii., HARVARD MAN'S RECORD BEATEN IDecember 1thusby Prfessr Deii' 11)1'51tousiu a.suiet 1,t.iihtis ptoduiced Qu1lts' iaugoodsI ueisho, uterestsiwas oue Frencht-etle has Is-n-nphut svmiry cu uesais 5 I'sIr sitthus' hrsh- aosmuutuinhiisfeatentiyhoist' situState tposen. 'fhe ntst irsusu'uiss t1155 utuOshuhiIrushi hi i I us es-hit-i-i ,rust yestiedaysy lan soaaticle staing prary France" withl e eyPoestsor ingth irs ti:ustsisoll suitcresis- i t'emairtableierhttformncse tf ar- Hudusoni Janutary 6ib, Hitsssbjctt sit' stss ecy- Iofthu tl s- 511 utite isard' stronusgst msan. O(Jofuthis best "Politital Isitutons andsul thus-tmo44 ibrartitu ande sie thi'sleItsiteseity Hual 'tus" iia15toiibhntuhoime, iieephg int5gs. Theu'teme ities mu ustthis-fensun-ndsti hsneet.s s~if, anud toutchtthe tfnor - -~ --istri 5helii-siullisihiae n 110hiii stlshishgs-ctils tGllint's. Ote STU DENTS BURNED OUT. C amspus 'thu seti5ut-prclssmansssis ifth aitihunlettilmenunthe houlstteatag an laly yesteuay moninlusg thu ei ers-nedit It u suupe ethanisd eltht e oul prfrmthefet lnddetes utfhF. A. Bightmanis(,I:,hF.tet.'- ucosse hisa ei 51 it tnit lultheis-oonli procee e to provi essv-it. Its 17 mn :30eisun steel, was deustoed ithufurr rsat t i ltuUp Ist-husussttcornte-is thu. uc. hei'le. iovim 71111iress, muore andutseveral studuen'ts wwesireiromst librhtaIlrmlsh..;isgi me isf-sitthFushsb hanseuallsinisg lt-etHarvissrd saan's tg in theur slusntshstusoif tIn1 twttu usthis:Iis. 5niithis' ighstI hadu rteucoru. 'lissis fouly. isotuhe instance effects. One Ol thlist suets situ down sus ua s ushisinr isitsg trownmuiuthiss of thus-WeVst'esstperirity' ovein the a hpilar- in hts haustts get msuts u st .u b tsn.usluond-Insout sthehunlefladu East Its athetitsurisg hbuiding eansg a svauabes eatut othuheisrsub11s'tcimbsinuusu-electci thOSShI' watch, ut list chief f the fire dIlligts polys.lust- i hicglt hnd lohwe 'Pl ineoafotaltemwspartient afterwardhsricoviered it. tcorteus l sit in uusis lying sxhaustedcu 'h'hi- It ssoesfa fuuut ait fasut as anditottu ts'e is titusies'sid stets se banquuetedlur-esshl bythI' huusiness -russ-.iill Iitads liiannonht. The mteinutfOinteaiuulis801111were hrt- CHORAL UNION WON'T GO TO estuunith' tilniisutiter-k tush ansp tpu--u'uswire nathi-biy Giv. THE WORLD'S FAIR. sitishs'pa-stt-idsutfur'aleu Vast Sanktut I PrsidettutNirhup. Fhot u t'e, resentu Ioutlhok it is nluuws. i usut1idhi. Lahmasnsuthete Stliud golial-isafsiuiswith a feuet- dubtahfu if thu invitationtextendeds'ut tuuw'hstou umuat~lt u- thus'otshi',anti tal motnougam andulthe Itniversity the Chural Ui ouniy thue Word's'ssair ag'itlua:uriii tu tgussyi tenmoneISthtetnweru1presestodtollcimmit teetIu slug atiSt.Luo uitis in Say nasutu-ustitis-hesdrawng. 'au'S snesihi-susofthus- Ieami. At thu wilthesite-ntend.'het'cdst of Itrnss- closs'of thut-banquluettisthi(tuse hunsent porutatio, whiic'nswousilhaet' tuelment 1 NOTICE. washumsenteid isills a tetualiunin ee, woouldhbe virygeat aiutthu ,Mclungsitof thus-I-Luit. Sciah he Uiviersity colosunmhufle haci of loss of a weeks tisse fur the 37011ee to mnittee- ii Rouom C.,'i . H.Thurs- which wat a picturet of the o tsshall pie in the churs ru-outt hr trih out ay'at 41. squad. of the question. OSBORN, Chairman,